《Flaming Light》Chapter 24: Prelude to Chaos: 4
The curtain rises as chaos ensues. Three demon kings, Jac De Jac, Leonardo Blaze and Neutro have arrived along with a horde of demons and the appearance of one of the top Celestials.
Phoenix is in another dimension battling it out against Neutro and two demon kings, Mephisto and Nocte while Luxxi is handling Spada, another demon king. Serena and Dia are up against a rank C demon, Alsalasil as Kiiara hurries towards them. Nonetheless, the entire Glory Academy is in pandemonium but what is Jac De Jac up to?
“This is a tale of humans, beasts, and beings from other worlds. A tale of a girl who wants to surpass the strongest; no this is their tale. A tale of hope. A tale of Flaming Light.”
The battle rages on at different parts of Glory Academy following the invasion of the demonkind. Due to the dimensional labyrinth, people are scattered around randomly.
At one of the hidden inner chambers, several feet underneath the school, Jac De Jac, Leonardo Blaze, Jerrgens and Axion approach a large mysterious door (with a height of at least 45 feet).
“So this is where they sealed it, interesting,” Leonardo Blaze states, looking up at the door.
Jerrgens adds, “It seems the door has barriers of some sorts. Probably a seal put up by the Absolute blade, Ryusei Enten Novara. Trust you can get past these, Jac.”
Jac De Jac responds while walking towards the door, “If it’s Novara, not just anyone will be able to unlock it.” He lets out a sigh and chants, “I come to thee in this mighty hour, but in front of thee, I shall not bow. This is the truth, for I am absolute.”
He proceeds to place his hand on the door and calmly utters, “Release.”
Instantly, the lines on the door light up and the huge door gradually opens inwards. “Fortunately, I’m not just anyone,” he brags. “Let’s go.”
The vast room (a size of at least 1.5km in both length and breadth) is well lit with several artifacts positioned at different locations of it. As they walk some distance into it, they hear a voice behind them.
“Do not proceed any further!!!” the voice yells.
Axion, nonchalantly, turns to see who it is.
Standing at the large entrance to the room are Dayve and Dubnet. Somehow, when the dimensional dynamic labyrinth happened, they were sent to a location close to the hidden room and were able to make their way there by means of just wandering around.
“My my, what a surprise. Could this be fate, dear son?” Leonardo Blaze says, turning to Dayve.
Jac De Jac and Jerrgens continue making their way to the inner part of the room. “Have fun with your reunion, Leonardo,” Jac De Jac says.
Leonardo chuckles as he stands, glaring at his son, Dayve. Axion is beside him, just gazing at both Dayve and Dubnet.
“Father,” Dayve calmly but furiously utters as an outburst of powerful aura emanates from him.
Dubnet takes a step forward and urges Dayve, “Wait Dayve, please.” He goes on to state, “Now that I’ve met you Sir Leonardo, there’s something I’d like to clarify. It’s about my parents’ death.”
“Oh? And what about it?” Leonardo asks.
“You see, all these years, I wished my parents weren’t dead. I mean I was but a baby when last I saw them. I don’t know how but I can still remember the last moment I saw my dad and mom smile at me. Maybe, it’s because of the pictures of them I have in the special locket that they left with me. However, it pains my heart every time to know they were murdered and not just that but betrayed by a trusted friend of theirs. No one really wants to tell me yet. I know Phoenix and Diana are probably trying to protect me. I cannot ascertain who killed or betrayed them but I got a hint that you are the most likely suspect. Tell me, is that true, Leonardo?” Dubnet inquires.
Leonardo tucks his hands into the pockets of his trouser and glaring at Dubnet, he responds, “And what exactly will you do if it’s true?”
Dubnet exhales and calmly with little expression on his face, staring at Leonardo, mutters, “I’ll kill you.” A sudden chill can be felt by everyone present in the vast room and so can the cold killing intent of Dubnet. A bright red glow bursts from him, encompassing his entire being and the whole room begins to rumble violently. He reaches for his sword strapped at the back of his waist.
“Thank God I saved enough power at the tournament. Sorry Dayve, but I may have to kill your father right here,” He says and immediately leaps high into the air with a powerful boom, ready to unleash a mighty attack against Leonardo. While in the air, Dubnet raises his sword towards the room’s ceiling and concentrates a large amount of red aura at the tip of his blade with a diameter of about 10 feet (The room is about 60 feet in height).
Leonardo just stands and looking at the technique, states, “He gathered that large amount of raw energy. Such pure red aura is said to be quite dangerous. Reminds me of the Crimson Berserker. That should be one hell of an attack… for his level.”
