

The next day, back at Blank Point continent, at the renegades’ secret facility; the morning sun had risen above the clouds and the children and birds filled the atmosphere with their joyous noise. As fun as the atmosphere might have seemed to be at the moment, the grown ups had matters to tend to.

Kato and a few trusted renegades marched on to the infirmary block to check on the blond. Upon opening the door, the blondy was still asleep and as such, they stood there; engaging in small talk until finally, the blond regained consciousness and found himslef surrounded by unfamiliar faces and distant chatter.

Kato: I see you finally woke up.

_: Ughh!! My head hurts a lot. [He grabbed his head]

Where am I? Who are you guys?

Questions that went up and around in his thoughts were fired straight at them. But there was no answer as they all stood looking at him quietly. He suddenly became quite but not because he felt awkward, he realized something was amiss, like there was a big part of him gone. He had no recollection of his past.

Where was he last? How did he live his up until now? Which group of people did he associate with? Where was he born? Did he work? If yes then what did he do for a living? If no, how did he put up with life? Did he have people who cared about him and vice versa? Was he married? Was life fun enough? How did he get here?

Such questions came rushing at him like a flood. Suddenly, he became calm and quite to an extend that it was scary, he had stopped rubbing his hair like a madman. He was composed, and that sent chills down the spine of a few members of the renegade in the room as their faces went cold. They had a feeling something sinister was brewing.

_: Who am I? What’s my name? [He asked suceedingly, one question after the other.]

Kato: Calm down!

[The door to the room creaked open, allowing the physique of a young woman with natural alluring curves and dark brown hair walked in.]

Kato: We wouldn’t want you running of on us again.

Though the blond had forgotten his name, memories from the train incident, when he woke and the incident the previous day came to him in bits and pieces, like a badly edited video. He could barely deduce anything to come to a full understanding of his current situation as the memories were vague. But he knew enough to conclude that these people weren't of any danger to him.


Kato: We found you unconscious in the mach train, a lot happened after that... aaannd here we are.

_: I see. Any idea what must have happened to me?

Kato: Mirika.

Mirika: Quite an explanation you have there leader.

Kato: Get to the point!_____

Mirika: Medical reports shows that you suffered quite the injury to the head at a particular point. Do you remember anything of that sort?

_: I… I don’t seem to recall anything.

Kato: An injury to the head? How come you’re now telling me this?

Mirika: You said he was my responsibility so I didn’t think I should tell you. And you never asked, stupid Kato.

Katos sudden reaction left the atmosphere tense and quite.

Mirika: Now to the nature of the injury, according to the x ray, [she pulls out an electronic tablet] there seems to be something in your head?

[She hands the tablet over to Kato showing him the x-ray and the presumed to-be cause of memory loss. The x-ray showed an object the size of an average pebble]

Kato: [His eyes widened] how could you not tell me this? This isn’t something you should have kept all to your self. And you, [turning his attention to the blond] what were you doing when you last remember?! Try to remember. Where were you?!

Deranged, Kato screamed on top of his voice like a madman.

Mirika: Kato, calm down. The x-ray just arrived a few moments ago as it took a while. And it’s not fair to shout on someone who just woke up.

Kato: … My apologies.

_: What was it that you found in my head?

Mirika: A gem!.

[The few renegade members present wore a face of empathy]

Kato: [Sigh] The gem that is in your head; though I can’t say for sure but my best bet would be that, it’s the speed gem. No, it is the speed gem. The speed gem is an object that drains ones ability to perform faster movements. Once embedded, it drains all your wave energy until it reaches a point where there’s nothing extra-ordinary to drain. "Zero point".

_: I don’t really get the details, could any of you explain further?

Kato: For now, I think it’d be best if you rest up a bit more. I’ll tell you everything once you’re better.

_: I think I’ve rested enough already.

Kato: Well if that’s the case then-

Mirika: There are a couple of spare clothes in the closet to your left.


The blond seated on the bed, looked to his left.

Kato: Come on people, move on outside, give the man some room to freshen up.

Mirika: [Just as she was about to exist, she turned around, halfway to closing the door, she popped her head through the small opening]

I’ll be right outside, so let me know when you’re ready.

At the infirmary, just outside the door to the blonds room, Kato and Mirika stood leaning on it as talked in the corridor.

Kato: Must be hard for him to wake up amidst strangers with no existing memory of whatever that must have happened or whatsoever. It’s no wonder he reacted the way he did!

Mirika: It’s already been a month since then.

Kato: You think you can get him to trust me?

Mirika: Kato, what are you saying? It’s not like you say such stuff.

Kato: Ah… sorry. It’s just that lately having to go into hiding has put most of plans to a halt. And citizens can only keep their cool for so long. It's hard when you're on the run! Ironic isn't it.

Mirika: Don’t worry; he has a good guy vibe. I can tell somehow.

Kato: Uwa! Giving me the creeps! (Weird sister.) Anyways, we’ll be at the cafeteria waiting for you guys. I have a little surprise for our new friend.

Mirika: Humph!

Standing to the right side of the door, Mirika stood there waiting for a couple of minutes then suddenly, the door creaked open and the stranger walked out gently. Dressed in a jeans trouser and wearing a black overall coat over what he was wearing beneath, his gently cut golden hair revealed its beauty.

Mirika: You know its bad manners to keep a lady waiting.

_: It was difficult getting to standing.

Mirika: Ah… sorry. I totally forgot about that.

But, it turned out okay, seeing as you’re all dressed up.[she cracked a smile].

[Walking down the stairs and further away from the infirmary's premises, they come across two kids playing who ran towards them]

Luche: You can’t catch me. I’m the fastest. Woo!

Sonia: Sonia is faster than you are.

Luche: Then catch me if you can.

[They ran in circles around Mirika and the blond for a while]

Mirika: Now, now kids, you know better than keep us here.

Sonia: Mirika san, play with us.

Luche: Mister, you join us too, I’m the fastest!![The blond smiled gently]

Mirika: Sorry, we have to go see Kato. I promise we’ll play some other time. Okay?

Sonia: No fair Mirika.

Mirika: Please, I promise next time.

Sonia: Okay. Next time we’ll play with Kato too, and everyone!

Mirika: Yes we will. Now off you go.

[Mirika and the blond continued their journey to the cafeteria as soon as the kids run off]

_: I see you’re popular with the kids.

Mirika: Who me? No, I’m not. Ahh. Maybe just a little.

There was utter silent as the wind whistled.

Mirika: They lost so much at such a tender age. [A sad expression befell her face]

_: What happened?

Mirika: (Sigh) There was a battle a couple of years ago and many people lost their lives; Sonia and Luches’ parents were one of those people. [A sour expression drew on her face as tears slid down her cheeks]

_: … [He was confused].

What had happened? What memories would cause one to shed tears? The blond could not begin imagine.

Mirika: It’s our fault all those people died! We brought death upon them. If only I could go back and change the decision I made that moment.

_: I’m not sure what happened in the past, as I have no recollection of my memories neither do I know of the decisions you made then, but aren’t you helping a lot of people now? The good you’re doing for all these kids, even taking care of me. So maybe the decision you made back then, the one you want to take back so bad isn’t as bad as you thought it was.

Mirika: [Stunned upon hearing such words, her eyes widened and a dramatic wind blew her dark brown hair sideways as tears begun to roll down her cheeks, she let out a relaxing smile and wiped her tears.

_: Now, we were going somewhere right?

Mirika: Yes!

_: Where is it we’re going anyways?

Mirika: You’ll find out soon enough?

_: Are you sure?

Mirika: It’s alright; you can trust me on this.

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