《Lyca: Rise of Asura》The Assassins
The night air was calm and had soothing feel to it, Lyca sat at the window enjoying the cool night breeze. She looked at courtyard and watched as the fireflies danced majestically in the lawn. She watched the waves of the water as they move gently in the fountain. She listened to the water as it poured down from the shower. Emily was taking a bath and she was left alone to enjoy the beauty of the night. She had always enjoyed the calmness that comes with it. But she felt something was wrong, the night seemed to be a bit too silent. The insects of the night were gone, not a sound could be heard from outside which she found a bit strange. She began to focus her hearing more diligently to see if she can pick up anything.
The reason why these footsteps caught her by surprise was because they were moving stealthy throughout the building and were moving quickly to their location, from what she could hear it was about 3 of them. Unaware to her was that these three figures were executing anyone in their path. Hearing the sounds outside Lyca quickly grabbed her sword and went into the shower to warn her friend not to make a sound and turned off the shower then left the bathroom. There was 'shwrck' sound followed by a 'thud' and right outside the door to Emily’s room.. A sudden 'bang' came from the room as the intruders stomped the door opened.
Three characters dressed in all black entered the room looking around until they spotted Lyca standing in the middle of the room prepared for combat with her thin silver blade already drawn. The two on the end wore long sleeve tops, and a mask, which seemed to be attached their tops, revealing only their eyes. She could a blood lust almost animal like coming from them. The outfit they wore was pressed tightly against the body. The one on the left looked at her and slanted his head. Lyca guessed he was smiling by the way the his mouth moved under the mask, without warning he dashed at her. He was fast, Lyca just managed to dodge the swing of his sword by stepping back as he swung his sword. He smelt of blood and had and she could sense his killing intent. He then began to swing wildly laughing with every swing. Lyca blocked each attack. Her opponent was strong she could feel her arms getting weaker with each attack she blocked.
Her arms were getting weak she couldn’t afford to block much longer, she had to counter soon. She parried away the next attack her opponent then made a thrust with his sword, stained with blood, at her. She dodged by twisting her body to the left and at the same time drawing the dagger from her side as she came up on his right unable to block or evade her attack she managed to land a deadly blow cutting him behind the elbow separating the ligaments rendering the arm useless. Then placed the dagger back in it's sheat that was attached to her left thigh. At the same time swinging her sword to back of his right knee as she twisted her body and came to a stop in her knees. Her movement was flawless. Her opponent tried to avoid Lyca's attack side stepping but it was too late the damage was done and his right leg was now useless. He fell to the ground screaming in agony. He pulled himself back to door where his comrades stood and yelled " You fucking bitch!" while groaning in pain.
The one on the right spoke "Careless as always. Underestimating your opponent. Reckless." It was a girl. She sound frustrated at her partner's ways of attacking. Lyca could now see the curvature of her body as she made her way out towards her. Lyca could tell she was different from her partner she seemed to be more in control, -I have to be careful with her.- The female assassin suddenly made two quick steps and was close enough the strike and swung her sword horizontally. Lyca immediately jumped back dodging her opponent's attack almost catching her in the mid-section. The female assassin then thrust her blade forward at Lyca who quickly side stepped and closed the distance between them. Now standing next the female assassin she quickly cut the ligaments behind her elbow in the same manner that was done to comrade before her causing her opponent to scream as she dropped her sword to the ground. She then grabbed a dagger from her waist with her still working had rushed in at Lyca aiming for head. Lyca immediately ducked the attack and in that same instance withdrew her dagger and a step forward while crouching and coming up behind the female separating the ligaments behind her knees. The female made a pained scream before falling to the ground on her butt and quickly scurried away with a look of surprise and anger in her eyes at Lyca's swift movements. Now it was just her and the final assassin, whom appeared to be the leader of the group.
"Incredible, " he spoke, "I didn't imagine you were this capable. My accomplices underestimated you. Now you fight me." This man spoke in calm manner. As if he was trying to make it seem that he was going to kill her and not to make a big deal of it. Lyca was now more cautious and took up a defensive stance with her sword held out in front of her. He seemed relaxed and had a slight smile as he spoke. He was the only one that did not have a mask over his face. He thin eyebrows and red hair matching his blood red eyes. Lyca figured he was indeed strong be his way of speaking. Not wanting to underestimate her opponent.
"My name's Arvin by the way.”
With that he seemed vanished with incredible speed and reappeared in front of Lyca, her eyes widened at Arvin's speed. She didn’t have time to react, he then punched her in the mid-section causing her to spit blood as she coughed up the air that was knocked from her lungs falling to her knees.
