《Star Wars (Redone) - The Phantom Menace》Chapter 24: Dark Side


« In the beginning of time, there was only night! »

Qui-Gon Jinn raises a hand above his head. The movement causes a hologram of the galaxy to appear. It's a magnificent display of starlight. This projection is a work of art. The knight moves and extends his index finger, as if he wanted to reveal a secret hidden inside the model:

« Then came the dawn of our age, the birth of life and, with it, the Force emergence! To this day, the Jedi Order does not know which one fathered the other. Its only absolute certainty is that the two coexist in symbiosis. A disappearance of one would annihilate the whole. This is the fundamental axiom of our reality: life and Force form an indivisible unity.

Our modern sciences have proven that the first organisms did not originate from a specific place, but simultaneously on all the planets suitable for their development. This is why, although there is no evidence to support this hypothesis, the Force faith considers the cosmic stream as a divine consciousness, which molded life in order to take shape within our universe. The Force is the energy that animates inert matter, with living being merely the 'material' counterpart of a spiritual entity. »

The teenager remembers this boring little speech, since it is the first lesson taught to young novices. A nightmare for kids to understand. The knight waves his fingers and the hologram moves to the surface of a barren planet. In a few seconds, the whole history of evolution is replayed before the audience's eyes. The rocky ground becomes a forest, then a primitive village and finally an orbital city. The animated version of a famous painting « From Origins to Civilizations ».

« The Force influences life. Life influences the Force. Actions of species, especially intelligent ones, have an effect on the cosmic stream and can alter its course. On the contrary, its turmoil will have an impact on all beings. The activity of a single individual, no matter how insignificant, affects the galaxy. His decisions influence the Force, which reacts by altering the existence of all. Although mostly related to life, the stream exerts a colossal pressure against fondamental forces and more specifically at the subatomic level. Such a claim has long been demonstrated by observation of any Jedi's powers. »

The young man notices boredom on Padmé's face. Everyone knows that by heart, they teach it in school!

« The cosmic stream became more and more creative with the passing of centuries, as life expanded. One day it gave the universe two precious gems: 'competition' and 'cooperation'. The first is a battle, the second a dialogue. Neither is 'better' than the other or 'harmful'. Competition eliminates the inefficient, the inappropriate, the inaccurate and the inadequate. It uproots every weakness and strengthens qualities. Cooperation combines differences to make even the impossible possible. They are essential, in that they unleash the full potential of life: its capacity to adapt and evolve. I imagine you already know this proclamation, don't you? »


« Yes, master. I admit it's not very exciting. » Obi-Wan is pleasantly surprised to discover that his breathing is returning to normal.

« Quite often the important things are boring, my very young apprentice. However, we must deviate from what schools usually teach. Let's start with a question: what are the Jedis trying to achieve? What is their mission? »

« To secure peace and justice? » Padmé replies with a knowing smile. She suspects that the response must be less obvious.

« Yes! However, this is a symptom of what we are doing, not our true purpose. Obi-Wan? »

« To maintain some balance in the Force? »

« Exactly! That is the Jedi's mission! Now, let's get to the heart of our subject: what is this 'balance in the Force'? »

Obi-Wan is about to say something... then realizes he doesn't know the actual answer. How could he not have realized this before? The knights talk about that as if it were as obvious as « fire burns ». After they always discuss morals or ethics, never what it means in practice.

« I don't know, master. »

Qui-Gon smiles: it's exactly what he expected to hear. Padmé watches the scene play out with almost supernatural attention. She prepares to make mental notes of any words. The girl senses that this particular matter is important, though she cannot determine how much.

« The Force has a wisdom beyond imagination, yet its will is clear: it seeks only to prosper, to go further, higher, faster. An everlasting journey towards infinity. Unfortunately, each movement implies giving up stability, albeit temporarily, in order to move from one state to the next. Thus, the Force tends to generate its own imbalance, without which no progression would be possible.

This might not be a serious problem... if the living did not also influence the Force! As soon as life prefers one direction rather than another, its pressure risks tilting the cosmic stream and sustaining a pernicious cycle, where the two will mutually undermine each other until complete annihilation. An existential disaster that the galaxy has been on the verge of, time and time again.

The Jedi Order believes this is why Force users began to emerge. The stream felt necessary to have some 'protection', both to ensure the return of its stability and to guarantee its freedom to operate. These sacred guardians have for duty to fight against the excesses of life. Therefore, what we nonchalantly call 'light' is in reality a 'balance', whose only adversary turns out to be the immoderation of our own desires, in one way or the other.

