《Lyca: Rise of Asura》Prologue Part 3
White snow against the red sky, what sight to behold truly something you do not see every day. One would take their time to admire such a sight but doing so now would make one crazy as battle of two of Talmoya’s strongest warriors were taken place along with two dragons of equal power resting in the early mythical stage. The Fire Elemental Dragon and the Black Ice Dragon.
As these dragons clashed in the skies, releasing red and blue beams and balls of energy made from condensed Heiki, these attacks could easily destroy cities in one go. A loud explosion was heard each time their attacks collided and would cause the earth to shake. Beneath them stood two of the strongest across Talmoya, Lady Liana leader of the God’s Hand Clan and Zachael The Dragon Emperor or the power hungry lunatic, none the less his power was second to none or that's what he believes, untethered against the magnitude each blast caused.
The area where they fought was a land of destruction filled with fire and ice, a contradiction, hot and cold. This was a battle between blademasters. Throughout the world of Talmoya a blademaster was considered the strongest warrior in a region who was able to awaken a spirit within a spirit blade and has mastered Heiki. Beyond the battlefield stood five figures watching and awaiting the outcome of this battle. These where the remaining blademasters of the other five continents.
“I'm guessing you all felt this power as I have and came to investigate?” a man spoke standing at the edge of the mountain as he watched out in the distance. “My beast indicated to me that the power I was feeling was similar mine since he could also sense it. The aura they are giving off is the similar as your’s. The first time in centuries the seven blademasters has gathered. Truly this is a marvelous day.”
“Indeed.” a woman spoke standing to his rear left, “But we can not let them continue. Zachael could go berserk and end up killing this girl. And you're getting old you might not be able to stop him.”
“Hahaha...Indeed I am Queen Cambollia, but don't let this old body fool ya’ I can still take on any of you.”
“Yeah Yeah.” this time a younger male spoke dressed in black, “But why haven't you invited that girl to our little group.”
“Well let me see? I guess everything takes time Johnny my boy. Hahaha.” the old man had a huge smile on his face for he felt that now was the time that all seven of them would enforce their power and stop the chaos war that was going on in each continent wreaking havoc on their planet for years. “Well then shall we end this.” He stated and all five figures flew through the air surrounded by the physical aura of their Heiki.
Liana appeared to be at her limit her lack of experience was beginning to tell on her. Her armour broken in various place with a dash of red amidst the white and blue. Zachael looked at her with excitement in his eyes he hasn't felt this good since his fight against Renkai Himotu the oldest living blademaster and the strongest, also the one the two person to ever defeat him. He had a few cut wounds over his body which were going to add to the many scars he already had.
Liana was preparing her remaining energy for one final attack. Condensing her Heiki in ball of energy and infusing it with the different elements caused different colored lightning to travel around it.
-Oh! You're putting your all in this aren't you.- Zachael thought as Liana prepared her attack. “WELL THEN LET'S SEE WHAT’CHA GOT?!” He yelled as he increased his power enveloping himself in a ball of red aura that extended out six feet around him and was tearing through the ground.
“God’s Hand Final Judgement!!!” Liana shouted the name of her attack fired it off. As the beam of energy moved through the air the earth gave way breaking apart in its wake. -If he stops this then it's all over-.
Before her attack could reach Zachael five beams of light, white, green, black, purple and silver, shot down from the sky and hit the ground in center of the two. There was a thunder boom followed by a large explosion. Liana narrowed her eyes to see if her attack landed through the smoke but what she saw surprised her. In the smoke and dust where five figures standing and all of them gave off the aura of one who possessed a spirit blade. She was astounded for she had only heard of the other warriors capable of using spirit blades to their full potential from her mother, and these other blademasters where from the five of the other six continent. Her mother passed away from disease when she seven years old and her father died before she was born while traveling to aid those less fortunate villages. It is said that he and his men were ambushed by over a hundred men in the early master to peak grandmaster power level.. She was raised by her grandfather who passed entrusted her with the power of the Black Ice Dragon and the Spirit Sword of Milla.
Her grandfather told her that if she could harness the power of the spirit blade she would be the youngest blademaster since all the other continents has one and was the current blademaster of their continent. She learned to control the power of the sword at the age of 12 and was taken under her grandfather's wings where she learned to awaken the spirit in the sword and control all the other elements at the age of 25. Her grandfather the founder of the God’s Hand Clan and the Blademaster of the Spirit Sword No’pola, he could make earth bend to his will as he pleased and died at the age 105 a year after from old age. The only other continent that did not have a blademaster was the Land of Beast for no human live there. After her grandfather’s death three years ago that was when the king and his arch knight first came.
