《Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya》Chapter 14
Griffa sat on the sofa in the parlor drinking a cup of tea after breakfast. She had left Ansel in the bed asleep. She hoped he would sleep in for a while. She had tried to talk to him last night. Max’s welcome had made her concerned for Ansel’s well-being, but Ansel only insisted he was fine. Ansel had pulled her close in bed and quickly fallen asleep.
Max and Issa walked in from the dining room and sat in chairs close to Griffa.
“Tell me what’s been going on with Ansel,” said Griffa putting down her tea.
“He’s been awful,” said Max. “He makes me train all day until the sun goes down. He barely talks to any of us. He’s always angry.”
“He seems very tired all the time,” added Issa.
“I don’t think he’s been sleeping much,” said Griffa glancing up the stairs. “That could explain his irritation.”
“Yes, but when I talked to him last night, he said he was having trouble doing even simple spells. He trains me, but he hasn’t dueled me since the day you left,” said Max with concern. “And last night when I went to talk to him, he did not look good. I think he might be sick.”
Griffa sighed and shook her head. “We will have to get him to see a healer while I’m here. It won’t be easy, but if what you are saying is true, there has to be something wrong. Something besides just me being gone. I knew he might be in a foul mood for a bit while he got used to it. I know I was off for a few days in Abscon, but this sounds like more than just missing me.”
Max nodded. His eyes flew to the stairs. Griffa looked to find Ansel coming down them.
Griffa stood up. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”
“I feel fine,” said Ansel. He came over and took Griffa’s hand and gave it a quick kiss. “I’m hungry, actually. Is breakfast still out on the table.”
“Yes,” said Issa. “We didn’t want to clean up until you came down.”
“Good, thank you, Issa,” said Ansel smiling. He turned and walked to the dining room.
Griffa, Max, and Issa all looked at each other and then followed him.
They all sat at the table with Ansel and watched him eat.
“What is it?” asked Ansel after he ate a piece of bacon.
“Are you sure you feel alright?” asked Griffa. “Everyone here has been concerned about you.”
“I’ve felt a little off, lately. I’m sorry if I pushed you too hard, Max. I know I’ve been a little rude.”
“A little rude?” asked Max incredulously. “Ansel, you’ve been beyond angry, tired, and distant since Griffa left.”
“Like I said, I’m sorry if I acted off in some way. This is all new,” said Ansel.
“What about your magic?” asked Griffa with concern. “Max said you’ve been having trouble with even simple spells.”
“I haven’t been sleeping well. I’m sure I’ve just been tried. Everything feels fine now. This afternoon when I train Max, I will show you.”
“Ansel, maybe you should see a healer just to be safe. I can ask Talon who he uses,” said Griffa putting her hand on Ansel’s.
“I don’t think that is necessary, Griffa. I don’t feel ill,” said Ansel squeezing her hand. “Let me eat and go about my day. If I start feeling bad by this evening, I will see whoever you like.”
Griffa nodded, but she didn’t feel any better. She continued to watch Ansel as he ate. After breakfast, Ansel went into the parlor to read one of the protector journals. Griffa sat next to him with her own book on protector magic. Max had some sort of journal open and sat near them. Issa curled up with a big book on blood magic near the fireplace.
Ansel read while the other three pretended to read. They all kept looking over their books, watching him. Before lunch, Ansel finally but his book down and said, “I can see you are all looking at me. I really am fine. I am. Come on, let’s go for a short walk before lunch. Where is Nora?”
“Oh, she’s with that man from last night, Cillian,” said Issa. “He came to take Nora for a walk after breakfast. I guess they are still out.”
“Cillian Walsh?” asked Griffa with raised eyebrows. “Really? Interesting.”
“Let’s go out then. I need fresh air,” said Ansel standing up.
Griffa looked at Max and Issa and shrugged. They all three followed Ansel to the entry hall and put on their cloaks. Ansel put his cloak and his hat and opened the door. He motioned for them to walk out.
Griffa walked by Ansel’s side as Max and Issa walked in front of them. They cast glances back at Griffa and Ansel from time to time.
