


The place was lively now as the people danced to the tunes of sweet melody that streamed through the room. Some of them were seated at the various tables with their companions chattering.

Kato: Haa! Look at them go.

Guan: It’s nice to have an occasion like this once in a while, maybe we should make this a thing.

Mirika: Are you guys sure about this? Shouldn’t we be focused on keeping our location hidden?

Kato: My little sister,[he leans on her shoulder] you worry too much.

An attendant at the gathering, a volunteer to be precise walked in their direction with a tray in her hand, she walked over and handed over the carefully arranged drinks to the four, she turned took her leave quickly after receiving her words of thanks.

As they stood there enjoying, gloating on the satisfaction of having the people release their stress, making merry and chattering; one of the renegade members walked over to Guan and whispered into his ears and left quickly.

Guan: Kato, we have company.

Kato: What is it?

Guan: Shiffar’s team claim to have sightings of the Schnelligkeit corps just outside, the satellite also confirms quite a lot.

Nablon: Schnelligkeit Corps?

Mirika: Just outside? This is why I told you to lay low, now we have to run… agai. Kato, this is your entire fault.

Kato: I’m not letting anyone disturb this peace we have, at least not today.

Come on, let’s go.

Keeping the current situation under wraps, they left the gathering drawing the least attention the could to themselves

Mirika panicked because she thought they were cornered once again, that they had to keep running. But to her surprise, thinking they’d have their hands full just when they existed the party grounds, they confronted no one.

Mirika: I thought they were outside here. How come there’s no sign of any battle?

Kato: See, that’s why I told you to relax. It’s all under control.

Walking on ahead to their HQ, Nablon who was oblivious of the current situation at hand had questions swarming in his head.

Nablon: Uhmm! I don’t think I have clear picture of what’s going on here. What is this schnelligkeit corps you speak of?


Kato: The Schnelligkeit corps are a bunch of misguided idiots that's been a thorn in our side.

Mirika: You could say they are our nemesis.

Kato: They’ve been hindering us, chasing us where ever we go. We’ve had a couple of clashes with them and each time, no side comes out unscathed.

Nablon: But why? What could drive them to do such deeds?

Kato: We at war Nablon and people die in wars.

Guan: Even innocent lives that aren’t involved are lost due to them.

Nablon: Mirika told me about it, but she didn’t give the details. But I think it’s a good thing you’re doing, especially for the kids.

Kato: I thought so at first, but lately I’ve realized that’s not enough.

[Chatting time and distance away, they reached the HQ before they knew it. As the doors opened, the continued on into its belly to their destination]

-We need to stand our ground, no more running.

Mirika: If that’s the case then they’ve brought the fight right to our door steps. Are we going to fight?

Kato: Not quite!

Mirika: How so? I thought they were around, where ever they may be. Why not just take the fight to them?

Kato: Have you ever wondered why life here has been quite, why they haven’t been able to find us?

I thought so. You see... Shiffar has had a bit of an awakening.

Mirika: You don’t mean…

Nablon: What does that mean?

Kato: We the people of this world were naturally born with insane speed. Movements the eyes couldn’t hope to follow. When we’re not moving, we’re at what we call “Zero point” that should be about 3mph. But that’s the normal like I said; we could go faster of course. Anyway, that’s not the point. Recently, a strange phenomenon raised its head.

Guan: Its cause; we have no idea of.

Kato: Though it’s rare, people started developing abilities of all kinds, soaring in the air, controlling fire, moving things without touching them. It was a rare sight, a one in a million thing at that.

Guan: Ah, that’s right, Mirika has also had hers right? I saw the other night, and I knew it had to be her. Because Kato doesn’t have one yet.


Mirika: Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier Guan. I can’t really control it much and it really takes a toll on me each time I use it for long.

Kato: We’re here.

At the HQ, the Intel section, there were a set of computers arranged in rows with each occupied by individuals busily typing themselves away. In the center to the wall was a monitor, huge enough to dwarf the size of an average man. In front of it stood a man in black tights, his physique and muscles clearly highlighted by the light thrown into the room by the huge monitor in the center of the room to the wall.

Kato: Emmanuel, I see you’re always held up in here. You even forgot to attend the gathering, even though I told you all it was going to be for a few minutes.

Emmanuel: Hey guys, Kato!

You know I can’t leave this place.

Kato: Nablon, this is Emmanuel, he’s the head of intelligence division. Every information we have comes from him or his team.

A decade ago, Kato and his friends came across a young boy, he was homeless just like they were. But he was a curious guy that had a knack for knowing things. Due to his inquisitive nature, gathering, deducing and analyzing information became his fort. Through out their teen days, they walked side by side with the other children and survived to become what they are now. There hasn't been a decision Kato has made without him knowing.

Emmanuel: Hey newbie, I see you like the name Kato gave you.

Nablon: How did you…

Em: You can rest easy. This is the safest place on earth.

Mirika: Nothing gets by you huh… So where’s Shiffar?

Emmanuel: Follow me.

Anthony, make sure everything is under control and radio if anything pops up.

After putting Anthony who was his trusted member in charge, Emmanuel led the way and the other followed as they entered an elevator and went to the lowest floor beneath ground level. In a short moment, they were notified of reaching their destination as the elevator opened its doors with a ding sound.

Just ahead, walking down the stairs that led further to a platform that laid a meter ahead of them, there was a fall in the ground level; a rail/trail way that led further ahead into the deep. It was very much alike to that of a train stations except on the tracks, there sat a cylindrical shaped cart. Its glass body revealed shinny laced leather seats and technological set up it had.

Mirika: Wow! I didn’t know something like this was down here.

Guan: that’s because there wasn’t anything here until 2 weeks ago.

Nablon: But who could put something like this together in less than 2 weeks?

Mirika and Nablon were right to react the way they did, the sight they beheld was indeed marvelous; it was like a special section of the state of the art facility. If the pinnacle of rail transports were to come to a realization, this particular beauty would be its blue print.

Emmanuel: If you take a close look, you can tell it was neo and his team. Now, come on, there’s no time to loose.

Upon approaching the cylindrical elevator, its oval shaped glass doors rolled upon sensing/ picking up human DNA. They took their seats and the oval doors close as a voice came from the inside, with it blue lights and sensor panels lit up in the machine.

“Welcome, I am the Artificial Intelligence Transport Guide. I shall be taking the necessary precaution to ensure your safe arrival to your destination.”

Kato: Artificial Intelligence Trans—what?... I thought he said he was going to change that name.

Seated calmly, the seat belts strapped around them.

ATIG: Please Remain Calm. Destination

Emmanuel: The “center”.

ATIG: Plotting a course for “center”. “Course plotted.” Please hold on tight, this could be a rough ride.

The cylindrical car’s engine began whirring as it gradually begun to cover distance over distance. The speed it had, kept increasing to tremendous amounts until it reached a set limit; a steady speed limit where it neither dropped or elevated. The cylindrical train zoomed through the tunnels and before long they arrived at their destination.

AITG: Destination “Center” reached.

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