《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》3.1


Yes, that's right. Li Hao's memories related to Ye Lan and being 'madly in love' was actually all thanks to the usage of highly damaging drugs. Till his last moments, the original never had the chance to find out the truth and his soul continues to be grateful. To think that a genius like Li Hao was so overly traumatized by his parents yet the world information only describes him as 'having a twisted mind'.

I swear I'll avenge you. Since I'm using your body right now, it is only right for me to do so.

Liu Xu Yuan never bothers to check with the original souls' memories, it doesn't change much since he just had to act out his role of a black bellied character and then fail to retaliate against the protagonist but that was only because Liu Xu Yuan chose to not care however now that he has chosen to check into Li Hao's mind then he has to take revenge for him. This is a simple matter for Liu Xu Yuan however to not be OOC, he will have to gather power in secret.

Actually, he plans to be secrecy after all people might mistake him for someone else and not Dr. Hao. Now, Liu Xu Yuan has to change the original plan because he knows that Song Yu has surveillance on him, he was going to ignore it though he can't any further. At first, Liu Xu Yuan was surprised then curious to what Song Yu had in mind later on those initial shock switches to interest and a hint of amusement.

Anyways, what he had in mind was a way to retaliate against these main characters so this can be his first world to do so. Liu Xu Yuan can take this world as a vacation and relax meanwhile, his heart itches seeing and thinking about what the man is doing in the current moment. Perhaps Liu Xu Yuan needs to take time to rethink his emotions.

Liu Xu Yuan picks his phone on the bedside, dial a number. The other side agilely answers.


"Do you want to get drinks?"


There was a loud crash, before the figure's tone accentuated with a tinge of excitement and disbelief.

"R-Really? You, You're inviting me out for a drink?! Is this a dream? Ne, who's in your body hah?! Guys, Li Hao invites! INVITES!"

"Calm down. Are you going or not? If not, I can just find somebody else. Who are you with, anyway?"

"G-Go! This might be a one lifetime opportunity ah! Uh... Xu Yang, Xiao Lin and Song Yu. Quick, tell me the time and place!"

Song Yu friends with his groups? Liu Xu Yuan cocks an eyebrow and proceeds to hand the full details. He doesn't mention anything else and impulsively hangs up.

Zhao Yang, thinks it's normal for Li Hao to be like this after all that guy is always indifferent, for them to have him come for one of the meetups we had to drag him there ourselves. Sigh, thinking about it he's not sure if Song Yu or this guy which is better at ignoring people, ah? They're friends but why does it feel they're strangers?!

Thinking to a certain someone, his grey eyes glance at Song Yu and Zhao Yang is startled. Song Yu's whole aura is gloomy ah... What happen, ne? Tell brother, don't keep it in bro!

Liu Xu Yuan sits up, opens his wardrobe and smirks. It's time to go hunting.

Last meeting with Su Yan, Li Hao's cousin, was a month ago and if his predictions are correct, Su Yan will be coming for a visit 3 days in or less. Naturally, her reason is to receive the loans exploited from Li Hao's inheritance after she has spent off the last payment. As for why, Su Yan loves to shop and loads off acting snobby but her brain still works so she only comes back once 3months after. Li Hao gave her 50 thousand yuan last month and Liu Xu Yuan is going to help her spend them. Doesn't she love spending money? Especially other people's money, ne? He'll lend her a hand.


Tonight, Su Yan is invited by her rich girlfriends to come play around. Su Yan and the group can be superficially label as girlfriends though Liu Xu Yuan has used the system and knows that one of the girls, Gu Jiu actually likes Xu Yang, Su Yan's boyfriend. One day, Gu Jiu coincidentally saw Su Yan being intimate with another guy. She has been racking her mind to get Xu Yang's attention and her dignity hurts seeing the guy she likes is with another girl who likes to sleep around with other men while being in a relationship. Gu Jiu did say to play around, she has been keeping up the fake pretense bringing Su Yan over to gamble for more than 3 months going on now. Whenever Su Yan is free, Gu Jiu would bring her here to gamble and leave when Su Yan's mind starts to get addicted but makes sure to come back when she's finished. By the time, Su Yan realises her mad gambling addiction, she has already pile of debts.

