《The Mysterious Secret》Chapter 17


The book still sat there, it's title having an ominous glow. The book seemed to pull me closer, the magic wafting off of it in waves. Maybe I should get Hannah... I walked away from it, heading back towards Hannah. She was already up and scanning through the bookshelves, done with reading the book.

"Hey Hannah, I think something's a bit amiss." I said.

"Well," she replied, interested, "What is it?"

"I believe it's better if I show you." I held her hand and led her to where I saw the book. The book still lied there, still ominously glowing. "Here, I found this, and can feel a strong pull from it." I pointed at the book. Seconds later confusion was obvious on her face.

"What do you mean? There's nothing there..." She looked at me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm completely fine, but now I'm just confused, there's a book right there... Don't you see it glowing?"

"Nope, but if you can see something, then why don't you pick it up?"

"Alright... I will." I put my hand over the book and grabbed the strap laying on the side. I picked the book up and gave it and blew, send the dust that had lied on the book flying everywhere.

"Wow!" Hannah exclaimed in astonishment, "How did you do that?"

"Do what... I didn't do anything special." I replied, wrapping the strap around my shoulder.

"There was no book there before, but then your hand touched it, and now it's visible! That book has some magic in it, we should probably talk to Jack."

"Or everyone." Jack was sitting in the library next to Flannery, taking notes on a small half-sheet of paper. The book sitting next to him was called, "Friend or Foe, Beasts of Mana".


"Hey Jack, we may have found something you'd be interested in, it's an old book." Said Hannah.

"I'll take a look", Said Jack, eagerly taking the possibility of holding an enchanted item. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a notepad, covered in sketches and notes, which he then used for observing.

"The most odd thing about it is that it disappears when Trey lets go." Pointed out Hannah, signaling me to do so. I dropped it and saw it phase right through Jack's hands.

"Wow! Impressive... What happens when you touch it again?" Asked Jack.

I put my finger to the book, and Jack's eyes squinted. "Peculiar, if I could make any hypothesis, it would be that the book thinks you worthy of reading it, caused by the spell."

"Perhaps you should, after all, I don't believe it would hurt to see." Blurted Flannery.

I pondered for a bit, then decided my answer. "I'll open it tomorrow, and we'll read some together." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Hey Hannah", said Flannery, "I think I found a book you might like." Flannery handed Hannah the story, titled as 'The

Power of the Earth: Study of the Elements'.

"Thanks!" Hannah opened the book and read a few lines. "Wait, the tingling stopped..." Hannah set down the book and sat down. "I think I know what's going to happen."

"What?" I asked.

"I'm going to earn my tail..."

Authors Note -

Ta-da! Hannah's going to earn her tail! Yay, applause for her. 👏👏👏 I decided it was time to get the story moving again, and add a big event. Now that Hannah will earn her tail, I guess I'll just have to find a way to describe it, as well as my creative mind can manage. Anyway, thanks for the reads y'all have been giving me. It's been hard to write and do school at the same time, so expect a random upload schedule.

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