《Flaming Light》Chapter 8: Battle Royale: Kiiara Vs Sienna Vs Serena
“Astonishing that our two daughters will be competing against each other at the start,” Diana says to Phoenix.
“Not just that, they put three participants from Lightville against each other,” Phoenix replies.
“Say, should we bet?” Diana suggests.
“Bet on our daughters? What kind of parents are we?” Phoenix responds.
“I’m going with Serena,” Diana quickly insists.
“Ugh!! We didn’t even say start. Alright, I’ll go with Kiiara then,” Phoenix replies.
“My win, your treat. You know what that means,” Diana says, winking at Phoenix.
As the battle Royale tournament kicks off with exuberant applause from the beholders, Kiiara makes a quick run for Serena and launches a horizontal kick with her left leg but Serena quickly spots the attack.
“She’ll use her left leg to parry,” Kiiara discerns, as Serena uses her left leg to parry Kiiara’s attack.
“Alright,” Kiiara says to herself. Before her leg and Serena’s leg make a connection, she flings her right leg, making a half-spin and using it to land a kick at the back of Serena’s shoulder. At once, Sienna appears, thrusting in with her right hand to strike Kiiara but Kiiara quickly bounces off Serena’s shoulder and creates a good distance between them, evading the attack. As she is about to put her feet on the ground, she tosses two knives at Sienna who waves them off with two fingers of her right hand which are clad with pink lightning.
Serena quickly jumps forward and turns, leaving a good distance between herself and Sienna. Sienna immediately faces Kiiara and dashes to attack her. Kiiara returns the gesture by also moving towards Sienna and when there is little proximity between them, Sienna thrusts her pink lightning clad fingers at Kiiara. Kiiara evades the attack by jumping up, placing her hand on Sienna’s shoulder and making a long flip in the air, sends some knives against Serena who easily dodges each of them. Kiiara then lands at Serena’s back but before she can completely turn to face Serena, Serena already appears ready to punch her.
“Right fist,” Kiiara says to herself and evades Serena’s attack without even looking.
“Spin and right leg,” she thinks to herself. Immediately, Serena does a spin and launches a kick with her right leg which Kiiara quickly turns and blocks with both her hands. The kick pushes Kiiara back a bit.
“What?” Serena is surprised at how well Kiiara is evading and blocking.
“Can’t let this go on for long now. Time to do this,” Kiiara says to herself.
“Eagle eyes,” she adds, as her sparkling blue eyes turn glistening gold in color and she dashes off, launching several attacks of kicks and punches against Serena.
“Heh,” Serena giggles, dodging Kiiara’s attacks.
“Your eagle eyes give you a better and clearer perception, allowing you to move at a speed faster than usual. Impressive,” Serena comments.
“Nevertheless, how is it that you’re able to easily counter my attacks?” Serena questions, as Kiiara parries her attacks.
“Heh, we’ve trained together for so long, what do you think? I can predict some of your moves at least,” Kiiara replies with a smile, as the attacks go on.
Sienna immediately rushes in and is just about an inch away from striking Serena from behind when Serena, being aware of this, makes a quick backflip, evading the attack.
“Way of the light: Dazzling space,” Kiiara says. Suddenly, huge beams of light shoot out from the knives Kiiara had earlier thrown and the entire mid-section of the fighting platform is illuminated with intense white light, one can hardly see what is going on there.
By tilting to her left, Kiiara easily evades Sienna who is currently blinded by the bright light and Kiiara swiftly grabs Sienna’s right hand and tosses some distance away.
“Flame release: Dynamic style: Flame falcon.”
Instantly, fire emanates from beneath Kiiara’s feet, taking the shape of a falcon and with this Kiiara flies out of the bright light in a haste.
“Tch!!” Serena hisses, closing her eyes.
Quickly, Kiiara joins her palms together and releases fire from her mouth at Serena but the fire encircles Serena.
“What is she doing?” Serene thinks to herself.
“Wait! Don’t tell me---,” she panics a bit.
With a flame of fire on her index finger, Kiiara draws a symbol in the air and then spreads her palms, directing them at Serena.
