《Era of Creation》Dawn


The time is morning of a new day, a week has passed since Kali met Velksis in his throne room and the three elite races of Veil all separated to consult their god’s and council members. Zero and Ziro went with The Queen to Elantra to speak with Entwine, Surgeus went to the elven council to speak with the all master, and Gabriel took kali to speak with Myra and Vyra. All these Gods and not a single one can take down Veksis, the thought sent shiver down Kali’s spine.

“Now child Veksis said something about you being a priest and how that’s new to him?” Gabriel asked, “Yes sir, said something about out of the thousands of champions I’m the first priest he has ever been put up against.” “Interesting, maybe this is something we can use against him.” “Maybe.” The two walked down corridor until reaching a room which appeared to have to statues in them. These two statues were of two people, one said to be in all white the other in all black. The yin and yang of this world Myra Goddess of Time and Protection, and Vyra God of future and Vengeance.

Gabriel walked to the statues, knelt on both knees in between the two statues and called out. “Myra Goddess of Time and Protection, and Vyra God of Future and Vengeance, please answer our prays in this time of need!” A cold breeze flew into the room as it struck Kali and Gabriel, Myra appeared in front of the two. “Ah Gabriel what a pleasant surprise, oh and My maiden Kali. What may I help you both with?” Myra looked at the two waiting for an answer as Gabriel stood to speak. “Goddess Myra please we seek guidance in the path of darkness, Veksis is growing stronger and we need your help now more then ever.” “Veksis is even more powerful now then he ever was in the void, I swear if it wasn’t for our indulgences he would still be in his prison. However I can help you by sending you the time of the final battle if its of any help.” “Hardly, look Myra I know ive asked allot from you already but I have one thing to ask besides what Gabriel wants.” “Oh and that is?” Kali stood defiantly at Myra, “Veksis said I am not the only champion or rather I wasn’t, saying there have been thousands before me. All have failed and this is the first time he has seen a priest as the champion. Was he telling the truth!?” Myra stood unaffected by the shock.


“Yes I am afraid he was telling the truth.” “Thousands….he I guess, he also said that even the gods can’t kill him is this also true is that why you send the champions?” “Yes Kali, I am sorry for keeping it from you for so long.” “It’s nothing really I just hate to not be told things and if makes me think irrationally.” A warm heated breeze thrashed the room summoning Vyra, “Sister what is it this time some lowly humans have come to…. The champion? What’s she doing here? She should be getting ready to kill Veksis.” “While that is a top priority Brother, She must understand her fate first, show her.” “Gabriel step outside please.” Commanded Vyra, Gabriel nodded and left the room leaving only Kali, Vyra and Myra. Vyra pulled out a small mana gate to show the future, which could be altered in the champions favor if used correctly.

“I see Eight shadows, a night as dark as can be, blood running deep, while our hero is in a deep sleep. Friends dead all around leaving only a priest to hold her ground. What will she do fight or die, oh how time can fly by.” The gate closed after a red substance colored the mana gate leaving only questions. “What was that?” “That, was the future. Pretty dim in my opinion any thoughts sister?” “Yes quite dark, in all honesty the future looks like the end of days.” “End, of days? That can’t be right.” “Listen girl, there is very little you can do to change the future I share with you, almost everyone of these so called past champions tried, they all died! What makes you different from them, girl?” Kali took a step back in shock of Vyra’s words, (What makes me different? In other words what’s different about me then to the past champions?) Kali looked up to Vyra.


“Because I am a priest, the very first priest to be chosen as the champion of the gods! Veksis said this to me!” “Veksis? So that’s what he is called now? How pathetic, the dark lord changed his name to show fear?” “Brother she is right, Kali is the first priest to be chosen as a champion, and he did seem a bit worried about the whole endeavor.” Vyra and Myra looked at each then back to Kali, “We both agree to assist the best we can in the defeat of Veksis Gan. I will assist foresight and my sister will assist in protecting your minds against his mental attacks.” “Yes, oh I almost forgot, Sir Gabriel please enter.” Gabriel enters at the Goddess command and kneels before them both. “Yes, what is it?” “We have decided to help, In foresight and mind protection. Please leave our presence at once now.” “As you wish.” “Goodbye Young Maiden and good luck!” Gabriel and Kali leave the alters and walk back to the command room.

“If you don’t mind me asking Kali, what did they show you when I left?” “Oh well Vyra took out a gate and showed me a future of, well…” Kali’s lips were frozen, she couldn’t find the words to describe the future she saw. “Dark.” “Dark? Well Vyra has always been one to be wrong about the future, but I’m sure you’ll find a way to change it.” “I hope so. In any case we got their help.” “Yes, indeed we did. I just hope the others are in the same boat as we are.” The two walked out of the cathedral like building and headed back to the command hall to await the others return.

“You ever wonder if this Veksis guy has any other tricks up his sleeve?” “No, I don’t think he does. In fact he seemed a little scared when he heard about Veil and Elantra.” Did he now? Maybe we can use this to our advantage.” They entered the Command hall and were greeted by Zero who nervously grabbed their hands. “Zero what’s wrong?” “Nothing! I, I mean how was the help?” “Fine Myra and Vyra both agreed to help, what about Entwine?” “Well…” Zero paused and looked behind her, “Zero is something wrong? Shall I call for the guards?” “No please don’t Sir Gabriel!” “Then what’s wrong!” Kali pushed past Zero and into the Hall only to come face to face with a tall glowing man, wrapped in golden cloth and green hair. “Entwine…”

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