Dayve is amazed at the amount and quality of Dubnet’s energy release. “If he used this in the tournament, who knows what would have happened.” Dayve now redirects his gaze at Leonardo and unleashes a tremendous amount of energy, wrapping his right hand in flames.
“I still have some power left after getting healed a little. I’ll use Lion’s Fury attack in combination with Dubnet and we should be able to deal a good amount of damage on him,” he says to himself.
Dubnet proceeds to compress the large amount of red aura into a small ball having a diameter of 1 foot and in the blink of an eye, before Dayve can even react, he moves and appears an inch away from Leonardo’s front.
As he swipes his blade vertically downwards to cut Leonardo and cause a massive explosion, Leonardo smiles and with just the flick of his right thumb, unleashes a force so powerful that the sound reverberates around the room. If it was a normal building, the force alone would have shattered the entire walls of the building however, this room has strong reinforcements due to seals placed by the Absolute Blade, Ryusei Enten Novara, which cancels out the effects of attacks to a certain extent.
The force of Leonardo’s flick is so incredible that before Dubnet’s technique can explode, it blasts him outside the huge door, several miles away, crashing in and out of several thick underground walls, all within the blink of an eye. Dubnet finally gets to a place where the explosion of the red ball finally occurs and it is quite the mighty one with a blast radius of about 1.1 miles. The blast slams Dubnet thousands of feet upwards into another room where Campione and some others are.
Leonardo lets out a sigh. “Still too weak.”
Dayve is taken aback and with anger, channels his power into his right fist forming hot flames with brilliant radiance. He quickly moves his feet at what he feels is his fastest at that moment however, in a single breath, Axion’s foot appears at the left side of his face. Before Dayve can even realize what is about to happen, Axion executes a heavy kick which slams Dayve to the wall at the extreme right.
Axion turns to face him. “Hmmm? That kick should have sent him crashing in and out of the wall. It seems this room has some kind of seal that cancels out Force to an extent, so as to preserve the room. It’s a powerful seal at that,” he states.
“Might not just be Force it cancels out,” Leonardo interjects. “It is a seal placed by the Absolute Blade after all. It was probably created with a bit of his absolute cancel ability.”
“I see,” Axion replies as he looks at Dayve who tries to stagger back up with blood gushing out of his mouth, nose and ears, even his eyes can barely open.
“I should commend you though,” Axion states. “Regular people would have been knocked unconscious if not dead just by that kick but yours must be the effect of having the heavenly martial body. Though, it seems you’ve not honed it well enough.”
Something else catches Axion’s attention and he turns to face the door.
“Hmm, more guests,” he says to Leonardo. “It seems Jac De Jac may be up to something.”
At the door are some of the other prodigies, Tesla, Gerrar, Erraz, Ainer Buster who did not participate in the tournament and Kevine.
“Seems the dimensional labyrinth brought us all here together,” Ainer states. “Seems a bit fishy if you ask me,” she adds.
Tesla nods. “Without a doubt, someone is up to something. Nonetheless, who are these guys and what have they done to Dayve?” she asks.
“Does it really matter when it’s obvious they don’t have good intentions,” Gerrar utters.
Erraz speaks up to Axion and questions, “Who are you and what have you done to Dayve?!”
Axion just stares at them and in a calm cold tone responds, “And who are you to ask such?”
Ainer is infuriated. “What?! The sheer arrogance!!” she yells and zooms off with super speed. She is wielding two swords emitting laser beams as their blades.
Tesla shouts for Ainer to wait but Ainer is already halfway through to Axion when suddenly, in a second, they all witness as Ainer is sent back with immense force, crashes into a thick wall and spews out a lot of blood. Instantly, she is knocked unconscious.
The remaining prodigies are all surprised.
“What just happened?” Kevine is perplexed.
“Didn’t you guys see it? That guy over there moved so fast that he hit Ainer with a powerful blow and still returned to his initial position making it seem like he didn’t move at all,” she says referring to Axion.
“What?!” Erraz is astonished. “He’s strong. He’s too strong. We thought we’d be able to handle him since he looks our age but he’s way too strong.”
Tesla exhales and says, “We can’t afford to panic. Erraz, stay behind and cook up some of those your powerful dark element moves. Gerrar, stay by my right as we will attack together. Kevine, you take my left to provide cover from there. Even if we’ve been healed, I can’t use all the moves I’ve used today again except I forcefully create another silver lightning pill to boost my power levels.”
They all quickly align to the positions as suggested by Tesla and Erraz goes on to say, “Even if we’re not at optimal levels at the moment, that guy seems to have dealt a mighty blow on Dayve and he’s unscathed. Also, just now, his attack was so fast that not even Ainer could react and when it comes to speed, she is faster than most of us. In summary, even if we are at optimal level, in terms of speed, strength and maybe skill too, we stand absolutely no chance against him, in a one on one that is.”
