《Blessed by the Luck Goddess》Chapter 8 - It Tasted Like Cherries and Lemons
Defeated Ancient King Slime
Level up 17 -> 33
LUK: 68 -> 99 (I love you Hubby!!!)
Hubby... What? While getting confused by my weird LUK stat, I realized that I was staring down at the animal-eared girls, who were also covered with slime, making me think of a legendary event called wet t-shirt contest. Then, suddenly, all the slime goo that spilled everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean that I could even feel it inside my ears, started to shine, also including the cracked rock that I accidentally shot, and then it all became faint and disappeared, leaving right in front of me 3 bootles with something yellow inside, a crystal similar to the refinement crystals from before but this time bigger with a golden color, a small ring with a pink crystal attached and a small bottle shaped like fruit with an orange liquid inside and a straw poking out. I quickly checked out after noticing the small pop-up icons above the loot.
3x Royal Jelly - Grade S
A sweet delicacy that blends perfectly with peanut butter in a sandwich. Its flavor is said to be worthy of royalty.
Ultimate Grade Reforging Crystal
An ancient crystal capable of reforging equipment of Grade S and below, greatly improving its qualities and its grade.
Gelano - Grade S
A ring that smells like strawberry, you should give it a lick to see if it also tastes like strawberry ;P.
All stats + 5
MP + 20
Yummy Orange Juice - Grade A+
The favorite beverage of slimes.
-Has a 50% chance of taming lower-tier slimes.
-Has a 10% chance of taming greater-tier slimes.
-Has a 0.1% chance of taming ultimate-tier slimes.
Both of the girls are staring at the loot of that big slime, I take this moment to get a better view of them. If I had to say something about them is that they both look like models that I used to see on fashion shows on the TV, both have pencil-thin eyebrows, small cute button noses with puffy, heart-shaped lips. I can also see pointy canines peeking on the corner of their mouths. Their arms and legs are thin and slender, I noticed that both don't have much in their chest department but it only adds to their cute petite frame.
I was mesmerized watching their cute pointy animal ears moving while they curiously looked at the loot with their fluffy tails wagging. They look like twins, but besides their fur, I think I can distinguish them also by their demeanor. The one with black fur seems very energetic and cheerful, while the one with silver fur gives me a demure and gentle vibe.
I started to introduce myself but the words got stuck in my throat. I had so few interactions with girls in my whole life, save for Julietta, but she was always the one starting conversations. I don't know what to say to these beautiful ladies in front of me. Damn, let's just wing it.
"Hello my fellow air-breathing mammals, my name is Daniel Creed, how are you doing in this fine afternoon?" Wtf did I just say, oh no! They are looking at me weirdly.
"Thank you very much for saving us Sir!" The one with black fur stood up and bowed her head to me.
"Ah, please call me Daniel, also there is no need to thank me, I'm always happy to help pretty ladies like yourselves." I said while blushing a little running my hand through my hair.
The moment I said the word pretty, the atmosphere around them changed, was like all the wildlife around us became quiet, as a suffocating silence descended upon me. The silver-furred one looked down with sad eyes while the one with black fur looked at me a little mad and said.
"That joke isn't funny, Sir"
I looked so confused for a moment and just blurted without thinking.
"I'm not joking, you both are gorgeous."
Now it was her time to look confused, then she said.
"Then prove it!"
"How?" I asked.
"With a K-kiss" This time she said it with a small voice blushing a little.
I have no idea how my cringing-inducing introduction leads to this situation, but I feel that I can't let this opportunity pass. It would be my actual first kiss. I just walked up to her with mechanical movements sweating all over my back mustering courage to kiss this incredible good-looking woman.
She was staring at me wide-eyed looking like she is also not believing this situation. I just went for it and ended up hitting her teeth with mine at the first moment, but after a little of trial and error, I was savoring her lips. Her saliva tasted like cherry to me and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
I was a little dazed when we ended our kiss and looking to my side I saw the silver-furred one looking at me biting her lips. I suddenly acted on auto-pilot and started to kiss her too, she was a little surprised at first but then melted in my arms. Her saliva tasted a little like lemon and I couldn't get enough.
Then it came to me a sudden realization that I was naked kissing two girls that I just met. I hastily moved back from them, they were both blushing and looking at me with a little bit of hunger in their eyes. I cleared my throat and said.
