《Proditum - The betrayed ones》Prologue


Democracy... The government where rules the free choice, where peoples can choose their representants and their governments will grant their requests... Well, that's what they say at least.

In real, Democracy was all controlled, the media says that peoples choose the president and everyone had accepted them, no one could speak the inverse, and if spoke they would cover it with more lies, in a matter of time it was becoming a dictatorship

When it had the internet people started to have more choices, but before it the crescent of the creation of political ideologies had come to destroy the human being. Multiple of them being feminism, LGBT, communism, equality, then and then... In the beginning, the ideas were good, until it becomes a stage to generate misunderstanding between peoples, leading to fighting. If someone would speak something that would be against what those ideologies say, that person would be considered as the worse human being and then chased until their life is destroyed. When some tries to show the reality with facts, peoples had preferred to believe on what the ideology they follow says, closing their eyes to the reality.

Amid those ideologies, an opposition emerged that was also controlled, one that peoples fight for justice, at least what they think, but was actually being controlled. Those same peoples from that opposition did the same mistakes that peoples from ideologies did, becoming another of those.

Many fights and canceling had happened until the time that comes to the censorship, leading to no free speech, cus in a matter of time, the internet was selling itself to the ideology. And the more the ideologies were growing up, just a few had their place to speak, and those few just wanted the destruction of humanity.

After the internet censorship, the information had to come in secrecy, and people had to buy privileged information to have access to that what they couldn't have access to anymore. But most people didn't give value to information, making the agenda that destroy the human being advanced even more.


Many ridiculous laws had been approved, and most of those laws gave privilege to women while beat the men, with the stereotype of "oppressor man" and "poor woman". In a matter of time being a man wasn't allowed anymore, framed as an oppressor, forcing men to becomes transexual. Childs now was bred by beaker, making many genetical alterations to make babies without the sexual act.

Those who refuse all the laws and all the real oppression that they were doing against humanity and the male kind ended being sent to the concentration field, or then violated, drugged, or killed. That was their situation.

Amidst all of this, an entity had gifted those men that searched freedom and self-independence powers to becomes distant from the world. Since all women had betrayed them the lack of them had been complete by their own feminine projection, the anima, losing their sexual desires to being attracted by people. They had become a new human being species, from homo sapiens to Proditum, also known as betrayed ones from Latin.

With the feeling that everything would be against them, they decided to live their lives in their own way, each one with a different cosmic power. Due to their habits being a thing that goes against the laws and the government and the simple habit of being a free man, the Proditums were being hunted constantly, pursuits like true terrorists, when they actually were trying to be free by their own way all the time.

Not just pursued by the government and by the women, as they were hatred by the cosmos as well, making that being male being a blessing and a curse. The blessed is having cosmic powers, being free, and admire their own beauty. The curse is being hatred by everything and everyone. That is the journey of a Proditum.

To reproduce themselves without the need of a woman they use their own cosmic powers to make more of them, each one with their own way to be.

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