《Second Chances》6



I follow the 2 girls into the kitchen. I'm really glad they're getting along well now. I go back to the living room to talk to Max and Michael.

"So.. What happened last night?"

I just smile and shrug.

"She changed into dry clothes and fell asleep."

"Righht. You like her, don't you?"

"Who knows."

Max points at my neck.

"Mhm. What are those then?"

I playfully shove Michael and Max. I'm not planning on getting attached. She sleeps in my room, so why not fuck her.

"Guys. I'm just trying it out. Ya know. Why not?"

Michael shakes his head in disapproval.

"You better not let Alva know that's how it is. She becoming pretty protective over her."

Max adds to what Michael says.

"Yeah. And you know how Alva usually gets along with females."


All of 3 of us shutter at the memory of what Alvanis does to the girls I date and have sex with. Max and I go into the kitchen. Val looks at us.

"Where's Ronnie?"

Max and I look at each other, then Alvanis.

"He just left to go to the studio. He told us to tell you and Alva bye."

Alva narrows her eyes at us and Val nods her head.

"I'm glad we can all get along now."

Val folds her arms and looks at Max.

"I don't know, can we?"

Alvanis touches Val's shoulder.

"Michael tolerates Max, so he shouldn't really have a problem with anyone. And as long as you keep your shit together and not get my big brother in trouble, we'll be fine. They guys want to know why you moved here."


I smile at Alva and lead everyone into the living room, to sit while I tell them, in less detail then I did Alva.

"I was engaged right out of high school. To my boyfriend of 3 years. It was great at first. He went to work at his dad's company. I was going to school full time. Paying my way with 3 jobs."

Max interrupts me with a question.

"3 jobs and college?! What about your parents?"

Alvanis elbows him in the ribs and he mouths 'what' to her.

"My parents died when I was about 10. I was raised by my Aunt and Uncle. They hated me. But they kept in contact because of Arthur's family money."

Michael begins frowning, as if he knows that the rest of the story gets worse.

"Arthur's mom despised me. Did everything she could to break us up. When we moved in together, things got worse. He'd yell, mostly for waking him up, or not doing something the way he wanted."


Michael stiffens next to Alvanis.

"Don't tell me he hit you."

"Shut up Michael. Let her finish."

Alva is holding onto Max, tearing up, and Michael looks really angry.

"He didn't at first. One day, he just snapped. He'd accuse me of being out late because I was cheating, even though he knew my job schedule. The beatings got worse and worse. Then one day, at my 2nd job, I collapsed."

Alva starts loudly crying and Max pulls her closer to him.

"They told me that I was essentially killing myself. I had a decision to make. So I quit school. I didn't tell Arthur right away. But when he found out, he beat me near to death, confessed that he'd been fucking my best friend since Senior year of high school, broke off the engagement, and left me in a pool of blood."

Michael covers his mouth and Max shakes his head. They're both shocked and disgusted. Unfortunately, the story doesn't end quite yet.

"His mom was so happy. He ended up marrying my best friend, they're in love. My Aunt and Uncle haven't talked to me since they came to the hospital to tell me how much of a selfish disappointment I am. So I left and started new."


When Val finishes she's visibly upset. We're all upset. Alva has heard this story before and she's still crying into Max's shirt. I want to fucking kill this guy. Val's had a tough life. She doesn't have anyone. I guess that's what she was so upset with Ronnie over.

"So, what's this guy's address?"

Val sniffles and half smiles.

"Nice try. I didn't give it to Alva, I definitely won't give it to you. He's happy. It's behind me."

Max stands up, carrying Alva.

"He doesn't deserve to be happy."

Ronnie comes in and Max walks past, taking Alva upstairs. Ronnie walks in the living room, confused.

"What's wrong with Alvin?"

I'm about to speak but Val shakes her head.

"Just watched a super sad movie."

"Oh.. Okay. Well I'm going up to take a shower."

When Ronnie disappears, I point at the seat next to me.

"You haven't told him?!"

"Lower your voice or he'll hear! No I haven't told him! Why would I!"

I frown and stare at Valentina.


