《Tangled Fate: Harmony Entwined (Complete)》Chapter 23


Owen’s POV

“I’d like to forego this issue until next time, my King. Especially if it is alike from the other times that we were investigated by the humans”

I have too many things going on right now! I don’t need to frig dick around with some idiots that can’t handle some mother fucking humans!

“When did you say I was to head out, Beta Owen?”

Good boy, at least you know to ask me questions still! This is the way I like you, you little brat!

“In three days’, time, my King. I will organize it for three days’ time, even if the Driller Pack isn’t ready.”

I’d rather make it in two days instead, I was itching to know what The History Pack was hiding!

They hadn’t sounded like it was a huge deal, so it doesn’t sound anything too special…It’s just that…Now that I think about it…Why didn’t they bring what they had to the palace? It was either something that belonged in The History Pack or…Did I overlook the fact of them only wanting the King to directly seeing it himself? I admitted to myself that I was on edge and couldn’t wait to find out what it was that The History Pack had hidden!

“Then, as you said, we will forego this issue until…I return…”

Looking away from Ethan, I didn’t show that I knew that he was worried about dying, and just continued, “Then Alpha Brown, we will hope this issue doesn’t escalade to become a big problem. Surely the humans will see that nothing is at a loss. If there is cause for you to worry more, please contact the Queen or even myself. Like I said earlier, we have had police and even detectives investigate us many times, but we aren’t doing anything illegal, just continue as you are doing.”

Alpha Brown looked relieved, “Of course, then if there is nothing else, I will finish unloading and return back to my pack and keep an eye out.”

“Mmm, do that.” I heard Ethan state nonchalantly.

Thank god it was all over!

I had people to see and things to do, before we were to head out of the palace!

Not long after I said my goodbyes and went to finish organizing our trip out of the palace, I heard my secret phone go off…

I couldn’t believe it, it was that time already!?

Getting it out of my secretly locked drawer of my office desk, I then rushed to the door to lock it, and answered the phone.

Straight away I heard a voice on the other end, “I can’t find out, giving me the feeling that you may not be able to either!”

Frowning, I took a deep breath, “What is it then that you think, since it will apparently stop me?”

“I think it’s a blood lock, Beta Owen. You will not be able to know what’s inside until Ethan uses his blood to open it.”

Putting a hand through my hair, I sighed, “And it’s too late to bring it to my mate, dammit!”

I never thought using this reason to force Ethan out of the palace would completely backfire on me!


Now, I wish that I had never told the brat anything!

As the phone went silent, I kept wanting to think of a strategy, to get whatever The History Pack has but can’t come up with anything now until it’s in Ethan’s hands.

“Beta Owen?”

Sighing, I said, “Fine, I’ll think of something while I’m there then. Have you found out why the late King made that promise then?”

“With the information that I can put together, I believe it has something to do with Ethan and I’m glad you have not done anything to him!”

I frowned again, “I wouldn’t have done anything to him with the Elementalist’s around!”

“…Yes, but you have lost your temper lately.” The voice stated the truth.

I couldn’t help it, ever since my boy was born, I got a bit antsy, but I wasn’t going to do anything drastic! “Anything else?”

“…Well…I can’t help but think of a few questions. Like why would the Elementalist’s kill the entirety of the royal family? Are they afraid? You told me that you saw one letter that the King wrote, that stated his destined mate was in fact Ethan’s mother…Right?”

“…Mmm.” Was all I could reply with, I was smelling a scent in range now, if I talked for too much longer, I might be found out.

“Then, I think the promise had something to do with the King being unable to be with his destined mate, which is why I stated Ethan plays a big part in this. I read something, yet am unsure of if it applies, but there is an ancient old looking book that was stating one that can be a beginning and an end.”

“Beginning and an end?” I whispered…As now I was hearing footsteps, then a door opening not far away. I had to get off this phone!

“…That is all I got, think about it. I’ll look into it more here also.”

“Fine, we’ll make it in two weeks.” Having him call me in a week might be too early…Two weeks should be better…

“Fine.” Then the line went dead…

Always hated talking to that bastard!

Beginning and an end…

Narrowing my eyes, I immediately understand the first part, ‘beginning’. Alpha was another term for beginning…

But…Even after another minute, I wasn’t understanding ‘an end’.

Yet…What has that got to do with Ethan? He wasn’t an Alpha…

Pushing that thought aside for now, I immediately went to finish organizing the trip out in two days.