The dust was giving way and she could now make out the figures. The first was a woman with long golden hair and dressed in in a somewhat revealing yellow dress with floral designs displaying her cleavage and long split on the bottom right going up to her thigh. She had emerald green eyes and around her neck was beaded chain similar to Zachael’s but made from smaller beads. The other was a average height man dressed in a tight black shIrt that hugged his well toned body and a long black pant. He also has in pair golden earring in his ears with short silver hair that complement his silver eyes, he also wore the same type of chain. The other was tall and muscular brown eyed bald man wearing no shirt revealing chest and back filled with tribal tattoos and well defined muscles. He wore a green pants with a yellow sash around his waist. And a beaded bracelet similar to Zachael’s beaded chain. The fourth was a female of brown complexion. She stood about 5 feet 4 inches and her black hair was braided in thin dreads with tip dyed a golden brown. She had curves in all the right places with a small waist, wearing a long blue leggings and a tight light blue shirt that hugged her breast perfectly. She also had her arms folded under her breast. The last was an old man with a head white hair wrapped in bond and a beard on his chin and mustache that appeared to be too long. With a huge smile on his face wearing a white shirt with short sleeves on the back the shirt had the symbols of the different elements sown on tho it, and long white pants with tribal designs on the side. He stood with his right hand held out with an open palm.
Liana immediately felt fear seeing figures suddenly appearing from out of nowhere and wore something similar to Zachael’s chain. Bu what scared her more was that all had specks of different colors in their eyes showing that they were blademasters and already in awakened state and they all seemed as strong as Zachael. She immediately took up a defense stance and called Climica to her who still fighting the fire dragon. The dragon immediately fled and stood behinds it master and gave a powerful as it landed. She was covered in blood of the wyverns and sooth from the fire dragons fire blast.
“Easy there daughter of Gutoro Sen.” the old spoke calmly to Liana who opened eyes with surprise.
“How do you know my grandfather?” she spoke in shock.
“Thats a long story but to keep it short you can say he was a good friend of mine once when he travelled to my city in the Southern continent Alph. We always stayed in touch. He said you would someday grow to be a powerful blade master, it seem he was right. You are indeed powerful.”
“How are you people?”
“I assume you mean by ‘you people’ you are referring to Zachael as well, if then my name is Decor Jinx we are the remaining six Blademasters. Your grandfather spoke of a day when all seven Blademasters would gather after he had passed and when dat day came he wanted us to combine our and end this time of war.” the old spoke no longer with a smile on his face for he know too well how many lives these wars between the different nations of each continent. The innocent lives taken by those possessed by greed for power and more land, so called Kings. “We have come to know that you are the strongest amongst the those who possess a spirit blade in this region, you also command your grandfather’s dragon. Still as powerful as ever. I would for your assistance in ending these foolish wars my child. Would you lend us your strength?”
Liana thought carefully of what the old man said, whether or not to believe. -He recognized Climica as grandad’s. He even knows of me, and his cause is most noble. How can i deny him even if he is lying can feel no ill will from them.- She then spoke, “Is that man with you and if so why did you permit him to attack me? You seem like you're the leader here.”
“Hahaha..”Zachael couldn't help but laugh, “Leader? You must be crazy girl. I follow know man. I make my own decisions. Rumors of your power and how you even controlled a dragon reached my continent and i thought this i had to see. Do not worry i was never going to kill you. I only kill those i feel not worthy of living hahaha. But what Decor said is true. We are the remaining six Blademasters, your grandfather was the strongest amongst us i could never beat him once. That crazy bastard. I did not expect today would be the day all of was be gathered. You are indeed strong my lady and it would be honor to fight by your side,”
Liana was taken aback by what Zachael said, he had weird sense of humor and believes he can choose whose life is worthy of sparing. “And how do you choose whose life is worthy?
“Easy those who peak on the weak i kill, and those who fight for those who can not fight for themselves i protect. So what is your answer?”
“Sir Decor was it?
“Yes.” the old man replied with glint of exhilaration in his eyes.
“I will assist you in the ending of this chaos era.”
“Thank very my dear. We shall begin in a few days after you have rested and regain your strength.
For the next few day Liana and Zachael rested and regained their strength. Decor introduced the others to her. Zachael was fully recovered by the end of the second day. After a week had passed Liana finally felt like she was 100% again. From there they made their out to end the chaos era starting with Liana’s continent. They visited the nations who were at was spoke to the leaders advising them that the time their foolish squabble to end and if their troops are not called back force will be used. After waiting a few days they saw that nothing has changed. The seven were standing outside on building created by earth manipulation as they watched into the distance what they say surprised them even though they were expecting something of the sort, but not all the nations. The damned kings did not heed their warning but instead left their armies on the battlefield, and now the armies were marching to the location they had given the kings to meet them once they had changed their minds. On one side had the Nations from the south dressed in green and white armor who allied themselves against the northern nations dressed in red and golden armor. A war for more land between different Nations. “
Your dare threaten us Kings of this land. You want a treaty then we shall give one with the cost your lives.” One of the kings spoke sitting on a horse like creature with the kings of the other seven nations to his left and right. The war horn was blown and the troops charged towards the building they were.
