《Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya》Chapter 11
Ansel was going to try to enjoy the mid-winter holiday. He woke up early after not much rest and stared at Griffa as she laid asleep next to him. He had gotten used to falling asleep with her next to him, he wasn’t sure how he would ever be able to sleep without her. He tried to tell himself he was being stupid. He had slept many years alone, but now everything felt different.
He knew Griffa had no choice. He knew it would be a good thing for Max to spend time in the Valley. He could build trust with the folk here. They would be powerful allies in the war to come. Ansel understood his duty was to Max. He knew Griffa had to be in Abscon to lead the Ring. He knew he would still see her often. He knew all these things, but it didn’t make it any better.
The thought of going a week or more without being near Griffa caused everything within him to revolt. He could almost hear his father’s voice in his head calling him weak, but Ansel didn’t care. He loved Griffa. She made him stronger when she was by his side. If he felt weak when they were parted so be it.
He pulled her close to him and kissed the side of her head.
“Ansel?” Griffa said sleepily. “Is something wrong?”
“No, go back to sleep,” Ansel said softly.
“What time is it?” asked Griffa
“Early, very early.”
Griffa turned over to look to Ansel. She blinked her eyes quickly and then rubbed them with her hand. “Did you sleep at all?”
“Some,” answered Ansel. He kissed the tip of her nose. “Everything is fine. Sleep some more. We have nowhere to be today.”
“You know I had no choice, right? I don’t want it to be this way. I don’t want to be away from you,” said Griffa.
“I know. Don’t worry about it. We will get through it. It’s only four months.”
“We really will see each other all the time. It might be nice for you to get a break from me. You might actually get some peace and quiet,” said Griffa giving a small yawn.
Ansel smiled at her. “I find that I don’t like peace and quiet as much as I thought I did. Besides, I’ll still have Max. I think he might ask more questions than even you.”
“Probably my bad influence.”
“No doubt,” said Ansel. He kissed Griffa’s forehead and then leaned his own against hers. “I will miss you, Griffa.”
“I’ll miss you too, but I don’t go back to Abscon for a few days. You’ll have to deal with me pestering you constantly until then. I’ll talk your ear off and never leave your side. That way when it’s time for me to go, you’ll practically push me out the door.”
Ansel rolled Griffa over slightly and hovered over her. “If I haven’t gotten tired of you by now, I don’t think it’s going to happen.” He leaned down and kissed her. He pulled back after a moment and moved her night gown off her shoulder. He placed kissed on her shoulder and neck.
“Maybe we can just stay here in bed until I leave,” said Griffa with a sigh.
Ansel responded with a smile, “Exactly what I was thinking.”
Ansel and Griffa did leave their bed eventually. They found the others around the dining table finishing their breakfast.
“It’s a little later for both of you than normal,” said Max with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s a holiday. We slept in. It’s nice to have some rest after a hectic schedule,” said Ansel pulling out a chair for Griffa.
Max looked at both of them with a smirk. “I’m glad you were able to get some rest, Ansel.”
Nora choked on her tea and then reached over and hit Max on his arm.
“Griffa are you really going to go back to Abscon alone?” asked Issa shooting Max a look.
“Yes, in a few days. I won’t be alone though. I’ll have Maybell, Jonthon, and Wallis of course. Talon will be a regular visitor as well,” replied Griffa putting some jam on a piece of toast.
“Will he?” asked Ansel.
“Yes, when he is needed for multiple days of Ring meetings. There will be no reason he would need to travel back and forth. I offered him a place to stay,” answered Griffa.
“Who will I train with while I am here?” asked Max.
“Mostly me,” replied Ansel. “I’m sure the council members will want to observe and offer help at times.”
“They just want to get to know you, Max. The Valley wants to feel included. One day two of them will be on your Ring in Aurumist. This is a good thing,” said Griffa.
“It won’t feel right without you, Griffa,” said Max. “How will we keep researching blood magic and working on spells like before? We haven’t figured out why you and I are able to make things travel magically. What if there are other things we could do?”
