《the two mind world》rock, you are a rock chapter 5
After there encounter with the human group they checked the content of the data learning the name of the place they were in, the primal mountain, know for being surrounded by people looking for glory power and wealth. In fact the mountain was the lair of many powerful and dangerous monster and the more you go toward the center the worst it is. Sirius and mist were actually in a cave explored by few of these people. The three men discovered it little time ago, the woman were the only one able to come back but with what they saw it was unlikely to happen, and with the men dead Sirius and mist lair was well hidden but unexplored and dangerous. They did some modification to there body giving acid and poisoned property to the fluid inside is body and Sirius even added crossed steel wires inside is rock armor increasing its blunt damage resistance.the claw and teeth were covered in poison and he trained to spit some slime gely made with acid, since he got resilience and attack of equal level (weak) he was completely unable to hurt himself. He didn't produce flesh except for a basic nervous system on the tail and arm just to be able to “feel” them, yet the pain sense was not there maybe because the nerve were bound to the core and not to a brain.
Sirius: lets go in the tunnel they came from, if lower Gorgon are like the gorgon we know they will have a tail and i want there ability to move using lateral undulation.
Mist: the five were ambushed yet alive, we will easily slaughter them, but try to sneak or they may flee.
Sirius started to crawl while doing the less sound possible. After more than an hour they heard hissing further away, he rolled himself in his tail hand hair and stood still looking like a rock near the cavern wall, his eyes peeping between his hair. After some time a group of 7 strange looking snakes appeared they didn't have distinguishable gender and were crawling slowly. They had big round eyes and neither ear nose nor hair but a big mouth that make there head looking like a green scaly pacman. When young, Sirius loved strange animals and know that snake hide there teeth, it was the case here, looking grotesque with flat body scaly arm and hand looking like chameleon's one this creature was ugly like never Sirius would have imagined, yet they had the snake lower body he needed, as soon they passed in front of him his tentacle moved, piercing the head of 4 of them. The tree other were too surprised to flee and the left scythe moved beheading another, the right one pinned the tail of one of the two left in the ground and the last got spit acid in the face. His eyes melting he didn't see the jaw that bited his head off. All that in 10 second flat.
Sirius: thanks for the help, I can't keep control on all those limbs at once. Its too unnatural
Mist: no problem I enjoy being able to act for once
She moves the tentacle around making different shape.
A jaw from the mouth to the waist opened and the entire dead body of the lesser Gorgon his swallowed, they made this modification in the armor when they though about being able to use monstrous regeneration who needed to be able to eat in combat and with this kind of jaw a big amount can be eaten rapidly during break and the armor his still here for fight.
Sirius: the head was awfully spongious under the teeth I don't want to know the taste. Now lets get done with the eating.
system: scale, eyes, muscle, nerve, bone, organic system (gorgon male/female) knowledge of the prey inferior to host data scan 1 information reliable - lateral undulation movement data (instinct understanding).
Sirius: the system advice was true I can move so easily now.
Mist: right I kept doubting till now ah ah.
System: system cannot make mistake since the information directly came from what this world sphere has set as law of nature and physic.
Sirius+mist:.........sorry we never intended to be rude ~~.
Sirius: should we keep using jelly for the body or use muscle ?
System: jelly generate less strength by Cm² than muscle, but offer better range of movement.
Sirius: we limited the movement our self with the rock armor already so the jelly advantage is gone, who is the best between gorgon and human muscle ?
System: the gorgon muscle generate almost the same amount and his less costly on healing but the composition make it inflammable.
Sirius: there is no fire here and the body is covered of rock, we should be relatively safe so go for gorgon muscle.
Mist: we can use the organic system to make lunge and breath poison smoke, that will be useful against crowd and with the purple cloud we will be harder to see.
Sirius: good idea I like It, its cunning and unpredictable. Now status!
