《Lyca: Rise of Asura》A Knight's Resolve
Their feets echoed in the silence of the night as they ran along the stone road. For some reason it seem too quiet knowing that the city was under attack by an unknown enemy. Lucas could do nothing but pray that SIr Matthew and his men could hold their own against whatever came through that runic summon.
Lyca looked at the two male running in front of her sitting atop Dol with her unconscious friend. She wondered how far she was behind in power seeing that the other man didn’t have a scratch on him and Arvin was just playing with her. And now her brother tells her that she is some child of prophecy, which is why Emily’s family was killed because of her Emily had no home to return to. Even Sir Matthew placed his life on the line to protect her, and the thing is she doesn’t even know what prophecy they were talking about. -But he said dark days were ahead. They expect me to stop that when I couldn’t even protect my friend.-
“This way,” she heard the man who saved her called out as they came to an alley, “I have a teleportation circle up ahead, it will take us to the mountains. My name’s Michael by the way sorry we had to meet like this, Devon speaks highly of you.”
“Don’t worry about it. Thank you saving my sister.” Lucas replied following Michael into the alley.
The alley was a dead end and on the wall at far end of the alley Lyca could see a glowing blue circle with lines separating it into four haves but the lines did not touch each other but ran parallel to the next leaving a cross in the middle and four quarter circles. Within the spacing of the lines where symbols she did not understood. The symbols moved around as if they were alive and the light from the circle seemed pulse out like a heart beating to its own rhythm.
“You can just walk through the wall and you be transported a few miles south of the city to a very familiar place. I’m sorry I am not strong enough to transport you all to our village. It is quite the distance away and I am only able to transport myself and Dol there using all my energy.”
“Understood.” Lucas replied as he took Emily off Dol and carried her in his arms. “This farewell for now and take care Michael tell Devon I’ll be seeing him soon.” Lucas spoke with smile on his face and told Lyca to enter as he followed behind. Looking back through the alley before going into the teleportation circle he couldn’t help but wish the old man good luck before he vanished into the circle of light but not before getting an ok from Michael. Michael then created a new portal and vanished into it.
The beast of a man gave out a monstrous howl after being summoned. “Ah it feels good to be free of that damned forsaken prison.” He stood at 8’3” with bulking muscles. He then threw the shoulder pad from off himself. Inhaling the fresh air.
-Listen to me you fool. I did not bring you here to enjoy fresh air. Kill everyone here or I’ll be sending you back to your prison.-
-It seem this fool wants me to crush a few bugs. Whatever the case maybe being cursed to follow someone’s command is better than being sealed away for all eternity I always say.- Septom thought before giving out a hefty laugh looking at the men surrounding him. “What pathetic lot they are.”
Sir Matthew looked at his men as they watched at the man standing before them. A monster in his own right. He even heard some of them ask the other what is that “thing”. Little did know what stood before them was a man once a true warrior until he was place under an illusion that causes him to kill his family. When he came back to his sense and found out what he had done with insane and killed out his entire clan giving him the name “The Fallen”.
He then bellowed at his men “Calm down!! Railou and Beseth you will fight with me but don't underestimate this man his power maybe that of a master or greater. Jacob take everyone and evacuate this town. Yelot order the archers to retreat as well, now go both of you!” he gave his orders.
Railou stood to the right of Matthew he was a bit shorter standing at 5’9” with an athletic build. Also wearing the same type of armor as his commander with no helmet revealing his golden brown hair and eyes with a well shaven face. He was a man full of pride and confidence in his strength, he was known for his speed. Beseth stood to the left of their commander. He was as tall as Matthew both standing at 6’2”. He was a larger man also clad in the same armor with no helmet showing his cement like face. A face that appeared to be made of stone and his silver hair with a full beard. He was known for his usage of defense enhancement techniques.
Keeping his strongest two at his side and sending out the others to evacuate the town was the best thing Matthew could do. Not underestimating his opponent in a real and taking precautions to protect citizens.
Septom seeing the other men retreat smiled before yelling out “Where do ya’ think go’in?! I’ll slaughter ya’ all!”
