《Era of Creation》Homecoming


We arrive at a totally new kind of view now, dark dreary clouds above an ominous structure. Black crows and dark soldiers patrol the area and we are met finally with a dark commander, a hulking beast in rank with a centurion. Standing at roughly 3 meters tall holding two gigantic blades it seems as if he was yelling out an order and to the dismay of the scout he ran back to Elantra leaving behind a view of an army on the move. “MAAAAAAAARCH!” Loud music began to play as the drum parade walked down the street of Elantra *da dum da dum* rhythmically the sounds of trumpets rang and drums banged and everyone was dancing.

Zero stood by the road like a child with a stick of honey dew, a meat like product with honey infused flavor. Ziro walked up to Zero holding her arm as they watched the band march by and the fireworks display was soon to start. “It’s so amazing!” “This isn’t even the best part Kali. The fireworks is the magic of the Elates, it’s were magic comes to life, love brews and friendships are formed.” “You guys seem happy about this even though your creation is also with a curse.” “You see Wisp that’s why we have the festival, it’s to distract us from the past.” Ziro said with a smile. The group walked along eating from each food stand until they reached a small bar like inn with the sign R & R. Walking by they hear yelling from inside.

“Well if you hadn’t order so much cider we would have room for the meat products!” “But if I didn’t order the drinks we wouldn’t have anything to go with the meat and sweets!” “I swear your like this ever since that day all messed up. GROW UP AND START TO FOCUS ON YOUR JOB!” “OH NO DON’T YOU BRING THAT UP THAT WAS IN THE PAST!” “WELL YOU STARTED IT BY BUYING THE CIDER!” “WHY YOU LITTLE!” *SMASH, BLAM BLAM, CRASH!* “Oh jeez they must be close to be fighting about the past.” “Maybe but maybe we shouldn’t interrupt their quarrel.”

“AHHHHHHHH!” *FWOOSH BOOOOOM!* A Cannon shot winced by Wisp’s small frail body flinging her aside with the power of the wind. The shot landed and exploded a cart outside throwing hay all over the street. “NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!” “WELL IF YOU HADN’T BLOCKED IT WE WOULDN’T HAVE BLOWN ANYTHING UP!” “IF I DIDN’T BLOCK I WOULD HAVE DIED!” Zero put the mask on for protection as Ziro threw her cloak on wisp went behind kali in fear of being obliterated by another random shot. The group walked in on the two who turned and saw Kali, Wisp, Zero and Ziro.


They turned to each other looked around saw the debris then back at the group. Smiling anxiously they toss their weapons aside and greet them. “Hi welcome to R…. & R…. we are pleased to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay!” “My name is Ram!” “My name is Rom!” But to Zero and Ziro they knew the second they walked in it was Ram and Rom, they used to fight but not this much. (I wonder what’s making them fight so much.” “That’s a relief wait? Ziro is that you?! It is!

ROM GET BACK HERE!” Rom ran back as quickly as she could “ZI ZI! ITS BEEN SO LONG!” Rom jumped into Ziro’s arms smudging her face into her chest in joy. “Where have you been? Who are these people?” “They can explain it all over dinner. Set them up a table already.” Rom nodded as she ran back and set up a table out of the rubble. “Table of four is ready hehe.” Nervously chuckles Rom. The group sat down and was ready to order. While Ram went outside and closed the shop due to repairs and shut the doors. She then came by the table and prepared the only thing they had.

Honey infused meat and Apple cinnamon cider, Ziro and the disguised Zero devoured their shares almost instantly and looked on at Wisp and Kali who barley started. “Man you guys sure eat allot, hey Ziro who’s your friend?” asked Rom. “It looks like she can eat almost as much as you can maybe more.” “Well you see she’s an old friend. And we thought you would know her.” “Know her?” they both questionable asked. “Ram, Rom, it’s been a while hasn’t it.” Zero took off the mask and looked at the sisters who went from a confused face, to a surprised look, then to tears as they rammed into Zero hugging her almost suffocating her. “Guys! *cough cough* I … I cant breath!”

