《Second Chances》25



It's Val. Those words keep repeating in my head. The way he sounded when he said it, I know it's bad. Ronnie is driving, I just couldn't. I'm too worried. I want to know what happened. Ronnie, even though he's certainly distracted, is still driving better than I would be. I manage to hold back tears and stare out the windows. What am I supposed to tell Alvanis? What am I supposed to tell everyone? Everyone fucking loves her. What am I supposed to fucking do? I scream and punch the dashboard. Ronnie glances over at me and his fingers tighten on the wheel.


"Michael you need to tell me what's going on. You can't tell me I need to take you to the hospital and not tell me why."

When I don't respond, he continues.

"It's obviously not Alvin, she's in Florida. Did Matti or Tyler do something stupid?"

I sigh, wiping a hand over my face and continue looking out of the window. If I don't say it, it's not real. It'll just be a bad dream that I'll eventually wake up from. Ronnie is so god damn persistent.

"Michael? Plea-"

I cut him off and tears begin to fall down my face.

"It's Val! It's fucking Valentina! God fucking damn it, Ronnie! Valentina is in the fucking hospital! Rob called me. He's up there with Jacky. They don't know anything other than she's in s-surgery."

I see Ronnie's knuckles on the steering wheel turn white as he presses harder on the gas. Through my tears, I see that Ronnie's face is pale and he looks like he's physically in pain.

"R-Ronnie? Are you okay?"

His eyes never leave the road and I pat his shoulder, causing him to jump a little in the driver's seat.

"Uh, does anyone else know? Like besides the four of us?"

"No. Just you, me, Rob and Jacky."

Ronnie nods his head and I wonder what's going through his mind.

"No one else can know. Not until we talk to the doctors and find out. No one posting about it, no one speaks a fucking word of it to anyone else. Not even a 'sorry personal problem, not gonna be on social media' post."

I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, of course."

Ronnie nods and we spend the rest of the car ride in silence. I would wonder why Val has Robert as her emergency contact but I'm not stupid. She probably made it that way just in case she did something reckless and ended up in the er. I am super protective of her and tend to treat her like a kid sometimes. But I just try to make sure she doesn't get hurt. For exactly situations like this. When we get to the hospital I don't want to get out of the car and Ronnie pulls me out. We get to the third floor where a hyperventilating Jacky and a pacing Robert are.



Jacky looks up and tugs on Rob's pants. Rob spots us as we rush over. Jacky is breathing heavily and I call over a nurse.

"I understand that this floor is busy but the poor man is having a panic attack. How long has it been now?"

Rob blinks for a few seconds before speaking.

"Like uh half an hour or so?"

"Half an hour of him struggling to breathe. Can you please get him something?"

"Yes sir."

I fucking hate hospitals. The nurse comes back with 2 cups. One with water and the other containing what I assume is an anxiety medication. The nurse helps Jacky take it and rushes away. I don't blame her. 4 scary, tattooed guys. I'm surprised she didn't call security when Mikey and I got off the elevator. After a couple minutes, Jacky is breathing normally and stands.

"So I'm guessing no one has said anything to you guys yet?"


Jacky suddenly pulls Michael, who was just staring blankly at the wall, into a hug. Michael tenses but then just relaxes his arms at his sides. I look at Rob who seems to try to smile but it's a grimace.

"She's going to be fine Rob. She has to."

After about an hour, a guy in a white doctor coat comes out of the double doors and looks around. I pat Mikey and we all look up at him.

"Family of Valentina Emerson?"

All four of us jump up and rush over to the guy. He looks a bit overwhelmed as we all tower over him.

"Uh, emergency contact? Mr. Ortiz?"

Rob holds out his hand and greets the doctor.

"Please, it's Robert. We're all family."

The doctor sighs and pulls us into an empty room.

"I'm Doctor Colnik, a surgical resident at this hospital."


"Please if you'll just let me continue. This isn't going to be easy."

The four of us exchange worried looks.

"Miss. Emerson was brought in by ambulance. We're not exactly sure what happened and we won't know until she wakes up. That is if she remembers. What we do know is that she was found in an alleyway behind a bar, downtown. Her injuries seemed superficial. Until she crashed in our er. She has several cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Our concern, however, is her broken ribs. One of which has caused internal bleeding."

