《Roboworld》Chapter 11
A few hours before, in the evening, Thomas went back to his home after spending time with Kizuna. He hung out with her from the morning to the evening. They talked, explored the neighborhood, and even watched a movie together. After that, Kizuna had to go home to cook dinner for her father. They promised each other that they'd meet up the next day.
Thomas is glad that Kizuna is not angry at him, and he can finally talk to her normally again. All he wants to do now is to sit down and have a talk with Penny.
As Thomas entered his room, he saw Penny sitting on his bed, her arms crossed.
"Penny." He said. She looked at him and stood up, "I thought you promised me you won't see her again? Why did you do it?"
"How about I ask you something?" Thomas angrily replied, "Why did you threaten Ai-chan? You really think you can bring her away?"
"Why can't I?" She retorted, "She's ruining our relationship, Thomas. Are you too blind to see that?"
"Why are you always like that?" Thomas raised his voice, "Every girl that I talk to and be friends with, you must do something bad to them. The first girl; you smacked her on the face with a pie. Made her cry, and stop being friendly towards me. The second girl; you beat her up, and she stopped talking to me. The third one; you poured hot water on her, made her face scalded, and she left the school and never said a word to me again. Now you threatened Ai-chan. They are, or were, my friends. What's wrong with you? Is this my life or your life?"
"I'm doing this all for us. For our future, Thomas!" Penny screamed, "All those girls are all head over heels for you! They need to know they can't mess with my boyfriend, because there's me! I'm driving them away! They are evil beings!"
"So what? When I go out to work next time, are you going to murder my female colleagues?" Thomas asked, "Put them in a body bag and let them float on the ocean? You still don't trust me after three years. Three damn years, Penny. No matter how many times I say I'm true to you, and will only belong to you, you still chased my female friends away. Do you think my life have to revolve around boys only?"
"Why can't you see I'm doing this for us? For our relationship? You think those girls won't hurt us? They will! They want us to be torn apart so that they can be with you!"
"That's because you think too much!" Thomas shouted at her, "You're so caught up in your own fucking mind that all girls are going to steal me away! How do we protect our relationship if we don't have the fucking basic trust at all?!"
Both of them kept quiet for a while, before Thomas spoke up, "Since you don't trust me at all, there's no point carrying this relationship on. Let's break up."
Penny looked at him with teary eyes.
"We will never be happy if we continue to be together." Thomas continued, "With your over-controlling personality, there's bound to be lots of fights like today in the future. We won't suffer anymore if we break up. You won't have to worry about any more girls. I won't have to worry about my friends getting threatened again."
"No, Thomas." Penny held his hand while sobbing, "Please stay with me. You know I can't live without you. I promise I'll try to get along with the robot. Please..."
"I've given you enough chances, and you wouldn't change." Thomas pushed her hand away, "Break up is the only option left. You can continue to live here, and sleep here. I'll sleep in the living room."
Thomas then stormed out of the room. Penny knelt down and started crying. Her hands then turned into fists and she stopped crying.
"I'll never ever let that bitch win me." She thought. During midnight, Thomas is sleeping on the sofa in the living room.
His mother then went to him and shook him, "Thomas, wake up."
Thomas flipped to the other side and continued sleeping.
"Wake up, you lazy pig." His mother hit his shoulder until he woke up.
"What is it, Mum?" Thomas groaned as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.
"Son, did you have a fight with Penny a few hours ago?" She questioned, "You two are like screaming so loudly."
"Mum, we are fine." Thomas lied, "Couples always quarrel." He didn't want his mother to worry about his romantic relationship, but little did he know she is already worried about something else.
"Thomas, as I was about to sleep, and you were asleep, she stormed out of your room angrily." His mother told him, "When I asked where she was going, she told me she's going to do some business."
"Could it be..." Thomas thought upon hearing it, "She had another meaning when she said 'Bring me away from her', didn't she?"
Suddenly, it all made sense to him. Thomas got up immediately, "I have to go get her now."
Back to the present, Kizuna dodged Penny by rolling to the right. The former then got up and took a pan.
"Step back!" She screamed. She is a robot, but she does not know any techniques, or how to even fight.
"You think a pan could scare me?" Penny laughed, "A pan won't save your damn life. After today, you'll wish you never talked to Thomas at all. In fact, you can't even wish, because you're dead by then."
Penny then charged at Kizuna. The latter held the pan up and Penny stabbed the pan instead. Kizuna dropped the pan and tried to run past her. Unfortunately, Penny managed to stab her left leg, making Kizuna fall down and groaning in pain.
"Let's see how you fare against death." Penny used her two hands to hold the knife and was about to stab Kizuna's head when the latter held the former's hands and tried to push it away.