The sisters let go allowing her to breath. “It’s been a while I guess then haha!” “What are you doing here? What have you been doing?!” “Ram, Rom, please take a seat come on.” Zero hands them some of her servings to share, and they caught up. “So your saying Sage, me, Rom, Ziro and you are all alive and safe but Harley is still missing?” “Yes however we did stop that scarab guy so the Elates should be safe for a little bit at least.” “That’s good to hear, but I’m gonna miss Julius, I didn’t even know she went for revenge.” “Rom its okay as long as we all know we’re safe there’s no need to have fear” They all smiled as kali turned to Wisp to go outside and talk a bit.


“Yes Ma’am? What’s up?” “Wisp I enjoy having Zero meet her old friends but I worry that because of this if something bad happens shes going to lose it. You saw how she acted against the Queen.” “Yes, and its been a while since anything Dark related has happened, maybe a month at this point. Something doesn’t add up.” *RING* *THE FIREWORKS ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN* “Fireworks?” Rom ran out tugging Kali, “You’ve never seen fireworks?” “No I haven’t what are they?” “Fireworks are like small rockets that go high into the sky and go boom!” Rom said as she demonstrated lowering herself to the ground and jumping with a makeshift explosion sound.

Kali gave a small chuckle in reaction when suddenly Zero Ziro and Ram ran out to watch the fireworks, Zero and Ziro shadow jumped to the roof tops sitting next to each other heads on shoulders hand in hands. Kali Wisp and Ram and Rom watched from the second floor of the inn watching the fireworks explode in bright display. *BOOM, CRACKLE* Bright orange, red, green and blue lights were sent into the sky creating symbols of the tree castle, the Elantra symbols and spirits. Until a breeze came striking Kali’s side. “AH!” She held her side in slight pain until she became blacked out and got a message from the one the only, Goddess Myra. “Young Maiden, war approaches a survivor is running to safety save her!”

“SAVE WHO! WAR? What war? Wait don’t go not yet!” The vision ended and Kali was woken up by Ram and Rom shoving her awake. “Kali?” “Kali are you awake?” “I, I’m fine. I’ll be right back.” “Huh?” Kali walked off to the entrance of Elantra and outside the gate. Wisp lagged behind but eventually caught up to Kali, “Kali what happened? Where are you going?” “This way.” She pointed toward the road but before she could go any further a small object entered view, an “Elate?!” The Elate was running as fast as she could and ran into Kali. *Thud!* “Oh ow ow ow ow. Oh im so sorry I’m in a hurry and I wasn’t looking.”

“What are you running from?” asked Wisp. The girl pointed back from were she ran from and on the horizon was a dark black cloud creeping forward towards the Kingdom. “Oh shit I didn’t know they would catch up this fast.” The girl got up and ran off to the castle Kali and Wisp ran off to tell Ram Rom Zero and Ziro about the Darkness. “MY QUEEN!!!! MY QUEEN!!!! PLEASE LET ME IN!” “What is it Fiona?” “The darkness, their army is heading this way, they have a new type ive never seen before.” “Sound the alarms, prepare the defenses, rally the spirits, we will hold them off and not let them plague this land.”

“Right away.” Fiona ran off to the alarm systems, “I will not lose another to the dark lord.” “ZERO, ZIRO!” “RAM, ROM!” The four ran over to Kali and Wisp. “What happened?” “What’s wrong” “Is someone hurt?” “Killed?” “No its….” Before she could finish her sentence the alarms rang and a speaker came on. *ALERT ALERT ALERT! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! DARKNESS APPROACHES! TAKE UP ARMS EVACUATE NON COMABTANTS PREPARE DEFENSES!*REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!*

The alarm played over and over again and chaos brewed and Elates ran this way and that locking doors closing stalls and grabbing their weapons in defense of their home. “Well you heard the alarms” Ram grabbed her shield and lance while Rom grabbed her artillery cannon, Zero pulled out Dicer and Ziro flung out her scythes. Kali brought out her staff ready to mend the wounds of the injured and Wisp granted them all a protection aura. “Let’s go to war then.” The Group of six ran off to form a ready defense for the oncoming attack of the darkness. A gigantic hulking beast entered into view and uttered two words, two words that will haunt the Elates in their dreams from now on. *RETRIBUTION!! CHARGE!!!!*

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