《Legends Of Valkyries:Endless war on Middle Earth》Chapter 1



In the beginning, there was nothing but a void, so God created a domain, he named it Earth, the Earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Power of God was moving over the water. Then God commanded, "Let there be light"--and light appeared. God was pleased with what he saw. Then he seperated the light from the darkness, and he named the light "Day" and the darkness "Night. "Evening passed and morning came-that was the first day.

And so the Week of creation continues, Until finally it's time to create the inhabitants of this land. The first human was created, Naming it as "Luci". When he finishes the creation, he dicided to rest. But before he rest, he tells Luci what are the laws here. He tells to him that Adam must not go near the fruit of good and evil, let alone eat a fruit there. But as soon as he leaves, Luci curiously runs towards the forbidden tree and picks a fruit. He doesn't know what to do with the fruit so he just hold it. But a surge of knowledge rushes through his mind, knowledge that is forbidden. It's name was "Magic"

After just a few moments, the clouds grew darker and the sorroundings has been filled with strange vibes, Making all the other creatures terified and fled for their lives. Luci felt that strong energies been surging throughout his body, making him so powerful. With his new power he created his own army, An army akin to him, holding unimaginable powers at their disposal. When things grew wild on Earth, God descended and stopped Luci at his rampage. Feeling ashamed of himself, Luci fled to the vast universe and from there vanishes. Without leaving any clues on where is he now, Luci's whereabouts was still not confirmed.

The Birth of a Legend

(ch 1) "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."-Unknown

Billions of years after the *forbidden tree* Incident, God decided to create a new domain. Then based on the previous creation, he once again form a new living organism, naming it as "Raphael". He labelled it as "Male". It's body was modelled after his image. Pleased by the results, he now proceeds on the mass production. But as an idea struck his mind, he immediately stops the creation. The idea was it's a bit plain if this beings were to have the same body frame, So he now tries to alter a bit on the design. The altered oneswas labeled as "Females" because it's an altered version of the Male. But a harsh truth was shown, There's the fact that he alone has to create it all, all by himself. He tries to think for a solution, a method on which will lessen the workload. He must first create a plan for the mass production and how itmust be done, then after this he followed the plan. But it's still not so effective, it's still lacking. Then, a sudden thought came unto his mind, "What if I create some helpers first?". So he started to create some workers, he labelled it "Angels". But the work will be a bit messed up if there are no individuals who will lead them, so he assigned some leaders and get them the title"Archangels". Now that theproblems has been solved, they all moved to start the projects planned by God.


Several Millenniums later...

In a city somewhere on the east hemisphere of the world, thousands of people gathered for an event. A event full of Joy, rather than calling it as event,it's more fitting to call itcelebration. Celebrating the moment when a child reaches the end of a chapter on its life, that will eventually open up a new path for them to walk. "Graduation Day!!!!",a loud shout can be heard on the place. The Students andTeachers are celebrating this joyous event, and some exchanging their farewell as well. This day marks the end of their highschool life, and the start of College.

Ron Acreman, graduating student, Topnotcher of the annual "National Exam" and one of the Top Students on his Batch, gives his final speech. As soon as the speech ended, all of the audience applaud andraised cheer to him. He was nowan official graduate and will live his College life on his chosen University. As he exits the stage, cheers can still be heard. Heruns excitedly outside the school field and tosses his grad cap. This marks the end of the celebration.

"I'm proud for you my son!",said by his father. They are now riding their limo and enjoying the view of the roadside lake. They are now headed to their residence,who's large enough to be called a castle. Their family line was known for Architectural background where all of their ancestors were famous in that line of work. His father, obviously was also famous. He owns the largest infrastructure works company called "Reverse @ Engineering Firm" or simply "RATE". Their Company was the one who built almost all of the highways and Skyways in their vicinity. They're quite well-known throughout their country. Because of this, Ron strives to become a civil engineer and manage their company in the near future. So with this goal in his mind, he now decides to go at a prestigious University known for its solid background in Architecture.

End of Vacation period and start of the school semester...

"God! I'm freaking late!"

First day of school and Ron was late*sigh*

"Alice! where's my uniform?!"

he shouted at their maid named Alice. Alice immediatelyprepares the clothes and give itto Ron.


"Sir,umm.. I think.."

"Just give it to me pretty please!"

Ron said to the maid who was terrified by the volume of his voice.


(Ron's POV)

"Oh God! I'm late again!"

I shouted as I reached the school gate,the reason I was late was because I overslept a bit...Ok I oversleep for an hour,tho I'm sure that the school was not that far away. I rushed through the classroom, but the bell already rang so...I'm late!


My college debut was a complete failure, luckily I have some back-up plan. I acted cool by saying the lines "I'm late huh? guess the clock was wrong again", That's what I thought, but it backfired. I was called to the Principal's Quarters and penalized by cleaning the library. Once I'm done I must go to the room to report to my prof about this.

I got the tools needed so I headed to the place. I opened the door, but to my surprise a beautiful chick was there reading books. She's a total chick from bottom to bust, and the thighs was T H I C C. She wears knee socks so her gorgeous thighs wasemphasized, making her more eye-catching. I dropped the bucket I was holding and the water spills on the floor, making it wet( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). My senses returned as she approaches me, slowly walking towards me like a model on a fashion show. But my fantasies got crushed when she suddenly shouts "Clean your mess pretty please!?!", I think I'm now awakened to a fetish called "Masochism" coz I enjoyed her verbal abuse on me.

[Author:More like Rants or Ramblings huh?]

"Can you shut up Mr.Author! I'm trying to tell them my story and your ruining it!"


Her voice sounds like an angel. I continued to fantasize about her until she ask.

"Hello? are you sick?"

Oh God! this angel really worries about me, wait...

"You're weird"

I'm broken, she broke my heart, I hate you now Ms. AngelFace!

"Hey,What did you said?"

"You're weird?"

"Take back your words!"

I'm now angry, nobody in the history of my life ever insult this face given by my parents, I now hate you from the bottom of my heart. As I hold her hands and pin her on the wall, she desperately tries to escape. I once again ask her to take back those words.

As I'm still holding her, I slipped becase of the wet floor. We both fall on the ground and got laid( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Misunderstanding at its finest, the librarian enters the room carrying several books about Comp Coding. As she saw us on this position(By the way I'm on the top( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))she just left and closed the door while saying "Don't mind me, I'm just a passerby(>^ω^<)".

For goodness sake,how can I clear up this misunderstanding(;´ຶДຶ `)

[Author:Lucky bastard!]

"Umm,could you please get off on me now?"

[Note:I edited this version now, thanks for the instructions btw]

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