The looked back in fear but as soon as they turned they head to look at him he had already disappeared from where he was standing and closing in on them fast. He was near or the soldiers clad the shining silver armor and bring down his blade ready to cut the man in half before he could kill the man a flaming right fist connected with jaw sending him crashing into a nearby building. This was none other than Railou “Your fighting us.” he spoke pointing his thumb to his chest.
“Oh.. That’s the spirit ma’ boy” Septom spoke as he got up. He seem unscathed by the attack. “Show me ya’ full strength, it’s been awhile since i had a real fight ya’ know.”
-Good move Railou that bought the others time to escape and gave Beseth time to prepare an enhancement for us.- Matthew thought before calling out a single word, “Railou.” with that Railou returned to his place. Beseth was already standing a spot where he would be behind the tow of them. As soon he reached his spot Beseth spoke out “Divine Enhancement-Enhancement of the Earth Gaurdian- Body of the unmoving Mountain.” and then stretched out his hand to touch both Matthew and Railou. This was a technique that increase the durability of the caster and anyone he touches. This technique also used up a lot of heiki to maintain for long periods of time when using it on someone else. This was on his strongest defensive techniques.
When his hand came in contact with the two there body and armor gave off a green light showing that the enhancement was a success before going back to normal.
-A divine enhancement. It seems i may have underestimated them.- Metura thought to himself before speaking to Septom through telepathy -I’m leaving now, don’t disappoint me.- Metura then raised his hand opened a portal made of black mist which he and the other men entered before the portal dispersed.
“Don’t die quickly.” Septom spoke in serious tone as he stepped out from the hole in the wall and retrieving his sword from where it fell. He then dashed out at Railou and swung his sword at Railou’s head.
-He’s fast for his size- Railou thought before dodging the attack by ducking at the same time preparing an attack of his own. His right fist became engulfed with flames and he spoke out “Burning Talon” driving his fist into Septom’s stomach causing an explosion as it connected with Septom. But this time he wasn’t sent flying, in fact the only reason he was the first time was because the attack had caught him by surprise and was not expecting anyone to be as fast as he was. Taking advantage of his opponent not wielding any type of weapon and knowing he would not be able to block Septom brought his down on Railou with incredible force but the attack was blocked by Sir Matthew who moved just in time to intercept Septom’s blade with his own.
“Don’t stop attacking!” he yelled at Railou.
Seeing his commander was able to defend against the attack and giving him an opening to attack once again Railou did as he was told and this time both his hands became engulfed in flames. “Burning Talons.” he yelled out unleashing a fury of attacks on Septom pushing him back with each hit, “Rising Burning Talon.” he finished his attack with uppercut jumping off the ground and hitting Septom’s chin sending him flying in the air and crashing through the roof of a nearby house which crumbled from the impact.
“Thank you commander.”
“No need to thank me Railou if it wasn’t for this enhancement I would not have been able to block his attack”
“Yeah, but I doubt that was enough to finish him off.” Beseth spoke as he came up behind the two.
“Damn that actually hurt ya’ little punk.” Septom spoke pushing the rubble from off him standing up. “Ya’ goin pay for that.” He tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword he held in his right hand and swung it in an upward motion and roared “Earth Clever.” A blast of white light in crescent shape about 15 feet high and 8 feet wide was sent hurtling towards the three ripping apart the stone street in it’s wake.
--What power!-- They thought.
“Devine Barrier-Earth’s Guardian Shield!” yelled at the same time stomping his right foot in front of him causing a green barrier to rise 20 feet from the ground a few feet in front of them and was 10 feet in length, leaning forward on his right foot he then then brought both fist together causing a yellow barrier to emerge from both sides and slammed together in center. When they collided an image of a tree appeared in the center of the barrier.
The formed formed not a second too late, for as soon as it was formed the blast of white light from Septom came crashing in. When the two collided there was a thundering boom and explosion of white light and gray smoke was formed surrounding the three. The barrier was able to hold against the the attack displaying a few cracks that only Beseth could. He now understood how strong their opponent was being able to damage his ultimate barrier which was able to defend against early master level attacks. But they did not have time to relax, Septom appeared to left running past the past the barrier with an vicious smile on his face with his sword raised ready to be swung.
