《Roboworld》Chapter 3
Thomas walked to the kitchen and tried to find a cup to pour water in. As he is finding, he heard Jason talking to someone on the phone. He hid behind a wall as he heard the conversation.
"...make sure to keep a close eye on him." Jason is saying, "He's kinda affected by the events that has happened, so be sure to comfort him. Also, tell your officers to walk around the city to make sure there are no more protests happening."
"Protests?" Thomas is surprised.
"One more thing. About that guy...the protestor with the robotic arms and legs..." Jason uttered, "...Make sure he stays in a very secured place. Make sure someone's there to teach him that protesting isn't the way to survive."
"Thomas-chan!" Kizuna tapped his shoulder. He jumped up in shock before breathing in and out heavily. He then turned back and saw the female robot.
"God dang it, Ai-chan!" Thomas exclaimed, "You scared the shit outta me!"
"What are you doing hiding behind the wall?" She questioned, "Are you listening to Daddy talking to his colleagues?"
"I mean, yeah..."
"Thomas-chan, that's really rude of you." She frowned, "You're not supposed to eavesdrop on anyone's conversation. It's basic respect."
"Alright, I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Thomas bowed down, "I promise I won't do that again."
"That's good." She smiled, "Anyways, I'm done with my room. Let's go watch the movie."
"Sure." Thomas replied. As she walked up, he looked at Jason once more before catching up to her.
Eddie woke up from his bed. He had been mentally tortured by Simon the previous day, and it sure was tiring for him.
He sighed and got out of bed. He bathed and brushed his teeth. He wore his police uniform and walked to the living room. A man with robotic arms and legs, in his twenties, is sitting on the sofa, watching a show on the television.
"Really?" The man groaned, "Stupid guy! Doesn't he know that she still loves him? And yet he's treating her so cold like it's nothing? Even leaving her in the rain to beg him to come back to her. What an asshole."
Eddie took the remote control and switched the television off. The man turned to him with an angry face, "Yo, you don't switch the television off like that! I'm watching the damn show!"
"How long are you going to laze around, Lucas?" Eddie asked, "Ever since that incident, you've been a slacker at home. Eating, sleeping, drinking. You think drinking's good for your health?"
"You think I enjoy life? With these robotic arms and legs?" Lucas crossed his arms, "I lost my real arms and legs. Drinking can cure my mental pain."
"It's not like you're forever a vegetable or you're a wasted man. You're still like a normal human." Eddie explained, "You're still able to walk. You're still able to talk. You're still able to eat and drink normally. You're still like a normal human. Go out and find a damn job. Don't waste your life out here watching shows."
"You think I don't want to get back on my feet?" Lucas smirked, "Charlie is gone. Just because he did such a minor crime. I'm trying to make myself happy again by watching television shows. Do you think I'm enjoying my life right now? Don't you think I feel devastated over the loss of our own brother? The Master is out there, giving the death sentence to anyone who does a crime. And you act like nothing's going on."
"Me? Act like nothing's going on?" Eddie asked with an annoyed tone, "Bitch, please. Which sucker decided to gamble, lose all his money, get his house burnt down, get knee-deep in debts, being chased by loansharks, getting your car over-flipped and burned into flames, making the medical bill skyrocket? We had no money to pay for it. That's why Charlie had to steal. And don't even talk about the Master. He's the reason why you're alive today. Because I begged him, he fixed you up with his friend for free. Be grateful, you ungrateful brat. What makes you think I don't care? I'm more affected by Charlie's death, because he was my brother. He was so innocent."
Eddie then grabbed his coat, "I'm done talking to you. I got my work to do. By next week, if you don't find a job, I'm gonna kick you out of my house." He then stormed out of the house. Lucas looked at his brother leaving the house in rage.
"This is all the Master's fault for letting Charlie die!" He thought, "And Eddie's just being a good dog to the Master. I will not sit back and do nothing. I'll avenge for you, Charlie."
In one of the police probation rooms, Simon is lying down on the floor. The room is painted in white. There is nothing inside it except for a bright light source on the ceiling. Eddie and another man placed their guns in their pockets and entered the room.
"Oh, look who came." Simon got up, "It's my favorite police officer, Eddie Lee. Who did you bring today? Stupid Lee?"
"Show the commanders some respect, won't you, Mr Costner?" Eddie asked, "He's Commander Marcus. He has the rights to increase your sentence if you make any trouble."
