《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》2.1


It's a quarter past 4 when Liu Xu Yuan is finally awake. He sits up, rubbing his eyes dazedly looking around when he felt a cloth dropping from his shoulder to abdomen length. This wakes Liu Xu Yuan instantly, the strange yet familiar scent from the coat wafts throughout the entire office... the smell of sandalwood, its woody fragrance with his body aroma from being in the hospital for a long hour. Liu Xu Yuan brings the jacket up to his nose level and inhales the funny odor of medicinal herb with wood. His eyelashes tremble, eyes stirring as if intoxicated or drunk in ecstasy this goes on for awhile if not for the system calling out for him. Liu Xu Yuan calms his breathing, runs his finger through the black, soft furls.

[What about Song Yu?]

He asks while jogging towards the bathroom stall. Li Hao's office is quite big, since he's always needed in the hospital the office has become another home for him with its own bathroom and kitchen needed. Liu Xu Yuan likes it this way too, he can sleep here without worry but he has a matter to settle beforehand.

[Song Yu went after staying 4hs with you, later he has to leave because he has urgent business to tend to. Also, Wang He came to find you, host.]

Liu Xu Yuan just cocks his eyebrows and ask no further, no one knows what the protagonists are thinking he's not going to waste time asking. The system doesn't dare mention yesterday's occurrence, it is still traumatized from it so it chose not to scare its host as well. Anyways, it's nothing too important for the task. The system doesn't know now the protagonist thinks his senior brother has a boyfriend. Wang He does not believe that Song Yu is with brother Hao but he still can't help but worry which then brings to Liu Xu Yuan getting a text message asking to have lunch today to which he affirms the invitation. He likes seeing the face changes on people, everytime he thinks to the time he would giggles alone.

Liu Xu Yuan washes up and quickly heads out, he doesn't know when he'll be needed so he has to always be ready. Li Hao is one of the starting up important doctor now so it's not hard to guess there's not much break time.

Work goes on as per usual, Liu Xu Yuan exits the ward ready to enter the next. This is the last patient he has to check on before he has time for the lunch with Wang He, it's the VIP he did surgery on yesterday. The grandpa was quite a stern elder, even Liu Xu Yuan is abit nervous seeing him again. His steps pause, hands in the air for a knock but the mention of his name is being discussed in the room. Wouldn't it be awkward if he enters right then and there? Although he has a thick skin, catching someone talking behind your back is still kind of....

Liu Xu Yuan is still fidgeting when a 'Come in' from the inside wakes him from his stupor, damnit he wants to slap himself in the face! Why does it seem like he's a girlfriend scared to go check the boyfriend's side?!

[Zezeze, that might be true master.]

[You, shut it!]


So, the system goes back to hiding. Liu Xu Yuan marches in, arrives at the patient's bed and asks for his wellbeing. Grandpa answers easily and Dr. Hao jots down his notes, reminding him to take care.

"Remember to take light food, do not overwork yourself... and you'll be back to being healthy, Mr... Song."

Song? Liu Xu Yuan frowns, if he recognizes it then...

"Li Hao."


His name is being call in such a gentle way, Liu Xu Yuan shivers. He was in a hurry to get the job done so he wasn't paying much attention to the surrounding guests, only the grandpa. Now that his head is back from being muddled, Liu Xu Yuan turns around to see the same pair of pitch-black eyes that has only his figure in it, the same pair that has always appear in his head whenever he's not thinking, the same pair that he can't get out of his mind. His finger twitches, his hold tightens on the folder. Liu Xu Yuan nods his head to shows he heard him and returns back to grandpa Song. Whenever he stares into those eyes, he felt like the surrounding becomes an endless darkness and he's in it alone, trapped. They made him get lost with nowhere to escape but to accept and drowns. It freaks him out a lot, he doesn't understand how can a person has such profound gazes towards him it was as if... as if he could, Song Yu would definitely drag him to the bottomless depth and pulls him deeper below never to swim back up to see the light.

That's why he feels uneasy seeing Song Yu and always try to stay away however this damn bastard is everywhere! To think this is his grandpa as well!

When Liu Xu Yuan's mind clears up, he finds himself back in his office dressing up. His hand reaches up to cover his face and sighs heavily. Staying near Song Yu reminds him of the last world and he doesn't want to think about that. Liu Xu Yuan texts Wang He and drives to the café decided. His afternoon is free, the heads were coming back and told him to take a break in the meantime. Li Hao's week of being busier than before was because he had to cover up for the head's position while they went on a vacation now, he's back and Liu Xu Yuan can spend some time to check his 'family'.

Liu Xu Yuan, dressed in a brown cotton turtleneck and black jeans cover with a long grey coat, showcase his long, slender leg. His black hair shimmers under the soft daylight like a veil, skin white as jade and with his phoenix eyes, those two clear azures brighten his whole aura making him appear mellow and relaxed. High nose bridge like a mix race foreigner, lips pursed as if bearing blame but not daring to speak out, his whole being seem to say 'bullying me is a serious crime!'.