Penny used strength to try and overpower Kizuna, while Kizuna tried pushing Penny's hands away. Jason then came out from his room.
"What's all that..." Jason is shocked upon seeing Penny. He pulled her back and pinned her to the floor.
"Let me go!" Penny shouted loudly, but she couldn't squirm out of Jason's grip. Kizuna leaned against the sofa, covering the hole on her left leg.
Thomas got into the house and saw Penny getting restrained by Jason. He looked at Thomas.
"What are you waiting for?" Jason asked, "Call the police right now. She trespassed my property. That's a crime."
Thomas looked at Kizuna, before looking at Penny, who is screaming hysterically. She then looked at Thomas, who teared up while staring at her.
"Don't you dare call the police, Thomas." Penny said. Jason glared at Thomas, "I said, call the fucking police!"
Thomas took out his phone, and switched it on.
"No, no, no!" Penny yelled at him. He dialed the police number and looked at her one last time. With tears dripping down from his eyes, he pressed the call button.
"H...h...hello, police." Thomas stammered between sobs, "T...there's a c...criminal in...in...my f...friend's house. P...please come over a...nd a...a...arrest h...h...her..."
Penny slammed the floor with her fists, "You motherfucker! How dare you betray me, Thomas Springfield! You little piece of horrible shit! Let me go!"
Thomas sat on the floor and started crying. A few minutes later, he went to the police station and saw in front of a visiting cubicle in prison. Penny sat down on the other side. They both picked up the handset of the telephones beside them.
"Hello?" Thomas placed the handset to his ear.
"Thomas, why did you call the police on me?" Penny asked, "I'm your girlfriend, Thomas."
"I had to." Thomas said, "You have committed two crimes. Why did you have to try and kill Ai-chan for? Why?"
"She caused our relationship to fall apart, Thomas." Penny snarled, "She forced us to be separated for her to spend time with you. She broke us up."
"You still can't admit it's just your thinking?" Thomas shook his head, "Three years, Penny."
"I'm not in the wrong!" She yelled, "Why won't you see that? All these girls have tricked you to thinking they're good, but all they want is to snatch you from me!"
"Do you have insecurities, Penny?" Thomas sighed, "You think you won't be able to keep me?"
Penny started laughing hysterically, "I will always have you. It's just these girls are annoying to me. They're like pests. They'll never die if I don't kill them. I did not do anything wrong. I am protecting my relationship. That robot should be jailed and killed for ruining my relationship."
She then looked at him with pitiful eyes, "Thomas, you've got to help me out. I'm your girlfriend. You can't just leave me in the lurch."
"What makes you think I can help you?" Thomas questioned, "You've trespassed someone's house. You had an intent to kill someone. That's two count of crimes right there. Besides, the Master was the one who caught you. I can't do anything about it."
"Wait...so that man that pinned me down...is the M...Master?" Penny asked. Thomas nodded his head.
"Please, Thomas, you got to help me." She cried, "I don't want to die, Thomas. I don't want to die! Can you please tell the Master I'll not do it again? I'll be a good girl and study harder from now on. I still have a future. Please, Thomas. I beg you. You got to..."
"Time's up." One of the two guards announced. The two pulled Penny away from the cubicle as she cried uncontrollably.
Thomas watched as she helplessly tried to struggle free against the grips of the guards, but they were so strong that all her efforts are in vain.
In Kizuna's room, Jason is fixing her left leg with some tools. She just stared at the sky with a worried expression.
"Kizuna?" He asked her, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Daddy." She replied, "I'm just worried about Thomas-chan. I wonder...how's he feeling right now. His girlfriend is definitely going to get a death sentence. And I feel that it's my fault."
"Your fault? How is it your fault?"
"Ever since I started talking to Thomas-chan, inviting him to our house, going out together, his girlfriend had been super jealous and had told me not to talk to him anymore. I did listen to her at first, but when I started talking to him again, she sneaked into our house to try and kill me. She had to get a harsh punishment in the end just for protecting her relationship. I feel really bad. If I had listened to her, perhaps their relationship would had blossomed."
Jason held Kizuna's hand, "Kizuna, this is never your fault. From what you said, she just can't let a girl near him except herself. She's super insecure. If you and him are friends, you shouldn't have to worry about anything. It's her fault she couldn't trust her own boyfriend and has trust issues. But let's not get so much into that."
"Oh right, Daddy. How did Thomas get into our house? He doesn't have our keys, and his face is not recognized by the face sensor."
"Umm...since he's your only friend, and you two are quite close, I allowed him into the house by registering his face for the sensor. He can protect you in case I'm not free. Two is better than one, right? Better to be safe than sorry."
"If you say so." Kizuna looked at him.