In the original timeline, Su Yan went to Xiao Lin for help, seeing her pitifully crying and panicking. Xu Yang admits defeat. Su Yan uses all of Li Hao's fortune after his death, together with Xu Yang's money her debts were swiftly paid but her drug addiction was worsening. Gu Jiu decisively fans the flame, telling Xu Yang about Su Yan's affair. The result? Xu Yang says Gu Jiu is spouting rubbish and tells her to never appear before him again. Su Yan heard of what had happened between the two, she then broke off all her back ups and the two were happily dating since Xu Yang had never mentioned the talk to Su Yan.

However, now that Liu Xu Yuan is here, who can say it'll still be the same as the original timeline? Xu Yang happens to be Li Hao's friend as well so this makes it easier to put on the show. Liu Xu Yuan can manipulate the bar using the system but it'll be boring if he doesn't get to watch some fun, ne? The kettle's calling for him to fan the flame.

The place reeks of alcohol, sweats and perfume. Bustles of noisy music being played in the background, people dancing around playfully flirting and laughing joyfully. Curses, swearings mixed with sweet whispers of love mingle incessantly flowing to Li Hao's ears.

This is never one of his go-to places, Li Hao must've eaten the wrong medicine today, ne?! Why did he pick this bar from all the others?! If it's someone else besides Li Hao' they'll turn a blind eye to it but if you tell them you saw Li Hao coming here, they'll hand you contacts of professional optometrists and otolaryngologists they know. Don't blame them, ah. Li Hao hates loud noises!

Soaring Sky, number one club in City C where the riches and beauties are seen in the same place.

Under the scattering disco light, from the moment that person sets foot in, the entire club clears up and his pitch-black eyes stir. He doesn’t know why he feels the need to hurry, hurry and grasp that person or he’ll disappear without a word. When he sees those pure, clear blue eyes, his frosted heart starting to beat again telling him his very soul wants to be sucked into that crystal whirling ocean. No matter the dangers or uncertainties, his body would always arrive right face to face with the boy and he’ll have trouble going away. Seeing the smiles in those eyes, his pink small lips bending up, Song Yu’s heartbeat quickens and he stands still, staring as if hoping for the boy to unmask his inexplicit meaning from that alone but also scared for scaring the boy away. Thinking to that point, his black eyes cast down to hide those negative, impure thoughts but Song Yu never expects to hear his name being called out from the boy’s lips, it sounds so sweet he wouldn’t find it weird if it’s described to be sugary melted honey. He abruptly raises his head to meet the boy’s gaze, Song Yu is taken aback something feels different but also one he would do about Li Hao.


Li Hao finally looks straight into his eyes and not run. Song Yu feels inexplicably happy right now and it shows clearly in his eyes. Just from that already makes the man joyful, Li Hao’s smiles widen. This man is cute…

“Song Yu, what are you doing, standing still? Lets go, they’re waiting.”

Li Hao grabs Song Yu’s wrist and pulls him the bar where Zhao Yang says they were at. Song Yu allows his wrist to be pulled, his mind is in a daze but the palm holding him feels warm and soft to the touch.

Li Hao spots the group immediately since these people are important figures in Society and has good looks. Liu Xu Yuan is impressed, were these the original’s friends? There wasn’t any mention at all, for that he can only sigh and make use of them in this timeline then. They came knocking on his doors, it’ll be very impolite if he doesn’t see to them fully right? Liu Xu Yuan giggles in his head and the system hastens to go back cleaning the data than stay here listening.

“Li Hao, here!”

This cheerful, impatient guy is called Zhao Yang, owner to the Yang’s Pharmacal. His head is full of rubbish but he’s skilled and talented in his field. The original and him got along for sharing pointers when it comes to medicines and its uses. The original appreciates Zhao Yang’s works and usually went to the Yang’s factory to study how they process their medicine used to sell in pharmacies.

Among the groups, Zhao Yang, Song Yu and Li Hao are the trios in health industry while Xu Yang and Xiao Lin are in the entertainment work. In the original timeline, the original only knows Zhao Yang and isn’t that close but since the body is with Liu Xu Yuan’s soul there are extras. Song Yu is a businessman and his works are proficient, Xu Yang and Xiao Lin are amongst the actors contacted with agency from the Song’s businesses. Though Song Yu is the head, this man is a jack of all trade so him knowing a lot about Zhao Yang and Li Hao ‘s interests are nothing.

