《Lazy Guy With Dimensional Group Chat》God Trainer


Tanaka lazily stared at Black Rabbit as she used Harisen to slap, the four who declared a game with the Forres Gallow, well he didn't really care, those guys were evil, he looked around and found someone was missing again, "Where is Maou?" Tanaka asked.

"Oh, he said due to excess magic he got from this world he needed to take a dump," Sora said.

"Sora! Listen to me! We are not done yet!" Black rabbit called out but got ignored.

"Do Demon lords really need to take a dumb?" Reigen asked.

"Hmmm, Did I just hear you guys call a Demon lord?" Jin asked.

"Oh, yeah, we have 2 demon lords in our team, speaking Ains and Maou," Sora said, which shocked Jin, Demon lords, after all, represents power, he got curious and asked more questions.

Tanaka again stared blankly at them as they continued talking, Tanaka was sure that Maou is very strong in this world, after all, its full of emotions, fear, despair, anger, and many more, simply a power source for Maou, though Maou became a good citizen.

Tanaka looked down and played with the ball in his hand which caught the attention of Sora, Sora froze and stared at the ball Tanaka was holding, "I-imouto, I am not hallucinating right?" Sora said as he rubbed his eyes not believing what he sees, Shiro who was eating a cake turned her head and saw Tanaka was holding and also froze.

"T-Tanaka, t-that ball you are holding, It's that thing right?" Sora said nervously as he pointed at the ball Tanaka was holding.

"Huh? this?" Tanaka lifted the ball up and showed it to them, It has a two-shade purple top forming two brighter purple circles on the sides of the top, as well as a white letter "M" printed on the top.

"I-it's really the master ball! I have only heard it in legends! how come it's here?" Sora said with an unbelievable expression, Shiro was staring at the ball with her eyes glued on it, they had played some pokemon games and had finished it. (Author: I'm clueless about this.)

"How did you get it?" Shiro asked.

"Well, this is what happened," Tanaka said as he tells the story.


Tanaka stared at the group who were talking to each other in their own world, he doesn't need any information about this world because Tanaka thinks he knew more things than they do, Tanaka looked around and saw the body of the sea serpent, 'I wonder if that could be eaten' he thought, he stood up weakly and walked into it.

He had to be careful though as it was very slippery, a few moments later, Tanaka arrived at the body of the sea serpent, he looked around its body, he touched the body to feel its texture, it was very hard, he couldn't even leave a scratch on it.


He then went to its head and checked if there was anything he could get, he then noticed a shining gem in the middle of its forehead, it was a blue gem that gives a different feeling, it was like it was alive, Tanaka extended his hand and was about to reach it.

"Tanaka! What are you doing there?" Reigen suddenly called out to him, the others also looked at Tanaka who was riding on its head.

"Oh, Nothing," Tanaka stood up and was about to go back when he slipped and his right hand grabbed into the blue gem.


Tanaka fell down to the lake, he slowly climbed into the near rock, Tanaka sat up at the rock and then looked at the thing in his hands, it was the blue gem, he looks at the others again who was calling for him, he weakly stood up and saw the sea serpent body, he could use it as a bridge, as he was about to step on it.

Light suddenly enveloped him and the sea serpent's body, everyone closed their eyes to not get blinded by the light.


The light also vanished in just a few seconds, everyone worriedly looked at Tanaka then they noticed the body of the sea serpent had disappeared, Bang immediately jumped and went to the lake to look for Tanaka, he then saw Tanaka who again fell down to the lake, and weakly swam back into the shore, Bang sighed in relief then went into him and pulled Tanaka out of the water.

Tanaka got out of the water and coughed, he didn't expect for sea serpent to disappear, he then looked at his right hand which was holding a ball with M on it, for some strange reason Tanaka could feel a presence inside it, he could communicate with it, and he was surprised to know that it was the sea serpent.

And then after that, they went back.


"Then that means, you became a pokemon trainer?" Sora asked.

"Not Pokemon more like God Trainer? because this sea serpent is the water god," Tanaka said.

The others who were listening to the story had their mouth wide open, did that just mean he tamed a god?

Tanaka was also amused by his newly discovered power.


After a few minutes of talking to each other Black Rabbit wanted Izayoi to join the gift game but he rejected, it's just then the Maou returned from his business and they explained what happened, Black rabbit then asked if they wanted to join and luckily they agreed, she sighed and lead to the thousand eyes.