“I’ll still be around. I plan to visit often. I won’t have Ring meetings every day. You’ll hardly notice I’m gone,” said Griffa happily. “Now how should we spend the first day of mid-winter? Tomorrow we will have to go to the temple and spend the morning in town. Then we will have to go to the mid-winter’s ball tomorrow night. Today we can do whatever we please.”
Ansel watched Griffa as Max, Issa, and Nora discussed ideas for activities with her. He would notice she was gone, every minute. His stomach hurt just thinking about her being far away from him in Abscon. He would need to make sure he had plenty of guards stationed around Keene Manor and Abscon at all times. He didn’t want her unprotected at any moment.
“What about you, Ansel?” asked Griffa bringing Ansel out of his thoughts. “Does a walk this morning, a game after lunch, and a nice dinner sound alright with you?”
Ansel nodded and smiled at Griffa.
They bundled up in cloaks and the spent the morning walking through the snow in the Valley. At some point Max and Issa started throwing snowballs at each other. Griffa joined in as Nora and Ansel watched. They came home and warmed up some soup for lunch. The afternoon was spent playing various games. Ansel wasn’t very good at any of them, but he enjoyed watching the others have fun.
Nora made dinner with Issa and Max’s help as her mid-winter present to everyone. The dinner was delicious and enjoyable. Everyone sat around the table and talked happily. With all the merriment, Ansel could almost forget about the dread that sat in the pit of his stomach.
Later that night everyone had gone to bed except Griffa and Ansel. They sat on the sofa together. Griffa was curled up against him, laying her head against his shoulder as they both watched the fire.
“Can I give you your mid-winter present now?” asked Ansel
“Let me go get yours first,” said Griffa as she stood up. She walked quickly to the study. She was gone only a moment before she ran back to the couch and hopped down next to Ansel.
She held a handsome black book with a silver tree etched on the front. She handed to Ansel. “I thought you might want a journal to write you protector experiences in. You will be the first protector of the king since the fall of the line of Adalwen. I think what you have to say will be important.”
Ansel caressed the cover of the book, feeling the silver etching on the front. He flipped the pages to see they were all blank. He turned the book over and, in the bottom, left hand corner was a small silver falcon etched into the back. He touched it gently and looked back at Griffa.
“Thank you, it’s perfect. You are right. I should document what happens as Max takes the throne,” said Ansel smiling. He kissed Griffa quickly and then sat the book down in front of him.
Ansel turned to look at Griffa. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out her gift. It was a delicate chain with a pendant.
“I bought this for you before I knew we would be apart this winter, but I always knew there would be times we would be away from each other, at least for a day or two,” said Ansel. He took her hand and placed the small silver pendant there.
Griffa looked at the pendant closely, seeing that carved on the pendant was the sigil of Ansel’s line, a tree with many branches and a large trunk.
She looked up at Ansel and smiled. “Will you help me with it?” She handed him the necklace. She turned around and held up her hair. Ansel placed the necklace around her neck and clasped it together, placing a small kiss on the back of her neck as he did so.
She turned around touching the pendant. Ansel’s hand went to his own neck.
“I think it will come in handy when we are apart,” he said pulling out his own small pendant on a chain. His pendant had the Keene falcon carved into it. “These pendants are charmed a special way. Let me show you.”
Ansel touched the pendant and Griffa’s hand flew to her own necklace.
“It’s warm,” Griffa said looking down at her pendant.
“Yes, it turns warm when I touch mine. Mine will warm when you touch your pendant. That way you will know when I am thinking of you, I will know when you are thinking of me,” said Ansel.
“I’m afraid you will have to get used to feeling the sensation quite often,” said Griffa. “I am sure I will think of you almost constantly.”
Ansel smiled. “You will be busy, but I hope at times you will remember to let me know you are doing well.”
Griffa looked up at Ansel and then threw her arms around him. He held her tightly.
“I guess you like it then,” said Ansel.
“Thank you,” she said quietly in his ear.