The Driller’s pack confirmed, finally, and then I got Alpha Monk to send down some more small oxygen tanks and heat dosages. Then, just in case, I called up The Watcher’s Pack and The History Pack, to make sure that they knew that we were doing things differently this time. I know the brat had gone to the Watcher’s Pack the last time he had gone out of the palace but I wanted him to go there again, it was precisely to show him that there was nothing strange going on because with that new strange behaviour of his…I needed to keep him under my wing and showing him that I’m ‘innocent’, was the first step. As much as I hated being compliant, it looked like I had to accept that brute Damien as well, which had been completely out of my calculations! And this brute was an Alpha…


Not liking it truly, I also knew that The Watcher’s Pack were loyal to the King, and that would also help claim my innocence, even though I’d prefer that outcome to be different!

I’m even having second thoughts upon if Alpha Monk is still on my side now! I have wanted to see him since I last saw him talking to His Majesty yesterday, yet I have been too busy to give him a call!

I just had this feeling…That my allies had been cut short!

This was exactly the reason I had put off the brat from going out of the palace! I didn’t want him to gain the trust of the other Alpha leaders! But…Since my boy had been born, I had no other choice but to try and find a way to defeat the Elementalist’s!

Since I was not ready yet for Ethan to die and hadn’t completely figured out why he could potentially be special, I had organized that we spend a lot of this time out on a plane. It’s not like we have to go anywhere, just being in the air would be enough…

We will obviously have to land a few times but as soon as possible, we will go back in the air. While that brat Ethan will look like a ‘King’, I will be trying to come up with a plan to gain what it is that The History Pack has got!

With the little bits and pieces that I salvaged up from the palace, before Ethan could take it, I was able to understand that the threat over the Elementalist’s was something that won’t go away, and that theory proved right when they had attacked Ethan!

My boy had been born, so I was glad that I had made sure before I had done something that I would regret!

Having Chance as the next King, when he was so young, would have been too much work! At least now, I knew that I had to deal with the Elementalist’s before my boy was of age…

With the knowledge that Valentria had stated and the few pieces of writing from the late King, there was something special about Ethan and I had been trying to control him ever since…

But…I’ve realized that things are getting that little bit harder recently!

Before that brute of a mate of Ethan’s came along, I felt like I was in control, now…Now everything seemed to have gone out of my hands!

What had happened!?

Sitting down and putting a hand through my hair, I breathed out deeply and felt tired.

Just for a short while, I was able to calm myself and remember why I was working so hard!

I was lucky!

So lucky!

My mate was of royal blood and had survived the burial all those years ago!

I’ve thanked the stars many times because of that!

Now, finally after so many years, we have a boy!

Being so busy for days, weeks, months, years, I was still able to give my time to my dear mate and we have been wanting to grant ourselves this deep wish!


Yet, at the moment, it seems like it doesn’t matter so much…

Just thinking about my family, I felt homesick…I wanted to run towards the hideout that only the late King knew, and now only I and two other people knew…The hideout was in the palace and it had everything that his family would need!

Hearing a knock on the door, I got up and opened it, trying to hide the fact that it was locked, “Yeah, what is it Nora?”

“I just found out now that Ethan had visited his mother recently. Looking on the camera’s…It seems Valentria left a note. I tried to follow them and read whatever was in there, but it seems that the Alpha by His Majesty’s side has an idea that we are watching everything…”

Taking a moment to think, I then frowned, “The maid…”

“We detained her before I came here. She’s currently in a cell.” Nora stated.

I nodded, “I want to see her!”

Nora led the way, while I thought deeply upon what Valentria would state in the letter. If I expected the worse…Then Ethan would know about my poisoning his mother and that…I am someone she knows, most likely she figured out that I was mated with the late King’s own daughter and she could have written that information in the letter…

If that had happened, it would be understandable why things have changed slightly…

Picturing what the brute had done this very morning, at the breakfast table, I frowned…

Yet…Even though Ethan might have changed somewhat, we were still able to speak to one another…

What to do? What does the brat know? Perhaps it was just a goodbye note and that she loved him?

I shook my head, putting a finger to my chin, no…I knew that woman! She would have written everything she knew!

How cheeky, she had written the letter probably as soon as she found out that I started to poison her and that was why she wanted the maid to stay here. It wasn’t because the maid was shy and timid, it wasn’t because the maid was ‘going to keep her company’ or ‘wait to give my son a last goodbye message’…

Ah, this maid was here only to give Ethan a letter…Now it was time to find out what she knows!

Walking into the cell, a body laid out on the ground, blood was still slowly seeping away from it and spreading onto the floor…

It looks like the maid will not speak upon what’s in the letter!

Everything was getting out of my control!

I must obtain it back!

Clenching my hands into fists, I looked at the maid in determination, “Get rid of it!”


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