《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》12.1


The secret between Yu Yaoting and the emperor is gathered from the system’s side search. The world plot only talks about the protagonists’ journey above.

As for how the emperor suddenly died, Fan Qiang plays a part in that. Fan Qiang is fascinated with historical studies, whenever she’s free from her business major, her head is absorbed in the past events. She has friends in her study group, one amongst them is interested in ancient herbs. From the conversation, Fan Qiang learns a few herbs and this knowledge gave her an advantage to use. Yes, the female lead’s hand is mixed in the meal offered to the emperor. Fan Qiang has mixed in some fast-acting poison to shuts down a person’s internal system from functioning. One switch moves and Zheng Huiqing lands on the throne with Yu Yaoting taking the blame. Yu Yaoting has already suffered under the female lead’s hand and now he’s going for a second trial. Being friends, it’s not that hard for Fan Qiang to tamper with Yu Yaoting’s meal.

Liu Xu Yuan rubs his temple, lamenting on how this uncle is so pitiful. He pulls the other information about the original’s body he has possessed, reading and digesting the words on the holographic image that hovered mid-air. The word of pity for the uncle is quickly taken back and Liu Xu Yuan stares at the words as if seeing ghost.

The more he read, the paler his face turns and he can’t help but cuss the system’s decision to pick this world for him!


The system refuses to take the pot of blame from its master!

The body he’s in is called Shen Shanyuan.


One word to describe this body is- poor, poor and even poorer!

Author: Ha-ha, just like the title.

Liu Xu Yuan (ノ°益°)ノ :IT WAS YOUR DOING!?

It's the pretty Shen troupe haha.

Shen Shanyuan can be said to have an amazing life if it wasn’t for an incident to occur. His father is the prime minister, a right-hand man of the emperor and a legitimate son with doting parents. As the prime minister’s son, Shen Shanyuan is bound to attract countless envy and admiration however all of the praises were instead turn to sympathy and sighs. Shen Shanyuan is sick, very ill. If he even walks half a step, fits of cough and heaves will be heard, even worse blood vomiting is a natural occurrence in this household. His face would easily turn pale at the slightest change in the surrounding, the symptoms are peculiar in this era so they could only try to keep him healthy while they can. Doctors will be entering and leaving almost every single day. The Shen Manor is no longer surprised seeing the many prescriptions for their young master as a new day starts. For them, the more they serve him the more they start to count the days left for Shen Shanyuan to live on. Shen Shanyuan is rarely seen in the public or even leaving his manor. For him to even lift a foot outside, many gasps and exclaims turn natural.


It won’t be an exaggeration to say that it will be a miracle if he lived past the age 20. Being physically ill and tortured everyday, his mental stability will also deadpan. This sickness isn’t known and populated in the era so the young master had to suffer his whole life living in this lonely courtyard. It took awhile to even have maids and servants to come serve him as they fear they might get infected from staying close to him. Having the doctor diagnosed for several days, they ease their guards around Shen Shanyuan however one day, a servant somehow shows sign of strange symptoms and words mix, the young master appears to be the cause of this problem. Thus, he is once again isolated. Even his dear parents no longer look at him as if the son resting in the back courtyard is not their son.

This is not wrong because the parents had actually mistaken their own son. Somehow, Shen Shanyuan’s name is being compared with his younger illegitimate brother, Hao Xiaowen. Although the name is warm and lovely, Hao Xiaowen, the person is not. Why does Liu Xu Yuan say this? Hao Xiaowen is the cause of Shen Shanyuan’s horror. Since birth until the body has reached 17. Sadly, the endless torture of both having the physical and mental pain, this young boy took his own life before reaching the peak of life or having the opportunity to experience the joy of living past childhood at all. Shen Shanyuan has been locked in this hell hole of a small space called his home once he came back from taking the exams at age 13.

The 4 years were crucial but it goes way back. Han Xiaowen and Shen Shanyuan are brothers. However, Shen Shanyuan has the Shen surname because he is to be the head of the Family after his father due to his mother’s side. The rest of the sons will also take the father’s surname, Han, but the Shen’s clan is the one of the three top clan with the imperial family, Zheng in the forefront and Yu clan the second. With a strong power in the maternal side, Shen Shanyuan gains an upper chance from the rest of the concubine’s children. The Prime Minister insists that only the rightful ones get to have the sit on the top.

The surname is different and the status is also not the same but the illegitimates children too get to enjoy the family’s fame, just not the right to be heir. Father Shen always make time to educate Shen Shanyuan about how only him gets to be the rightful one having the powerful name of the Shen clan. That only his kid can bear something amazing and achieve wonderful rewards. This is done deliberately infront or behind the rest of the children, making them feel inferior but they could only slump their shoulders and lower the heads. Shen Shanyuan, having been raised solely to become the head, naturally won’t find anything wrong about his father’s teaching. Since his mother is the official wife.


