《Saint who defies God》Ch.7 [Lump In Your Throat]



Donald POV

“Oi ca−.”

When I tried to calm her down she already charged in towards me, out of reflex I parry her dagger with my sword. Clang, a heavy sound of steel clashing one another resounded through the air while the audience started to cheers when the battle starts. What is this, did they think it’s some kind of entertainment or something for them? I tried to pushed her back but she’s already jumped back, and in an instant she dashed again, the onlooker started to cheers once more, oh come on, if you really like a fight then switch with me. She dashed towards me but this time instead of blocking her attack I tried to dodge it, I move toward her left and hit her with the handle of my sword, I tried to hit her on the back to make her unconscious but she only groan in pain when I hit her, I know Larissa put her spell on both of us but still isn’t it kind of too much just for strengthening spell, I hit her with a lot of strength but she only groaned in pain, it should make her unconscious or at least fall on the ground. Shit, what would she do when she see the bruise on Cicera’s back, I started to panic when I thinking about what would she do to me.

“Cicera stop it, you remember what would happen when we hurt each other right.”

“No, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to kill you.”

Are you for real? How should I stop her? How can I stop her? While I’m busy thinking about how to stop her, she once again charged at me followed by cheers from the onlookers, but in the middle of her charge she suddenly throw something at me, I reflexively block it with my sword but when I realized it she’s already below my elbow, with a smirk on her face she stab me on my chest with her dagger while saying ‘Got you.’ I hit her face as hard as I can with my elbow and sent her flying across the road where she hit several people. The surrounding fell silence in an instant, she left her dagger stuck on my chest, I pulled it out and the surrounding started to make a ruckus about what just happened, some said ‘Someone help him.’ While other shouted ‘Catch her, restrain her.’ Why didn’t you help me restrain her from the start you fools. I fell on the ground when strength slowly left my body and went unconscious.

Larissa POV

Ugh, my head’s hurt, why would there’s so much noise outsides, I wish the room is sound proof. Anyway why the hell did they make so much noise outside, ugh because I’m up I can’t really going back to sleep, let’s see what caused the ruckus. As I left the inn I can see people running towards one direction and heard them saying something about a fight, apparently there’s a fight between a wife and a husband near a food stall well looks like someone is hungry. I finally see people flocking around something, when I moved closer I could hear people shouting ‘Come on, restrain her, she’s just a single woman.’ And when I tried to figured out what happened somehow peoples suddenly started to fly in all direction, I have a bad feeling about this, and just like I thought when I arrived I saw Cicera fighting against several men at once and she sent them fly one by one, and when she accidentally found me among the crowd I tilted my head in puzzlement and smile, she froze in fear and in the next moment she tried to run away.


“I don’t think so. [Chronos]”

People confused because the woman who’s actively throwing people around before is suddenly stopped moving. Ignoring the people’s look I tried to find Donald as I walked to a smaller group surrounding someone who’s seems to be hurt, I had a feeling that the one who’s injured is Donald, when I arrived at the spot I see Donald lying on the ground with a wound on his chest, I also see several people tried to treat his wound and I also see a small track of blood, well I guess they have to move him in order to treat his wound. I walked to a place where he lies unconscious.

“Excuse me. He’s one of my aides, do you mind if I take a look.”

Without waiting for permission I squeezed in between two men who’s treating Donald wound. The wound is already clean, however every times he breathe blood flows out of his wound and the men next to me started to wipe it clean again. They didn’t do anything to stop the bleeding? He’s going to die because losing too much blood if all you do is just clean the wound so I asked in wonder.

“You didn’t try to heal his wound?”

“I’m sorry miss, but this is the best we can do.”

“We already sent someone to call the priest.”

“Priest? Not a doctor?”

Both men speak one after the other, and apparently there’s no doctor in this world, when I mention a word doctor everyone seems a bit confused and asked me what doctor is. Of course I didn’t bother explain what doctor is, I meant what’s the benefit in it, it’s just a troublesome thing to do. So instead of explaining what doctor is, I asked about the weapon that cut Donald and since I don’t see Cicera holding any weapons when she fought those men, I’m sure the dagger must be around Donald’s body but I didn’t see it. And suddenly a kid came out of the crowd holding the dagger when I asked in loud voice whether anyone see it or not, I take the dagger back and put it next to Donald’s body then give a silver coin to the boy, after all he saved me from the trouble of finding it. The boy left with joyous expression and I turn my attention back to Donald as I cast healing skill on him.


The wound on his chest is closing and his face which once was pale because losing too much blood is now regained its color back. At first he only groan and then he suddenly open his eyes and started to cough blood, I helped him sit and give him a little tap on his back to help him. Ignoring all the amazed looks on people eyes I asked if he’s better now, he only nod and follow me as I walked towards another crowd while holding the dagger. There are a lot of people surrounding Cicera, obviously they are wondering how come a woman who’s supposedly throwing people around suddenly stopped moving.

“Excuse me.”

I tried to squeeze in among the crowd towards where Cicera is. Damn, why there’s so much people here, don’t they have any works to do? And Donald who’s supposed to be walking behind me is right now walked in front of as he tried to make way for me to walk through the crowd, what a handyman. After I finally manage to walk through the crowd I saw Cicera standing in the same spot when she first see me, and when she see me out of the crowd her expression suddenly filled with fear, I smiled when I see her expression, looks like she knows what will about to happen to her, so I decide to postpone her punishment, I’ll make her wait in anxiety. People started to notice me when I walked to where Cicera stand, and when I stand next to her I speak in a loud voice, it’s almost like shouting than speaking.


