《Star Wars (Redone) - The Phantom Menace》Chapter 14: Destiny


Obi-Wan is dissatisfied with the turn of events. Sure, a landspeeder brings him back with a solution in hand, but at what cost? He has been taught since childhood that certain values are worth the life of a Jedi, yet here he is, trading with slavers. Of course, there are rules that allow knights to compromise their moral integrity if a higher purpose demands it. A planetary carnage is obviously worth that sacrifice, but the young man struggles to come to terms with his own conscience. Why the sacred texts don't prepare people for the reality of the world any better?

Padmé lies back in her seat, with an anxious face. Wakko Wakko does not look reassuring. Any of his feathers would make a superb knife. She tries to act politely, but the interested party must notice her fear without effort. A simple glance is enough to see that he likes it. That creepiness must be the reason of his success: even a Hutt would recoil at his approach. To the teenager, this physical appearance is unimportant compared to the fact that he seems disconnected from the Force. This is a far more disturbing, since it means that all intuition will be blind.

Most people are unable to understand what the Jedis mean by that word, intuition. The term is inadequate, but millennia of popular use have imposed it anyway. Every time a Force user looks at an individual, he or she knows where that person was born, when, under what circumstances, and what ailments afflict him or her. A machine? Its operation appears obvious. You only need to want some knowledge in order to get it. A powerful gift, which can makes someone invulnerable to manipulation. Knight-Master Yoda often repeats: « To the ears of the initiates, the Force whispers constantly. Very informed, the one who knows how to listen becomes! » However, since a creature like Wakko Wakko has no presence in the cosmic stream, Obi-Wan sees nothing about him.

Their vehicle, painted in a garish yellow, is covered by the logos of a dozen of corporations. The engine emits a whistling buzz. Certainly a racing machine. It wouldn't be surprising if the owner was a Light League fan or for some other such competition. Obi-Wan had the rare opportunity to watch the Endurance Galaxia from the balconies of the temple on Coruscant. A race that circled the planetary equator. One precious moment in the young man's childhood. The sporting event is held only once every fifteen years and showcases some of the best airspeeders on the market. The pilots who participate are probably the most talented who have ever lived.


« Mmmmmmmh! You seem to be thinking, little girl! » Wakko Wakko suddenly points out to Padmé, reveling in her terror.

« I'm just concerned about what we have left to solve, nothing more. » She replies, as calmly as possible.

« Wakko Wakko is familiar with this! Always thinking. Constantly calculating. Do you know where to sleep during your stay? »

« No. I admit I haven't worked that out yet. »

« Come on, asking Wakko Wakko was enough! He owns an inn and offers rooms. »

« That's generous, but... »

« Aha, ah, ah! No buts! Wakko Wakko makes a gesture, as a good partner. The birthday of our mighty Jabba prompts him to charity. »

« Then so be it. »

Obi-Wan can't resist smiling: you don't have to be a Jedi to hear the sarcasm hidden underneath this proposal. Their host has just purchased the most beautiful yacht in the galaxy at a tiny fraction of its real price. He can afford to be « generous ». His landspeeder decelerates. The teenager sees some kind of rolling fortress nearby. Its crew, all small, hooded creatures with glowing eyes, are busy repairing the huge tracks and their sprockets. A gigantic trail crosses the desert toward the ship, as if the rolling vehicle had been pushed back for miles. The front end looks like it has been crushed by a colossal hand. The young man recognizes this impact: only the Force can cause such monumental damage.

Wakko Wakko observes this spectacle in silence, cracking a smile. The merchant has already understood who his customers are:

« Your master is not discreet, padawan. » He says gently.

The young man gasps: what revealed his presence? The knights wear the same garb as any other cleric of the Force! How did he...

« Mmmmmmmh! I can guess your thoughts, padawan. Your eyes betray you. They burns with the flame of a romantic avenger who knows he is strong enough to change the world. Wakko Wakko finds this fascinating, but dangerous. Please, don't forget that he also shows kindness through his discretion... beware of biting his friendly hand, for it can also cause great pain. »

He waves his sharp fingers. Padmé turns white as a sheet. The landspeeder races off at full speed. Its engine screams. The acceleration is so brutal that Obi-Wan is pressed in his seat. Despite this, he notices columns of smoke in the distance. A few bandaged humanoids run away in single file across the sand, dragging the charred remains of a crude artillery device behind them. It doesn't take long to come within sight of the royal yacht. It was impossible not to notice it: its silver hull reflects the suns like a beacon! The young man had no reason to look in this direction on the way out, otherwise this realization would have been immediately obvious. The glow is almost blinding. Qui-Gon was right to stay back: this ship attracts every danger on the planet!