Han Xiaowen, on the other hand, is the same as the rest of the illegitimates. His mother is a close maid to the official wife but ends up with Han Xiaowen after a night together. His mother has acted out graciously crying, father Shen accepted the baby after. Growing up, Han Xiaowen realizes his mother only had him for the benefits to stand but who is he to blame? The Shen’s is very respected. The child is young, seeing his father avoiding him and doting on the other kids, Han Xiaowen clutches his fist. What can he do? Han Xiaowen, with only his mother’s ceaseless talks, glance at the child in red flaming robes draped of gold trims decorated along the outlines of the soft body and his lips curl up in a beautiful arc.

Shen Shanyuan’s life flips upside down after. His name deduces negatively after he is being framed of copying someone else’s hard work. Father Shen angrily rebuke his son privately but publicly he uses his power to shut the rumors off but how can that be easily removed? Shen Shanyuan has been mistakenly framed but seeing his father’s angry expression and not believing him, his lips quivered in silent. Right after, mistakes happen and father Shen starts to disapprove this child of his. Many incidents happen one after another giving both father and son no time to catch a break. Shen Shanyuan is a smart person but he’s very softhearted. His perpetrator took this weakness of his to an advantage. A topic brought up saying that the Prime Minister is planning to replace the heir.

Han Xiaowen has proceeded to enter Shen Shanyuan’s heart, acting as a younger brother whose put their elder brother on top. Shen Shanyuan is always stuck in the study and his expressions are usually flat and distant, Han Xiaowen is the first to initiate a conversation with him as a result the naïve youngster fell into a deep pit. He knows someone is out there for him but he had never put his beloved brother who admires his talent to be someone who actually want to hurt him. Han Xiaowen loves seeing the doted son of his dear father stupidly opening up to him about his thoughts. Is this the son his father dotes on? This father isn’t capable, ah.

Han Xiaowen stirs up trouble from behind while his dearest brother confides on his shoulder. Shen Shanyuan isn’t all that great, so why doesn’t his father look at him instead? Shen Shanyuan has been pampered from the moment he’s born just because his mother is the official lady. So, what if his own mother is scheming and wanted to reach a step higher using the prime minister? She just wants to live. His mother has been beaten to death by those sticks under the servant’s hands. That’s right, the official miss understands his mother’s plan and had her receive punishment right after she gave birth. How can a woman who had just given birth bear the pain of being beaten by 50 strokes of the wooden sticks survive?

Shen Shanyuan’s mother is the head lady, to be a woman at the top, her mind would work far ahead. This little scheme is nothing short that can run past her eyes. The moment he’s alive, he’s alone. What father, what mother, what parents? Does he have one? Why does Shen Shanyuan get to enjoy everything in life but he has to stay in the back and suffer?!

The final straw has been drawn and father Shen starts to isolate Shen Shanyuan in the back courtyard, no longer acknowledging his son’s existence. Shen Shanyuan has once again been seen cheating another scholar’s work and taking the credits. He paid the scholar to keep shut but fearing it won’t be enough, he had the scholar’s family locked up for threatening. This happens right before the municipal exam. The issues soar and the emperor speaks out.

The pitiful scholar could not keep up and run to beat the drum asking for justice. Shen Shanyuan has been rebuked without any chance to explain. His eyes blur and the wronged feeling burns up to his chest. When his eyes turn red from bearing the blame, nobody notices as they continue to throw things at him in the court calling him names. His chest heaves up and down, the blood spits out on the hard ground. The court silences down, look up in surprise then sneer. Shen Shanyuan clutches his chest in pain, not hearing what they had to say. Before his eyes close, with body fell down in a flop as he fainted, he heard the emperor’s word.

“How dare you dirty my palace?! Is this how you educate the next head, Prime Minister Han?!”

“Y-Your majesty, ease your heart! I will properly disciple this child of mine!”

His heart sinks.

Nobody asks if he’s hurting, nobody asks if he’s sick, asks if he had actually done these coherence things, ask how he felt…

Nobody cares, all they cared was that he had impact poorly on their possessions.

Nobody tries to find evidence to prove him innocent, blameless… faultless.

It’s not his fault. He had never done any of what they speak of him.

Why won’t they believe me?

Author’s Corner:

I’ve been racking my brain for ancient era plot. I will call the prime minister as father Shen because he is Shen Shanyuan’s father however he bears a different surname. Those within the clan won’t wear the father’s surname. All the children has Han as the family name btw:) just not Shanyuan. Basically his mother’s side is very powerful, they’re kinda relatives or close friends with the other clans. Prime Minister Han is proud of his wife being in the Shen and more since his heir also share the Shen’s blood.

Respected Clans in the dynasty: Zheng, Yu and Shen.

Author has something to say: father Shen might beat Shanyuan any later now if he knows that… *cough cough*

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