《Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya》Chapter 19
Kedan adjusted his cloak and put on some warm gloves. He stood in Daracha’s entry hall, waiting for his horses and soldiers to be brought round to the front of the house. Daracha entered the entry hall and stood next to Kedan.
“Where will you go, Kedan?” asked Daracha.
“I will go back to Aurumist. I can’t ignore what you have told me. I must try to stop everything from happening.”
“It will do no good for you to try to talk sense into Golnar. He is too far gone in his quest for power. You will only get yourself killed. You can help the kingdom, Kedan. Many of the folk will listen to you, but you have to get to safety first.”
“I can go to Till. Maybe he will see sense,” said Kedan.
“Till is an idiot and a coward. He will not help you. He will do nothing to risk his position and safety.”
“I must try to talk to Teryn. She is my wife. If I am to leave the palace, I have to convince her to go with me.”
“After what she has done to you? She put you under her power with magic and tricks. How can you even know if what you feel for her is real? That’s the problem with enchantresses.”
“She is carrying my child. I can’t just abandon her. Besides, how can I do nothing knowing what I do now. I can’t let Golnar go forward with his plans,” said Kedan vehemently.
“I’m not asking you to do nothing. I’m asking you to wait. You wait for the right time to act. There are others who want what you want. Others who are already planning to fight the powers in Aurumist. You could join them.”
Kedan saw that his horse and soldiers come into view through the front window. He walked to the door and opened it. He stepped outside with Daracha following him.
Kedan turned to Daracha, “I will join them if I can find them, but first I have to try in the palace. I at least have to see Teryn. I don’t know how I feel about her, but I cannot abandon my child and his mother,” said Kedan.
“What if she tries to enthrall you? What if she tricks you to stay and be quiet?”
Kedan looked at Daracha. He didn’t know what to say.
“What else can I do, but try? I know what she is doing now. Won’t I be able to resist?”
Daracha pulled something out of her pocket. It was a long thing chain with a blue pendent on the end.
“If you insist on going to Aurumist, wear this. It will offer you some protection against charms and enchantments,” said Daracha handing Kedan the chain.
Kedan nodded and slipped it over his head. He put the pendant down his shirt, so it dangled against his chest.
“Thank you. I will be in touch soon,” said Kedan as he turned.
“Wait,” said Daracha. Kedan turned back around. She pulled a sealed message out of her pocket. “Take this. When you leave Aurumist find a messenger bird and send this. Then go to the third ring of Clarton and wait in the tree line by the forest.”
Kedan took the note and looked at the name on front. “Who is Gryphon Keene?”
“She is the leader of the Ring of Nine. She will help you. I have explained everything in that note. Don’t lose it. You can’t recreate it. It’s charmed to be delivered to her home in Abscon.”
Kedan nodded and placed the note in the inner pocket of his cloak. He turned and walked towards his horse. He looked back at Daracha and asked, “These soldiers, will they know what happened here?”
“No,” said Daracha. “They are charmed. They will remember none of this journey once they get back to the palace. I’m afraid they won’t be much company on the trip.”
“It’s no matter,” said Kedan. He walked up and mounted his horse. “I will contact you soon.”
Daracha nodded and Kedan urged his horse forward. His guards following silently behind.
It was a long three-day journey for Kedan. He had much to think over. His soldiers never spoke. They only nodded when he gave orders. Kedan’s mind was overwhelmed with the information Daracha had given him. Golnar planned to kill many non-gifted folk. The magical users would be forced into an order created by Golnar himself. The kingdom would only be safe for those Golnar and the Ancient Council deemed worthy.
The Ancients weren’t even the kingdom’s correct gods. The Brother and Sister created them and watched over them. Magic was meant to be useful to all, not hoarded by the select who can use it. He learned about the kings and queens of the line of Adalwen. It was a time of mostly peace and prosperity for the kingdom. The true king of Regventus was somewhere amongst the old magical folk.
Kedan could never be the king of the kingdom. He knew this now. While Kedan once thought he liked power and prestige, he now realized it had started to disgust him. He could never have been truly happy being in power, watching people die and suffer. Yes, there was poverty and sickness in the kingdom now, but Golnar’s way wouldn’t truly help. There had to be a better way. He hoped there were those out there who knew that better way.