"Oh, look, another dog under the good, great, and greatest care of the Master." Simon shook his head, "Just how many dogs does the Master have? Does he just take them off the streets or SPCA?"
"The fuck did you say?" Eddie shouted at him, but Marcus signaled Eddie to stop.
"You'd better watch what you're saying, Mr Simon." Marcus told him, "Listen up. You're given a year to stay in this room. I'm sure you're familiar with the rules, but I'm going to repeat it because it's my duty to say it out. Food and beverages will be served during the three meals in the canteen. Toilet breaks are given every six hours. You sleep on the floor. There would be no type of entertainment. The only one you're getting is staring at the walls or the light, which might blind your eyes. You will be guarded very carefully, so any tries to escape will be futile. The walls are all made of titanium, so punching them will just make your hand break. Last but not least, treat all officers with respect."
"Blah blah blah." Simon mocked Marcus, "I've heard that so many times. I missed this room so much. There's no way I would forget the rules. I have made so many memories here with your partner. Am I right, my dear Eddie?"
"Why are you calling me dear?" Eddie queried, "I ain't your dear."
"Whatever you say, Eddie." Simon gave an evil smile, "I assume I'll see you every day like usual, Eddie?"
"I wouldn't want to see you." He then turned around and left the room. Marcus followed after him, not before locking the door.
"Eddie." Marcus looked at him, "I just want to know if you're fine. Are you okay?"
"What would I not be okay with?"
"You know...the death of...your brother..."
"I'm fine. I believe the Master's doing this for this world's good. Even when I'm upset over his actions."
In Kizuna's house, she and Thomas have just finished watching The Matrix. He has throughly enjoyed the movie because of the deep meanings hidden, its story plot and its action scenes. The 'bullet time' effect also looks really breathtaking to him.
"See, I told you the movie's a really good one, Thomas-chan." Kizuna told him, "There's a reason why I like the movie."
"Indeed. It's really awesome." Thomas agreed, "I wonder how the directors in 1999 are able to come up with such a magnificent film."
Thomas stopped for a while before raising a question, "Ai-chan, do you know what your father works as?"
"Nope." Kizuna said, "He doesn't tell me anyways."
"I see."
"Oh yea, Thomas-chan, do you want me to prepare lunch for you?" She asked, "I'm going to cook fried rice with some broccoli and steamed fish."
"I think I'll pass." Thomas replied, "I have to meet my girlfriend after this. She just had her spelling bee contest, and I had planned to meet her for lunch and spend the rest of the day with her. I'm sorry, Ai-chan."
"It's okay." She smiled, "You should spend more time with your girlfriend. Although I'm going to be lonely, but I have no rights to hold you back. I'll arrange a meetup with you soon."
"Alright, Ai-chan. I'll see you soon." Thomas grinned at her before walking out of the house. She sighed, "Now I'm all alone. Again."
Lucas looked through the newspaper to look for jobs. He didn't have a choice. If he does not find a job the the following week, Eddie would kick him off. It's his brother's house after all. Lucas can't be angry at him, since he had allowed him to stay. Lucas can't do anything to him too, because any physical fight might kill someone. Even if Lucas is not killed, he's still be dead because of the law.
He circled the jobs he wanted to join, and called each company. However, the more calls he received, the higher the disappointment. Most companies wouldn't accept him. They either say he's inexperienced, too young, or he's arrogant because he is flaunting off his previous achievements.
He's stressed at this point. Almost all the companies didn't want to accept him at all. He was giving up on hope. He looked at the last job offer. It is working in an air-conditioned food court. He groaned and called the number.
"Hello, this is Lucas Lee." He tiredly said, "I'm looking...for a job."
"There's one vacancy available." The caller responded, "Can you make it in the afternoon for an interview?"
Lucas suddenly perked up, "Oh, I'm free this afternoon. May you tell me your address?"
A few minutes later, he went to the food court he was told to go. It's a place he didn't want to work in, but it's the only job he can get.
He walked in and looked around. It is empty. All the chairs are stacked on top of tables. The food stalls are all closed.
"Where can this guy be?" Lucas asked himself. He continued looking around until he saw an old man washing the plates in the kitchen. He looks like he is in his sixties.
"Hello, are you Mr Jacky?" Lucas asked. The man turned towards him, "You must be Lucas. Take a chair down and sit. I'll come to you once I'm done washing the plates."