From the moment Li Hao push opens the entrance, the noisy and bustling atmosphere quieten down even the drop of a needle can be heard. Liu Xu Yuan is searching for the protagonist, the definition of 'a gentlemanly soothing honest man' from the world information. From Li Hao's memory, he can most easily recognize Wang He but he hasn't had the time to check because Wang He is only a fleeting passer by in Li Hao's life. They had never talk after that one introduction of Ye Lan from Wang He. Later, the story mostly talks about the protagonists love story and their ups and down. Where was Wang He when the original body is experiencing abuse from Ye Lan? There were no words about it, it was as if Li Hao never exist in the male lead's brain. So why did Wang He 'takes pills' because he is 'very depressed' from the original's death but never come find the original instead realizing the incident only months after the funeral?


All these dark thoughts but Liu Xu Yuan's face only reveals panicked and worriedness from not being able to find his junior brother. Of course, he notices all attention on him since coming in but it was also because of this brilliant beauty that leads Li Hao directly to the bottom of hell and ruining his life worth of effort.

In the back corner, the 'gentlemanly' son of heaven, Wang He cocks an eyebrow his lips curve an evil smirk not fitting to that description of a soothing, honest man. He knows Li Hao is a beauty but seeing him this time he can feel something different about the doctor, at that thought his grin grows wider. If his plan succeeds, maybe he can take Li Hao along to play.

Wang He's throat feels dry, he reaches over to sip on the coffee ordered. He has set the meeting with Ye Lan at the same café, seeing Li Hao is just to take his mind off. He didn't plan to meet but the incident last time, he can tell something is off about Li Hao and that piques his interest.

He takes his phone out, snaps a shot at the scared, white rabbit and send it. Li Hao's phone vibrate and he sneaks a peek at the screen, his face immediately flushes a vibrant pink shade making the others swallow their saliva and look away.

On the phone was a picture taken secretly, the person in it wears a face of restlessness and distress, his eyes glisten looking like it has unshed tears but won't drop no matter what, pale lips becoming redder from the biting any harder and there might leak blood but the figure appears to not even notice. He really looks like a prey being lost amidst strolling but to end up in an enemy's territory, seeing it makes people go dry and can't wait to sink their teeth in the mild, gushy texture of the rabbit's meat. The white fur can be a decorated ornaments to be admired after the tantalizing meal of playing catch.

Wang He had sent it for fun but seeing Li Hao's reaction, he licks his lips and eyes sensible to that of a predator seeking pleasure from a discovering a new toy. Naturally, the system's frame has display all of Wang He's expression for Liu Xu Yuan to see. His acts were just for the protagonist to see, don't these sons and daughters of heavens like to plan and pretend? With him here, will they be a better actor at tricking or this ghost that likes to run around?

Li Hao swiftly saunters to Wang He's seat once his sights fall on the other man. Wang He, full of smiles, waits for him to sit down and asks for order. The past man smirking is nowhere to be seen, the current expression stipulates nothing but harmlessness and magnanimous.

[He sure is a good actor.]

The system issues an affirmative sound to agree with its host's words. It watches the fluid, smooth talks between these two 'brothers', warm bubbles floating around what a sweet pair of friends.

"It's been such a long time since we had gone out for a meal, right brother Hao?"

"E-En. Sorry, I had been busy lately."

Completely not bringing up the issue of one never texting the other to begin with. This meeting never happens in the original timeline, something occurs for this to happen. It doesn't matter, this meal is an advantage for Liu Xu Yuan to get to know the male protagonist deeper and see the problem. He has gone to many worlds before this and there are always loopholes with the information handed down to his hands. Just like this, Liu Xu Yuan can tell that the protagonist is trying to flirt with him. Then what about Ye Lan? At this point of time, they could've gone on a date or two but here this guy is flirting with his senior brother.

"Don't mention it. I missed you so much! Speaking, your skin is much better than that from before? You look even more prettier than a woman!"

Hearing that, Li Hao's fair face blushes even more it looks like someone has thrown pink powder all over. Wang He laughs even louder seeing that, teasing his shyness. This went on more than twice and Liu Xu Yuan is even impressed with the male lead's advances. This guy is a pro! Seeing the sky getting dark, Wang He offers for a ride home to which Li Hao declines.

"Why? You don't want to hang out with me any longer?" Wang He's tone sound similar as a child being betrayed by his friend.

Li Hao panics, eyes wide open. He quickly explains the reason for fear the other would be misunderstanding and getting sad.

"No! I-I drive here so we can't go back together."

"So it's like that, I walk here so it's fine! How about you drive me home then?"

Listening to the explanation that isn't what he initially thought, Wang He breathes a sigh of relief. Li Hao hesitates for abit but in the end agrees. Wang He opens the car door and Li Hao sits on the passenger seat while Wang He walks to the driver after closing the other door. From the corner of his eyes, Li Hao keeps glancing at Wang He's profile the entire drive home, his palm holding the seatbelt feels warm. The touch of Wang He personally putting on his seatbelt for him still remains and Li Hao swiftly turns away, his gaze avoiding Wang He's. This set of small action is seen by Wang He and his lips bend upwards magnifying his handsome face.

Wang He drops himself at his house, once Li Hao sends his goodbyes and drive off his face no longer shows the naivety and childlike expression but a cold one with a snicker. All that smiling and blushing, Liu Xu Yuan feels his face about to break.

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