《Succubi's Gift Online》Chapter 2


“This doesn’t belong to either of you, right?” I asked Lana and Danor for they were the only ones living in the tent with me.

“Of course it doesn’t!” Lana said.

“Never seen it,” Danor said with a shake of his head.

“So it came from the meteorite?” I asked. It could be the only possibility.

Just then a message popped up in my vision, even as the crystal began to glow, making Lana and Danor gasp. Even I only barely managed to keep the crystal in my hand and prevented myself from dropping it to the ground.


If you see this message, it means that the rocket has been delivered to the right person. Only a person who can truly help us can see this message.

We are the moon people, and we dearly need your help.

If you concentrate your powers on the crystal then you can create a craft out of it that can transport you to the moon so that you can help us.

A great tragedy has fallen over us. Thousands of our people are in coma and we do not know if they will ever revive. A powerful succubus, who is a native of the moon, is doing this. We need your help to tame her. We are ready to give you whatever you want. But please, do not ignore this message. I will probably be in coma or worse by the time you receive this message.

Immediately following the message, a quest notification popped up in my vision.

New quest available!

The moon people need your help. Would you like to help them?


Rewards: Unknown

I looked from Lana to Danor to the succubus who had brought me the crystal from the crater. I told them of the message that I had just received.


“What do you say?” I asked them.

“They sound like they really require your help,” Lana said.

“To be honest, I am getting bored, eating and sleeping the last few days,” Danor said, “I would really like to accompany you on this adventure, sir, besides wouldn’t it be a good deed to help them?”

“I don’t know how to concentrate my powers,” I said.

“Do not worry, lord,” the succubus said. “Just command us, and we will all focus our powers on the crystal. Our power is your power after all.”

I was still unsure though.

People had sought help from me in bizarre ways in the past. Yet, nobody had nearly burnt me and my friends to death while seeking help from me before.

“You are sure, right?” I asked Lana and Danor for I really wanted their opinion on the matter. The two of them nodded earnestly.

“I would like to help them,” Lana said, “but if the person that sent the message is not dead yet, I would like to punch their face because they really ruined my sleep tonight.”

The quest message was slowly fading from my vision as I had not responded to it. With some hesitation, I chose the ‘yes’ option.

I turned at the succubus.

“Concentrate your powers,” I ordered her. I mass messaged the other succubi at the same time. The succubus nodded and took the rocket crystal from me. This she went and placed in the crater where she had initially found it.

The succubi all went very quiet. Up till then they had been moving and flapping their wings or making conversation with each other. But now, not even as single one of them made the smallest of movements or sounds.


Suddenly, the rocket crystal placed in the crater began to glow brighter. It glowed so bright that we had to close our eyes. The intensity increased even more and closing our eyes was not enough. We needed to shield our eyes with our hands and yet we could still see the light.

And then suddenly the light was gone.

I opened my eyes. I gasped when I saw the rocket in the crater. It was in a horizontal position and it occupied almost all the crater. The rocket was no longer made of crystal but of a strange gas like substance that somehow managed to retain the rocket shape.

“It is done, lord,” the succubus said.

The rocket reminded me very much of the Sphere that we had lost in the sea. Of course there were still many differences between the two. The Sphere had been made of metal, while this was not.

On one side of the rocket there was what looked like a door. Standing at the edge of the crater I was able to grasp it and I pulled open the door. Touching the gas-like substance was similar to touching water. Solidified water that is, although not quite like ice either.

With some hesitation, I was able to get inside the rocket through the door. Lana and Danor also made their way in, the faces of both of them filled with awe. The door was small for Danor’s size and he had a hard time getting in.

There was a seatte inside the rocket where the three of us sat down.

“So what next?” I said. The rocket didn’t have any kind of a control board. But barely had I spoken when the rocket shuddered. Next moment we had a feeling as though we were floating. The windshield of the rocket was also made with the gas-like substance spread in a very thin layer, and through it I could see that we were slowly but surely rising from the crater. And then it abruptly turned and assumed a vertical position so that we could feel the force of gravity on out chests and heads.

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