The next morning, they gathered in the temple with the all the folk of the Valley. The cleric read the story of creation, illustrating that even in the cold and dead of winter, new life is all around. They all asked for guidance through the darkness. They thanked the gods for the coming light of spring. After praying and singing songs, they left the temple.
Griffa stopped to look up at the statue of the gods outside of the temple. She stayed there for several minutes as the crowd moved around her towards the mid-winter celebration set up on the outside of town by the frozen lake. Griffa reached out her hand and touched the foot of the sister.
Ansel sent Max, Issa, and Nora on with the crowd. He stood next to Griffa as she continued to stare at the statue.
After a few minutes he asked, “What are you thinking?”
“I’m praying,” said Griffa quietly. “Praying and thinking of the creation story we just heard.”
“What about it?” asked Ansel. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Griffa. He felt his magic rest on the surface of his skin. He could hear it singing to him lightly.
“The gods created all the folk. They gave magic to some, but I don’t believe they ever wanted it to cause division. Throughout our history we have had times of unity and times of division. It seems like a cycle. We learn to work together and then we pull away from each other. Even when the line of Adalwen reigned, magical folk had the power. I was thinking there has to be a better way. A way we can truly share the power and gift of magic,” said Griffa her. Her eyes had tears in them.
Ansel looked at Griffa with admiration. She was truly good. The Ring and the magical folk could not have asked the gods for a better leader. He reached out and took her hand. Ansel closed his eyes, feeling her magic that rested in her palm. It felt alive. Ansel felt warm all over.
“When Max is on the throne, you can help him begin something new. I’m sure you have ideas,” said Ansel giving Griffa’s hand a squeeze and letting it go.
“I do, but I want to know what others want as well. It won’t be easy, but things will not be like they ever where before,” said Griffa as she took her hand off the statue and turned. She grabbed Ansel’s arm. “Come on, let’s go celebrate with everyone.”
Ansel escorted Griffa towards the celebrations, but not before looking at the statue and saying his own prayer of thanks for the gift of Griffa’s love.
The mid-winter Celebration in the Valley were large and festive. A huge canopy had been set up by the lake. Under the canopy there were hundreds of tables set up with small pots of magical fire burning in the center. There were food and drinks everywhere. Many folk were mingling around talking and laughing.
As Griffa and Ansel came under the canopy, Talon greeted them.
“There you two are. I saw the others in your party. They said you would be along in a bit,” said Talon. “Griffa, I have something for you from the council.”
Talon brought out a box and opened it. Inside was a handsome leather bracelet. It was brown with a black circled burned into it.
“We want you to wear this bracelet at all times. I have one like it as you can see,” said Talon holding up his arm. “If there is every any trouble in the Valley, I can let you know by lighting up my own circle on my bracelet. Yours will light up as well and you will know we need help. You can do the same with yours if there is any trouble in Abscon.”
“Very clever, Talon,” said Griffon taking the bracelet and putting it on. “I am honored to wear it. You can count on Abscon’s full support if the Valley every requires it.”
“Likewise, Griffa,” said Talon smiling at her. “When do you go back to Abscon?”
“Tomorrow morning,” answered Griffa. “I’ve written to the Ring about our arrangement with Max, but I’m sure they will want to discuss it in full.”
“I will come with you, if you like,” said Talon nodding at someone who was passing. “I will give our reasonings behind this decision and assure them of the young king’s safety.”
“Thank you, Talon. I think that would be very helpful if you are really able to come.”
“Of course. I will meet you in front of your house after breakfast. You are having Abscon turn off the wards for a moment so we can travel?”
“Yes, we will have only a couple of minutes to make it so don’t be late.”
“I will be there in plenty of time,” said Talon. He took Griffa’s hand and kissed it. “Now go enjoy yourselves. If it’s one thing we do well in the Valley, it’s celebrate. A good mid-winter to you both.” Talon bowed and walked towards a group asking for his attention.
“Well, I guess you won’t be alone after all when you go back,” said Ansel.
“You don’t mind, do you? It will be very helpful to have him at the first Ring meeting.”