-Such speed,- she thought. -And power.- Suddenly a scream was heard. They both looked in the direction of the sound. Lyca saw her friend already dressed in a black leggings and yellow blouse staring at her with fear in her eyes.
She managed to shout one word to her friend "RUN!!" But before Emily could move Arvin had already used his speed to appear in front of Emily and grabbed her by the neck lifting her off the ground and choking the life from her body. Emily squealed and kicked her legs, struggling for her life under the man's grip.
-No, no not Emily I can't let her die.-
As her anger flared at her weakness and her incapability to protect her friend. Her thoughts began to race, -No not Emily she’s the only friend I have I can’t let her die. Not like this, I must do something anything, move damn it move Lyca.- Lyca’s body began to emit a blue aura that Arvin felt and looked behind him to see lyca standing on her feet and the blue energy around her. It seems Lyca had found a new strength. "Interesting." He said softly with a curious look on his face.
"PUT HER DOWN!!! " She roared at him. He dropped Emily on the ground and there was a thud sound as she hit the ground already unconscious. Lyca could feel a new power coursing through her veins, -What is this power it feels incredible!!!- She thought as a smile crept across her face. The other two assassin looked at her in awe seeing the blue aura surrounding her. Lyca suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Arvin, her speed has almost quadrupled, and fired a punch at him. Arvin was able to keep up with Lyca's newly acquired speed and blocked her attack. The collision echoed a thunderous boom as her fist landed on Arvin's arm which he crossed as he blocked the attack to lessen the impact of the blow. And a shock wave was sent throughout the room blowing away the stools, tables and clothes that littered the room. Arvin couldn't help but smile -Her strength and speed has increased tremendously, incredible.- "Let's have some fun." he whispered to Lyca.
Lyca's eyes flickered with anger focused on Avrin. She was going to beat him to kill for hurting Emily. Her heart was racing as the adrenaline pumped through her veins, her senses were enhanced as she could feel everything in the room. She could hear the nervous breathing of the two previous assassin she defeated earlier, hear the slow but steady beat of Emily's heart, smell the blood as the scent hung in the air. She could hear the water pouring from the statue in the center of the yard as the water landed in the pool and sent ripples throughout it. Feel the cool in the air it was like everything just came to life. Her aura danced around revealing it's blue hue. It was dense but yet danced around her freely with no restrictions Arvin looked on with excitement and thrill for the fight littered his eyes. He could sense Lyca’s killing intent.
"I see you have some tricks up your sleeves little girl, but that will not save you." Avrin said pushing her a few feet away. With the space between he held up his right hand in front of him and formed a thin layer of gray mist about three inches thick and four feet long. After a second it dispersed revealing a sword with a thin black blade. "Pick up your sword girl." He said with a smile on his thin lips.
Lyca moved to pick up her sword that laid by the bed but not taking her eyes off her opponent for a second. As she picked up her sword Arvin immediately dashed at her with an overhead slash, she managed to block the attack by raising her sword over her head. Arvin already saw this and followed through with a kick to her stomach. Lyca was sent crashing into the bed. She groaned in pain but Knowing she had no time to rest she launched forward with a right horizontal slash, Arvin blocked with his sword and sparks flickered through the room, however she continued to twist her body in full circle and followed through with a low sweep kick to his left foot. He simply lift his leg and step back, Lyca then came up with an upward slash which arvin dodged by shifting his body to the left. Lyca then released a barrage of attacks as Arvin blocked all.
He then countered pushing Lyca back and followed through with an overhead slash. Lyca was able to block it by holding her sword above her head with two of hers, but this Arvin attacked more force than before and she was sent to her knees gritting her teeth form the pain that was sent through her body from the force of the blow. "Good at least your not slow little girl." He said taunting Lyca. She quickly moved her blade from under her opponent's one causing him to lose his balance momentarily giving her enough time to roll backwards and get to her feet. She took up an offensive stance and dashed towards Arvin with multiple attacks, he dodged, parried and blocked all her attacks.
-Brother where are you, I need your help.-
"Do you mind explaining to me what happened here Lucas?" The captain of the guards asked with more of a demanding tone. He knew Lucas was strong and knew he could not defeat Lucas so easily, that is if he can defeat Lucas. He also heard the stories of these two, brother and sister. People say that Lucas was a member of the queen's personal bodyguards in the Ambodian Continent. Only those of true strength and loyalty can be in this band. But Lucas was still young maybe in his late twenties so he found the stories hard to believe even though he was asked by the general of the king's army himself to make sure nothing happened to these two. -Lord Isaac de' Cameron the fourth. General of the king's army, conquer of the lands of Theria, Alabaster and all the way to The Mountains of The Great Ones. Now housed by three lower kings all of whom are ranked at master level or above.- But he was not going to be belittled by a nobody even if Lord Cameron sees them worthy of his protection. Since the general has also told him that the two have no idea he was watching over them and to keep it so. Cameron knew that if Lucas found out about this he would be angry and the trust Lucas had in him would be no more, so this had to be kept a secret.