Beseth seeing acted immediately, while turn to face Septom he threw his hands backwards lifting the earth beneath Raikou and Matthew and throwing them a few meters away out of danger. The two looked at Septom and Beseth as they were flying backwards through the air with shock. At the same time releasing the enhancement on them and completely focusing it on himself, his body glowed green just before Septom swung his sword from the upward position and releasing another “Earth Clever” towards Beseth who crossed his arms in front of him to block the attack. There was then another blast of light consuming the entirety of Beseth and wiping out a few buildings behind them. Beseth gave out an agonising roar which died out a few seconds later with blast of light.
With light dispersed there was no sign of Beseth to be seen anywhere. What remained was a path of destruction that lead for about 500 meters. Along the path where debris from the destroyed buildings that were behind Beseth. Only Septom stood in the aftermath surrounded by destroyed structures for about fifty meters. “Who next?” he asked, now it seems that he had begun to take things seriously, no longer smiling.
“Damn bastard. I’m going to kill you.” Raikou spoke clearly angry.
“Raikou calm down. I will need to ask to please hold him off for about a minute or two I need time gather enough Heiki.”
“A minute or two huh? If i don’t kill him by then you can have him.” Raikou gave Matthew a thumbs up before walking off in the direction of Septom. -Your death will not be in vain my friend, we’ve known each other since we were kids, always had each other’s back.- The memory of him and his friend began to run through his mind flashbacks of when they first met, they both attended the training to get into the King’s third army under the command of General Uhim at the time. He was only 18 then. This was was where they were spotted by Sir Matthew who was recruiting members to join his team in guarding Liasha, a town to the far south of the Great Kingdoms. He remembered the many missions they went on to protect to lords of the town based on intel provided by scouting agents of the city. This was ten years ago and overtime that time he and Beseth had become brothers and seeing him die infuriated Raikou to outmost limit. -Forgive me father but I must use this technique.-
After walking halfway to Septom Raikou stopped and removed his entire armor and clothing he wore underneath it, leaving him in a full leather suit with no sleeves that hugged his body tightly. He then knelt to one leaning forward he had both hands balled up in a fist and pressed to ground in front of him. “Secret technique of the Clan of the Phoenix, Burn everything and rise from the ashes, Fire guardian lend me your power- Burning Phoenix-.” Immediately after speaking the last word a beam of fire red light shot up towards the sky.
High atop a mountain a few miles south of Liasha in the dark of the a blue oval shaped circle appeared and in the center was just darkness like staring into an abyss, a female figure then made its way out and was followed by a male who was holding an unconscious girl in his hand. These three were none other Lyce, her brother Lucas and best friend Emily. After exiting the portal they looked around to figure where they were and immediately recognized it as the place where they train. They then looked back in the direction of the town and gave a final pray before Lucas stated to Lyca that they will rest here for the night or at least until Emily regains consciousness. Lucas then left to hunt food in the woods down the mountain side and arrived a few minutes later with a Grediour, this was a creature that looked almost like deer except its fur was white with powder blue lines like a zebra and had emerald green eyes. That’s when they saw a beam of light shoot up to sky from the direction of the city.
“Brother, I wonder whats happening over there, is Sir Matthew okay?” Lyca asked worriedly.
“Me too sis but I’m sure the old man will do just fine.” Lucas spoke ever so confident showing his reassuring smile. -I just hope he’s okay too sis.-
While this was happening a few miles north of the city was the remaining of the soldiers and the citizens of the city who were evacuating on horses and carriages who also saw the beam of light and began their prays for their knight.
In the city were still a few soldiers searching the grounds of Emily’s house for any survivors but what they found was the lifeless body of the nobles and severely injured assassins who they took into custody. While leaving the grounds of the noble they saw fire like beam shot toward the sky from the direction of where Sir Matthew and the the two where. And their line of vision they could some of the larger and tall buildings were no longer standing. “We have to leave this place now.” one of them spoke and the remaining five agreed and they departed in the opposite direction with their prisoners.