Then there was Teryn and his mother. They had tricked him. They had abused him with magic to keep him docile and obedient. They had used their magic to make sure he stayed out of the way of Golnar. Did Teryn even really love him? Did he even really love her? He didn’t know anymore. What even made love real? Real love certainly wasn’t built on lies and abuse.
The right thing to do would probably be to run as fast from Aurumist as possible. He could go straight to the Great Surrounding and contact this Gryphon and find out what their side had to offer. Better yet he could run to the East Sealand, board a boat, and sail off to whatever land he could find. Kedan may have daydreamed about leaving Regventus, but knew he really couldn’t. He could not abandon the kingdom. He may not really be the king, but he felt a responsibility to the folk.
Kedan also had a child on the way. No matter if his and Teryn’s love was real or not, the child was very real. Could he leave his child in Aurumist? He didn’t know, but he had to at least try to convince Teryn to leave with him. He didn’t know if he loved her, but he would protect her and take care of her as the mother of his child. Maybe the old magical folk would take them in. Teryn could have her baby there and be safe. He would work out his feelings later.
After three days, Kedan found himself riding through the rings of Aurumist. He passed through the poorest rings. There were so many folk who lived there. Many looked underfed and dirty. People were begging in the street. Some looked half dead already. Kedan looked in the eyes of every folk he passed as his guards rode by his side. He would not turn away. He would find a way to help them in any way he could.
Kedan entered the First Ring of Aurumist. He rode to the house in which he grew up. The Belles Mansion was the largest house in Aurumist. It was built of solid dark stone. Kedan wondered what ancient magical family actually built this house where his mother and father now lived. He walked up to the front door, seeing the familiar old carving over the door of some large bird spreading it wings. He knocked and a servant answered the door.
“My king!” exclaimed the servant bowing down quickly.
“No, please stand up. I need to see my mother and my wife.”
The servant stood slowly but remained bowed over “They aren’t here, my king. I believe they went to the palace to work on a place for the baby.”
Kedan nodded and turned. He mounted his horse and pressed on. He rode through the first ring until they came to the palace gate. Kedan stopped and looked up at the large stone castle. It was not as a tribute to the Ancients as he had been told. It was built with magic by the line of Adalwen. It would always belong to the line of Adalwen. He knew he had no magical blood, but he swore he could feel the magic in the air as he looked up.
The gates opened once Kedan was identified. He rode through the gates to the front door. He quickly dismounted his horse. A man came out to take the horse, but Kedan asked that it stay out front. He grabbed his sword and fastened it to his belt.
Kedan walked quickly through the front door and into the entry way. A couple of servants came and offered to take his cloak, but Kedan refused. He walked into the throne room to find it deserted. Kedan supposed that Golnar was in his room in his tower.
Kedan walked through the throne room into the large hallway. He walked towards his rooms. As he got close to his door, he saw it was slightly open with light spilling out into the hallway. Kedan paused for a moment, took a breath, and then pushed open the door and walked in.
His mother and Teryn were sitting in the large chairs by the fire with teacups in their hands. Their faces registered shock.
“Kedan!” exclaimed Teryn, clumsily standing up. “What are you doing back? I thought you would be gone a few more weeks.”
Teryn walked over and try to put her arms around Kedan. Kedan pushed them away and stepped back. “I know you did, Teryn. It was your plan after all, wasn’t it? Or was it yours mother? You wanted me far away so I wouldn’t know what was going on.”
Camelia Belles stood up. “What are you talking about, Kedan? You were sent to help in the Forest of the Lowlands. It is a part of your duty as king.”
“I am no king,” said Kedan dangerously. “I know that. Everything in this palace is a poisonous falsehood. I want not part of it.”
Teryn and Kedan’s mother looked at each other. Teryn turned to Kedan, stared at him and smiled, “Oh, Kedan, what nonsense. Come sit with us and have tea. We have missed you.”
Kedan turned away. “Don’t you dare try to use your magic on me. I know what both of you have been doing. I will not be enthralled by either of you.”
Teryn looked at Kedan with wide eyes full of tears. She opened her mouth to speak. Kedan cut her off.
“Do not try to deny it. It was all a trick. Our love isn’t even real. You’ve been using me to get what you want. You wanted position and power. I was just a way for you to accomplish your goals.”
“No, Kedan. It’s not like that. I love you. I have loved you for a long time. I just wanted to keep you safe,” said Teryn hysterically. Tears fell from her eyes. She walked to the chair by the fireplace and sat down, sobbing.