What encourages passions? Envy, guilt, doubt, fear and shame. These feelings, while obviously useful, open a path to distrust, contempt, disgust and hatred. Those will inevitably lead on one hand to conflicts, to aggression, and on another hand to a fanatical submission to dogmas and tyrants. But it is precisely a mark of excess in competition that leads to war of all against all, or of excess in cooperation that leads to oppression! Such is the Dark Side. »


« The Force is both dark and light? » Obi-Wan inquires.

The teenager loves this tendency other Jedi have to present the world through poetic analogies. Qui-Gon Jinn explains clinically. The man sounds far too rough. A flaw that all knights who began their training as adults tend to share: they lack tact and elegance. Despite his education or kindness, which Obi-Wan could never deny, his master has more in common with a child when compared to Yoda.

The three-dimensional projection turns into a white sphere. Suddenly, the ball gets covered by a raging black ocean that seeks to devour the slightest trace of purity by any means. It ends up reduced to nothingness in a few seconds to succeed. The event is replayed, again and again, with an identical outcome. This is another famous painting: « The last day of the Ages » ! Very likely the most beautiful artwork ever painted on Mon Cala. The young man suddenly realizes something obvious: this painting is an inspiration for the Republic flag... does it mean this emblem represents the cosmic stream?

« Precisely! 'Darkness' and 'light' are one! So goes the other primordial axiom of our universe: the Force embodies both the best and the worst, high and low, life and death. It offers damnation and salvation freely. The 'Dark Side' knows how to be useful. Without it, no change would occur. However, the horrible truth remains that a balance between these tendencies is difficult to maintain and will be inexorably lost. Light fades in seconds, while darkness survives for millions of years.

Force users who turn to the darkness are graced with gigantic power, for the Dark Side is a crude passion. Its 'generosity' has no sense of judgment. Revenge? Power? Destruction? It allows all our dark fantasies. Nevertheless, the price to pay comes in the form of a loan that cannot be repaid: you pawn your entire soul for the slightest use. This is where the corruption digs deep, since the only way to prevent the Force from claiming its debt is to keep borrowing, each time with aggravated interest.

After a few years, drinking no longer quenches our thirst and eating does not give any satiety. Breathing becomes an acid burn. Surrendering to passions pushes away the torture that everyday life has become. From then on the debt piles up, at an absurd speed. The balance being broken in us, getting out of such a hell requires a miracle. Worse, much worse: be useful to its interests and the Force will go so far as to keep you in good health far beyond your normal life expectancy. So enjoy immortality as a hurricane of horror's puppet!

In contrast, those who tend to the light side cannot use the cosmic stream to their heart's content. They have access to their inner potential, of course, but as soon as they need to go beyond that, they must offer something beforehand. This 'something' always takes the form of an effort to improve the balance of the Force. Sometimes the stream gives its power in advance, if it deems it necessary for its cause. Most often, this 'gift' will have to be repaid later. If we need help urgently and know we have not given enough, the Force takes its due immediately. Nothing is free! »

The knight pauses. He is afraid he may have exaggerated his sermon. The man adds, to reassure his companions:

« Obviously, my explanation is only a very caricatured simplification. The idea is there but the principle goes further. We must understand that our powers are not to be considered lightly. Every use influences the fate of the Force, heavily. A little too much passion in our approach and the balance shifts. If the Dark Side has its function, in some cases, the cosmic stream makes us understand that walking this path has consequences. The Force is harsh out of wisdom, not malice.

The stream naturally tends towards imbalance, so will its users. It is easier to sink than to stay on track. Resisting the call of darkness is a constant struggle. The more our knowledge grows, the heavier this conflict becomes. »

« If my memory serves me right, Lord knight, the founding of the Jedi Order coincides with that of our Republic. Yet history texts speak of Force users since ancient times. » Queen Amidala points out.

« An excellent observation! Our organization was the last to be founded. We were only in existence for a short time at the beginning of the Sith War. It was the Siths who dominated the galaxy during the previous era. A dark age. »

Obi-Wan has an uncomfortable feeling. The young man has heard some important information about Siths recently, as if he had a conversation with one of them, but he can't remember! His mind seems to have gone blank. All that comes to mind is the image of a wire being pulled out from inside his head. How is it possible? The teenager asks, to keep the thought at bay:

« What is the difference between Jedi and Sith? »

« A question... for another day, Obi-Wan! We'll discuss it when we return to Coruscant. »

The hologram fades away. The temple becomes dusty and devastated again. Qui-Gon takes the holocron and puts it inside his tunic. He then exclaims to his companions:

« If you wish, I will answer your questions later. Queen Amidala, I would like to discuss a second important matter, about that boy, Anakin. »

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