“I’m sorry. I’m sorry about what both my aides do, I’m sorry because they make such ruckus during the day, and I also sorry if any of you became a victim for their blunder, I’m truly sorry about what happened. And as their master I will punished them as a reminder so that the same thing won’t happen again, and as my apologies I will leave the village immediately to cause you no further trouble.”

I showed my regretful smile and bowed, people started to look a bit troubled after they see me bow, and some started to leave. After about a minute I raised my head and turns my head to look at Cicera, I smiled when I saw her fearful expression. She made me do such thing so I’m sure she’s prepared about what will I do to her, I’m going to punished her so bad that she will think dead is a better option for her. I grab her arm and drag her out of the remaining crowd, the people are surprised when they see me dragged her as if I was dragging some stuffed toy. Ignoring their stares I keep dragging her out of the village while Donald walked in front of me, I’m sure her feet will hurt badly when I undo my skill. And in the afternoon when we currently take our break to have some lunch I saw Donald staring at Cicera who’s still froze solid like a rock standing next to me with a pitiful look.

“Do you want to share some of her burden?”

I said that to him because he’s should be able to stop her, I meant how can a bandit lose to a housewives from I don’t know where. He immediately shakes his head after hearing what I said and we proceed towards our journey to the south. At nighttime when Donald preparing dinner with the meat I gave him I undo the skill on Cicera.


When the skill disappeared she started to cry while saying ‘it hurt, my feet hurt.’ Of course it’s going to hurt after all I dragged you all day long, and when she get used to the pain on her feet she whispered ‘I’m hungry.’ Even if it’s a whisper both me and Donald can hear it quite well, so I told Donald to give her some food, if I remember she hasn’t eat anything since we left the village. Finished with the eating I summoned the Hellhounds but before we sleep I called to Cicera and pulled something out of my storage. It was a ring, in my storage this ring is categorized as an ordinary item not equipment, but when I tried to take it out of my inventory during one of my sleepless night its shape is just ordinary ring, so I wonder if people can actually wear it.

The reason this ring piqued my interest is because the description of the ring, it said ‘Ring of Ra: The wearer of this ring will gain an eternal life.’ It means immortality right, so I wonder whether the description is true or not and tonight I’m going to test it. I told Cicera to wear the ring, at first she hesitated because it’s a golden ring with a huge red stone on top of it with smaller colorful stone around it. I told her it was okay and she put the ring on her finger, apparently you can wear it even if it’s not counted as equipment, and for the second test, I pulled out the dagger I gave to Cicera from my waist and in an instant I cut her head off. Her body fell backwards while her head rolled near my legs, and after realizing what happened she scream, the head is screaming while the body wiggling violently on the ground, she keep screaming and shouting ‘it hurt, it hurt.’ While Donald can only close his eyes from this hellish scenery. Apparently the ring is grants you eternal life but it looks like you can still the pain. I walked to where her body is and stab her heart with the dagger, she’s now scream more loud than before, well looks like she can still feel her body even if it’s not attached to her head, this time I walked to her head is and picked it up, I grab the head by the hair and told her to try to make her body stand, but after five minutes all she do is only scream so I tossed her head to where her body is. I pulled out earmuff from my storage I give one to Donald and tell him to go sleep as I use another one and went to sleep, well no one can sleep with all those screaming.

In the next morning I take off my earmuff and the air is peaceful, there’s only bird chirping and the sounds of the bugs, no screaming can be heard. Looks like she ran out of voices for screaming all night long, when I looked at Donald he seems to be sleeping so I wake him up and when he’s up I told him to make some food and put the earmuff back in my storage. I walked towards Cicera’s head, apparently she passed out during the night so I pick her head and attach it to her body and cast [Heal] on her, her head is attached back to her body and she suddenly wake from her dream and started to scream so I slap her on the face to silence her and return to where Donald is to help him make some breakfast, my Hellhounds are still there so if she tried to run I just need to tell them to catch her and if she is miraculously escaped from them, still she can’t run from me.

“Come, help us make breakfast.”

Without delay she hurriedly comes to us and without uttering single words she helped us to make some breakfast. Finished with the breakfast I unsummoned my Hellhounds and give Cicera her dagger back, I also asked for the ring back and without another question she give the ring back to me.

“Do you want to say something?”

I asked her but she remained silent.

“I take your silence as a yes. So, what you want to tell me?”

“……………. I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“F-For making a scene in the village.”

“I care not about what you do in the village, but I did care about what you do to Donald.”

“I already told you both before, if you hurt each other I’ll give you some punishment, and I also says to Donald once that I won’t let him get hurt.”

“And you make me break my promise to Donald by hurting him.”

“Me beheading you is just part of the punishment for hurting Donald, and I’ll still give you another punishment because you make me break my promise.”

After hearing what I said Cicera’s face turns pale. But I decide to postpone her punishment for another day because I like seeing how people wait in anxiety, and because it will take around 6 days to get to the Holy City of Thymel so we decide to leave as soon as we finished our breakfast.

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