“Use of Barrier: Fusion of fire and light: Combustion Cube,” she says and immediately, the large amount of white light and the flames circling Serena, combine and creates a cube around Serena, trapping her inside it. The cube looks like it is made of glass but when Serena tries punching it, flames appear and then vanish. The bright light is no more and everywhere becomes clear once again.
Sienna stands up, surprised to see Serena sealed off by Kiiara.
“My my, what a technique that is,” Diana says, complimenting Kiiara.
“I’m guessing you had a hand in this, darling,” she says to Phoenix.
“Haha,” he chuckles.
“Well, just a little but most of the teaching she got, came from Gabriel,” Phoenix replies.
“I see. It’s almost like his fire prison, but it has the element of light in it to make it even stronger. That’s most likely where you came in, your majesty,” Marcus analyzes.
“Hey! I thought I said to call me Phoenix. Anyway, that’s right. We figured since she was a natural with fusion styles, why not teach her something along that line,” Phoenix responds.
“However, such a technique would consume a lot of elemental energy and at her level, it probably won’t last long but it does buy her time to deal with the other opponent instead of both at once,” he adds.
“Oh~, way of the light and use of barrier techniques, she seems quite resourceful,” Kensora comments from where he is watching.
“The kind of person to peak your interest,” Bakuzan says, watching with his arms folded.
“Who knows? Let’s see what more she can offer because now the real battle begins,” Kensora responds.
“What a surprising move from Kiiara. Campione, that’s a fine barrier, wouldn’t you say?” Dinah, one of the judges, says, watching with her legs crossed.
“So it seems,” Campione replies, smiling a bit.
“Kiiara!!!” Serena screams and releases huge lightning bolts from her palms, shooting them at the barrier, however, the barrier just absorbs the attack.
“What? It seems to be getting hotter in here,” Serena says.
“I see now. So any attack on the barrier further increases its internal temperature and I’m quite sure the larger the attack the faster the increase. How amusing,” Campione says, giving a good analysis of Kiiara’s barrier technique.
“Guess I just have to wait for it to timeout then,” Serena says to herself as she folds her hands, looking at Kiiara.
“That’s right, just stay put,” Kiiara whispers and turns to face Sienna.
“Great! You just removed my threat,” Sienna says and heads for Kiiara.
“We’ll see about that,” Kiiara says.
“Elemental Release: Fire Style: Breath of fire.”
Kiiara quickly releases fire from her mouth at Sienna.
“Interesting, First dance: Cutting Edge,” Sienna says and instantly the pink lightning around her right fingers stretch and form a short blade. Using this short blade of pink lightning, she cuts the breath of fire in half, causing it to explode at her left and right side but nor harming her.
“What?! I totally forgot about pink lightning’s uses,” Kiiara says, flying higher and sideways on her flaming falcon.
“Let’s try wind then,” Kiiara says to herself.
“Elemental Release: Wind Style: Breaking Gust.”
She blows air from her mouth, releasing a good amount of air pressure at Sienna to knock her off. Sienna does the same as before and cuts the wind in half.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Kiiara says.
“Guess I’ll just stick to long range attacks,” she adds and stretches her palm at Sienna, launching small balls of fire against her. Sienna makes a quick run for one of the pillars on the platform and starts running upwards on it. After getting high enough, she makes a big leap from there to another pillar and swiftly bounces off that one, appearing at Kiiara’s front.
“Shi---!!!” Kiiara exclaims upon seeing Sienna in her front as they are both high in the air.
Sienna swings her right hand with the short blade of pink lightning, vertically against Kiiara who evades by stepping back a bit on her flaming falcon. She, however, loses balance but quickly does a back flip in the air. Sienna’s attack cuts the flaming falcon in two and Sienna pushes herself in the air towards Kiiara. Once she gets close to Kiiara, Kiiara pulls out her sword and the two begin to clash; Sienna, using her short blade of pink lightning and Kiiara using her sword. They keep going at the clashing of blades until they both land on the ground. As they land, they both jump backwards, giving each other space.
