《Second Chances》27



I'm laying in the back seat of the car with my head in Michael's lap. Ronnie is driving us back to their house, I assume. The hospital didn't really want to release me but I was so tired of being tested on like a fucking lab rat. I feel fine, except for the huge-ass stitches across my stomach. The Doctor said that the scar shouldn't be too noticeable but who knows. Even with all the shit, Arthur put me through, I managed to escape without any permanent physical damage. The guys are skeptical about what I told the cops. Although, the Doctor explained to them that it was a possibility, they don't believe that I don't remember what happened. I want to talk to Ronnie about what I heard but Michael hasn't left me alone since I've been awake. Apparently, he barely left when I was still out. I love this stubborn asshole. I sigh and turn to bury my face in Michael's shirt. Michael pats my hair with one hand, while the other holds me securely to him.

"She alright Mikey?"

"I'm fine Ronnie. Just hurts."

Michael relaxes his hold on me and I internally groan. I need to talk to Max or Jacky or Zakk or Robert. I feel like Max and Rob would tell Ronnie though. I feel like they have some kind of 'bro code' or whatever. I dramatically groan into Michael's shirt. Maybe I can talk to Alva about it? Fingers brush my hair back from my face.

"Val, are you okay?"

I push my face further into his shirt and cling onto him. I need to be held. I'm honestly terrified. I'm glad reading minds isn't a thing because then they'd know the truth. I remember EVERYTHING.


Michael tries to gently push my face back so he can see me but my grip is strong.


I slightly shake my head and my voice is muffled by his shirt.


"Valentina Emerson."

Instinctively, I stiffen and then relax my hold at the stern voice. Michael takes the opening and moves my face back. I close my eyes before I can see his face.

"Open. Let me see those pretty eyes."

I feel my face flush red before I open my eyes and look up at my big brother. It's hard. The way he's looking at me. It's hard to not break down crying and tell him everything.


When Valentina finally looks at me I want to take back everything she went through and protect her better. She looks guilty. What would she feel guilty for? I'll have to persuade her to tell me later. Something is going on with her and Ronnie, I'm just not sure what.


"Michael stop staring. I already have a hole in my stomach. I don't need one in my head."

If she wasn't in pain, I'd hit her for that. Instead, I tug on her hair with a frown on my face.

"Not a funny joke. What's wrong?"

Her eyes shift away from mine as she speaks.

"I'm.. just tired. And the medicine is wearing off. I want to see Zakk, Jacky, and Rob."

There is definitely something she's not telling me. Is it because Ronnie is in the car?

"You just said you're tired and in pain."

I feel her body shift as she pouts.

"You can see them later sweetie."

She doesn't respond, just looks at the roof of the car. I have an idea. It might be a little harsh but I think it's necessary.

"What about JJ? Don't you want to see him?"

Her whole body stiffens. She starts breathing loudly like she's having a panic attack. Her eyes meet mine. She looks absolutely terrified before she regains her composure. She is hiding something.

"I'll call him later.. He's busy..."

I can tell it was hard for her to say that without stuttering out. I look up from her face. Ronnie and I lock eyes in the rearview mirror. He shakes his head. Right. Now's not the time or the place. Later though. She better not think she's off the hook. I drift off in my thoughts.

"Take as much time as you need. I'm sure he understands that you need rest."

Where even is her phone? I think Ronnie grabbed it and turned it off. Notifications were coming in like crazy. Val doesn't need that extra stress right now. She can barely sit up without being in intense pain. We left the hospital too early. She's so stubborn.


"Yes sweetheart?"

I smile down at her and the corner of her mouth nervously twitches up.

"Um... Well... Can I stay with you and Ronnie until I get feeling better?"

I laugh and lean down to kiss her forehead. She sounds like she's afraid we're gonna say no. Like I would let her go back to her apartment anyway. Ha.

"I would never turn you away. In fact, I was afraid I'd have to force you to stay with us. Ronnie?"


"Of course love. I'd prefer you stayed with us actually. Easier to take care of you. When you feel rested we can go get some stuff for you. Unless you want Jacky and Rob to pick up stuff?"