"Ahem, was that proof enough?"
"Maybe... *wink* My name is Laura by the way and this is Yuu" Laura introduced themselves. Yuu with her cheeks still hot asked with a small silvery voice.
"Why did you feel from the sky?"
I gave them an awkward smile and I started to think about what should I tell the girls. I don't wanna they thinking I am crazy so I think I am going to tell them that I lost all my memories up to that point when I woke up on top of the gorilla, which I imagine is more believable than telling them that I am from a different world.
After telling them my version of facts they each hold one of my hands and look at me with sad eyes showing compassion to me when I said that I could only remember my name. Using my memory loss excuse I start to question the girls about several things.
From the gist of it, I understand that this world is a matriarchal society, where 80% of the population are women. This hard world judges people by their appearances, which is preached by the church and supported by the nobilities. They say that by this world standard they are both very ugly, which I gave them a questioningly look, thinking that they are trying to trick me, but by their looks, I think that they were serious about it.
After asking them about traits they said that the majority of the women have traits, while only 10% of the men have. The people that are lucky to be born with a rare or powerful trait are usually adopted by the nobility and are used as a show of prestige between them. Laura also told me that she has a useless shadow-related trait that she can use to blind small animals for a few seconds while Yuu tells me that she doesn't have one.
I tell them about my traits and they stare at me with disbelief, Laura tells me that less than 1% of the population have more than one trait and she never heard of a trait with a tier higher than S.
I notice that the sun is starting to set and take a look at the loot of the big slime. I asked them if they could see the pop-ups above the items, thinking that if they see the name of my rifle they would find out that I'm from another world, but they said that only identification-related traits or some rare drop items were able to inspect items, but normally it only shows the tier and stats of items, they again look up to me with amazement in their eyes when I say that I'm able to see a little description of the items besides the name, tier, and stats, propping them to ask me who decides the name of items and who writes the flavor text, all I could is move my shoulders and tell them I have no clue.
I equip the 'gelano' ring and get a nice feeling of power running through my veins, finally, I felt like myself again, which means that before joining this world my stats should have been around 5. I put the rest of the loot in my backpack and start to move with the girls to find a shelter for the night since they said that the nearest city is a little far away and most of the creatures of this forest are nocturnal.
We moved from the clearing that we were and sat under the crown of a nearby tree. Since everything around us is still a little wet from the rain we won't be able to make a campfire, unfortunately. Also, I'm completely naked, making me a little scared of hypothermia.
I offer the girls the rest of the meat from the tiger from before that I had on my backpack, they both accepted with a big smile and star in their eyes that made me laugh a little. Then I decide to test something.
"Hey Laura, can I use my trait on you? I might take your trait for a while but think I should be able to give it back to you after a little."
"*munch* *munch* Sure Daniel, go ahead *munch*." She said to me mid-bites looking way too cute for her own good. I have a suspicion that they loved the meat. Thank you Garfield for providing me with this heartwarming view. RIP.
I focused on her and tried activating my trait, she shook her head a little startled and gave me a surprised look, then she nodded her head.
Transfer activated. Cooldown - 23h 59m
Blinding Shadow trait acquired.
Blinding Shadow - Tier F
The user is able to cast a shadow to momentary blind its foes, activation depends on will force of the target.
Cooldown - 20 seconds
Wow, it really worked, Looking at Laura and Yuu I have a feeling that I could give this trait back to them right now if I wanted, so the cooldown apparently only affects if I want to take a trait from someone and I could give it back anytime I want, cool.
I also felt a little lethargic after using my trait, then I see another bar appear in the corner of my vision, below the HP and MP ones, this one has a green bar.
HP: 38/38
MP: 58/58 (+20)
SP: 28/38
So using my trait consumed 10 stamina. Also looking at the points in these bars apparently I have gained 1 stat in each for each level I went up, the ring is giving me plus 20 to my MP. I really need to learn how the other stats impact my HP, MP, and SP, maybe the girls could tell me later.
Without targeting anyone I tried to activate blinding shadow and got surprised when my other trait activated instead.
Mutation activated. Cooldown - 23h 59m
Blinding Shadow becomes Shadow Manipulation.
Shadow Manipulation - Tier A
The user is able to mold and use shadows to do his bidding.