“What about you, mother? What’s your excuse? Was I in the way of some plans of your own?”
“I am your mother, Kedan. I would do anything to achieve your safety,” said Camelia with conviction. “I will not apologize. I don’t know what you think you know, but sit down and we will talk about this. You are upsetting Teryn. She doesn’t need this in her condition.”
“I will not sit down. What I know is the truth. I’m going to leave Aurumist today. I’m going to find those who fight for the truth and join them. I came to the palace only to collect you, Teryn.”
“Collect me?” asked Teryn sniffling. “What do you mean?”
“You will leave with me. I will take you somewhere safe where you can have our child. I don’t know how I feel about you, but I will not abandon you,” said Kedan looking at Teryn.
“Kedan, I can’t leave Aurumist. I can’t leave the palace. I am the queen.”
“Have you not been listening?” asked Kedan loudly. “You are no queen. I am no king. I will explain everything to you, but you must leave with me know. Mother, I don’t know what you will do, and I don’t care.”
“You can’t take Teryn anywhere in her condition,” said Camelia forcefully. “She will stay here. You will calm down and do what needs to be done as king and as the father of your child.”
“I am going to do what is right for the kingdom and as a father. I am going to help make things right. I am going to help create a safe place for my child to grow up,” Kedan turned from his mother and kneeled by Teryn. “I don’t know how I feel about you, Teryn. I don’t. You have lied to me and enthralled me. I can’t trust you, but I will keep you and our child safe. I will find a good life for us somewhere far away form here. Come with me, please.”
Teryn looked up at Kedan. She put her hand on Kedan’s face. Kedan wanted to pull away but her let her touch him. “I do love you Kedan. I love you so much. I’m sorry for what I have done. I knew it was wrong. I did. I wanted to keep you safe, but it was wrong. You may never forgive me or trust me, but I will never stop loving you.” Teryn dropped her hand and stood up. She walked over by Camelia.
“I can’t go with you, Kedan. I can’t. I have a responsibility to this child. I will keep him safe here in the palace. If you stay or go, I will accept, but I will stay here. This child will be the next king of Regventus. I cannot risk his future.”
Kedan stood up. “This is your final decision?”
Teryn nodded. Kedan stared at her. He wasn’t sure what to do. He couldn’t stay in Aurumist, but could he really leave his child? They all turned as they heard a noise in the hallway. Kedan cracked open the door and looked out. Golnar was standing outside with several soldiers. Kedan closed the door and locked it.
“Kedan, I didn’t realize you were back my king. Come and meet with me. We need to talk about your journey.”
Kedan looked at Camelia and Teryn. Did Golnar know? If so, how? Did the charms not work on the soldiers?
Camelia put a finger to her lips. She waved her hand in a large circle.
“Kedan, you can’t go out there,” whispered Camelia. “He has spies everywhere. We must have been overheard. I have put up a ward now. We shouldn’t be heard.”
“You have to go, Kedan. You need to leave,” said Teryn urgently.
“How can I?” asked Kedan.
“The passageways. The ones I used all those years. I don’t think Golnar even knows about most of them,” said Teryn quietly. “Come on.”
She led him to his bedroom. She pressed on a blank wooden wall on a tiny crack.It pushed open revealing a small stone hallway.
“If you walk down this one for about 20 minutes you will come to a passage to the right. Take that right until you come to the end. Then take a left. It will lead you under the castle, passed its walls, and to the river. You can find cover in the trees that line the river. Follow the river and it will take you out of Aurumist to the edge of the Great Surrounding. The forest there is dense. It can hide you.” She grabbed a couple of candles out of the nearest drawer. She put one in a holder and lit it. She handed it to Kedan with the unlit candles. He stuck them in his pocket.
Kedan nodded. He entered the passageway and turned to Teryn. “Come with me, please,” He looked at his mother. “Both of you, please come with me. I can find a place for us to be safe. You won’t be safe here. Golnar will know you helped me.”
Teryn shook her head. Camelia walked to Kedan and took his hand. She kissed his cheek. “Golnar will not harm us. We will say we tried to enthrall you, but you went into your room and disappeared. We can’t go with you, Kedan.”
Teryn looked at Kedan. “I do love you. I hope you will forgive me one day.”
Camelia shut the door, leaving Kedan alone in the dark passageway.
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