Lucas took a chair and sat down as he looked at Jacky washing the plates and cups with a sponge. He had a radio beside the sink, playing some Chinese song.
Once Jacky is done, he took a chair and sat opposite of Lucas.
"Lucas, I told you over the phone I had a job for you." He told Lucas, "I would like you to help me wash the plates and cups for my food stall. Ten dollars per hour, twelve hours a day. This is the only job I can give you."
Lucas thought for a while before nodding his head.
"You are one special man." Jacky said, "You are a human, but you have robotic arms and legs. An accident happened?"
"Long story short, yes." Lucas replied.
"I assume you're in your late thirties."
"I'm twenty five, to be honest."
"Twenty five? Ho, that's too young to be washing plates and cups. You can't find a job?"
Lucas shook his head, "I used to have a job. I was a car salesperson. My job? To sell cars to buyers. Out of the five people in my team, I sold the least cars. Just one. My boss wasn't happy. He fired me."
Jacky nodded his head, "I understand you, Lucas. Being a car salesman is hard, isn't it?"
"But why did you have this food stall?" Lucas asked curiously, "People can just order food online, and it can be delivered immediately to your doorstep. Why do you still open this stall?"
"There are some humans though who want my kaya toast and teh-o." Jacky explained, "Teh-O is tea, for your information. Anyways, some oldies come here to enjoy the old times. Way before this futuristic world comes up with new technology and food each year. You know, fifty years ago, food courts are still relevant. There are people who enjoy this kind of food. It's not about the food, but how it's made. My father passed down the recipe for a soft, crispy, delicious toast and a savory tea. This is a family tradition. The people who came here, I talk to them about anything. Life, family, jobs. I'm close to them. I really want this to be carried down for generations, but my ex-wife ran away with our son, so he won't take over the business. Even if he does, the new generation wouldn't like it, and it would have to be closed down. What a shame. Technology is really taking over the world. No more going to coffee shops to eat, drink, and talk. Now, it's all about sitting on your sofa, ordering new food that just came out, along with unhealthy drinks. How I miss the old times."
"What happened to the other stalls?"
"The owners left. Nobody orders at their stalls, no profit earned, and they're paying rent. Why would they stay?"
Lucas then stood up, "I think I'll go back now. What time do I come tomorrow?"
"Eight in the morning."
Lucas nodded his head and walked towards the entrance of the food court. He turned his head around, "Thanks for hiring me, Mr Jacky." He then left the food court.
At night, Thomas and Penny had just came home from their dinner. They had watched a romance movie and went to an amusement park before eating.
"Did you enjoy today's date, Penny?" Thomas questioned.
"Of course! It's planned by my dear boyfriend!" Penny responded excitedly, "How did you come with such a good date? I'm really curious."
"It's because I use this." He pointed his finger to his brain, "It took me a whole week to think about it. I was scared that you will not like it."
"I will always like whatever you do, Thomas." Penny smiled at him, "It's the thought that counts. You came out with such great activities for our first year together. I really can't wait for the next few years. I hope you continue to come out with something better every year."
"I will. Trust me." Thomas held her hands, "But, really, Penny, I'm proud of you today. The fact that you got your team to the first position in the spelling bee competition is amazing."
"Thanks. That really means a lot to me."
"So, if I'm unsure of any bombastic words to use in my composition, I shall ask you to help me. Please assist me, senpai."
"Sure." She answered. They both then laughed.
In Kizuna's house, she and Jason are watching the news while sitting on the sofa.
"...today marks the night of the sentencing of Charlie Lee." The reporter announced, "A few months ago, he stole the purse of a sixty five year-old woman. He was caught by a policeman, who gave chase and eventually caught up to him. The death sentence was given to him, and he left the court in tears. This is the fifth criminal case that happened since the new Master has taken over five years ago. Protests started happening more often, and police are on the move, stopping them. Citizens have been posting their dissatisfaction online, and even insulting him. The Master has yet to respond to any of these. I'm sure we all have a question in our mind now: would the Master change his mind after the riots and the citizens' unhappiness? This is all for today, folks. We'll update you as soon as we can. Good night."
"Yet another case." Kizuna sighed, "I pity his family members. They must be feeling so sad right now."
Jason turned to her, "Kizuna, may I ask you a question?"
