《Era of Creation》The City of Hope


“Welcome to Veil miss and her little sprite companion we all hope you enjoy your visit.” The two walk forward greeted by an elf in what appeared to be royal robes. But besides the point the two entered and were meet with bright sunshine, large towers made of what appeared to be white smooth concrete. A giant clock tower in the middle of the large plaza and behind that was the kingdoms castle, the whole city defined the very essence of beauty. The woman responded with, “We definitely will, oh one question, where is the general of the army, I have an important message to tell him.” “Well since he is a high ranking person he would be in the command hall which is straight ahead.”

The elf pointed towards a giant entrance with two flags, which had the cities symbol on them. “Thanks Miss. I guess ill be on my way then.” “Oh you just cant go in to talk to the general, he is a very busy man, and you would need a letter of entrance to get in.” “Ok well how do I get one then as I said this is very important unless you want to be my witness.” “Lady are you okay you seem a bit distressed and sad?” “She is extremely distressed, she and I have just witnessed what normal people would call death and chaos, I am wisp a forest sprite under the order of lady Myra to protect this woman, take her to the hall under you word.”

“Is all this true?” “Yes we just survived a powerful being and were told to deliver a message to the general here at Veil.” “I…” She tried to look for an answer to escape to but she couldn’t find the words to say no to the woman and the sprite. “I understand please follow me.” She seemed to have a sense of anger and sadness as she answered but nonetheless, the pair follow the elf towards the command hall. The elf approached the guards and made them stand down. (she could do that?! Why is she just a gate watcher.)


The three enter the hall and are now standing in front a man deemed to be the general of Veil’s army. General Gabriel. “Ah if it isn’t the lovely surgeus” The two comrades exchanged looks. “Gabriel, smooth as ever however I have something else to report. Sir these two have said they came into contact with a powerful being that destroyed the village of stepstone. Well, go ahead speak up woman!” “Yes! I, uh I mean yes, she is right the village of stepstone was destroyed by a dark beast, the rider’s name was Veksis Gan.” The room had a gasp a single cry, from Surgeus, Then silence. “LIAR!” Surgeus seeming distraught called out “LONGSPIRE TO ME!”

Just then a giant longsword appeared out of the air and was directed right at the woman. Surgeus had the look of death in her eyes but, she also seemed to be showing restraint in her actions. “LIAR, Veksis was killed and thrown into oblivion! There is no possible way for him to be alive!” “Surgeus stan down!” “And how come you are the only survivor from the attack then hmm? As well as to just enter the city and proclaim to be a champion for a god and have no shame in your words. I should strike you down for heresy!” She raises her sword up as to strike a killing blow, in defense Wisp summons a blue aura of protection. But out of the frustration a loud booming voice calls out. “SURGEUS STAND DOWN THAT IS AN ORDER!”

Like a giant rock sinking, Surgeus fell to her knees dropping longspire into dust. Tears rolled down her face, (she must have had a bad past with this guy.) “Please tell me that your lying, please say this is a joke.” Tears are now flowing down her face like a river. The woman looked at Surgeus with the eyes of truth. “No.”

Surgeus’s face turned pale white as she spoke quietly, “Then…. It’s all over, we’re doomed.” The woman looked cold in her eyes and she knelt to Surgeus’s level and held her. Wisp came down and spoke to Surgeus, “It will be alright Myra has a plan for her trust us.” “She does? *sniff,sniff*, then I guess I have to hope. As the guard commander I cant let my emotions get the better of me.” She stood up turned to the woman and Wisp. “Thank you for telling the truth.” “And I’m sorry for accusing you of heresy ha.” “No, no it’s all good really I still don’t even have a name so I was kinda on thin ice.” “Really that’s interesting, a woman who has no name and is a champion of a goddess.” “Im sure you’ll figure it out.” The Four talked for a bit more before Wisp and the woman left.


When they left the day seemed older like the afternoon, Wisp turned to the Woman. “Well that was unique wasn’t it, seemed to me that Surgeus had a terrible event with that Veksis guy. Well that’s all we had to do correct?” “Not yet I have one last thing to do.” “What might that be?” “A final request.” She took out a piece of paper and headed towards the location on the paper. Knocking on a door a little child answered it, wisp stood back not to interfere. Then a woman came out she was the child’s mother, The woman explained what happened and gave the mom a note. The woman was suddenly grabbed and hugged and cried on. With the gentlest touch she patted the mothers head applying a relaxing healing spell to ease the mind. She learned it from mort as stepstone, The mother thanked the woman and closed the door, the Woman came back to Wisp.

“The Captains family?” “Yes she said thank you and gave me a small bag of this kingdoms currency. Well now that we have money lets get something to eat im famished how about you Wisp?” “Yes Ma’am lets get some food.” The two head down to the market and approach the food area.

“MMMMMMMMM, This all looks delicious” The woman salivating so much you could swim in it. “Yes but lets try to remember that yes we did get money but only about 50 silver coins, you need new equipment and clothes mind you.” “Your right well lets get this, excuse me sir I’d like one roasted perch and my friend would like..” “The vegetable stick please.” “Okay that will be 5 silver coins and 50 bronze coins.” “Here is six silver pieces.” “Alrighty then 50 bronze back and here’s your food.” “Thanks sir” “I can’t wait!” *Munch, munch* After the two finished eating they started to look around for some new gear. “Oh this looks cool and it looks like my old branch.”

The Woman picked up a wooden staff that had a green light at the end. “AH so you’re a healer correct?” That’s a special designed staff just for healing properties, it can allow for the weilder to use stronger healing magic then what they can normally use.” “How much?!” “For you nothing at all!” “Wait what it’s free? Why?” “I feel like you have the most potential of any healer I’ve seen. Also you look extremely similar to Kalish Goddess of the heart.” “Young lady what’s your name?” Looking down sadly, she says “I, uh I don’t really have a name, Wisp here calls me Ma’am, I also get called lady and woman allot.” “Well a healer can’t have no name how about Kalisia, mmm, Stormborn, Thunderous lady of the Gods?” “Kal..isia?” (that sounds kind of cool…… My Name is KALISIA STORMBORN! THE CHAMPION OF THE GODDESS MYRA!)(Okay I like it allot) “Okay I’ll take it!”

So our heroin walks around the market with Wisp under the new name of Kalisia Stormborn.

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