“You damned fools none of you shall leave here alive.” The muscular who she came to Know as Alex roared out.
“Let’s have some fun shall we.” this time the girl with dreadlock girl spoke who she came to as Aabrie, she had a sinister smile on her face.
“You may not be used to killing young one but this is war and i know you know the spirits in our sword crave for a battle.” it was Darius who spoke to encourage her dressed in his full black.
“That’s encouraging don't you think Dari?” the female named Ecess spoke still showing too skin, “If you don't want to you don't have to ok Li’li.” she always seemed friendly whenever she spoke
“No I’m going i owe to all those from my clan who died in these pointless wars. The name of spirit Milla ice queen of Carnage. I think it's time we unleash some carnage.”
“That's the spirit girly” Zachael teased as he tensed up his body showing of his well toned body and everyone followed in suit and the symbols of the elements on the accessory they wore began to glow as it increased their strength, even Liana wore a chain now.
Seven beams of light shot down from the sky and landed in the middle of the army. When the beams hit the earth it cause the sand and debris to form into a cloud of smoke. When the dust cleared up it revealed several figures standing in between the troops. These seven figures where none other than the Blademasters. The soldiers looked at them in surprise before attacking.
It was a massacre. There was blood every where bodies decimated and chopped to pieces litter the earth. Some without arms, other without legs left to bleed to death and others without heads killed where they stood. The kings watched as a gust of wind blew maybe 100 men into air and then sliced to pieces by another gust of wind, they watched as the earth raised from the ground fifty in the air and of a 100 meters in length and in between stood more their men who was too much for them to count before mountains slammed together squishing everyone in the middle before being swallowed back by the earth. The was mountains of ice began to form from thin air, and in these they could see the lifeless bodies of soldiers dressin in red and green armor.
Another area had twister made of fire ripping through the earth and fireballs raining from the sky causing an explosion whenever they hit the ground and bodies will be sent soaring through the air on flame. The could hear the screams of their armies from all direction, this was a nightmare they regret not choosing to heed the warnings of these warriors they were indeed gods amongst men. Realization hit them as only a few minutes had past and half their army was already dead and dying. Over a million men and women whom they believed to be strong. Warriors of the master to sage status even some at the grand stage defeated so easily. They had lost all hope of winning.
The war, if you can even call it a war, end in fifteen minutes. The blood of the last king sprayed through the air a thick red splattered amongst the already red battle field. Darius put away his blade as he spoke “What a shame, so many lives that could have been spared. May the god Raki watch over your souls.” he prayed.
This scene continued over the other six continents war killing so many that could have been spared. Many young men and women who could have become great warriors one day maybe even a Blademaster if it was not for the greed within the royal families from each continent. Always wanting more, more land, more men or women to enslave, more money and more power. Finally it was over the each continent was freed from their greed full leaders. After this was done they assigned a ruler to each continent and those who would answer to the ruler of that continent or they would have to intervene again. The Blademasters initiative was formed, this was to avoid a future of more bloodshed. The blademaster would remain together and protect the High Empress in the Ambidion continent.
It has been over 500 years and peaced still remained throughout the lands due to fear of losing their live. Humans now no longer train like they used to. After the chaos era had ended came a time of peace. The strongest warriors now reached the peak strength of grandmaster due to less battles and need to fight to survive.
In the Alph region in the Kingdom of Sierg Hunter II. King Sierg was in his throne room, a monthly routine he would have a psychic read him events yet to happen to him, or what will happen in the future. So far she has never been wrong. He sat on a pillow on the sitting across from his psychic with just an empty table standing in between the two. The throne room was quite large and seen to go forever in the distance as the room was dark only light by a few candles that burned purple. The seemed an eerie silent the sound was that of the psychic chanting her spell. With a gust of wind the candles were blown out and the room became dark as night. Then purple smoke formed over the table and gave a purple glow illuminating the two. The king rub his beard wondering what it be this time. The mage then spoke “Darkness, greed shall once again take over Talmoya. Born from hatred and betrayal it's only goal is to devour everything in its sight. With the blademasters gone who will protect its people. A child born with the mark of the dragon. With the birth of the child comes the first step on his journey to become the new blademaster. With the death of this child shall come the birth of a god.”
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