Gerrar unsheathes his two swords and adds, “It’s alright. We will attack together. The four of us should suffice.”
Quickly, Kevine stretches his palm to unleash a kinetic blast but Axion is too fast as he appears and lands a kick on Kevine’s temple. However, as Kevine falls to the ground, he grits his teeth and tightens his fist. He releases some psychic energy from his entire body and binds Axion. “Kinetic hold. This should hold him while the others attack.”
Axion is immobilised and right away, six large strips of light surround and tightly press him.
“Way of the light: Binding Rays,” Gerrar says as he rushes from Tesla’s right side with one of his swords cloaked in lightning, to cut down Axion. At the same time, Tesla joins her palms together and releases some air from her mouth and creates a silver cloud with lightning sparks around Axion’s feet.
She then jumps backwards as does Erraz and she analyses in her mind, “By using a mini Silver Storm, I can restrict Axion’s movements further, giving Gerra the perfect chance to deal a lethal strike on Axion. Since, Gerrar will be fighting with an intent to kill, his strike will be far more deadly than usual.”
Gerrar follows up quickly as he appears above Axion, pointing his sword upwards and unleashes a great deal of lightning.
“Lightning Release: Darkness Destroyer!” he moves to strike Axion swiping his sword down in a vertical approach and causing a large explosion.
As the dust and lightning sparks fizzle off, Axion is standing beside Gerrar, with his left fist placed on Gerrar’s chest. The shock on Gerrar’s face as well as Tesla and Erraz is quite glaring. They are confused as to how Axion was able to break free from the bindings and evade Gerrar’s attack.
Gerrar breaks out of his shock and tries to make a move to attack Axion however, Axion turns his fist placed on Gerrar’s chest in a clockwise manner. A mighty boom is released, slamming Gerrar far back to Tesla’s position. In the process, he coughs out blood as his shirt is blown to pieces and his two swords each break into two.
“That was quite a good combination. The word prodigy isn’t a joke for them. The bindings were executed very swiftly if I may say,” Axion says within himself. “That lightning sword attack was quite impressive as well. If they train well enough, they have the potential to be among the greats. Should I let them be so that when they are stronger, they can entertain me to a good fight? After all, I’m currently not here as an assassin.”
Axion takes two steps forward, lets out a sigh and stares into Tesla’s eyes. “The only reason I haven’t dealt a lethal blow to any of you is cause I didn’t get any request to kill you all. At the same time, I also didn’t get a request not to kill you all. So I’ll say this once, if you love your life, stay away from this fight but, if you decide to come against me one more time, I won’t hesitate to kill any of you.”
At that moment, Dayve lets out a loud cry and there is an upsurge of power in that vicinity. After a brief moment, the surge dies down and Dayve steps out to where Axion and the others are fighting.
“I’ll deal with you later, father,” he says, referring to Leonardo. “For now, I’ll protect my people.”
Dayve is now enveloped with flame hazes swirling around him and a small fiery halo around his head.
“What is this power?” He ponders. “I’ll figure that out later but for now, I feel like I can go over and beyond my regular usage.”
Leonardo lets out a faint smile as he sees the fiery aura and halo around Dayve. “Seems he has unconsciously activated the Blaze King’s Awakening. He is of the Blaze lineage after all. Will this be entertaining enough for you, Axion?”
Swiftly, Tesla separates her palms, displaying a small ball of silver lightning at the center of it. She then proceeds to swallow the pill and immediately there is an amplification of power within her as her hair begins flowing upwards with sparks of silver lightning enshrouding her.
She says within herself, “I have been able to forcibly reproduce this pill for the second time today, however the backlash will be tremendous. We must finish this battle as quickly as possible. Aunt Luxxi is definitely going to shout at me.”
As for Erraz, dark clouds begin to emanate from him. They gather at his left fist, cladding it like a glove. His hair starts flowing upwards and his eyes are completely darkened except his pupils which glow purple.
His voice is now deeper with a haughty tone to it as he says, “Good grief, I had to swap with that weakling not just because he asked but his vessel is my host as well. “
Dayve and Tesla are a bit taken aback by the change in attitude of Erraz. Erraz chuckles a bit and says, “Long explanation. Don’t worry, your friend is intact. I’m here to help, at least at the moment, seeing as a very very strong one is in front of us.”
Tesla and Dayve nod to each other and all three turn to face Axion.
“So, you have all chosen death.” Axion states in his calm but flat tone.
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