“No, I don’t mind. I actually owe him a favor or two,” said Ansel. He brought Griffa’s hand up to his lips.
Griffa gave Ansel a questioning a look.
“I also have no doubts about you or us,” said Ansel.
“You never should,” she said looking up at him with a half-smile.
They soon found Max, Issa, and Nora at a table enjoying various food and drinks. Griffa and Ansel sat down with them. They were enjoying talking to one another when Ansel heard a voice that made him close his eyes and shake his head.
“Ansel, Griffa, our young king, how good to see you all here.”
“Hello Desmona,” said Griffa in a friendly tone. “I didn’t expect to see you here in the Valley. I thought you would be enjoying mid-winter with your father and mother.”
Desmona smiled down at Griffa showing her perfect white teeth. Her brown hair was slightly curled and laid perfectly down her shoulders. She had on a red dress under her black cloak that showed her every curve to perfection. She was beautiful, but her beauty no longer had an effect on Ansel.
“Oh, mother is here. We arrived last night to our Valley home,” said Desmona pointing out her mother who was chatting with a handsome middle-aged man. Desmona sat in an empty chair next to Ansel.
“What brings you here for the holiday?” asked Griffa keeping up her friendly tone.
“Just thought a change of scenery and society might be beneficial. I hear though that I will have some friends staying in the neighborhood for a while. Is it true you will be staying in the Valley for a while, my king?” asked Desmona looking at Max.
“Yes, I will be here for four months,” answered Max. Ansel noticed Max was making a point to not look directly at Desmona.
“That means you will be in town as well, Ansel?”
“Yes, I will be staying with Max as well as Issa and Nora,” replied Ansel in a casual tone.
“And Griffa you will have to return to Abscon, won’t you? As the leader of the Ring you can’t be gone too long,” said Desmona. She leaned slightly on Ansel to look at Griffa.
Ansel closed his eyes and took a breath.
“I will be traveling back to Abscon tomorrow. I will visit the Valley periodically to check on Max.”
“Perhaps you and the others can come to dinner one night soon, Ansel. I’m sure mother would love to have you over.”
The last thing Ansel wanted was to be in the home of two enchantresses.
“That’s very kind of you, Desmona,” replied Griffa. “I’m sure once Ansel knows Max’s schedule for training, he can give you answer.”
“Very well. I expect I will see you all at the ball tonight. I hope to dance with you Ansel.”
Ansel looked at out of the side of his eyes. “I will have to see, Desma. I might not have any dances open tonight.”
“I’ll find you when you aren’t engaged,” said Desmona standing. She ran her hands over Ansel’s shoulders. “I will see you all tonight.” She walked over to her mother.
“I don’t know how you are so nice to her, Griffa,” said Issa. “She’s so condescending and flirts with everyone.”
“She can cause me no harm,” said Griffa simply. “I am sure of who I am and what I have. I have no doubts.” She turned and looked at Ansel.
He smiled slightly at Griffa. “You never should.”
Ansel walked into the meeting hall with Griffa on his arm. It was time for the Mid-winter ball which meant Griffa would be leaving in 12 hours. She looked lovely in a dark green gown. She wore his pendant around her neck. As they walked in, they were met by Talon.
“Good evening,” he said bowing. “I hope you don’t mind, Ansel, but I think I should open the ball with Griffa. I’ll have her back to you soon.”
Griffa took her arm from Ansel’s, “Of course we should, Talon. Lead the way.”
Talon took Griffa’s hand and lead her to the dance floor. Max and Issa followed, leaving Nora and Ansel standing together. He was about to ask Nora to dance when Desmona found him.
“Good evening, Ansel,” said Desmona coming to stand by him. She looked out at the dancers. “Gryphon and Talon Wendell make a handsome couple, don’t they? What a fine thing it would be if they should marry and unite the Valley and Abscon.”
Ansel rolled his eyes but said nothing.
“Father actually commented on it the other day. Of course, it would be awful for her to change her name, but perhaps their second child could take the Keene name.”
“It would be a lovely thing, except for one problem,” said Nora from Ansel’s other side. “Griffa is in love with Ansel. I’m know the feeling is mutual.”
