《Second Chances》11



I knew Valentina would get into trouble again. Ronnie does care and he does like her, he just sucks at expressing that kind of stuff. At about 2am, my phone rings, the screen says it's Alva but when I answer it's Val.


"Val? It's loud as fuck. I can barely hear you."

"Let me walk outside... Is that better?"

"Yeah. Still going strong I hear. When are you and Alva coming back?"

"That's what i called about. Alva is passed out in Jacky's room. He asked if I wanted to stay too but I said no. He's getting me an Uber but I just wanted to make sure the front door wasn't locked or anything."

"Jacky can't drive?"

"He said he's fine to drive but he's had a few drinks so I thought this was better."

"Oh okay. Well I'll be downstairs when you get in."

Sure enough, about half an hour later Val comes in, carrying her shoes. The dress is even worse in person, plus the fact that it rides up every time she takes a step. She sits on one of the chairs and looks at Max before speaking.

"That was the most fun I think I've ever had."

"Good for you hun. You look either super tired or you're drunk."

"A little of both."

She stands up and heads up the stairs. I hear knocking, softly at first, then more aggressive. There's cursing followed by a crash. Max and I exchange looks and go upstairs. Val's sitting on the floor in front of Ronnie's bedroom door. She looks angry. I can't help but notice her thong, due to her sprawled legs.

"You okay?"

She looks up at me and fidgets with the doorknob. It doesn't budge.

"He locked me out and won't open the door."

I walk up to the door and knock.

"Ronnie? You gonna let her in?"

"Fuck her. She should've just went home with someone at the party."

It's obvious that Ronnie is jealous. I sigh, this is so annoying. Val stands and kicks the door.

"Jesus Christ. Just go sleep in Alva's old room. I'll sleep on the couch."

Valentina looks at Max, shocked.

"Go before I change my mind Valentina."

She hurries into the room and closes the door. I look curiously at Max, who just turns to go back downstairs. I glance at Ronnie's door and shake my head.


I wake up startled, confused about where I am. Bits and pieces of last night come flooding back to me. I stay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Oh fuck, Ronnie! I'm in Alva's bed! Ronnie locked me out of his room! I get up, still in my dress and tip toe to his room. I have absolutely no idea what time it is. When I try the door, it's unlocked. I push it open as quietly as possible. The room is neatly straightened and Ronnie is nowhere in sight. As I'm changing I see a random number, written on my thigh. Well looks like I'm wearing jeans today. I type the number in my phone, just in case it was important, and head downstairs. Sitting on the couch is Alvanis and Michael. Max is sitting in a chair, staring at the TV. Michael and Alva look up at me as I settle in next to them.


"Did I wake you when I went in to change?"

"Nah. I was dead asleep."

"You snore pretty loud."

I playfully shove Alva, laughing.

"I do not snore!"


She rolls her eyes and we both laugh. I lean my head on Michael. He's become like a big brother to me. I hope we'll all be able to keep in touch. Max gets up and kisses the top of Alva's head. I lean over to ask her about yesterday.

"Are you two okay?"

"Oh yeah. When I came home we talked about it. He's just being cautious because Michael is pissed."

I nod and glance at Michael, who just continues watching TV.

"Where's Ronnie? I wanted to talk to him."

"He went to get Willow. Chrissy brought her up today."

"Ahh. He's bringing her back here?"

"Chrissy is coming too."

I nod and Alvanis folds her arms.

"Stupid cunt."

Michael and I both look over at her. Michael sighs and shakes his head.

"This is exactly why she's coming."

I look at Michael, confused and Alva rolls her eyes.


"When Chrissy learns Alva is here, she won't let Willow come here alone."

I look at Alvanis who is glaring at the floor.

"She overreacted."

"You taught Willow to call Chrissy a bitch."

I burst out laughing but stop at Michael's serious face.

"I didn't teach her that."



We're all relaxing, watching TV, when a screaming Willow comes through the door. She's followed by Ronnie and Chrissy. I stand up and Willow runs to me.

"Uncle Michael!"

"Hey kiddo!"

Willow hugs me and looks down at Valentina and Alvanis.

"Hi Alvin!"

Alva smiles at Willow.

"Hello little Willow!"