Beside me, all the color drains from Mikey's face and the doctor catches him before he crashes to the ground. We help him into a chair and the doctor continues, after instructing a nurse to get water.

"As of now, we've managed to control the bleeding enough to find the location of it. After everything is stitched up and she's taken to a room, I'll send a nurse to take you up. Right now there's no way to know when that'll be."


It feels like the world is crashing down around us. Michael grabs the doctor's coat.

"She'll be okay though, right?"

We all look hopefully to the doctor.

"We hope for the best, Mr?"

Michael looks down at the floor. It wasn't the answer he wanted, it wasn't the answer any of us wanted. I respond for him.

"That's Michael, Val's big brother. I'm Ronnie and this is Jacky. Val means a lot to us Dr. Colnik, we can't.."

I trail off, refusing to speak the words. The doctor kneels in front of Mikey.

"Michael, we are doing everything we can to bring your sister back to you. Every possible thing."

He nods and when the nurse brings Michael water, the doctor goes back to work.


Who knows how long it's been. After Val was out of surgery and taken to a room, everything has kind of been a blur. Ronnie told Zakk and I told Alva and Max. After convincing them that they didn't need to fly out, with some difficulty, I promised to give them updates on everything. They said it could take up to a week for Val to wake up. They had to put her under so the injuries wouldn't cause any more stress on her body. It doesn't help that she was completely wasted. The police had stopped by but of course, wouldn't tell us anything. A few hours ago, Rob and Jacky left to shower, change clothes and get sleep I guess. Rob will probably have to tell the guys from ETF what's going on. As long as it's not made public. I don't need Val to wake up to know what happened. That piece of shit JJ. When I find him, I'm gonna kill him. How dare he lay a hand on my sweet baby sister. Ronnie pulls me from my thoughts.

"Mikey? Michael? Hey, Michael?"


"You need sleep, Michael. It's been 2 days.."

"I'm not leaving. You can't make me."

"Michael, calm down. I'm not trying to make you do anything."

"She needs me here."

"Michael, have you seen yourself? You haven't slept in 2 days. Valentina wouldn't want.."

"Don't try to tell me what Val would want!"

Ronnie sighs in defeat and goes back to sit in the chair at the end of the bed. I know he's right. I know. But I just... I can't leave her side. What if she wakes up when I'm gone? What if something happens and I'm not here? Sleeping seems like such a selfish waste of time.

"The doctor said it might be a couple more days before she wakes up."

"I know. I was sitting right here when he came in Ronnie."

"Look, man, I know you're worried."

"Can you please save your speech?"

Ronnie angrily stands and comes over to me. He tugs my chair away from Val's bed so he can be in front of me. I look up at him, annoyed.

"Mikey, we're all fucking worried. We're all scared. Jacky can't come into the room without having a fucking panic attack. We're all going through it, bro. We all care about Valentina just as much as you do. It's stressing us all out. Now stop being a fucking asshole."

I sigh and nod, looking down. I'm just so worried. Val has become a big part of my life since we met her. Not only that but Valentina is incredibly important to Alvanis. I don't want to see how losing Val would effect my sister.

"I'm sorry Ronnie."

"You need a break man, Go to the house.."

"I can't..."

"Listen to me. Go to the house, take a long shower, get changed, Come back up."

"No sleep?"

"If I tell you to get sleep, you're not gonna leave. When you get back you can sleep. I don't think that chair will be very comfortable but it'll put your mind at ease. You'll be right here when Val wakes up."

I nod and stand from the chair. I go over to Val's bed and lean down.

"Val I'm going home to take a shower and change. I'll be right back. 2 hours tops. Don't you dare wake up just because I'm gone. You better wait until after I'm back. I love you."

I kiss Val's cheek and squeeze her hand. Ronnie hugs me with a silly smile on his face.

"Shut up."

"I wasn't gonna say anything. Please take a taxi, you shouldn't be driving."

"Yes, dear."

We both lightly laugh. Val would've appreciated that joke. I take a taxi home for my much-needed shower and change of clothes.

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