The next morning, Thomas returned home, only to see his mother sitting on the sofa, having a worried look. She then saw him and asked him about what had happened.
Thomas sat down and explained that Penny had been sentenced to death because she intruded Kizuna's house and tried to kill the female robot. He had also told her about their fights, and that he had broke up with her.
"And you say your relationship's fine." His mother sighed, "Such a pity she's getting that. She had a bright future in front of her. Her grades were excellent, and she was so kind to me. She just has a stubborn mind, thinking any girl could ruin someone's relationship. It's such a shame her personality screwed her future up. Remember to always trust your other one in your relationship, understand? Trust is one of the most important factors in a relationship. If you don't have that, you are doomed right from the start."
Thomas nodded his head and leaned against the sofa. He was sleepy, but he couldn't help feeling sad.
In Simon's house, he, Lucas, and Aaron are watching the news.
"The second police station has been destroyed yesterday." The news reporter stated, "The intruders, Simon Costner and Lucas Lee, together with their riot group, have broke in the police grounds yesterday afternoon and killed many officers along the way. As such, now Simon and Lucas are considered dangerous criminals. All schools will be closed, and everyone is advised to stay in their houses, so that they can be safe from these dangerous criminals. The Master has stated that anyone who can bring any of them to the police station will be rewarded a million dollars. If both are surrendered to the police, the Master will give each household ten thousand dollars. He says that it's important to keep this world safe. In other news, a girl named Penny has been given the death sentence for committing two counts of crime..."
Simon switched off the television and threw the remote control at it, "These darned police fuckers! And that motherfucking Master!"
"Chill, Simon." Aaron patted his shoulder, "You got a whole group behind you. They can shield you from the public."
"You mad, Aaron?" Simon asked, "There are more public members than our riot members. Some of them died in both of the police stations. We don't have enough anymore. We need to think of a better plan."
"Why is Aaron not in the wanted list?" Lucas asked. Aaron shrugged his shoulders, "Guess I'm a lucky man."
Simon stood up and paced up and down the room before snapping his fingers, "We've destroyed two police stations, and it's certainly gaining the attention of the Master, but not in the way we want. Let's aim for the Master's building."
"You fuckin' crazy, Simon." Lucas retorted, "That place is guarded. Besides, it's far from here. Trying to reach there without either one of us getting killed by those elite police robots and the Master is nearly impossible. If we had as much people back then as now, it's possible. Now it's not plausible."
"Then what do you think we should do?" Simon questioned Lucas.
"We do what we do best." Lucas replied, "Rioting. Normal rioting. We still have quite a number of rioters with us, so we can protest and riot like you used to. That's the only way left, isn't it?"
"I hate to admit it, but yes." Simon sighed, "We shall riot and get to the Master's building. Then, I will find the Master and kill him. I shall get ready for it. Tomorrow we can start, perhaps?"
"But how do you know how the Master looks like?" Aaron asked, "Do you have a picture of him?"
"I don't. But I do remember how he looked like, because he fixed me. We shall prepare for tomorrow."
Lucas and Aaron nodded his head in response. As Simon went to the toilet, Lucas told Aaron to meet him outside.
"So, what is it that you wanted to meet me for?" Aaron asked.
"Aaron, do you have...any motive when working with Simon?" Lucas asked, "Any ulterior motive?"
"Not really. I just hated the Master. Since Simon is like the famous leader of the protest group, I might as well join him."
"How about I propose this?" Lucas suggested, "Simon's going to get to the Master eventually, right? So, Simon's definitely going to kill the Master. So, once he does that, he'll get the Master position. You can do the same."
"How?" Aaron asked curiously.
"See, Simon's going to lead us to the Master because we all are going to riot all the way to the Master's building. On the way there, you can betray him. You don't have to kill him with your hands. You can kill him with a phone call."
"To who?"
"The police."
"Oh, right." Aaron nodded his head, "So you're saying I can eliminate Simon by calling the police? And then I can kill the Master with my hands and be the Master?"
Lucas nodded his head.
"But...how do we know how the Master looks like?" Aaron asked, "How do we kill the Master? And why are you helping me?"
"Aaron, oh, Aaron." Lucas patted Aaron's shoulder, "I got fixed by the Master too. I know how he looks like. How do we kill him, you ask? We can just find his office. He's a human, so a headshot should work. Besides, we have known each other for a while. I would have wanted the Master position, but I see you are a more potential candidate than me. You helped us so much with your vehicles and weapons. You went out of your way to help us. Simon only cares for himself, doesn't he? He won't be a good Master. You will."
"That's right." Aaron said, "I'm the best. All this time, I've lent such a big hand. I will help everyone if I'm the Master. Not like Simon."