System: show status
soul: Sirius beliast + mist
name: unknown
Race: godly metamorphe
race specific resource:creaspace 10100/
atk=450 dex=80 vit=150 agi=150 defense
: shock=300 pierce=400 slash =600
Body constitution Head: rock-armor/gorgon-flesh-fill/rock-bone/renforced-spine-tentacle
Torso: rock-armor/gorgon-flesh-fill/rock-bone.
Leftarm: rock-armor/gorgon-flesh-fill/rock-bone/rock-scythe
Rightarm: rock-armor/gorgon-flesh-fill/rock-bone/rock-scythe
Lowerbody: spiked-rock-armor/gorgon-flesh-fill/rock-bone/ail
Leftleg: none Rightleg: none addpossible: -four eyed-/-multikindeyesight-/-rock armor-/-bone structure-/-no hand-/-sharp fang full body jaw-/-piercing spine tentacle-/-gorgon scale armor joint-/-poisonreather- title: -first born of a race-(First of is species) -conscious sphere-(the owner is a sphere heart skill added=undying core) -one from beyond the creation-(has seen the nothingness and is bound to creaspace skill added=evolving body) -hold onto is belief-(owner died one time because of his belief effect=immune to mind control and influence) -the two in one mind-(being who as two distinct mind from the very start of is life skill added =hive mind) -see trough the appearance-(someone who can see trough the act of other and can't be deceived effect=feel when someone lies) -awaken mind-(know the truth of the world effect=world system understanding) -mimetism-(someone who easily blend within a race whom he killed representive member effect=learn from enemy by absorbing them) -rising legend-(you acted in a way so strange that people seem to take you for an unorthodox being a legend is about to be created around you/ believer in the legend=5 effect= locked) Skill: bonus + minus - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ + evolving body(lv4) unique Can change the body constitution to the will of the skill host consume creaspace depending of the evolution higher level will reduce creaspace price. Lv1:60% of the price unique skill cannot be stolen copied or sealed + hive mind(lv1)unique Grant the skill owner the ability Share the body function between his different mind, level up boost mind processing ability by 10%. Level up upon great mental activity Lv1= 0% boosted unique skill cannot be stolen copied or sealed _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ +poison control(lv3)learn Allow the skill owner to create and use poison the higher the level the more control on poison and body resilient to poisoned substance Lv1=medium poison generation, medium poison resistance, poison physical state controlled -liquid-gas Learned skill can be sealed stolen copied but lv up faster. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ + acid control(lv3)race Allow the skill owner to create and use acid the higher the level the more control on acid and body resilient to acid substance Lv1= medium acid generation, medium acid resistance, acid physical state controlled -liquid-gas Learned race skill cannot be stolen or sealed + monstrous regeneration(lv1)race Body can be healed rapidly by eating matters if the prey is a living organic being it is possible to slowly digest it to generate creaspace higher level boost the rate Lv1=10% masses ate converted. Race skill cannot be stolen or sealed ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ + appearance control(lv1)Soul Allow skill owner to change body (only in appearance) the amount of change depend on the skill level lv1=texture change Soul skill cannot be stolen + skill copy(lv1)soul Allow skill owner to copy a set amount of skill of lower level than this skill are changeable Forgoten skill have to be found again to steal a skill you have to Say the skill name in front of an owner of the skill. Lv1=2 copy Soul skill cannot be stolen ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ + undying core(lv?)godlike The skill owner cannot die if the core is not destroyed ERROR -the skill owner core is a sphere heart and so is indestructible- creation of a weakness for system equality Godlike skill cannot be stolen copy sealed modified evolved and only the skill owner can see it. - creaspace addict(lv?)godlike Skill created by system if the skill owner creaspace fall at 0 the owner soul will restart lv1 with his starting skill and title and 2500 creaspace in a new place with the lowest population on the starting planet If the planet has disappeared on the nearest one and so on until a planet is found. Godlike skill cannot be stolen copy sealed modified evolved and only the skill owner can see it.
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