"Sir Matthew, I'm sorry about the ruckus caused here but I had to defend myself."
"Defend yourself? Defend yourself from what?"
"An assassin." Lucas said bluntly.
Matthew had a confused looked on his face. -An assassin, there's no way a common assassin can caused this much damage to a building.- Looking at the structure now it was a complete mess. Certain parts of the walls had holes while others had cracks in it. Some of the holes looked like they were made by a sword cutting through the wall "And where might this assassin be?"
"You can find him dead inside. But I must leave now."
"I'm afraid I still have more questions for you. So I will need for you to accompany me to my headquarters."
"I do not have time for this Sir Matthew. My sister's life maybe in danger." He informed Matthew managing to suppress the agitation building up in his blood.
"Tell me where your sister is and I will send my men to retrieve her immediately." He said sounding again like he was demanding Lucas to do so. Lucas knew he could take out these so called guards with little effort. He had no idea how someone has as weak as Matthew got the title of sir bestowed upon him, maybe the warriors were just weaker than were he came from was his thought. Lucas knew if he did not comply with Matthew it could be trouble later on. So he went him and watched as the other guards clad in silver armor lined with gold around the joints were sent out towards Emily’s house to look for his sister.
While being escorted to city’s protection team headquarters Lucas began scanning the area for an escape route as he walked behind Sir Matthew and surrounded by the other guards, he only hoped that those “wanna be” knights Matthew sent would reach Lyca on time.
Then he saw his exit an alleyway between two building and immediately made a run for it. He went through a dark alley between a row concrete buildings.
"AFTER HIM!!! " Scream Matthew
-Well he seems angry.- Lucas thought with a playful smile on his face. The alley had many twist and turns he found a bit annoying. It seem that some of the guards weren't as slow he thought.- It seems they caught up to me faster than expected. Only three.- They came from the rooftops which explained why they caught up to him, ignoring the different twist and turns he had to make.. One of them jumped from above trying to land on him. Lucas easily ducked and rolled forward evading his hunter. The other two were already in front of him rushing towards him. The first one grabbed at him and he easily twisted his body to left and used the momentum of the guard to send him flying to the ground with simple hit on the back of his neck. The other withdrew his sword expecting to stall Lucas, but Lucas just hopped on the sides of building, being only a few feet apart, left, right, left still going forward until he was behind the guard and landed on the ground. The guard let out thrust Lucas upper shoulder trying to slow him down but Lucas just pushed the blade aside with his open palm and moved in closer to the guard and knocked him out with a blow to the back of the neck and continued running. The other guard that jumped at him stopped to check on his companions giving Lucas enough time to escape. He saw an open door to his right and entered. -I gotta get to the roof.-
He immediately went up the stairs and soon arrived at the roof after going up three flights of stairs. His eyes were set on Emily's house and began running. While running atop the roof he saw the guards that were sent after his sister taking their slow time walking. -Damn bastards. Hold on sis I'm coming.-
"If this is all girl then you won't be able to win. Hahaha!" Arvin exclaimed as he parried yet another one of Lyca's attack. And stomped her in the chest. She was exhausted breathing heavily. She had multiple cut wounds to her arms and legs. Each time her opponent would parried one of her attacks he would cut her on a part of her exposed body and taunt her. Even with her newfound prowess this guy was just playing with her.
-Stop playing with her you fool. Hurry and bring her to me!!-
Arvin heard a voice, a very angry voice, rung through his mind. "It appears our time has come to an end I must end our little bout." He said in calm voice. As he stood still the sword in his arms dispersed into many tiny pieces turning into a blue mist which formed around his right hand. Lyca just watched preparing for the worst. "Viper's Fang." Arvin said in a low voice and blue mist turned into what look like a viper's head with it's fangs bared. He then charged at her. She could see everything like it was in slow motion but unable to move as his attack came rushing towards her.
"Is this how I die?" She whispered under her breath.
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World' s End Campfire
World's End Campfire updates weekly on my site, most of the time on Wednesdays. Three beings gather, the last of their kind. The Divine, the Infernal, and the Mortal. Let them regale you with the tales of their greatest triumphs, here by the dying embers of the final star.
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