“I forgot to ask. How long will you be able to stay?” asked Ansel.
“Five days unless something comes up. I can try to stay longer if you like. I am supposed to be meeting with some folk from the Lowlands in Abscon, but Hector can handle it if needed.”
“You need to be there as the leader of the Ring. They will want to see you,” said Ansel.
Griffa stopped walking and grabbed Ansel’s hand. “Will you be alright? Are you sure you’re not ill?”
“If I was, I feel fine now. I’m sure it was just me not sleeping well,” said Ansel shrugging. “Really, Griffa, I’m fine.”
Griffa gave him a small smile, but she wasn’t convinced. They caught up with Max and Issa and turned around to go back to the house. After lunch, Max and Ansel went out onto the back lawn to duel. Talon visited and joined Griffa outside to observe.
“How is Ansel today?” asked Talon watching Max and Ansel walk apart from each other.
“He seems fine. I’ve heard he has had some rough days since I’ve been gone. Max was afraid he was ill,” answered Griffa, as Max and Ansel circled around one another.
“He was very agitated at dinner last night. He’s usually very calm and quiet, but last night he had a very heated conversation with Max in front of me and two council members.”
Griffa sighed, “I hope it didn’t cause any trouble between Abscon and the Valley, but more importantly I need to find out what’s going on. I knew he would be a little down with me leaving. I’ll admit to feeling a little low without him, but this can’t just be because I am not here.”
“Don’t worry about last night. It was only Clara and Cillian; they are understanding that everyone has an off night. What does Ansel say was wrong?” asked Talon as Max blocked a curse from Ansel and slung his own spell forward.
“He says he has been trouble sleeping and the exhaustion caught up with him,” answered Griffa as Ansel blocked Max’s spell and then swept his hand up to upend Max and send him sprawling on the ground. “Ansel’s magic had been suffering, but he seems to alright now.”
“I guess you’ll have to watch and see how he does. Do you have to go back to Abscon soon?”
“I go in five days,” said Griffa. She turned slowly to Talon. “I hate to ask it, but could you keep an eye on Ansel for me while I’m gone. Maybe, just check in on him and Max from time to time. I know it’s a lot to ask. I know you are busy.”
“Well, I am supposed to be keeping an eye on our king. I don’t see why I can’t come spend some time with Ansel as well. Of course, I’ll do it, Griffa. I would do anything for you.”
Griffa took Talon’s hand and squeezed it. “Thank you,” she said gratefully.
Talon picked up her hand and gave it a small kiss, patted it affectionately, and then let it go. “He is protector to the king. We will need him in top shape for the war when it comes.”
Something clicked in Griffa’s head. Ansel was the protector to the king. The closer they got to a war, the more in danger Max was. Maybe, his mood was due to the Max’s coming peril.
“What are you thinking, Griffa?” asked Talon. “I know that look.”
“You have given me an idea. I think I have an evening of reading ahead of me.”
Griffa had trouble finding time to read that evening. She helped Nora with dinner. Griffa tried to get Nora to talk about Cillian, but Nora only said they had a pleasant walk. After dinner, Ansel was anxious to spend time with her. She was happy to oblige him.
She told him all about her meetings with the Ring. How Helmer was very displeased with Max staying in the Valley, but she was finally able to convince him it was the right thing to do. She told him about meeting with the forest folk. More magical families were willing to join with Abscon in the fight to come. She tried to get him to talk about his time since she had left, but he wouldn’t say much.
Eventually they went up to their room. Ansel had fallen as sleep as soon as his head hit the bed the night before. They were both very eager to show one another how much they had been missed. Later, Ansel fell asleep. Griffa slipped on a heavy night gown and quietly left the room and walked downstairs.
When she got to the parlor, she found Max there reading by the fire.
“Max, what are you still doing up?” asked Griffa. She grabbed the book on protectors she had left by the sofa and sat in a chair close to Max.
“I’m not tired. I thought I would come down here and read a bit,” replied Max. “Why are you awake?”
“I wanted to look for something in this book about protector’s magic. I may have an idea of what is bothering Ansel,” said Griffa opening her book.