Desmona looked over at Nora who smiled at her. “Of course, you are happy for your old friend here. You don’t have to say it. Ansel, didn’t you say you would dance with me?”
Ansel nodded and took Nora’s hand. He turned quickly to Desmona and smiled. “Thank you for your wishes for our happiness. I’ll pass them on to Griffa.”
A couple of hours later, Ansel was standing drinking a glass of wine and watching Max dance with Griffa. Ansel was thinking they should leave soon so he could spend some time with Griffa alone before she had to leave in the morning when Devland came to stand by him.
“Ansel, are you having a pleasant evening?”
“As much as I can expect,” said Ansel. “I never was one for crowds or parties.”
“I am glad it was agreed the king would stay here for a while. I look forward to getting to know him better. You will be staying as well, won’t you?”
“Yes, most of our party will stay. Griffa will have to go back to Abscon tomorrow,” replied Ansel.
“As the leader of the Ring, I imagine they are anxious to have her back. I’m sure she will be missed by all of you, though,” said Devland looking at Ansel.
“Of course. She is very valued by all of us.”
“If you will forgive me for prying, but you and Gryphon seem quite close.”
Ansel said nothing.
“Ansel, I’m not trying to give you a hard time. I was close with her father. She was everything to him. I have to look out for her wellbeing.”
“She is no danger from me,” said Ansel. He didn’t want to talk about his relationship with Griffa to Devland.
“I’m glad to hear it. She is an exquisite young woman. If she finds happiness with you, then I believe you are a lucky man.”
Ansel only nodded as the music ended. “If you will excuse me, I think we will need to go home. Griffa will have to leave early tomorrow.”
Ansel walked away and collected Griffa and the rest to go home.
The next morning, Ansel stood with Griffa in the entry hall as she waited for the time to go. She had said her goodbyes to Nora, Max, and Issa. They all had left Griffa and Ansel alone. He helped her put on her cloak. She turned to him and took his hands in her own.
“I’m sorry it has to be this way. I didn’t plan on going back to Abscon by myself.”
“I know. I understand, but I don’t want to let you go. I know I don’t have the power to make you stay here. I would never ask it of you, but it doesn’t mean I don’t wish I could keep you here.” Griffa placed her hand on Ansel’s cheek. Ansel closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them to stare at Griffa.
As he looked at her, he felt his magic pull towards her. His heart beat faster, and he felt weak. Could he really let her go? He told himself it wasn’t as if this was forever. He would probably see her within a week or two, but the thought of her being so far away from him felt wrong. He already felt off balanced and incomplete just thinking of her not being near.
“Griffa,” he said softly. He grabbed her hand on his cheek and kissed it tenderly. He pulled her to him and kissed her. She made a small noise against his lips and he deepened their kiss. Her hands went around his neck as his arms encircled her. He tried to bring her as close to him as he could. He pulled back for a second to breathe before she closed the short distance between them and kissed him again. She broke apart slightly, and he began kissing her neck.
“I have to go,” she breathed. “I’ll be late.”
Ansel stopped kissing her but wouldn’t let her go. “When will you be back?”
“Hopefully within two weeks,” she said. He kissed her again, moving one of his hands up her side.
He pulled back and looked at her. “Fine, I’ll try to visit in less than a week. I can’t make any promises, but I will try,” Griffa said while breathing hard.
“I love you,” said Ansel. He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them.
“I love you,” said Griffa. “I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
“You will be safe? You’ll be careful?”
“Yes,” said Griffa. She pulled back from Ansel. “I’m sure you already have guards ready to watch my every move anyway.”
Ansel smiled at her, letting her hands go. “I’ll see you soon Ansel. There isn’t even a reason to say goodbye.”
She turned to walk out the door. Ansel grabbed her hand and kissed it one more time.
“I’ll see you soon, Griffa.”
She nodded and walked out the door. He walked out after her and watched her meet Talon in the small front yard. She took Talon’s hand and waved at Ansel before they both disappeared.
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