While walking, "Hey, Tanaka, could you take out that Sea god, I wanna see!" Sora said.


"Eh, It's a pain," Tanaka replied in a pained tone.

"Come on, I wanna see it," Sora begged.

"Okay, okay," Tanaka said then took out the master ball, he then clicked the button in the middle and then light particles came out from the ball, until it formed a silhouette in front of Tanaka, Sora stared wide eye not wanting to miss any moment, and a few seconds later, Sora mouth was wide open, "Sea Serpent? How do you call this a sea serpent!? You Lazy Bastard! Where is the brotherhood we have created!?" Sora yelled as he shook Tanaka wildly.

The others also looked at the Sea God in front of them, and yes, it was not a sea serpent but a beautiful woman, she had blue hair and horns that was only a 2 inches long, the girls were surprised to see a very beautiful girl while the boys had their eyes on another thing, 'It's very big' they all thought and gulped.

The Sea God who had her eyes closed slowly opened it and she looked at the faces in front of her, then she noticed a guy who was being shaken so much by a guy, she knew the guy with a plain bored face was her master, her eyes lit up and then grabbed Sora on his shoulder and threw him away.

Sora was sent flying away and fell down to the river near them, Shiro immediately chased after him, meanwhile, Tanaka was being hugged by the Sea Goddess, Tanaka was buried on those them big things, "I can't breathe," Tanaka said those words as he gasped for air, the Sea Goddess heard this and stopped, "I'm sorry Master," She said as she lowered her head.

Tanaka who gained his breath looked up to the sea goddess in front of him, she was really beautiful, "What is your name?" Tanaka asked.

"I don't have a name anymore, I beseech master to give me a name," She said respectfully and bowed.

"A name huh? Bebe? does that work?" Tanaka said, but he saw the Sea goddess hesitating to accept the name, Tanaka turned his head and saw others face smacked by his naming, Tanaka coughed and suggested a new one.

"Mizumi, how is that?" Tanaka said.

The sea goddess eyes shone and immediately accepted the name, fearing that Tanaka would change the name, 'Mizumi,' she murmured.

"Oh, that was actually a decent name, Mizumi means Lake in Kanji, that was a good choice of name," Bang nodded, everyone also else nodded.

"Now, Mizumi, I have something to ask," Tanaka suddenly turned serious.

"Y-yes?" she said nervously.

"Can you carry me?" Tanaka asked.

"Y-yes, I can easily carry you, master," She replied.

"Good, let's go," Tanaka said.

Everyone looked at what happened and was not surprised anymore, they thought Tanaka would say something very serious but It looks like Mizumi would become the new carrier of Tanaka, they sighed and continued walking, "H-hey Tanaka! do you know where you're going?"Black rabbit yelled at Tanaka who was already far away from them and in the opposite way too.

"To the thousand eyes," Tanaka replied.

"But do you know where it is?" Black Rabbit asked.

"I don't!" Tanaka said seriously he turned his head and looked at them and said, "However, I'll reach there eventually" Tanaka continued walking.

"Eh? Wait!" Black Rabbit chased after him and pulled him to the group, after a lot of twists and turns the group finally arrived at a place where beautiful trees were everywhere, Kasukabe then noticed a Japanese themed house, Black rabbit turned her head and looked at it and said "Ah yes, that's the thousand eyes-"

"Yahooo!" A loud voice came from the inside, then they saw a small girl came out of the house charging at them, she had white ponytail hair and was wearing a black and blue kimono, "Long time no see Black Rabbit!" She yelled and jumped at Black Rabbit, they rolled on the ground before falling into the river near them.


The little girl was rubbing her head on Black Rabbit's boobs with a big smile on her face, "S-shiroyasha-sama? why are you dressed like that?" Black rabbit looked at the little girl in front of her, "Moreover, Get off me!" Black rabbit grabbed her head and threw her towards the group.

Shiroyasha spun in the air very fast before Izayoi raised his leg and kicked her at the tummy, "Guhhh!" Shiroyasha groaned before falling to the ground, "Hey you! who the hell catches a beautiful stranger like myself with his foot!?" she yelled at him.

"It's Izayoi sama!" Izayoi said just then the world suddenly turned grey again which caught them off guard and the next thing they knew was Sora and Shiro were rubbing Shiroyasha everywhere, "I-imouto, there is so many cute beings in this world!" Sora exclaimed as he rubbed the cheeks of Shiroyasha.

"Nice to meet you," Tanaka who was now being carried by Mizumi spoke.

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