《Life is Feudal》Chapter #7: New Toys


"Ohohoho!" Chuckled Olguz the blacksmith.

(clang clang clang clang)


For the past few hours, I've been standing aside him, watching him working away with our gear. Mesmerised by his determination and ingenuity, never had he once took a break, his motions are never stopped for the past few hours. Immersing within his craftsmanship, I could see fatigue accumulating in his legs, which shudders slightly from time to time. His eyes are actually bloodshot, staring at nothing but the pieces of metal, calibrating the perfect timing to bring out its best potential.

His absolutely dedication and fervour in refining his craft had left me in awe, I definitely admire this guy.

Olguz.. are you perhaps a dwarf in your past life?


Since I am already in fighting condition, Olguz decided to prioritise my equipment, which means he will only work on my gear for now.

After the fully drawn out blade of my Estoc has finished, he did some rough chipping at the edges to cement its form, showing the central ridge. Then, he threw the entire blade into the blazing coal. Afterwards soaked it into a tub of water, rapidly cooling it down. He told me that this is 'heat treating', which will strengthen the blade and solidify its form as a non-malleable metal. The blade now charred black from rapid fluctuations of temperature, he dumped it into the dormant side of the forge, which is populated by almost depleted coal, that burned with a lower temperature.

He rumbled the dormant side, then dusted the agitated coal dust onto the blade, which fully covers it within the mound of coal. That's 'tempering' according to olguz, which provides consistent heat that slowly shapes the metal from within, which dissipates its properties that is inclined to chipping or cracking due to its rigid build.

I gotta admit, this guy knows his trade well.

Since the process of tempering takes hours, he is now working on my shield. After getting toasty in the forge by quite some time, the plates gave response by glowing red and took a half-liquid molten form.

After thoroughly mixing and mashing the plates, the colour gradient of the giant mush of metal becomes uniform, which means that the seperate plates are completely fused at this point. With some tongs, we lifted the whole piece of goo onto the anvil, where Olguz forms the shape of the shield. At the meantime, I provided various details that I'd expect from my new bulwark, influencing the direction and magnitude of hammering, having it slowly take the shape that I desire.

After some bantering, the general concept of my shield is sorted out. Slowly drawing out the length of the rectangular piece, he then slowly hammered curves into the entirety of the shield. Giving it the curvature it much needed from side to side, the defining characteristics of a well made shield. Contrary to common shields, mine is taller than default. Minding the curvature, the width of it could cover 3/4 of my front body, very much like a heather shield. Yet it's height is peculiar, due to the surplus of metal from those plates, I made a selfish decision of enlarging it instead of splitting it for stockpiling. The height of my shield, adding its width, provides complete coverage from my toes up towards my shoulders, leaving on the head exposed when brandished.


This unusual mesh of an oddly rectangular curved shield makes it a mix between a tower shield and a heather shield. Also, fitting my visions as a 'iron fortress that fortifies itself', Olguz drew a portion of metal from the bottom section out. Then recombining it with the bottom section, when that seperate piece has been forged into a single wide spike. Making it possible to be nailed down onto the ground, forming a literal shieldwall. The top section is just a straight line, which ends are tucked back into the inner section, forming a neat line. Considering the curvature, the upper portion of the shield looks just like a chestplate if seperated.

Of course, a spiked one in fact.. Olguz drew out another portion of the metal and folded it halfway, then chipped out the edges. Forming yet another giant yet short spike in the middle of the top section. It's edge follows along the line, creating an ideal breakthrough for charging.


After him getting a gist of my new fighting style, he invoked a conference about my future armour. My lower portions are fine as is, since the shield will cover my shins.

For the cuirass, I asked for a better upgrade, with folds on the breastplate and backplate, I asked for a better coverage and better overall protection.

Being the prideful craftsmen he is, he 'suggested' to abandon cuirasses on my torso, and opt in for splint mail instead. (Armour covering upper body, made by stringing various thin iron plates with heavy leather stitching. Forming a lightweight and flexible armour)

Soon, we compromised and decided on making splint mail. [owh]

Hey, Olguz is the boss. I can't make my own armour if he's not willing to do it for me.

I suppose he's telling me to rely on the shield for protection.. cheeky bastard.

After the crafting process has finished, Olguz told me to piss off. Since tempering will take hours anyway. My Estoc and shield are 'wrapped' in coal dust and buried in the mounds of dormant coal, tempering its metal.



So I went on doing my business, visiting Andrzej and Jarek respectively.

Andrzej says that he's expected to recover within a month, while Jarek is too busy sleeping, because he stayed up all night patrolling the place.

Oh right...

Our guard's patrol schedule spilts us into 3. Since this village has only 3 guards, we had to work alone on each shifts. Basically, we'll discuss the schedules and keep it constant if no one voices out. Which had kept its record for almost 3 winters since then.

I'll stay up and patrol the village once the sun sets. After I've walked around for a field or two, to and from the Line and back to my village, I'll wake up Jarek and go back to sleep. Jarek will then do the same, until Andrzej.

