《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》5.1


The person involved does not seem to notice and turns back around. Song Yu sighs in relief, quickly calming his breathing in case the boy notices.

[Zezeze, he gets hard just from seeing me in towels. Am I that charming?]

[I’m not sure about your personality though.]

[You dare question my characters?!]


[I see. You don’t want your updates anymore?]

[Ahaha, I don’t know what happen host. There seems to be a virus running around, I wasn’t the one who said those words! You’re the most generous and charming host I’ve had contact with! Believe my words! This system is grateful!]

[Che, who was it that said I’m its first host?]


Once the topic of upgrading its data is pick up, the system is reminded of its petty master and switch back to kiss Liu Xu Yuan’s ass however its host is a smart one! Rewards from acting out his roles are used for updating the system since Liu Xu Yuan has gathered all his abilities from acting every role seen, he pretty much can do anything. You can say the system’s props are useless for this OP host.

“Do you need help?”

Liu Xu Yuan unexpectedly turns around and Song Yu is caught off guard, taking a moment before a word comes out from his bitten lips.


“Then I’ll leave it in your hands.”

Saying that, Liu Xu Yuan does not move, legs stilled in place and his phoenix eyes squinted at the man. Song Yu can feel his bold gaze as if the person is stripping him bare and his blood boils, feeling excited and thrilled. His deep, dark eyes return a look to meet the big, blue eyes and the ambiguous atmosphere heated up but neither figure moves forward. Time freezes but their active engagement is running without a stop until Liu Xu Yuan cuts off, closes his eyes and turns up the stairs. The straight, slender back disappears leaving Song Yu alone in the dining room. Song Yu covers his face and burst out laughing in his hand.

Liu Xu Yuan takes time dressing up, once he’s returned his eyes narrow at the delectable plates lined up on the white marble table and widens. On them, there are a variety of foods with the appearance one can see at a famous restaurant however what makes him stunned is that all the dishes Song Yu made are his favorites. When was the last time someone had ever took the time to remember his likings and dislikes? Song Yu is just one of them but his eyes can’t help but tear up. When someone finally gets to experience a little love after going through a lot of harsh difficulties, they would get addicted and start to wish for more.

Song Yu pulls him a seat then sit beside his chair, gazing at Liu Xu Yuan brazenly to see any expressions. His lips lifted, picks up a fork and taste the dish nearby savoring the flavor. Song Yu observe as the man beside him eat one by one, the dishes he had personally made, and those pale lips turn a glossy texture from the oil, greasy food. Song Yu is satisfied and he turns to his meal and start to eat. The dinner is silent and harmonious, not awkward and embarrassing.

Liu Xu Yuan puts down his spoon, walks to the cabinet and back with two glasses and a champagne in hand. His expression brightens, a red flower enticing you to come touch its thorns and once you’re scratched, the blood flowing drops on its petal matching its color and you won’t even tell if it’s your dripping blood or the usual ruby color of the flower. Song Yu is delighted to be trapped in that illusions if it meant he gets to keep the boy’s smiles.


Liu Xu Yuan doesn’t know what horrendous thoughts Song Yu is having, he pours the two cups filled with red wine and hands over one to Song Yu, another his own. Song Yu holds the red glass, an image of Li Hao’s body splashed with red wine, how pretty would that be and his eyes darken. Then he heard a clink, another red glass has appeared next to his. After three to four toasts, husky and croaky laughs enter Song Yu’s ear, highlighting his male hormones making the man’s self control almost collapse.

“Did you know? I’ve shared toasts with people but they all felt boring. You’re the first one, the first to make me feel like living isn’t such a bad thing and that I want to share more memories with you.”

He speaks while stirring his glass, dim blue eyes lock on the red shade. The current Li Hao isn’t like the usual tender and considerate man Song Yu seen outside rather this present image agitate his beating heart. Song Yu doesn’t speak, his pitch-black eyes fixated on the wicked young man.

“Do you think I’m a pure and honest kid? No, you can tell from what I’ve been doing these days right? I’m looking forward to see those people reach the sky then be dragged back down to hell. Say, my hands… they’re not clean but I never felt any sympathy for them. I’m not your white moonlight or anything.”

Liu Xu Yuan laughs, his words are self-depreciating and sees to find himself a joke. He shots another glass, eyes turn to the other man in this room and asks.

“What about you?”

Song Yu looks deeply and realizes that this man is not the same he had shown in public instead Li Hao has a twisted, dark and cruel mind. Song Yu had felt like an outcast, odd and he wonders if he too is a human. Clearly, he should feel something for the people around him but all these years, he had perfected the mask to wear once he’s out and inside. He doesn’t remember the moment he actually expressed himself but meeting Li Hao, those dark thoughts of wanting to lock the young man up and keep him by his side appears. Song Yu always speak his mind around Li Hao and he feels refresh so he starts to get curious. It was like seeing a sunshine at the end of his dull road.

Li Hao is like him.

At that thought, Song Yu feels he’s another step closer he wishes to be bound with this figure infront of him, clearly, he’s sitting beside him but he doesn’t feel like they’re close at all. Song Yu panics and he inches closer, trying hard to seek the warmth.