"Sure, Daddy." Kizuna looked at him, "Go ahead."
"What do you think of the Master honestly?"
"Hmm..." Kizuna scratched her chin, "I'm not trying to be political or anything, but I feel the Master's really unreasonable. He gave the guy a death sentence just for a small crime. That is so inhumane. He is cruel because he didn't give the guy a second chance. Isn't there a better way to solve this issue? Like give him a jail sentence or something. Like last time. Offenders are given a jail term depending on the crime they did, and repeat offenders stay in prison longer. That makes more sense, instead of killing the criminal. By taking a life away because of a crime, he has became a murderer. And that's a crime. So he's no different from the criminals, and yet he wants to apprehend them. He's really unreasonable, not to mention inhumane and cruel."
"Alright." Jason then looked at his watch, "It's getting late. You should sleep."
"Okay." She then hugged Jason, "Good night, Daddy."
"Good night, Kizuna." He patted her back. She then went up to her room and closed the door. Jason stood up from the sofa, switched off the television, and went into his room.
The next morning, Thomas is eating breakfast with his mother. They are talking about the case of Charlie Lee.
"It was so sad." His mother told him, "A young guy's life. Gone just like that. His family members must be really devastated. Now people are speaking out, and riots are happening. But you know what? I understand them. I understand why they want to do this. They're angry at the Master."
"This world has been such a chaotic place since the new Master took over." Thomas sighed, "It wasn't like that back in your day, right?"
She nodded her head in response, "Our Master would give us reasonable punishments for the crimes we did. Your father embezzled company funds, and he got 4 years of jail. Totally acceptable. Right now, every crime equals to death. So, that's why you don't do a crime, son. Please, I don't want to lose my only son. You hear me?"
"Yes, Ma." His phone then vibrated. A text message was sent to him.
"Hai domo, Thomas-chan! Can you come to the supermarket and help me please? ~ Ai-chan"
He replied with an 'okay'.
A few minutes later, he got to the supermarket, where he saw Kizuna standing beside a bag of groceries.
"Thomas-chan! You're finally here!" She squealed in delight.
"What happened, Ai-chan?"
"I really need a bit of help." She told him, "I need to get to Robot Gathering Centre to fix my right arm. I think it's a little broken because I'm carrying the groceries on one hand, and it's kinda heavy. I thought I could manage it."
"Are you okay?" Thomas asked worriedly, checking her arm.
"You're cute when you care." She giggled. His cheeks turned red as a tomato immediately.
"I'm fine." Kizuna replied, "Just a little fix and I'm done. But I don't wanna carry all these groceries with me while I go there. Can you help me bring it back home?"
"Sure!" He said.
"Yay, thank you, Thomas-chan!" She hugged him before giving him the house key, "You can't use face recognition at our house, so use the key. Place the groceries on the kitchen table, then wait in my house for me, alright? I'll be back as soon as I can."
He nodded, "Ai-chan, I remembered you have a small room and some tools. Why don't you use those?"
"I don't really know how to fix myself. Besides, the only person who can repair me is Daddy, and he's at work. I don't want to disturb him in the midst of his work."
"I see. Alright, I'll see you later."
Thomas then went to her house and placed the groceries on the kitchen table, as Kizuna had instructed him to do.
He is still curious about Jason's identity. He thought about why Jason had talked about protests and looking after a police officer. He might be a policeman, Thomas thought.
He looked around the house to make sure no one is around. He then went to the second floor and tried to find Jason's room. Fortunately, it is easy, as there are only four rooms on the second floor, and not much guess-and-check is needed.
He opened the door, went into the room and looked around. There is a bed, a small coffee table beside it, a toilet, a big wardrobe, and a study table. Thomas went to the study table first. There were lots of newspaper cut-outs on it, and he checked each one of them. It is a collection of crime-related articles. Murder, robbery, hit-and-run, and more.
He walked to the coffee table, where two photo frames with stands are on it. The first photo is Jason with a woman and a small girl. The second picture is a young man with Hideki.
"Hideki?" He looked at the picture, "Is Hideki related to Mr Jason?" Before he could think any longer, he heard the door open.
When Thomas turned around, he couldn't see who was at the door due to the sunlight shining brightly towards him. Thomas then got shot by a tranquilizer dart. He fell down and became unconscious.
