《Onyx: The Sovereign Slayer Chronicles》Chapter 26: Unforgivable; A Total Lack of Respect


King Ishara stood before the doors to the Conclave to meet with the respective clan leaders. Standing at both sides next to her were Argus and Samael. Both of them looked at her as she mentally prepared herself for what needed to be done.

“What you do now...” Samael began.

“Save it!” She demanded as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She wiped the tears, and steeled herself for what needed to be done.

Ishara took several deep breaths. “Okay then... I’m ready. Open the doors.”

The doors were opened and she was greeted by a large crowd of three hundred representatives. She entered the room to stand before the large crowd waiting on her decision. The room was built like a circular auditorium with a handful of podiums at the bottom, and seated rows at the top. As she approached she saw Camus, Draven, Aioros, Baccara, and Alderbrandt, the Knights of Ashkur and protectors of Ulammar’s Capital City of Uldren. They were all seated right behind were she would be standing. King Ishara took her place on the podium whilst the other representatives prepared their speeches. Argus and Samael did not sit with the knights, especially given the circumstances of what was about to happen.

“Be honest Samael if she goes through with this what are the chances that the five of them will stick it out with us?”

“Draven’s from Uldren so if he stays it will be because of his duty to his place of birth. Camus and Aioros are... difficult to read. Especially Camus. He reminds me too much of Hekate and Apollyon except much more reserved. As for Alderbrandt and Baccara... they will surely defect.”

“Shit! So if this shit hits the fan it’ll be Uldren against the weight of Ulammar?” Argus asked.

“Afraid so. At least we’ll have a limited advantage. I can even use some nekro-demons if need be.”

“Nekro what?”

“Long story. I just hope that it doesn’t come to that.”


“You and me both.”

Raleigh, representative of the northern cities of Ulammar and head of the Ivalar Clan, began the session. “As Chief Moderator I now recognize King Ishara on the passage and amendment of Bill 6397-2071 which involves the unionization of Ulammar and the abolishment of the throne.”

Ishara nodded. “Father forgive me.” She whispered before officially starting. “I stand before you today... In opposition to this bill.”

The crowd groaned. Samael saw the disgruntled look on all five knights. Followed by Camus looking back at him. He then stood up from his seat, and walked in his direction.

“Protect Ishara just in case.”

“You always give me the most lucrative jobs.” Replied Argus.

As Samael exited the Conclave he could hear Camus walking behind him.


“Yes Camus?”

“Just what are you three up to?”

“Nothing. We are merely asserting our dominance. Ishara is a descendant of Istradammar, one of the Champions that aided Gaeric, as such she has no obligations by which she should abdicate. It is hers by right.”

“And do you really expect me to believe that? I’ve known her a lot longer than you have.”

“And I’ve known your ancestors.” Samael thought. “Uldren will not answer to anyone else but its chief monarch. Ulammar’s will is her will and hers alone. That is a core tenet of Sovereignism.”

“Her father...” Camus began.

“Is dead Camus lest you have forgotten. He is not here to excercise his will. His daughter has taken up the mantle as monarch, and as such she will be obeyed.”

“Make no mistake Samael... What she has done... What you all have done... This marks the beginning of a civil war the likes of which this country has never seen.”

“A war that will make us stronger no doubt. It will wash away the weakness, and usher in a stronger Ulammar.”

“But at what cost?”

“At the cost of my own incompetence.” Thought Samael as he walked away.


Ishara looked at the portrait of her father. He looked so strong and confident, as if he could carry the entire kingdom in his shoulders. Next to his portrait was hers. She looked confident to be sure, but behind that false aura was self doubt, fearfulness, and hypocrisy. Decades of trying to build a democratic system gone in the blink of an eye. She fell to her knees as she was close to the verge of tears.

“What have I done?”

There was a knock on her door.

“Go away.” She replied angrily.

The door opened anyway, and she saw Samael alongside Argus and Draven.

“I regret to inform you ma’am that as of this moment the Knights of Ashkur have disbanded. I’m all that’s left. We await your orders in regards to organizing the city’s defenses ma’am.” Began Draven.

“Ishara no matter what we are still here for you. Let us help you.” Replied Samael.

“HELP!” She yelled at him. “You have done nothing, but disrespect my father’s memory. And for what? A child that we know nothing about. What makes you so sure that he can even do what you say? Why didn’t you bring the child here? Why didn’t you kill them both, and get it over with?”

“What is she...” Draven began.

“It’s best we get out of this one. C’mon Draven.” Whispered Argus as she pulled on his arm.

Samael waited until the door closed to respond. “Back in my day I would often hear stories of how strong my grandmother Gaeric was. How she singlehandedly took on entire armies, Champions, and still managed to kill a Divine by the end of it. Truth was much more terrifying. She would tear them limb from limb with her bare hands, rip their jaws, crush their skulls with her hands. As a child those were the stories that I grew up with. Those of my father, Corrax, during the Unification Wars were not much better. He killed residents of entire villages and cities, put their bodies on display, and even invented rape as a means to wage war.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“But it does. I’am not them. I’am better than them. When my sister Apollyon came to me for help during the Sovereign Rebellions I did not hesitate to leave my wife and children behind, nor did Hekate. We aided our sister because we knew that he was a monster. Your father, his father, and all others before him trusted me. When Victor Hugo led his revolt against Spyre I helped your ancestors push them out of Ulammar.”

Anger formed in Ishara’s face. “Two children or the world?” She asked.

“They do not deserve what will happen to them.”

“Do we? They’re Karashian Legionnaires.”

“That is not by choice.”

“And yet still they follow orders.”



Samael left her alone. As he opened the door she saw Draven and Argus still waiting outside.

“Draven, Argus in here now!” She ordered.

“Yes ma’am!”

“Draven apprehend the representatives before they leave the city. It might buy us some time.” Draven nodded and left the two of them alone.

“As for you Argus...” Ishara opened a jeweled box on her nightstand. She pulled out a necklace bearing the Ulammarian royal insignia. “I want you to find the Silent Warden and the Black Rider and give them this. Tell them to find those kids, and to bring me their heads. Onyx Albion and Embry Essar will not bring about the end of the world.”

“But...” Argus began in protest.

“This is an order from your monarch!”


“You and Samael wanted a despot... Then I will give you a despot. Now go!”

“Yes ma’am.”

Finally Ishara was left all alone. She glanced at the portrait of her father. “Quit looking at me with those eyes.”

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