"But, Aaron, if you become the Master, please treat me kindly and give me benefits." Lucas uttered, "After all, I gave you this idea."
"Sure. I will." Aaron rubbed his hands, "I'll be the next Master, just you watch, Simon Costner."
Lucas gave an evil smile, "What a greedy guy." He thought.
The sun shone brightly through Jason's room, and he could not sleep any longer. He woke up, and immediately, he was blinded by the sunlight momentarily. He saw a figure standing outside of his room. Upon rubbing his eyes, he saw Chantelle at the doorstep of his room. She skipped in and smiled at him, "Hello, Jason."
"Chantelle..." Jason held her hand, "You're back again. Please don't leave me this time. I really want you to stay by my side."
"Jason, I don't know how to break this down to you." She sat down beside him, "I don't know whether I should be kind or harsh."
"What are you talking about?"
"You got to stop what you're doing, Jason." She said to him, "I know you're trying to protect the city, but it's heartbreaking for me to see you like this. It's heartbreaking for me to see you being steered away from your initial motive to what you're doing now."
"What are you even talking about, Chantelle?"
"You know what you've done, or what you're about to do." Chantelle folded her arms, "If this carries on, I'm going to be disappointed in you, Jason. I don't want my husband to be hated anymore. I'm sure if there's a will, there's a way. I'll be going off now. Take care, and I love you."
"Wait..." Jason helplessly watched as Chantelle faded away from him.
He jolted up from his bed.
"It was a dream, wasn't it? But what is Chantelle referring to? Could it be..."
He remembered he told Mike to charge the high-end weapons so that he could eliminate Simon and Lucas.
"But why?" He thought, "Why would she tell me that?"
In the afternoon, after Thomas took a nap in the morning, he invited Kizuna to take a walk in the park with him.
"How are you feeling now, Thomas-chan?" Kizuna asked worriedly.
"I'm feeling a bit better now." Thomas replied, "But I still can't accept the fact that Penny is going to die. I have broken up with her, but it's just devastating to see her getting the worst thing in life. I really wanted to help her, Ai-chan. But I couldn't. Do you know how does it feel when you can't do anything to help a friend? It feels horrible."
Kizuna stopped walking and looked at Thomas, "I know how you feel, Thomas-chan. I just want to let you know that if you're feeling down, you can come to me. I will always be there for you. Furthermore, I'm your good friend. I don't want you to suffer alone."
"Thanks, Ai-chan." Thomas smiled.
"You know, I don't really like the Master." Kizuna sighed, "His ways to handling people is too overboard. Everybody makes mistakes. No one is perfect. But he thinks that killing the offender will solve the problem. It won't. All these protests are happening because of his actions. It doesn't solve any problem. In fact, it started a war."
"Let's not talk about this, alright, Ai-chan?"
"Right. Thomas-chan, I have something to ask you."
"Thomas-chan, if any one likes you, and confesses their feelings to you now, how would you feel?" She asked.
"I'll feel...sad. I do not have no time for relationships. I just broke up with someone. I will need time to let go of it. Besides, I don't even know when I'll be ready for a next romantic relationship. Why are you asking me this, Ai-chan?"
She looked at him with a surprised look.
- In Serial94 Chapters
Wet world wonderland.
A young girl of 16 years dies by drowning, and is reincarnated as a living Puddle of Water.Through many fantastical fun filled and wacky adventures our Protagonist will lead a better life than her last.Thank you for your time. Something I want to add, is that this story is written in first person, and I plan to carry on with it for a LONG time.-(Maybe thousands of chapters in size, until the story literally runs out of any potential to keep going.) So yes, there's still a lot of mystery and build up I have planned for future adventures. Wet World Wonderland is a story primarily concerned with the depth and complexity of its world and characters. So forgive me if something seems off, or isn't made immediately clear. I would love to talk, but try and consider that I might have something planned.(Not that you can't still criticize, of course. If you've got an opinion on something, I'd love to hear it.) If you plan on rating WWW, please read until chapter 20. WWW isn't the kind of story you can start judging from the first five chapters. Although, I admit I'm not so sure if 20 chapters in is good enough to judge it either, but I would still advise reading to at least that point. Also, if you have a problem with something in the story, please PM me, and I would love to talk about it. As of 1/19/2021 I have just added WWW's (Wet World Wonderland's) New Cover-Art. I know it's a bit weird, and probably sudden. And with all things considered, it may never make sense. But canonically with lore and info that has, or will be revealed in coming chapters, you might be able to put something together. Anyways, I hope you like it. Also, new symbol, at the top left of the image, hope you all like that too.As of 5/16/2022 the revised cover art for WWW has been uploaded, same as before with the first cover art. I hope you like it. Cover Art Credit goes to Itreallyisyaboi. They're on Instragram.
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