《Onyx: The Sovereign Slayer Chronicles》Chapter 3: No Amnesty For The Dead


Azura had Onyx and his team gathered at her tent. “So the plan is to raid a supply caravan headed to resupply the enemy on this road.” Azura and the rest looked at the map. “However, from what our scouts were able to gather they have a patrol of heavy cavalry patrolling that area, so be careful.”

Embry then questioned her. “Will it just be us or...”

“Yes we can’t spare any manpower we are still recuperating from that last battle.” Azura then pointed at two spots in the map. “Half of you will take this side the other half this side. There’s a chance that the patrol may provide cover for the caravan so be ready. If it looks like you can’t handle it then pull out...” Azura then looked at Onyx. “Immediately.”

“Okay then let’s go get our stuff.” All save for Embry left the tent.

“Embry is something the matter?” Azura saw that Embry had a look of concern.

“What’s the real plan?” Embry looked at Azura straight in the eyes.

“What are you talking about?” Azura knew that Embry had seen through her facade, but attempted to feign ignorance.

“You lied to him. Again.” Embry was well aware of their situation she knew that this wasn’t the full plan. One team of legionnaires against a patrol of heavy cavalry in addition of any soldiers guarding the caravan? No there was more to it than that.

“Yes I did so what?”

“What’s the real plan?”

“I’am meeting with the Dol-Surian commander at the spot for a cease fire, however in reality I’m going to take him out with your help. With their leadership crippled they won’t stand a chance.” It had taken Azura days to come up with this plan let alone a meeting with the enemy commander.

“You know when he finds out...”

“I know, but you Onyx he’s...”

“Yeah... I know.” Embry left disgusted at the thought of lying to him.

Onyx and his team waited by the side of the road awaiting the supply caravan that was supposed to supply the army of Dol-Sur to the east. It would be his team and Embry’s that would carry out the raid. He turned to Tigris. “Hey Tigris can you see them?”


Tigris was holding a spyglass looking at the approach. “Nah nothin’ although I can see your pretty little girlfriend from here wanna look?” She grinned and had a mischievous smile in her face.

Onyx blushed from embarrassment. “Tigris...”

“Nah just kidding, but no... Wait.” Tigris focused on the men on horses riding through the road.

“What is it?” Onyx and the rest turned their attention to Tigris who had her eyes down the road.

“Military caravans have wagons right?” Onyx and the rest didn’t understand her question.

“Well yeah of course they are supposed to... Have...” Lyo then looked at the opposite side of the road. She spotted several men and a wagon lead by Azura. “Hey guys why is Azura here she’s supposed to be back at camp isn’t she?”

Onyx took Lyo’s spyglass and began looking at the other side of the road. He could see that Azura was waving a white flag.

“Hey Onyx the army of Dol-Sur is also waving a white flag.” Tigris along with Lyo readied their repeating crossbows.

“No wait maybe the fighting has stopped.”

“Onyx there is no way that’s possible.” Lyo loaded the magazine into her crossbow and aimed it at Dol-Sur’s army.

Tigris kept looking through the spyglass. “Embry and Tykal are doing the same thing. They’re readying their weapons.”

“Hey Onyx you’re gonna want to see this.” Lyo then offered her spyglass to Onyx.

Onyx looked through the glass and saw that Azura along with the commander from Dol-Sur met at the middle. Both of them exchanged a few words. “Hey Onyx, Embry and Tykal moving in.”

Then Onyx saw Azura cut down the enemy commander. Embry and Tykal aimed their crossbows at the rest of the enemy and began firing. The rest of his team did the same thing save for Onyx. They had massacred every single one of the enemy soldiers save for one that was still alive, barely. Onyx rushed to his position just as Azura held her sword at his throat.

“Azura wait!” But he was too late Azura slit his throat and let him bleed out.


Onyx stood over the enemy soldier as he grabbed Onyx’s leg and tried to utter something that the rest could not make sense of.

Onyx kept looking at the dying soldier beneath his feet. “There was no supply caravan was there?”

“No there wasn’t I needed you guys to plan the ambush.” Azura knew she shouldn’t have lied to him, but she didn’t have a choice.

Onyx pulled out his buster sword and stabbed the soldier putting him out of his misery. “At least this way I can offer some sort of amnesty.”

“What’s this bleeding heart bullshit Onyx we are...” Azura put her arm in front of Reik.

“Onyx is right this was a cowardly move on my part.” She then turned towards Onyx. “We give the bodies back to the enemy so that they can be buried... Properly that is.”

Reik muttered something under his breath. Then proceeded to help Azura and Onyx’s team with the bodies. Reik then looked at the rest of his team. “This is total bullshit only because Azura treats Onyx like her son entitles him to special privileges.”

“What do you mean by that Reik?” Judeau looked at his friend as they were moving the bodies into a wagon.

“Oh c’mon are you serious. A kid like that gets a team full of girls all to himself. Who’s to say that every night he isn’t sleeping with all of them?” His team looked at Onyx who was currently talking to Embry and Tigris.

“Well if he is... Ugh... He is doing a piss poor job at it now help me move the bodies.” Helga then patted Reik in the back hard. “Now listen while I think it’s great that you find your masculinity threatened by girly boy over there just because he beds his team every night we have our orders. Now stop bitching and help out Reik.”

“Yeah yeah on it.” Reik then muttered something under his breath.

Once they finally finished loading the bodies onto the wagon. They left them there, but Azura ordered Onyx and Embry to stay behind to call out to the enemy patrol that had not arrived.

Onyx looked at Embry. “Did you know?”

“Yeah after you all left the tent I asked about the mission, and she told me.” Embry knew he would ask her there was no use lying.

“So then why...”

“Reik is right! Okay. Onyx we are fighting a war. We can’t cling to...”

“So what we become mindless killers with one sole purpose to win at any cost?”

“If that’s what it takes yes.”

Onyx was dissatisfied with Embry and Azura. Then Embry began speaking again. “Hey Onyx I’m not the bad guy here.”

“Yeah I know... It’s this stupid world that we live in.” Then they spotted the patrol. “You hide I’ll call them over.”

“Onyx?” Embry did not understand what Onyx wanted to do.

“Now!” Onyx urged Embry to hide. Embry hid behind the tree line and some bushes as the patrol approached.

The man leading the patrol halted everyone behind him. He slowly approached Onyx, and aimed his spear at him. “You there, girl, are you one of Karash’s legionnaire’s?”

“Yes sir, but umm... I’m a boy. My commander and yours exchanged a few words, and well... it didn’t end so well.” Onyx held his hands up the entire time. He also hated being confused for a girl, but there was nothing he could do.

“Well for ensuring that the bodies were not feasted upon by animals and such you have my thanks, but I’m afraid this means that you are going to have to come with us.”

“I understand.” Two men dismounted and tied Onyx’s hands together. Then they began marching back to their camp along with the wagon full of bodies.

Embry walked out of her hiding place. “Damn you Onyx.” She began running back to her camp. “Sovereigns please take care of him.”

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