Cooldown - 1 minute.
My SP dropped another 10 points and another notification popped up.
Shadow Manipulation activated. Cooldown 59s
I got startled by the trait activating on its own and started to fell on my back, putting on the ground hand to balance myself then the weirdest thing happened. My hand sank in the shadow behind me, up to my wrist, then I got assaulted by that sluggish feeling and noticed my SP dropping rapidly, I tried getting up by putting my other hand and it also sunk in the shadow, making my SP drop even faster. Then both girls who were looking at me with wide eyes suddenly let a small cry as I felt that my hands groped something soft beyond the shadow.
""Eeeek"" Both girls stood up from their spots and I saw both of my hands in the place where they were sitting on their butts a moment ago. Before I could say anything my SP went to zero and both of my hands were pushed out of my shadow, and I almost fainted feeling a strong headache.
I apologized to both of them and explained what happened with mine and Laura's traits and my SP.
"Daniel that's amazing!" Laura said while laughing and hugging me and Yuu gave me a head massage while blushing a little. Hehehe, my headache was gone in a moment and I couldn't hide the smile on my face, feeling Laura's small boobs pressing on my back and the caring fingers of Yuu in my hair.
After that, I decided to test if that new crystal would work on my rifle, I debated using it on the ring but my rifle actually saved my life more than once so I think it is better to try and make it even stronger.
Both girls finished eating and are looking at me curiously as I take the crystal from my backpack and put it beside my rifle. Just like the other times, I put both together and both started to shine. Then my rifle starts to float in front of me and starts to melt and change right in front of my eyes.
"Oooh!" Laura says admiring the spectacle and when the light show stops my rifle floats back to my hand. The dark wood stock now has some cool carvings that make and nice pattern, the bluish metal barrel now became totally black looking like obsidian and the rifle now has a scope attached to the upper part in the same material as the barrel.
Reforged Long Ranged Weapon From Another Realm +3 - Grade S+
Attack 250, HIT +30, CRIT +25, ASPD -5%
A mysterious artifact that is capable of firing projectiles made of pure concentrated mana.
Upgraded 3 times:
More Penetration
Longer Range
Reduced mana cost
Able to control the amount of mana utilized in each shot
If locked on at a target with the scope has a small homing property applied when shot
Restriction - Can only be wielded by Daniel Creed
Wow... incredible, my rifle became even more OP. The girls are asking me how my weapon works, Laura is bouncing up and down energetically beside me and I am also very eager to test it now, so I will do just that.
I stand up and ask them to stay a little behind me. After I aim through the scope at a boulder a little away from me I feel something click inside my head, probably the lock-on ability just activated, and when I press the trigger I got a feeling that I can control how much of my mana I can give to it. I decided to just give it one point to see what is the smallest damage that I could do and the bullet is shot.
It travels at an astonishing speed leaving a black-colored thin trail behind the trajectory but when it hits the rock it barely does any damage. I and the girls went to check and there is a small hole, finger deep in the rock.
"What, only that?" Laura asks looking at my rifle with an unimpressed smirk.
I felt that my pride was attacked and asked them to move back a little again. This time I don't take much distance and aim down at the small hole that I just made in this rock almost at point-blank. Thinking back I should definitely have taken more space before pushing the trigger. I let the rifle use all of my remaining MP and pulled the trigger.
In the beginning nothing happened, then I felt like all of my energy was being sucked into the rifle, I lost all the strength in my legs and the rifle started to vibrate and heat up. I then heard a very loud noise that made me momentarily deaf.
My shoulder was hit with the recoil so badly that I was flung 5 meters up in the air and lost 30 HP in an instant. The shot blasted the rock in a million pieces and it continued in its path hitting the ground and leaving a burning hole the size of my head.
After I got up with the help of the girls we approached the hole that I made on the ground, we had no idea how deep it is. I sighed and decided to call it a day, the moon was already up, and I felt completely tired, my SP and MP at rock bottom. The girls offered to take turns between them to warn us if something approaches us in the night while we sleep. Laura would take the first turn so I laid down using my backpack as a pillow and Yuu laid in front of me, hugging me so that she can share some body warmth with me throughout the night since I am still completely naked. Between my tiredness, Yuu's flowery smell, and her fluffy ears against my cheek I blacked out in a matter of seconds.
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