“She’s definitely special class. If this goes on, I’ll be at a serious disadvantage,” Kiiara says as the two halves of the flaming falcon head for Sienna from behind.
Sienna, without turning, swipes her right hand backwards, releasing a slice of pink lightning which intercepts the two halves of the flaming falcon and explodes.
“Quite the interesting candidate you are, Princess. I sure would have taken you for a walk over before now,” Sienna says with a smirk.
“Well, sorry to burst your bubble, Sienna,” Kiiara replies.
“But this is the end for you in this tournament,” Sienna says.
“Humph!!!” Kiiara sighs, about to make a dash for Sienna but before she can move, Sienna instantly appears at Kiiara’s front.
“It’s over,” she says.
Kiiara tries to block the attack but Sienna hits the under of her right wrist, with her left hand, knocking the sword off Kiiara’s grip.
“Second dance: Sting like a bee, fly like a butterfly,” Sienna says, as the pink lightning on her right hand’s two fingers, diminish back to a needle-like shape, same with the left hand and she thrusts the two fingers of her left hand into Kiiara’s stomach.
“Argh!!!” Kiiara cries out, coughing out blood, as the attack hits her and creates a powerful shockwave at her back, lifting her from the ground.
“One,” Sienna says, hitting her with her left hand.
“Two,” she says, landing another strike with her right hand.
“Three,” she says, landing another one on Kiiara. Sienna’s attacks move so fast that Kiiara cannot react at all to defend herself. Sienna keeps the attack going with powerful speed.
“Thirty, thirty one...one hundred…two hundred,” she continues at an insane speed such that her hands are barely seen, not even Kiiara is very visible at the moment. All that can be clearly seen is pink lightning and the area around them, surrounded with dust.
“Three hundred and sixty one!!! Fly like a butterfly,” she says, after some seconds, and lands a large hit on Kiiara with her palm, sending her flying a very long distance with a mighty force. The battered body of Kiiara crashes into the ground, at the edge of the platform. Sienna stands, staring at the unconscious body of Kiiara which is a far distance from her, as the dust settles.
“She should be done after that. I just hit three hundred and sixty one unique points of her meridians. Now, time for the real deal, Serena,” Sienna says, turning to face Serena.
“Interesting, that was quicker than I thought,” Serena says, still folding her hands.
“It’s almost time for this barrier to fizzle out,” she adds.
“10, 9, 8…,” the referee, Echelone, begins to countdown from his tall chair.
“What an incredible match so far. Once the countdown gets to one, it is all over for the young princess,” the commentators announce.
“Three, two, o---,” before Echelone can complete the count, Kiiara, in a kneeling position, lets out a powerful roar.
“Hahaha, interesting,” a very deep and powerful voice laughs within Kiiara’s mind.
“Awaken, Kiiara,” the voice says and a gleaming flame of fire with white light shimmering in it vibrantly, ignites within Kiiara’s consciousness.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!” she screams out loud, squeezing her fists. Her pupils have totally disappeared, leaving her eyes pure white while her hair is now unpacked, flowing upwards like a gentle stream and gradually turning into flames. The tiny bit of rubble around her also float but quickly dissipate due to the tremendous power released. Her shout is accompanied by a monstrous paroxysm of aura which instantly shatters the barrier holding Serena and covers the entire the school, causing it to quiver greatly.
“What is this?!” the multitude of spectators begin to murmur. The pressure from Kiiara keeps increasing that some find it hard to speak and breathe. Everyone is in shock at this sudden upsurge of power. The kings and queens just observe silently to see what happens next.
“Kensora, this is--,” Bakuzan says, gazing at Kiiara, still folding his hands.
“Yeah, I know. Phoenix’s daughter possesses that also, how amusing,” Kensora replies, smiling.
“What the!!! Is Kiiara going berserk?” Sali struggles to ask Scupto.
“I don’t know but this power, it’s overwhelming,” he answers, gazing at Kiiara.
“I’m trying to move but I can’t,” Sienna says, looking with fear at Kiiara. She struggles to turn to Serena and sees that she too cannot make a single move.