"No that's okay. I want to."


Michael looks up to the rearview mirror. He shoots me a questioning look. Probably because I called Val 'love'. I can't help it. I want to know what all she heard when she was unconscious. I also have a sickening feeling that she remembers what happened. It may be tough but I can tell when she's lying. I gotta talk to Mikey. We need to give her space for a while. She'll tell us if and when she's ready. I turn to pull into the driveway to the house.

"We're here guys. Hold on Mikey, I'll help you with Val."

I bridal carry Valentina into the house. Her face is shoved in my chest but I can still see the pink tint to her cheeks. God, she heard my confession. I need to talk to Rob. I would talk to Max but I feel like he'll say something to her. I lay her down on the couch and give her the PS4 controller. For the next hour, Michael and I run around making sure she's comfortable and has everything she needs.

"Val? Sweetie? I'm going to go take a nap. Ronnie will be down here. Yell if you need something."

I hear Val giggle slightly. Michael's been watching her like a hawk. She's been dozing off since she got her medicine so I guess Michael took that as a sign to get some well-needed rest too.

"Okay big brother. I'm sleepy too."

I smile. She sounds so cute and sweet. I mean she always does but she's especially adorable when she's tired. I go into the kitchen and call Rob.

"Hey! I heard Val's home! When can we come see her?!"

"Well, right now the meds make her tired. She can't really sit up well so she's on the couch. I'll let you guys know. That's not why I called though dude."

"Oh. What's up, bro?"

"I'm just gonna spit it out. When Val was still out I told her that I've fallen in love with her."


"When she woke up she said she heard bits and pieces of me and Michael talking to her. She heard my confession."

"Oh... Uh, I'll have to come over. Tomorrow? Yeah. You need to relax and stay calm dude."

He hangs up before I can say anything else. Michael is gonna be upset. Hopefully, Val feels slightly better tomorrow.


I love this couch, I really do. It's so comfy to sleep on. Not as comfy as Ronnie's bed but still. Ronnie stayed down here with me all night. When I woke up he was sitting at the end of the couch, passed out with my head in his lap, and his arm protectively over me. I've been laying here kind of watching him sleep. It sounds creepy but he's so peaceful. He's not the only one that fell in love. I just... I don't know. I sigh and pick up my phone to text.


"Val! What's up?! Are you home?!"

"Yes, I'm home! Well, I'm staying with Ronnie and Michael until I get better."

"That is your home girl."

"Okay well, whatever. I need advice."

"Uh. You know this isn't Max right?"

"Oh my god. Alvanis. I need my best big sister's advice."

"Bitch, I am the only sister. Don't play with me."

"ALVA! I need girl advice!"

"Holy shit are you pregnant? Is it Ronnie's? Michael is gonna kill you!"

If I wasn't looking up at Ronnie's sleeping face I'd scream out in frustration. I take a deep breath before I type out my response.

"ALVANIS GRACE ORLANDO! I am not pregnant and if I was it wouldn't be Ronnie's kid! Now listen!"

"Damn, you didn't have to go all full name on me Val."

"So I think I'm in love with Ronnie."

"Girl. I know. Everyone knows. It's pretty obvious."

I ignore Alva's text and reply with a jumbled mess of what's been weighing on my mind.

"So when I was still unconscious in the hospital I could hear some of Mikey and Ronnie talking to me. And I heard Ronnie..."

I pause. Do I really wanna say something? Should I really tell? I mean what if I imagined it? What if he only said it because he thought I wouldn't wake up? My thoughts are interrupted by Alva's text.

"Val? I swear to fuck if you don't tell me... I will fly to LA. Not even Jacky will be able to save you."

"RONNIE TOLD ME (unconscious me) That he's in LOVE WITH ME."

After a couple minutes of Alva not responding I text her again.

"Alva? Did you get my text? Don't beat me up, I swear I texted you."

My phone lights up with a call. Thank you Ronnie for putting it on silent. He would've been rudely awoken by Asking Alexandria blasting from my phone.



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