- In Serial66 Chapters
The Villainess Has Fallen
An overworked executive. An innocent, suffering soul. A twist of fate brings the two dreams in one magical way. Waiting for her inevitable end as she gazes at the frozen pastels painting the southern skies, Leonora—a simple, enlightened soul finds herself thrown into a pit of darkness. But worse is yet to unfold. Bound, gagged, and blindfolded, she wakes up and discovers she has transmigrated into another world. Not as Leonora, but… Victoria—an infamous villainess whose wicked feats have bedeviled her kingdom. A mass murderer, a malicious plotter, an evil witch, and a king-killer. A fallen princess condemned to death through the worst of all punishments—death on a burning stake. ***1 Chapter A Week.
8 129 - In Serial28 Chapters
The fallen (?) hero and Aži Dahāka's soul fragment
I have to apologize.A certain real life problem that I thought I got rid of has caught up to me once again.I tried to continue writing, but my mind was not in the right track to do so and thus, as some people had said, the quality of the latest 2 chapters had turned from the usual "bad" to "worst". So, I reluctantly have to say that I will be away until I can sort things out.I can't say when, but I do intend to return to writing. I might lurk around to read other people's works though. I will be turning my attention to stories with "tragedy" and "despair". The five of us were summoned to this world from our clubroom two years ago to be made as heroes.Shouldn't forceful summoning like that be counted as kidnapping?Well, we chose to go with the heroes route.After harsh training and battles, not to mention all the killings, we finally defeated the demon lord.However, all those achievements literally became nothing, it wasn't just forgotten, it was erased to be totally nothing as even the written records were somehow being disposed of. I was too naive. Who would have thought that the side we have been fighting alongside with, the side we were fighting for, was the one to bring our demise?After I had to see everyone else turn into nothingness, somehow... I alone survived. Note: I will attempt to fix the grammar problem with the help of lieutenant colonel fletterman. This may delay the release of future chapter. Chapter 1 is fixed. Chapter 2 is fixed.
8 136 - In Serial20 Chapters
8 150 - In Serial12 Chapters
49 and one hero.
Hi I'm Spint, 27, and I'm from Sweden.This is my first attempt of writing something readable.(A first attempt on making a proper description.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heroes, a word normally associated with people who do extraordinary deeds that others would shy away from. Deeds like jumping in front of a car to save a child. Like walking in to a burning building to save those inside. Like taking a bullet to save another. Save, this is the word that defines a hero, to save others at the cost of oneself. But what would happen if a hero was not made by his own actions but was instead forced in to situation that would eventually make him into a hero. What if everyone around you saw you as a hero, named you as a hero and looked upon you to save them from what was to come. Would you become a hero for them, or would you lash out against them for forcing you? This is a story about those that walks the road of a hero, and the one who makes his own path. Written in the classic """"Summoned heroes"""" style set in a fantasy world.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope you will enjoy it!Ps. I would love to know what you guys think, good or bad. Feel free to wright a comment in the individual chapters or wright a review down below telling the readers what you think about it. But please keep in mind that good or bad scores don't tell anyone anything. If you are hesitant about reading this fiction then try out the first chapter. It is short ^^. Ds.
8 108 - In Serial13 Chapters
Tanjirou x Reader One-Shots (commissions open)
You read the title. Commissions or suggestions in comments. Anything will do. Have fun!If you want more just check out the full story on my main page.(Sanmiittai_Katudo #Reminders)~Slow updates~author-chan out~!
8 189 - In Serial36 Chapters
Harry Potter is five years old now, though he does not look it. He looks more like a small four or three year old. But, that's not the end of it.The fact that none of his neighbors know he exists, that he sleeps in a cupboard, even that his parents are dead, is not the end, nor the worst of it. No, the worst, is his uncle. The reason he doesn't speak, look at anyone, barely even breathe. Each night, he hopes for someone to come and save him, but they never come. No matter how hard he wishes, how hard he hopes, it seems he will be stuck there forever, or until his slow, agonizing march to death ends.One night, after hoping and hoping, he starts to realize he will never get saved, helped, even comforted, for his entire life.What if he's wrong, and what if a certain Slytherin can heal this broken child?What if, in turn, this broken child can heal him?THIS IS NOT SNARRY!! If that's your thing that's fine, but HARRY IS FIVE IN THIS FANFIC!! NOT SNARRY!!Do not repost on any other website/account without my permission.
8 125