“This power, where did it come from? It’s filling everyone with fear so great that none can make a single move. We’re even barely trying to breathe,” Serena says within herself.
“What’s this? Even we can barely move,” Kevine says, watching together with the other participants who are also finding it difficult to move or breathe.
Also, the pillars on the platform, begin to crumble at different parts, in tiny bits.
“Is it me or is it getting hotter here?” Echelone says within himself.
At the same time, Sienna’s and Serena’s clothes start burning slowly at the edges.
“What?! What sort of heat is this? She’s so far away and I haven’t seen any flame release yet it’s getting quite hot and my clothes are starting to burn,” Sienna says within herself, shivering within with fear, unable to move.
The whole venue of the event, begins to feel the heat, being released from Kiiara.
“It’s getting quite hot here, isn’t it?” some begin to murmur.
Slowly, Kiiara’s shout fades out and she gradually gets up. As her feet gently touches the ground, it creates a powerful shockwave which spreads across the entire venue, surging through the people, creating fear in so many including the participants. Gently and slowly, Kiiara walks towards Sienna, with her hair completely in flames, flowing brilliantly. Each of her steps creates a mighty shockwave, causing hearts to skip as the people gasp internally.
“Unbelievable, what a time for that power to awaken again,” Diana whispers to Phoenix.
“We can’t leave her to fight like this, she’ll completely obliterate her opponents and even worse. You know firsthand what that power is capable of,” Diana adds.
“I see. Not everyone knows about it but I guess I can recognize the feeling of these flames anywhere. So your daughter has it too,” Gray says to Phoenix.
“Quite the talkative one now, are you?” Phoenix replies.
“Phoenix!” Diana quietly nudges Phoenix.
“Got it,” he replies.
“Seal!!!” he whispers and flicks his right index finger at Kiiara, all the way from his seat.
“I will win this!!!” Kiiara shouts as she walks towards Sienna with her gentle but mighty stomps. Her pupils have now returned retaining its gold color with eagle eyes still in effect.
As her feet touches the ground gently again, something hits her head like a bullet, from her left side making her body tilt to the right slowly. Nobody in the event venue sees anything happening, but just watches and Kiiara begins to fall towards her right side.
“No…no…not now…I…can’t…give…up…now. I…I…I will surpass…you…all,” she stutters and exhales. Slowly, her eyes close and she begins falling to her right, stretching her left hand forward as if to grab something. The flame of fire with white light ignited within Kiiara, diminishes and vanishes completely, as her body touches the ground. Kiiara once again is rendered unconscious, lying on the ground and the domineering pressure instantly stops so also does the intense heat; the viewers and participants can move again.
“How like him to spoil the fun without anyone noticing,” Kensora says within himself, watching from where he is standing which is opposite and far from the seat of the Royals.
“What was that? It was probably just a last resort fluke,” the spectators chatter.
“Kensora, I’m sure you could tell right?” Bakuzan asks Kensora.
“Yeah. That child of Phoenix, Kiiara, is quite a wonder. Everyone thinks it was just one thing that was pulled off not knowing she just released two unique abilities,” Kensora answers.
“That’s right. The way of the will and the heavenly flame of destruction,” Bakuzan says.
“Not to mention her sword skills are not bad at all,” Kensora adds.
“Tch!!! Kiiara, always surprising everyone,” Serena frowns, thinking within herself. She quickly moves and carries Kiiara’s body out of the platform, placing her on the bare ground in the fighting arena. She jumps back onto the platform. Some medical personnel dressed in white step into the arena and carry Kiiara out of the place.
“That was quite frightening, well whatever,” Sienna thinks within herself.
“Seems it’s just us now,” Sienna says to Serena, facing her.
“Sure damn right and I’m ending this in an instant,” Serena says as her mood changes to that of one who is calm and angry at the same time.
“Humph!!!” Sienna sighs and makes a move, heading towards Serena.
“After that shocking display of power by Kiiara, the two special class participants of Group A are left to battle it out,” the commentators announce.
