《The Elementals》Keep Our Heads Up


Liam and Tarah had been walking for two days now. The air was heavy with heat and it seemed to be getting warmer as they kept walking. And it wasn't normal heat change.

"Is it getting warmer?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I am going to need some water here soon," Tarah said as her breathing started to get heavy.

"Hopefully we will be out of here soon," Liam said noticing how weak Tarah was. They only walked for a few more minutes before Tarah collapsed.

"Tarah!" Liam said as he bent down on the ground beside her. Liam began to look around for water. He knew she needed water, but they'd run out almost a mile back. He didn't want to leave her in fear that the Government would find her before he came back, but she needed water. So he decided to leave and go look for some.

While Liam was gone Tarah woke up to a man looking at her.

"Are you okay? I saw you needed water so I thought I would help you out," said the man extending his hand to help her up.

" Thank you," said Tarah taking his hand and standing up.

"My name is Wayne by the way. You are?"

"Tarah," she replied.

"Are you here alone?" Wayne asked.

"No, Liam should be around here somewhere," said Tarah looking around.

" Oh, I think I saw him walking that way," Wayne said pointing behind them, "but it's really hot over there so I stay away."

" Well we should probably go get him," said Tarah.

"Well I am not sure about that," Wayne said in an unsure tone.

"Please, who knows he could be in trouble or the Government could have him," said Tarah.


"Hm. I guess, but what element is he?" Wayne asked.

"He is air," said Tarah.

Liam had been walking for awhile but he still couldn't find water, but it sure was getting hot.

"If your looking for something to drink you won't it here," said a voice coming from behind him. Liam turned around and saw a woman sitting on a rock.

"I've dried it all up," said the woman.

"How did you know I was looking for water?" Liam asked.

"It was a lucky guess," She said with a small laugh. Liam smiled.

" Well I am going to continue to look for it anyway. It was nice meeting you," He said politely, turning and walking away.

"Hey, I can just come with you."

"I am sorry, but you can't come. What's your name anyway?" said Liam.

"My name is Mercy and why not," She said clearly irritated.

"Because you will evaporate all the water and right now I have someone who needs water not fire." Liam snapped.

"Fine then I guess you won't be making it to water," Mercy said as she shot a fireball at him.

"Liam look out!" shouted a voice, but it was too late. The fireball hit him right in the chest. He immediately ignited into flame. A man quickly shot a waterball at him putting out the fire then tackled Mercy. The other person ran over to Liam.

"Liam, are you okay?" The figure asked.

"Tarah? Your alive," Liam said slightly confused.

"Yeah thanks to Wayne," Tarah said smiling.

"Who is Wayne?" Liam asked.

" Oh just that guy over there who tackled that woman," Tarah said with a chuckle. Liam looked over, saw Mercy and Wayne fighting, then said,


"Stop! Don't hurt her it's my fault she set me on fire. I was being a stupid and made her mad." Wayne let her up. Mercy got up but was glaring at Wayne.

"Well Tarah this is Mercy," said Liam, "Mercy this is Tarah."

"And this Wayne," said Tarah, "Wayne this is Liam." Silence fell over everyone.

"So are we all running from the Government?" Mercy asked breaking the silence.

"I think so," said Tarah.

"Well we should probably get moving. We are standing out in the open," said Mercy.

"I agree," said Liam. So they started off walking. Tarah stuck close to Wayne just in case she needed water again. Liam and Mercy walked by themselves.

They had made it to a higher place when Mercy said she needed to rest. So they found a somewhat hidden place to rest. Mercy sat down on the ground. Her feet were aching.

"Can we sleep here? My feet hurt to much to walk anymore," Mercy asked.

"I guess we can," said Liam, "I will take the first watch."

It was about 2 o'clock in the morning. It was Mercy's turn to watch. Everything seemed to be going fine until she heard what sounded like voices close to where they were at. She peered out and saw an armed group of dark dressed men. When she went back to tell the others what she had seen, they were gone. Trying not to panic she started looking for them. She tried to stay out of sight so she wouldn't get caught, but they had seen her. Mercy took off running, but she wasn't fast enough. They tackled her to the ground then knocked her out.

Wayne woke up to see they were all in neighboring cells.

"Liam, Tarah, and Mercy are you guys okay?" Wayne asked. Liam turned to Wayne,

"Yeah, but Mercy hasn't woken up yet."

"Hm," said Wayne, " Tarah what about you?"

"I am okay. I have been better," Tarah replied. Tarah paused then whispered over to Mercy's cell,

"Mercy are you awake?" Mercy moaned then sat up,

"Yeah I guess. My head just really hurts."

"Well we really need to find a way out of here," said Liam.

"None of our abilities will work. They made the cells so we can't get out. On top of that in about 4 hours we are going to be killed," said Tarah trying not to panic.

"We just got to keep our heads up I am sure something will come up, it has too," said Mercy.

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