The beam of light began to get smaller as it retracted back down to the earth and dispersed leaving a ball of fire in its place which also began to disperse revealing a kneeling Raikou who began to stand. His forearms and lower legs were now engulfed in flames. The armor and clothing he had taking off had completely melted, even the ground beneath him glistening red and smoking. Smalls streams of lava formed around him for about three feet. Only the clothing he wore did not burn being made from an inflammable material. Sir Matthew looked at him in awe -So this is the technique of the Fallen Phoenix, impressive his power seemed to have went from an expert to that of a mid master.-
“Now we begin.” Raikou spoke before vanish in a streak of red light and appearing in front of Septom with his arms bent and ready to strike, Septom was caught off guard by his speed and was unable to react to Raikou’s attack. His fist came crashing into the abdomen of Septom causing shock wave which lift some of the debris from off the ground and sent Septom flying in the opposite direction causing him to lose grip of his sword. “I’m not done with you.” Raikou spoke before taking off in another beam of light and appeared above Septom who was stealing flying through the air about 20 feet off the ground. This time ramming his fist into Septom jaw sending him crashing into the ground. This caused a huge crater and another shock wave and a magnitude causing the nearby buildings to collapse. Raikou then landed just outside the edge of the crater and looked down at Septom who began to get slowly.
“Darn bastard. Ya’ actually managed ta hurt me.” he spoke wiping blood from the corner of his lips.
“Sorry I wanted to kill you. This time I won’t just hurt you.” -If I hadn’t place my in heike into defence I would of been hurt real bad. Time to take this serious and use my full power.
Raikou then lifted his arm and thrusted it in a forward motion sending balls of fire towards Septom.
“This fight has just begun boy.” Septom yelled, “Try not ta die too fast.” his then emitted a white glow for a split second showing that he had released his full strength. He then raised his hand in fast motion lifting the ground in front of him and blocking the fireballs which exploded on contact. He then rushed towards Raikou and bombarded him with a shower of fist pushing him back a few feet before stopping. Raikou was able to block them but not without suffering damage. Septom was now showing the difference in power between a warrior of the old ages that of the new.
“Haha!! Ya were able ta block that huh but for how long, a technique that increases your power this much has ta be draining on the body?” Septom spoke inquisitively.
-Darn he’s right, my body’s already beginning to fail, but even if it kills me I will avenge my friend.-
Sir Matthew was sitting in a crossed leg position meditating with his sword in his lap, gathering his heiki, his body gave off a blue showing his affinity with water. He had already taking off his armor was now shirtless show the many scars on his well toned body. One could tell he has trained tremendously hard just by looking at him and the dangers he had been in. -Its been awhile since I had to use my full power, to think it would take this long for me gather my heiki. I am ashamed of myself haha. But Septom the fallen is my opponent, the power of a peak master maybe even early grandmaster even it kills me I must stop him here to protect the child of prophecy is my duty to not just the king but to the world. I have not yet learned your name spirit but I ask you lend me your power just this once even though my body may not be able to take it.-
You’re really prepared to die? For the sake of a child you’ve only just met, what he is lying? What if that child is just a mere child? You know your body can not take such a power the last time I tried you almost died.
-I know but this time..- A picture of Lyca flashed in his head. -I have reason. This is my resolve.-
Well then say my name, say it out loud so i can hear it….
“Prince of the waterfall ever so grateful I call upon you to lend me your power as i speak thou name- Hydrophion.”
They spoke resonance and after the speech was finished Sir Matthew’s heiki pulsed out without incredible force blowing away the debris around him another pulse of energy was emitted from the sword which engulfed him in a blue aura another beam light was sent through the air but this one was an ice blue beam that gave out another pulse and disappeared. When the light was gone it revealed Sir Matthew in the same position. Since he was not a blade master and unable to control the power of Spirit Blade properly he did not go under any transformation only the sword had transformed. What was just an ordinary sword now resembled a blade of royalty. The blade was an ice blue color sharpened on both sides. It was about 4 feet long and 4 inches wide. It had blue gem line the fuller and if you looked closely it lines drawn along the blade that formed into a bird on both side with the gems as it eyes. “Thank you.” Sir Matthew spoke to spirit with the sword.
“Now let us kill this behemoth of a man shall we.”
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