《Second Chances》34 2/2


Max is staying with Ronnie. Alva and I are with Michael. Today I'm breaking the news to the two. I thought about it for a long time. A girl like me just doesn't belong here. There's no reason for me to be in LA. Just like when I first moved here, I'm only taking a carry on of essentials. I don't want anything I got from here. This place will never be my home. It's too much of a reminder of what I've had. The pain is too much. I hope one day, they'll all forgive me. I walk into the living room where my makeshift family is.

"Michael, Alva. Um. I have something to tell you. First, I want you both to know I appreciate everything you've done for me and how you all opened your arms to me and treated me like family.."

Michael smiles.

"That's because we are family. I have two beautiful, talented little sisters."

I slightly smile as Alva laughs.

"Why're you being so grim? You're making it sound like you're going somewhere."

I nervously laugh.

"That's because I am."

Alva and Michael speak at the same time.


I sigh, awkwardly.

"I'm moving back to Indiana. There's nothing for me here. I should be with my actual family."

"But they're horrible to you! We're your family, not them! Don't do this to yourself!"

I look at the floor and my feet.

"I'm sorry Michael."

Alva suddenly speaks up.

"If Val leaves then I'm leaving too."

I look over and Michael begins to panic.

"Wait, what? No! Neither one of you are leaving! Val, please!"

I look at him and we lock eyes.

"I've made my decision Michael. I'm sorry, I'm not staying. We started off as strangers and it should've stayed that way."


"Please Valentina! Please! I don't want to lose you or Alva. Please!"

Michael begins to cry. Guilt hits me like a brick. I turn to go back upstairs. I need to stay strong. This is how it has to be. It'll be better for everyone.

"My flight leaves tonight."


For a weekday the airport is pretty packed. Alva stayed at the house. She's leaving next week. We said our goodbyes back at the house. She never once begged me to stay. I think she understands. I hope.


"I know you hate me but I still had to come say goodbye."

We hug for a long time.

"I'm not going to get carried out of the airport but band members, am I?"

Max chuckles as we let go.

"No. No one else knows besides.."

I spot the person walking up to us.


"I love you, Val. Take care of yourself."

"You too, Max."

I begin walking away but Ronnie catches my wrist.

"Wait, please."

I stop and turn to face him.

"You don't have to do this."

"It's not because of you. I don't belong here."

"You sure as hell don't belong there! They gave you hell."

I just look up at him.

"What am I supposed to tell Willow? She calls you 'mommy'."

I feel a pain in my heart.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"I love you, I know I fucked up.."

I interrupt him.

"Save it Ronnie."

"What about Michael?"

"He'll understand one day. This is what's best."

He sighs, feeling defeated.

"You're really fucking up Alvin."

"Alvanis is an adult."

"You're her best friend! Her little sister! You're the only girl she's ever gotten along with. Don't do this to everyone that cares about you!"

I look up at the display board.

"I gotta go Ronnie."

Before he can say anything more, I walk away. Michael gives me a teary goodbye, having completely given up trying to get me to stay. Luckily, I was able to buy out my row. As soon as the plane takes off, I let everything go. LA is my past as soon as everything is wiped from my phone and social media.

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