« Wakko Wakko is very impressed! »

The vehicle arrives at its destination, an opportunity to discover that a cargo carrier is landed a short distance away. No wonder it makes so much noise at takeoff: this thing is a flying garbage dump. The cockpit has been completely dismantled, to be replaced disadvantageously by a tent. The pilot has to maneuver by pulling on leather straps. A real miracle for him to have arrived alive! No matter who was at the helm, it is not some average pilot, because you need to be excellent to achieve such a feat. Jar Jar Binks uncoils a wire rope, which he will certainly tie to the hull.

Qui-Gon Jinn sits cross-legged on a mat. He gives the impression of being in a meditation. Obi-Wan is not fooled, however: the knight has certainly repelled all assaults effortlessly, without even having to open his eyes. He said, loudly:

« Obi-Wan! Padmé! You've returned! I see your mission is a success, since we have company helping us. »

Wakko Wakko gently sets the landspeeder down. The creature dashes out and runs to Qui-Gon to shake his hand. The Jedi has no reaction to his presence. He must be able to discern its strange « disconnection » from the cosmic stream, though.

« Wonderful! Wakko Wakko is happy! What a great craft you're selling! »

Padmé responds, despite her face covered in terror:

« That we pawn, Wakko Wakko. I'll come back for her. »

« Yes, yes! Probably. A magnificent collateral, worth every penny of your interest. Anakin! »

Someone steps out of the yacht, hard to guess his build as long as he stands in the shadows. Obi-Wan knows it is a human child. His intuition also tells him that he must be slightly younger than Queen Amidala. The teenager feels something odd about him, a surprising feeling akin to a whisper. The boy approaches Wakko Wakko, lowering his hood:

« Yes boss? » This kid answers with prodigious confidence. His « owner » does not scare him.

« Have you checked? In what condition is our new gem? » Once again, Wakko Wakko talks about the yacht as if he had absolutely no intention of returning it.

« Disastrous! Almost the entire engine room and at least two thrusters need to be replaced. The parts are not up to market standards, but the ship is probably used as a model for several commercial series. We should be able to modify their components to fix her in a few weeks. »

« Mmmmmmmh! Excellent! Excellent! Wakko Wakko already knows people who would sell their entire family for such a prestigious vessel! What a great day! You bring it back to us in one piece, or Wakko Wakko will break your... well, you know. »

« Yes, boss. »

The merchant climbs back into his landspeeder and drives off without delay. Padmé can finally breathe.

« You, the Partholi rabbit! » Anakin shout to Jar Jar. The latter puts a hand on his chest:

« Mesa Jar Jar Binks. Mesa not rabbit. »

The boy is about to answer but hesitates for a moment, before simply nodding:

« Ah, you don't have scales... that's right. You look like a Partholi rabbit. Jar Jar Binks, you say? »

« What missa be able to do for yousa? »

« I'm going to tie up these cables. I want you to make sure the line is unwound. »

« Mesa make it quick and easy! »

Obi-Wan intervenes, grabbing the bag off Queen Amidala's shoulder:

« Jar Jar! Catch! » He said, throwing it in his direction. His companion grabs the object by the strap, while the young man finishes:

« You should put on this garment, it will make your life a whole lot easier! »

« Yousa think about mesa! Mesa happy! »

He slips away inside the ship long enough to change. The teenager then turns his head and notices Padmé staring at Anakin. She seems paralyzed. Her mouth is slightly open. He shifts his eyes to him, who... happens to be in exactly the same position! What an unusual scene. The children stare at each other quietly, as if faced with some sort of inexplicable phenomenon. Qui-Gon stands up, a huge grin appears on his face.

« I... so... » Stammers the boy.

« Well... I mean... » Retorts the little girl with wild eyes.

Finally, Anakin turns around and makes a huge, totally unnecessary gesture with his arms:

« The ship! I have to get your ship back to the city! Yes! » He yells as he dashes like a rocket to the cargo carrier.

Padmé's face is bright red. She jumps to hide behind Obi-Wan, who doesn't understand what he's just witnessed. What the heck was that?

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