Before Sienna can reach Serena, Serena exhales deeply and quickly closes and opens her eyes. The golden color of her eyes suddenly change to lustrous blue eyes.
“Lancer’s eyes.”
Immediately, Sienna appears at her front, thrusting her fingers covered with pink lightning, at Serena to land a hit on her. From Serena’s perspective, everything becomes a bit slow and she easily sidesteps, dodging Sienna’s attack. Without delay, she lands a kick on Sienna’s shoulders sending her some distance away. Sienna rushes back at Serena instantly and starts striking continuously and swiftly, at her. Serena easily dodges the fast attacks.
The screen shows the eyes of Serena, which is now glowing blue.
“Diana, I see you’ve also been busy with Serena,” Phoenix says to Diana, smiling.
“Well…I train with both Kiiara and Serena. And you also know that Serena and I have the same element type. So…,” Diana explains, giggling.
“Hahaha. I see I see. No wonder you were so quick to pick her. You must be really confident in her seeing as she has now mastered the activation of Lancer’s eyes,” Phoenix responds.
“That’s right and that’s not all she has learned so far,” Diana asserts, with a smile.
“Lancer’s eyes, a technique that allows the user to observe and analyze things at lightning speed by jacking up the thinking process of the user with lightning element, making it seem like objects in their line of sight are moving in slow motion. Also enabling the user to perform complex calculations at lightning speed for accurate aiming and launching of projectiles. Although the speed of the observation, analysis and calculation are dependent on the user’s level,” Phoenix says within himself.
“I don’t know how you are doing it, but I’ll land my hit on you and once I do, it’ll be over,” Sienna says to Serena as they stand with some space between them.
“You may be fast on your feet but my hands are faster,” she adds.
“Is that so?” Serena replies as she becomes enveloped in blue lightning and blue flames of fire begin to emanate from her feet; her eyes, glowing intensely with blue radiance.
“Tch!!! Here I co--,” Sienna says but before she can finish her sentence, in a flash, Serena appears at her right side with her feet close to Sienna’s face, about to land a kick on her face. Sienna quickly notices and swings her hand horizontally to counter the attack but Serena vanishes and instead, appears at Sienna’s left, landing a powerful kick on her face.
“Ugh!!!” Sienna screams, spewing out blood, and without delay, Serena switches and lands another strong hit on Sienna’s solar plexus (a part of the body), with her knee. The attack is solid enough to lift Sienna’s feet off the ground. Quickly, Serena lands another hit with her elbow on Sienna’s back, pushing her back down and instantaneously, follows it with a puissant uppercut, sending her flying high up into the air. When Sienna is a long way up, Serena swiftly appears, flips and lands a vertical kick sending Sienna right back to the ground with a great force. Though as Sienna is inches from hitting the ground, while she is inverted, Serena appears and lands a heavy kick on her face. The kick is potent enough to cause Sienna’s body to spin slightly and quickly again, Serena turns and lands another vertical kick on Sienna, slamming her into the ground with a mighty force, cracking the ground and creating a mini crater.
“Lightning barrage,” Serena says, concluding the attack combo, with Sienna lying like dead meat beneath Serena’s foot. She, still clad in blue lightning all over her body and blue flames on her feet, stares down at Sienna who is just barely conscious, placing her left foot on her.
“Like I said, it’ll be over in an instant,” Serena says and begins walking away. Echelone starts his countdown but before he can finish it, Sienna struggles and stands up.
“I’m not giving up, princess. I’ll defeat you!!!” she shouts and heads for Serena.
“I thought I had said it. It is over,” Serena sighs and turns, directing her right palm at Sienna.
“Lightning release: Darkness destroyer,” she adds. Instantly from her palms, a large amount of blue lightning emerges with a loud boom, blowing up everything in its path, ousting Sienna from the fighting platform and crashing into the wall of the fighting arena. Serena is standing at the middle of the fighting platform as Sienna falls from the wall to the ground, in an unconscious state. Everyone is silent and amazed by the technique.
“With this we have our first winner, one of the princesses of Lightville, the little genius, Serena Falcon!!!” the commentators shout as the crowd lets out a loud cheer.
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