Coincidentally, once all 3 of us finished our rounds, the dawn will always come, except during winters. So our schedule was never revoked nor modified since it had been conceived.


Ironically, due to this planning, we are rarely seen together, even by day. Since we all have different sleeping and meal times, only regular moments we could be banded together are moments where the horn was sounded.


Anyways, since Jarek pulled an all nighter yesterday as I didn't show up and Andrzej is half-dead, and being the magnanimous captain that I am, I'll have to stay up all night patrolling today!


Entering his hut, I grabbed his quill and ink, then scribbled a note on a piece of paper, placing it beside his gear, that's littered all around the ground aside from his bed.

I will take all shifts tonight, you should rest. Bitch.



Then, I returned to my home. Fearing the murderous intent of the masses that have not subsided for now, I didn't dare to show up anywhere else at the village.

After eating some dry rations and tidying myself, I quickly feel asleep in my lovely mistress(bed), as my afternoon nap session.



As I've woken up naturally, it's already dusk. Crimson rays scattered into my window, filling a warm light inside the space of my home.

I quickly walked towards to smithy, trying to inspect my newly made gear.


My jaw dropped..

"I know right, I was as suprised as you were when I first dug it out!" Olguz told me.

The shield, which was slightly darker and less reflective than common iron before tempering, had came out completely different. The shield is now pitch black, while provides a high refractive index(luster as fuck). Holding it in my hands, I raised it up and down, angling it to examine the refracted rays of light. The shield is exceptionally shiny now when faced against the sun, while refracting a lush, greenish glow.

"Just what kind of metal is this? Its too bright to be obsidian, while too light to be crucible steel.. It's just weird with that luster as well." I asked.

"Dunno." Olguz replied nonchalantly.

"Tch..." I probably got pissed off slightly by that

(clonk clonk)

Knocking on the surface of my shield, a satisfying echo greeted me. Whatever material this is, its definitely hard and sturdy.

"Hup! Hup! Hyaaah!" I huffed and puffed.

Standing at the crossroads, where night is swiftly approaching, I suited myself to my new weapons. An Estoc held by my right hand, while Aegis clung to my left arm, I'm measuring my strikes with my new gear to calibrate my strength that's needed behind each motion.

Oh, yeah. I named my heather-tower shield hybrid 'Aegis'. Don't ask for the reason, I just thought it sounded cool~

Why not the sword then? Well, Estoc is good enough as a name, I suppose..

Surprisingly, my new splinted mail armour is flexible and light enough to help mantain my balance. Sacrificing my old iron shoulderguards, a loose fitting yet slim heavy leather shoulderguards took its place. Removing the hindrance of the previous weight on my shoulders, I could easily position and elevate my Estoc and Aegis without much stress on my muscles.

"Hup! Hup! Hyaaah!"

(thud thud)

Adjusting my footing, deploying Aegis and timing Estoc thrusts, I've worked out a rhythm, a dance of death between the synergy of two unsual weapons.

"Hup! Hah!" *swing*

Simulating combat, I timed a shield bash as I backstep. The shield with a pike sticking out, lowered and pushed foward with every step, aiming to impale the stomach of anyone ahead, or to crush the heads of those pesky warthogs. Bracing Estoc by tucking it beside my arm like a lance, I repeated stabbing motions, looking for a good timing to balance it with Aegis' movements.

Then, I conceived my signature move. Heaving Aegis high up and plant it hard towards the ground, I've made a shieldwall.


A rough sound, dirt lightly spewed up as Aegis is embedded deeply inside, completely standing on itself. Then, I hold Estoc with both hands, leaned down on the shield and fully thrust foward, aiming dead centre at places I presume are the hearts of my enemies.

Giving Aegis to fully support my entire body weight, it did not bend nor even tumble over.

"Heh.." Satisfied with the results, I'd call it a success in adapting to the new gear.

Standing a distance away, was Olguz that kept spectating me as I trained away.

"Gerard, surely you've adapted to it since you've held it." He said questioningly.

"Well, I'm trying to improve it bit by bit yeah?" I explained.

"Uh, you mean improving to look good while swinging it." He doused my ego in one sentence.

Oh shit! How did he know!?


"Uh.. Ahem. You should go home, it's already almost nighttime." I quickly evaded the topic.

"Ohhhh~ Sure!" He exclaimed sarcastically.

Well, if word went out.. I'll lose my reputation once again.

"Just.. please don't tell anyone" I whimpered, admitting defeat.

"Of course I won't! Ahahahahah!" He laughed lightly, then walked away.


Olguz really had walked away. Now, dark skies had took the place of the once gentle rays of the dying sun. I stood there alone on the crossroads, silently figuring out my next move.

Well, if he isn't a productive member of the community, I'd fucking shank him and dump him into the marshes just to silence him...

But.. but.. Now my reputation will be tarnished again.. huhuhuhuhu~ *cries internally*



Dumping all the thoughts behind me, I started walking towards the watchtower, situated along the Line, to fulfill my duty as a village guard.


"sigh.. It's going to be a long night." I told myself.

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