I really was going to take a shower. Until I hear Mikey and Val talking. This is my house too. I've managed to convince myself it's not eavesdropping so I'm sitting at the top of the stairs, listening.

"I don't know! Maybe because you both like each other! Or you're sleeping with him. In more ways than one!"


"Michael! Imagine how he'd feel considering the fact that he choked the shit out of me when we first met!"

What the fuck are they talking about? I lean closer when all of a sudden, Max is next to me. I back away from the stairs.

"Fuck Max! You scared me!"

"Were you spying?"

"What?? Noo.."

Max gives me a look and I sigh.

"Maybe a little. I just want to know more about her. And what they're talking about."

Max walks with me into my room and closes the door behind us.

"Want to know why Valentina moved here?"

"Tell me what you know, Max."


Michael finally stopped pestering me when I promised I'd tell Ronnie everything. We're cooking everyone dinner when Alva comes down.

"You 2 seen Max?"

I look up and shake my head, no. Michael stops what he's doing and looks at Alva.

"He's not..?"

"I checked. His car is still here."

"Did you ask Ronnie?"

Max and Ronnie come in just in time. I wonder how Ronnie does that.

"Ask me what?"

"There's your answer. He was with Ronnie."

Alvanis glares between Ronnie and Max.

"What were you two doing?"

"Talking. What're you making? It smells good."

I glance at Michael to see if he's as confused as I am. They're acting so suspicious. Plus, Ronnie won't even look at me.


I'm going to kill those two. They're up to something and I don't like it. But right now we all need a break from fighting. Ronnie goes up to Val, hands her something, and kisses her cheek.

"Can we go talk?"

Val nods her head, yes. Ronnie walks out the back and before Val can go, Alva stops her.

"What did Ronnie just give you?"

"My phone."

We all look at Max, who just shrugs. Val goes out. Alva and I are still looking at Max.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Alva takes over helping in Val's place.

"I swear if you said something, I'll actually kill you this time Max."


When Val comes out, we sit in awkward silence for a few minutes. I clear my throat and she looks over at me.

"Thank you for my phone Ronnie."

"You're welcome. I shouldn't have taken it in the first place. It's yours and I had no right to keep it from you."

The look on her face changes and she fidgets with her phone.

"Does that mean I can leave?"

"Your neck isn't healed yet, so no."

"But I have my phone so if I wanted, I could call the police?"

I look up at Val, feeling hurt. Would she really call the cops on? Even after last night? Val quickly clarifies her question.

"I'm not going to! I was just being technical! I wouldn't do that Ronnie!Not to you, Michael, or Alva."

"What about Max? He's here too."

Val thinks for a minute.

"I don't really like Max. Like he's okay but I just can't stand cheaters."

"That was when they first started dating, Val. He's a good guy. He was a jerk back then and didn't realize the good thing he had."


I nod my head. I don't agree with that at all. But I'm not going to say anything, that's his best friend. It's not like Ronnie understands. I'm sure he's cheated on his ex's before. It's just a thing guys do. Not that women don't cheat, they do. Ronnie looks like he wants to say more but he drops the topic.

"I wish we would've met a different way from what happened."

Ronnie shrugs.

"Yeah sorry about that, even though that doesn't really count for shit. Also, I don't think we would've met at all."

"You're probably right."

We sit, the same awkward silence creeps in. I desperately think of what to say. Of course we never would've met. He's only interested in me for convenience sake. Why not since I'm here. And when my bruises heal, I'll leave and he'll forget about me. I'll leave and he'll forget about me. I really am nothing special to him, I realize that now. I can play that way too.

"So about last night.."

Ronnie sits back and smiles.

"It was amazing right?"

I roll my eyes.

"Please don't flatter yourself. Your ego is showing Ronnie."

Ronnie's smile doesn't go anywhere.


"Aw babe. No need to be shy. I know it was."

Val rolls her eyes harder and laughs out loud. Fucker. Trying to get to me. It's not going to work.

"Yeah. Whatever Ronnie. You and every other guy on this planet think that even breathing in a girl's direction, makes her wetter than Niagara Falls."

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