"Who's this?"

Willow points at Val and she awkwardly smiles at the child.

"That's Uncle Michael's friend Val."

Chrissy snorts at Ronnie's comment. Alva glares at her and goes upstairs with Max.

"Nice to meet you Willow."

Willow waves shyly and Chrissy clears her throat.

"How about a cookie?"

Willow excitedly nods and I set her at the table with a huge cookie and a glass of milk. I walk back out to the living room to see Ronnie and Chrissy both staring at Valentina. Val's just sitting there, obviously uncomfortable. With Willow in the other room, Chrissy finally speaks.

"Who are you really? Are you fucking Ronnie or are you Michael's new three week fling?"

Val stands up and shakes Chrissy's hand. She's being civil and as polite as possible.


"As Ronnie said, I'm Valentina. A friend of Michael and Alva."

Chrissy nods and Ronnie leaves the room to check on Willow. When he's gone, Chrissy leans down to Val.

"You better not even think about fucking Ronnie. He's mine."

Val pulls away and I roll my eyes.

"You two aren't together Chrissy."

"Not yet. But we share Willow. I'll get him back."


Willow yawns, sleepily. I take my little girl back out to her mom.

"Mommy's gonna take you upstairs and you can take a nap in daddy's bed."

She clings to me.

"You're not coming too, daddy?"

I smile down at her and pat her head.

"No. Daddy needs to talk to Uncle Michael and Val."

I say goodnight to Willow and Chrissy takes her upstairs. I turn to Mikey and Valentina.

"She's so adorable. She looks a lot like you Ronnie."

"I know. That's my little angel."

I pause and there's an awkward silence. Val looks at me, sad, and turns away.

"Sorry about last night. I.. Uh.."

Michael looks between the two of us.

"I'm just going to go see what I can make for dinner."

He practically runs out of the living room, leaving me and Val alone.

"Ah don't apologize. Max was nice and slept on the couch. Sorry I didn't ask or at least tell you where I was going."

I want to kiss her so bad. I just can't. She should've left the moment she woke up that day. I knew it was a bad idea and now I have feelings for her. I'm not good for her.

"Oh no. You're an adult, you don't have to ask me for permission or tell me. You don't have to worry about not having a place to sleep. I'm going with Willow to Texas for a few days."

She looks up at me confused.

"Oh.. You don't have to leave. This is your house."

I smile, which is tough to do when it feels like the world is crashing down around you.

"It's alright. Willow asked and I'm sure you'll be more comfortable."

Val nods somberly and stares at the floor with a blank look on her face.

"I'm going to see if Michael needs help."

With that I'm alone. The way it should be. Giving her space is the right thing to do. It would've never worked out anyway.


I'm clearly a very emotional person but what Ronnie said hurt me so bad, the tears won't even come. I feel nothing, like everything inside is cold and hallow. Ronnie made the horror of my past fade away. Sleeping next to him, the nightmares stopped. What am I supposed to do now? Arthur was right, I'm just not enough, and I never will be. I've overstayed my welcome, it's time for me to go. I smile at Michael as I walk into the kitchen.

"How'd it go?"

"Everything is fine. He's not angry anymore. He's going to stay in Texas for a couple days though."

Michael stops and looks up at me. He seems upset. I better clarify.

"Willow asked him to. She misses her dad"


Michael smiles and relaxes.

"What's for dinner? Need any help?"

"I think I have it covered. Fries and chicken nuggets. Specially for Willow! You can sit in here and keep me company though!"

When Michael turns back to cook, I pull out my phone. Bookmarked in my email is a conversation with a lady who is selling a small, one bedroom apartment close by. She's been holding it for me since Ronnie gave me my phone back. I saw the apartment when I first moved here. I send a quick email that I'll take the apartment and lay my head down. It'll take a few days for her to get it ready, I'm sure. It comes furnished so the only things I'll really need are clothes, food, and toiletries. I start making a list in my head of things I need. Hair products, I have deodorant, laundry soap, hangers, towels, a bed set, and I'll need a few suitcases to transport the stuff I already have over. I'm positive Michael will help. I'll be gone before Ronnie comes back from Texas. With everything set, I allow myself to drift off.

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