“So, what makes you come here ah? Did you get dump and need company?”

Zhao Yang asks, dragging his arms over Li Hao’s shoulder and brings him to a seat nearby. Hearing his questions, Xu Yang quips in.

“Li Hao with someone? I’ll believe it more if you say he’s always in the hospital, haggard!”

“Agree, besides who would get such a great chance to date the young prodigy let alone dump him ah? We just got here and you haven’t touch a drink yet but you’re already speaking rubbish!”

Xiao Lin’s words hit Zhao Yang’s dignity but he’s speaking the truth after all even he finds in unbelievable coming from his mouth. Zhao Yang shuts up, looking back at Li Hao for answers.

Li Hao chuckles, raise his hand to the bartender to order for drinks but his hands are pull back down by a big, solid palm from behind. Li Hao is surprised, turning back to see Song Yu shaking his head. Li Hao looks at Song Yu, waiting for his explanation but the man is silent. The atmosphere stagnates…

Liu Xu Yuan rolls his eyes in his head and can’t help saying.

[This guy isn’t afraid to blow his cover.]


[Silly child, he’s been keeping tabs on me so he knows about this body’s low alcohol tolerance and is keeping me on guard. The original and Song Yu has never met and Li Hao rarely drinks outside so Song Yu shouldn’t know about this but his actions are saying otherwise. Won’t that be suspicious?]

The system listens to his reasonings but it doesn’t know how to reply so it could only stay silent. Liu Xu Yuan doesn’t mind, but this man is really not afraid of him finding out he has track on him.

Li Hao’s eyes brighten and he seems to understand Song Yu’s meaning. His body leans forward to the side, whispering. His hot breath falls right on Song Yu’s ears, like a kitten scratching his heart into a mess.

“You’ve checked on me? …Pervert.”

Saying that, he straightens back scared the man will pulls him to the back corner. Li Hao drops his hand, leving Song Yu’s grasps and said to bartender then the group, ignoring the man he had just teased scary eyes and red ears.

“A glass of Sauvignon Blanc. My treat, what do you guys want?”

The group swiftly places their orders, forgetting about the past ordeal until it is time for Song Yu. Deep, hoarse voice sound next to Li Hao’s and his body shivers.

“I’m not drinking.”

Li Hao only nods, not asking why. Anyways, he can’t control the man he only tried to tease him out of amusement and he realizes it’s very fun seeing him frustrated but helpless. Li Hao prefers to stay here, continuing to play the man but he has a job to complete.

Drinking two or three shots and chattering with the team, Liu Xu Yuan has the system dumps out his drunkenness to keep himself sober for the show, he can just bring it back once it’s over so there’s no error in the play. Midway through, Song Yu receive a call and has to go back. Liu Xu Yuan can see the man is very hesitant in leaving him here alone and his heart melts. He reassures him that he’ll be okay and that the man can just leave for his business but Song Yu only stares at him.

Liu Xu Yuan gives up, this man is so stubborn but he can’t help but smile and says.

“…Then, you go quickly and I’ll wait here for you to come pick me up once you’re done, okay?”

His voice was sticky and soft, sounding partly coquettish and begging for the man to believe and listen to him. Song Yu can’t say no to that voice, his desire boiling. He reaches to hold the young man’s wrist and give it a squeeze, leaving one word before walking away.


Liu Xu Yuan is satisfied seeing that, using the excuse that he wants to walk around to get fresh air from drinking too much, he stumbles to the gambling table the system told him where Su Yan is betting at. She has been playing for 5-6 rounds now, he’s going to make tonight the night she can’t get away. Yes, Su Yan will be seeing a big debt on her hand. Losing many matches until she had to borrow the club’s money, Liu Xu Yuan wants to see how Su Yan will deal with this.

Will she be like the original timelines or different because of his quick interference? Liu Xu Yuan is only lending a small hand for Gu Jiu, to make Su Yan’s mess a bigger one.

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