《The Elementals》Chapter 8: Getting to Know Us


"Now please quiet down I don't know if they can hear us or not," said Kimberly. After a few minutes of waiting the agents left. Kimberly made it to where they could be seen.

"Now please quiet down I don't know if they can hear us or not," said Kimberly. After a few minutes of waiting the agents left. Kimberly made it to where they could be seen.

"Kimberly I have never seen you do that before," said Jake in an amazed voice.

"I have never done it before, but I think I made a crack in matter," said Kimberly in an unsure voice.

"Well whatever you did, you saved are butts and we are very grateful," said Randolph.

"Hey you haven't seen Paris or Rachelle by any chance?" Jake asked.

"No, but I know somewhere where we could go to find Paris," replied Kimberly.

"Where?" asked Jake in a curious voice.

Kimberly took them to a valley and said,

"Paris is always here. She is your 'echo' per say. She can copy certain people voices."

"Oh well that is cool," said Tarah.

"See watch," replied Kimberly, "Hello." Shortly after saying it loudly and echo came back,


"See that is Paris," replied Kimberly, "She loves doing this to people. Paris please come out there are some people who would like to meet you." Shortly after saying this a woman can out from behind a rock. Her pale blonde hair gleamed in the light.

"Everyone this is Paris," said Kimberly turning to them. Paris smiled lightly. She was a bit shy when it came to meeting new people.

After introducing Paris to everyone they headed back to the headquarters. When they arrived the all settle down by a campfire. There was silence around them.

"I think while we are all here we should get to know each other better," suggested Wayne breaking the silence.

"It doesn't sound too bad to me," said Liam.

"But what do we need to know about each other," said Kristopher in his usual cold voice.

"I agree with Kristopher," replied Erinn.

"Anything that you feel comfortable with telling us," replied Wayne back to Erinn.

"Well in that case I have nothing," replied Erinn.

"Me either," said Kristopher.

"Then you can just listen and maybe then you will change your mind," said Wayne, "Now who would like to start?"


"I can," said Randolph, "I think you should know my past. I was born in Casper, Wyoming. My parents work for the Governments. When I was 10 I discovered my power of using metal, but I didn't tell them in fear that something bad would happen to me. So, I learned to control my power by myself. In a way, I worked for the Government, but only so no one would suspect me. I have worked there until now when I rescued Wayne, Mercy, Liam, and Tarah from the Government." After a few minutes for silence Randolph said,

"Well that's my story. Who would like to go next?"

"I can," said Mercy, "I was born in Yuma, Arizona. I discovered my power when I was about 8. I had been controlling it very well until one day. I was 19 and someone made me very mad. So mad that I ended up setting the whole town on fire. The town all decided that I needed to be done away with. They told my parents to kill me, but instead they sent me away telling me to never come back to our town. So, I have just been wandering for years trying to find somewhere where I would fit in. Then I ran into you guys. Well that's all for me, who is next?"

"I will go next," said Ethan, "I was born in Boise, Idaho. We grew potatoes, which by the way were the best in the city. My friend, Mary and I would always work in the garden together and when fair time came around we would sell the potatoes there. We had so much fun then one day she disappeared. I looked for her eve-."

"Could you just stick to your story. We went to know about you not your friend," Tarah said in an annoyed voice.

"Oh yes, my bad. Now where was I. Hmm let's see. Oh, yes, I was 14 when I discovered my power of electricity. Which was cool. I had some much energy and I could shock people."

"Ethan," Tarah said, "You are getting away from your story."

"Sorry. Anyway, one day I decided to go for a ran. I ran everywhere and anywhere. That's when I realized I was lost. I never found my way back. I worked in an electric company and made enough money to go out and buy a house. I had that house until a few weeks ago when the Government found out that I was an elemental, then I had to flee my home and that when I meet you guys. That is the end of my story," said Ethan, "Who's next?"


"Well there is nothing much to mine and Leann's story just that our parents have gone missing and we have been looking for them," said Calvin.

" Erinn and I were born in St. Paul, Minnesota. We lived a normal life. Our parents taught us how to use our powers. So, everyday I would go out and put light in the sky and every night Erinn would put darkness in the sky," explained Jake.

"I don't remember my past," said Kimberly, "All I can remember was that I enjoyed it."

"I was kidnapped," Paris whispered quietly, "I was walking home and someone came up behind me and knocked me out. When I woke up and found myself in an unfamiliar house. I looked around and tried to find a way out. I saw a window. As I started towards it, a man came into the room. He grabbed me and forced me onto a bed. I got ready to scream went he told me not to or he would kill me. So, I didn't until he started to undress me," Paris paused and let out a shiver then continued, "I started to fight him, but he was stronger than me. He forced his body into me and started kissing my neck. Still trying to fight him I finally get up and let out a scream. It was loud enough that he screamed out in pain and covered his ear. I took that moment, grabbed my clothes, and ran. I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I was far away from home. I found a place to get redressed then went to the nearest police station and told them what happen and I need to get back home. They took me back home but when I got home the house was destroyed. A few seconds later FBI agents started to surround me. Again, I let out a scream. They all covered their ears. I have been running from the Government ever since."

"Well I was beaten by my father," said Wayne.

"My family was killed by the Government," replied Tarah.

"And so were mine," said Liam. They were all quiet until Wayne asked,

"Kristopher would you like to share your story now?"

"I already told you, no," said Kristopher.

"You killed someone didn't you," came a voice from behind him. Kristopher turned around a saw a woman with pink hair behind him.

"Who are you?" He asked in a frustrated voice.

"Answer my question first then I will answer you," replied the woman.

"Fine. Yes, I killed someone, but I didn't mean to. I actually killed two people. Two people that I loved more than ever. They were my parents. I couldn't control my powers. One day I got mad at them. Ice shot out of my hands and hit them right in the heart. You wanted to know why I don't like people well that's why! I don't want to kill anyone like I did my parents. I am a murderer! I killed my parents! I had to live alone at the age of 13 all because I didn't control my anger. Just like I am doing right now," Kristopher exclaimed. He then turned a stormed away from them trying to hold back tears. Everyone was dead silent.

"I am Rachelle," said the woman.

"I will go talk to him," said Erinn as she got up.

When she found him, he was hitting a block of ice.

"Hey," she said causing him to stop hitting the ice.

"What do you want with me," he said coldly.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to see if you were okay, which by the looks of your hands I would say no," replied Erinn walking over to him. Kristopher sighed.

"If I could wrap them I would but I can't," Erinn said looking him in the eyes and seeing the tears running down his cheeks, "You are not a murderer. I imagine it's very hard to not blame yourself for your parents' death but you must forgive yourself. You were young and couldn't control your power." Kristopher said,

"I know but it's very hard for me to do that."

"How about every time you think about it, you tell yourself that that happened in the past and you have forgiven yourself so you need to forget about it," said Erinn wiping a tear off his cheek.

"I guess I could try that," said Kristopher drying his tears away. Kristopher hugged her and said,

"Thank you." Erinn smiled as a stray tear fell down her cheek.

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