Liu Xu Yuan is used to Song Yu being quiet, he continues to drain another glass when his hand is covered by another strong one and his chin is held up. Then soft lips collide with his own, big blue eyes open wide and look at the man incredulously. Song Yu didn’t directly go in, he sucks and licks at the outside until Liu Xu Yuan shudders and moans from the teasing. The young man does not push him away. Song Yu starts to pry open Liu Xu Yuan’s mouth, going in deeper and using his sly tongue to invade. Liu Xu Yuan’s quivers, he can feel Song Yu’s tongue moving around, licking his gum and sucking on his tongue. His body quivers and the wine glass in his hand spills to the ground with few drops splash on Song Yu and his shirt. The grip holding his wrist tightens, Liu Xu Yuan’s chin had bruises from being held in a long time and his body shaking. Song Yu moves away feeling the boy’s nearly out of breath, his deep, black eyes dim gazing at the panting figure in his arms. Liu Xu Yuan’s lips had become a dark bloody color from being nibbled on and is currently opening and closing, his clear and bright eyes no longer had any lights in them, it has turn into a bottomless sea drowning victims to the depth of emptiness. Due to the fierce attack, his eyes got misty and tears are threatening to fall in the corner of his eyes completely parallel to his pink flushes on both side of his cheeks. He appears to be pitifully begging for more but also aggrievedly blaming Song Yu for bullying him too much. Song Yu’s already harden dick swollen to a greater extent and his hand grasp around the boy’s thin waist and begins his next ambush.


Liu Xu Yuan is writhing and rubbing against Song Yu’s hard body by the time he’s let go again, his body itches for more and he kept grinding on Song Yu’s lap. Hands running over the man, one examining his packed abs and another circling the man’s neck. Both their heavy breathings mix in, Song Yu hugs the impatient boy in his embrace, tightening and stopping his naughty claws. Liu Xu Yuan is dissatisfied that his wrist is being caught, his small mouth lets out vexed whimpers hitting the man’s solidified back with little impact. This set of actions scratch Song Yu’s heart and his hand travels up to pat the boy’s back, soothing him.

“Be good. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Hearing the man’s low whisperings about his well-being, Liu Xu Yuan stops fighting and sits obediently on Song Yu’s lap. He even nudges closer and rub his head in between the man’s neck with hands hugging around the waist. Song Yu chuckles, his laugh hoarse and brittle sounding sexy, he holds Liu Xu Yuan like he wishes to engraved their bodies into one. Song Yu breathes in the boy’s appetizing scent and tries to calm himself down. Liu Xu Yuan likes the man’s hugs, it really is warm and safe just like he had imagined them to be.

Song Yu carries the exhausted Liu Xu Yuan to his bedroom and wash up. Quietly setting the sleeping boy in bed, Song Yu walks back to take a cold shower. He climbs onto the bed, noticing a familiar woody scent Liu Xu Yuan rolls over and nuzzle in Song Yu’s embrace. They spend the rest of the night, snuggling and enjoying their lover’s heat in each other’s body.

After today, the pair has taken a new path and confirm their bonds for there were no needs for any words to be conveyed as their hearts had already intertwined from the moment, they land their eyes on the other.

Morning arrives, Liu Xu Yuan opens his eyes and his hand runs over the sheet finding his phone only to come into contact with a hard and solid chest. His mind instantly awake, Liu Xu Yuan straightens up and narrow his phoenix eyes at the other figure on his bed. The hands wrapped around his waist is pushed away and the man sleeping groans, moving closer to hug his waist again. Liu Xu Yuan scoffs, his mind cursing Song Yu incessantly. The system is confused.

[Are you not happy, host?]

[How can he call himself a man if he didn’t make his move last night, hah?! Instead, this perverted man actually talks about not wanting to hurt me and stuff! AH, I’ve fallen for his words!]

[You are pissed Song Yu did not eat tofu?]

[No! At least he has the mind to worry about me at the time. Zezeze, this bastard is actually a gentleman when it comes to me ah.]

[I don’t see the problem, host.]

[Me too. I also don’t understand where I find him annoying…]

Liu Xu Yuan sighs heavily, hearing that the supposedly ‘sleeping’ man’s finger twitches. Liu Xu Yuan does not notice this because he’s high in his mind but the system caught sight of it. As it is about to inform its host that the man is actually awake, it saw its host leaning down and pecking Song Yu’s brows, then the nose tip, and a quick kiss on the pale lips. You can even see the loud ‘mua!’ in the quiet room. Finishing doing what he wants, Liu Xu Yuan gets up and speed to the toilet. The figure on the bed opens his eyes, stirring deep gaze on the bathroom door. You can’t tell what he’s thinking but if you look at his hard on under the quilt, perhaps you can…

After having the breakfast Song Yu made, Liu Xu Yuan prepares to get back to work. He’s pumped with energy from having received a wonderful view of Song Yu’s well-defined muscles while cooking! To think that he had touch them last night with these hands as well, Liu Xu Yuan’s face quickly flush and he starts to shake his head trying to erase the dirty impulse. Song Yu smiles, leans down and kiss the boy deeply and only let go once he sees dripping bloody swollen lips.

Su Yan’s matter is put on hold, she won’t be coming to find him just yet so his mind switch to the main characters. Liu Xu Yuan had the system keep track and once there’s something suspicious, it needs to inform him. It’s been more than a week since he had last come back to the hospital. He missed the coat and the air. Wang He and Ye Lan is dating and plans to introduce the female protagonist to Li Hao. This is something that had happen in the original timeline, so he didn’t need to worry much however Liu Xu Yuan had overheard the male lead calling Ye Lan disgusting in his room through the system. Why would Wang He says that about his girlfriend if he likes her? Now that he thinks about it, the world information states their ups and downs drama but there were barely any physical contact happenings between them and there’s the problem with his own role receiving calls from the protagonist!

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