“What do you think it is?”
“I’m not sure, but I think it might have to do with his protector’s magic. Protectors have a magical bond with their king or queen. Maybe as we get closer to war, he is affected because you are closer to danger. Protectors can be affected by their sovereign being trouble or if they are far away. I didn’t know if Ansel would be affected by you since you are not technically crowned as king, but maybe as we get closer to the war, the magic kicks in somehow.”
“If that’s the case is there anything we can do?” asked Max.
“That’s what I’m hoping to find in here somewhere. There is another book I have if you wanted to help,” said Griffa looking at Max’s book. “What are you reading now?”
“It’s a journal I found in your study back in Abscon. It’s the journal of a woman named Malin. It’s almost 300 years old,” answered Max. “I hope you don’t mind.” Max handed Griffa the journal.
“Not at all,” said Griffa as she looked at the front cover and turned it over to examine the back. She flipped through a few of the pages. “Why did you want to read this?” Griffa handed the journal back to Max.
“It just sparked my interest. You should read it, Griffa. Malin talks about taking over as leader of the Ring after her mother. He brother lived in the Valley. I’m not sure why they were apart, but it seems he lived in the Valley most of his life.”
“Who knows. You go ahead and finish it, Max. I’ll look at it after you. Would you mind helping me tonight, though? The book is over by the sofa.”
Max nodded and went over to get the book and then sit back down. They read in silence for two hours when Griffa sat up and yawned.
“I’m not finding anything. How about you?” asked Griffa.
“Well, you are right about Protector’s magic. It seems both sovereign and protector are affected by each other. Whether it’s danger, distance, or death.”
“Yes, I’ve read that. Is there anything in there on how to deal with it?”
“No, it would be helpful if we had a protector who could give us advice. These books just seem to be a lot of rules and information,” said Max.
“Wait,” said Griffa jumping up. “I wonder where he put them.” She darted off into the study. She looked over the shelves until she found five books sitting on the lowest one to the right. She made sure they were what she needed and grabbed them all. She ran back into the parlor and handed two books to Max.
“I’m sorry, Max. We may not get much sleep tonight. I need you to look over these. Try to find anything you can that might be helpful.”
“What are these, Griffa?” asked Max opening up one of the small old books.
“They are journals that were kept by old protectors. There must be something in at least one of these that is useful.”
The next morning, Griffa walked into her bedroom and flopped down on the bed. She rolled over to see Ansel staring at her. She kissed him.
“Good morning,” Griffa said brightly.
“Did you sleep last night? I woke up once and you weren’t here.”
“I did sleep a little on the couch.”
“Why?” asked Ansel sitting up.
“Max and I have been trying to find some way to help you,” said Griffa looking up at him. “Don’t look at me that way. You can deny it all you want, but I know you haven’t been well. I got to thinking it might have something to do with your protector’s magic. What if the closer we get to war and Max being crowned, the stronger your magical bond is with him? Your king being in peril would cause distress for you.”
“I guess it’s possible, but I haven’t noticed anything like that before.”
“I know, but it has to start at some point, right? Well, Max and I looked through all the protector’s journals and there are several ways to help you through your moods and troubles with your magic.”
“Like what?” asked Ansel skeptically.
“Breathing exercises, training routines, and finding ways to relax. There is even a recipe for a potion to help you rest. I already started brewing it,” said Griffa excitedly.
“I don’t know, Griffa. I feel fine now. I’m sure it was nothing.”
“Ansel, will you at least keep them in mind if you start to feel like you did again? Max and I copied all the methods we can find on some parchment for you. The potion will be ready tomorrow.”
Ansel smiled at her. “Fine, since you and Max went to all the trouble, I’ll look at it all. I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Good,” said Griffa pleased. She stretched in bed as Ansel watched her. “What?”
Ansel grabbed and held her against him as he kissed her.
“How tired are you?” he asked as he lifted the hem of her nightgown.
“I’m actually quite awake,” replied Griffa as she quickly took off her nightgown and threw it to the side.
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