《Naja And The Mysterious Watch》A werewolf


The notebook was for budget, Mr. Lumar wrote everything he bought in it, with price, date of purchase, and even when to use it.

He had neat writing style, and from the way the notebook was going, she could tell how organized he was.

Every detail was written, when something needs changing, or empty, and even from where he used to buy each thing.

More than half of the notebook was filled, Naja felt that she needs to read it all, it will give her a better idea of how Mr. Lumar was living.

She checked the date, of the first day of this notebook, it was written before 13 months, which means 3 months before he was murdered.

While turning the pages fast, to get better idea before reading it slowly, there was a torn paper from another notebook, this one had different texture, and no writing lines on it.

It was folded, Naja opened it, this was definitely something very weird, it was written when to open the curtains every night for a whole year, and again a drawing of the moon, it seemed the opening of the curtains was related to moon phases.

She really wanted to start reading the notebook now, but the priority was to clean the house.

His clothes were all old fashioned, and also dark, yet it was expensive.

From the size of it he seemed like a short small man, she tried his clothes and it almost fit her, just a little bigger, her big clothes were even bigger than his, so his clothes looked better on her than her own.

The other thing that caught Naja's attention was a dozen face masks that covers the whole face, there is holes for the eyes in it, a weird thoughts popped in her mind, was Mr. Lumar a theif?, that will also explain the dark clothes style, but no need to rush to conclusions, things not always as it looks.

She kept looking more into the closet, until she found an old picture of a boy, he had thick eyebrows, big nose, he wasn't handsome, but his eyes were really shining, is that Mr. Lumar as a kid?, how old is he? Was he an old man when he died?.

There was no other pictures, but there was a big red file, in the file there was a sketch of the garden design, and detailed drawings of each single thing in it, every plant or flower pot, and behind each drawing, there was instructions of how to take care of this plants, also the receipts of everything was bought, even the chess tiles.


Each plant size were measured and written in the file, Mr. Lumar didn't just love his garden but he was obsessed.

There was no electrical devices at all in the house, no TV no washing machine, not even a refrigerator, she checked the kitchen to check for the refrigerator place, but the cabinets were taking over the kitchen, no place to put the refrigerator at all.

It was really strange, did he hate technology? But he had table lamps, and digital wall clocks, she was thinking while drinking a glass of water, then when she put it down, she noticed it made kind of loud sound.

Then she realized something, because there was nothing that makes sounds, not even electronics, the house was deadly silent.

Suddenly she heard a foot steps, someone is walking near the apartment door, she looked from the door viewer, it was an old man, holding groceries bag, he opened the door on the opposite side of hers, and entered.

She heard him unlocking the door, even the sound of bags in his hands reached her.

Was that why he didn't use electronics? So he could hear anything from outside?, if he was hiding, probably it was to make sure if someone is getting close to the house, he would hear the foot steps.

He must've lived in fear, waiting to be found by whoever is after him, yet its really strange, if he was killed by someone who he let him enter his house, while he was so cautious, then this means probably it was someone who was faking his identity?, or maybe one of his friends was a traitor?.

Does Mr. Lumar even have friends? Mr. Darsen said rarely anyone visited him, she wondered which of the neighbors said so, was it the old man who just entered his house?.

She opened the house door and checked the other apartment doors, there is 4 apartments in total in this floor, she was looking at the doors thinking which can see her door clearly better than others, when a boy entered the building, and gasped when he saw her.

He looked like 10 or maybe 12 years old, he looked at her with surprised look, and said: wow! Then what mom said is true, I can't believe it.

Naja asked: what your mom said?

She said that a girl started living in Mr. Lumar's apartment, can I see the apartment please?

Naja said: there is blood stain inside so better not.

The boy said: please, I really wanna see it, I never did, and I heard lots of rumors about it.


Naja thought that she might get some informations from the boy, so she let him enter.

Once he entered he gasped again and said: so its real!

What is real? Asked Naja

Him being a werewolf. Said the boy

Please tell me more, how you know he's a werewolf? Asked Naja.

I heard people talking about it, and he used to go to the garden when its full moon, he stands in middle of the chessboard and then a light comes out from his hand, I saw it Im sure of it.

Look at this apartment, its all about moon, and the way he died, I heard mom talking about it, he was torn and there was traces of claws, he must've had fight with other werewolves, so they killed him.

Can you tell me what he looked like? Asked Naja

Im not sure it was dark, but..

Naja didn't let him continue, and said: I mean in his human form.

Oh he was short, I never liked him, he was always grumpy and always fought with my mom when she is late to pay the rent.

Look at this digital clock , its also moon style. He was looking at the wall clock near the silver mirror.

Naja looked at the watch, it wasn't the only one he had, he actually had same wall clock in every room in the house, even the bathroom.

Suddenly the boy said: look at the time! Mom told me to come home earlier, she will give me hard time, for being late, see ya later.

He waved and left running, leaving Naja confused more than ever.

A werewolf, it does explain alot, the moon obsession he have, the thick curtains, and the way he died.

Obviously he was very cautious man, to the point of removing all electronics, so if he was werewolf he should hide this fact and stay in home at full moon, but instead he went out, knowing he could be seen, why would he do something that would expose him? It doesn't make any sense.

Also she never heard of light coming out from the body of werewolf while transforming.

She decided to stop thinking about it and take a rest, she ate three pieces of chocolate which Mrs. Artis gifted her, and felt much better.

Naja emptied her bag, and started counting the money she had, it was 100, so after paying the rent today only 30 will be left, which was so little.

But this money was originally for the food, and now she got enough food for few months, which will save her alot, yet she have to save as much as possible, she was lucky to find such a cheap apartment, but its only for one year.

At seven o'clock the door was knocking, she kooked from the door viewer, it was Mr. Darsen again, so she opened the door, and welcomed him, he entered and sat on the dusty grey sofa, Naja left the door open and sat on another sofa.

I prepared the contract, and I have to ask you for the last time, are you sure you will stay here? Remember you have to stay for a whole year or you will have to pay 2000. Said Mr. Darsen.

Where to sign. Asked Naja

Mr. Darsen smiled, and they signed the contract, Naja gave him the 70 and he gave her a receipt of it, which made her remember the ones in the garden file.

May I know what you took exactly from this apartment?

Mr. Darsen looked at her for few moments, he looked kinda surprised, then he decided to answer: there wasn't any electronics if this what you mean, I was surprised too myself, he have expensive digital clocks in every room, but not a TV nor a refrigerator.

He finished talking, Naja said nothing and kept looking at him waiting for him to say more.

Oh so you really want to know everything, I see, there was money, few expensive perfumes, I wish I could've taken his clothes too, but its not my size, also he had like a 20 watches all kinds and designs, 5 of it is pocketwatches, that's all.

The furniture is cheap, and doesn't suit my taste so I left it all as it is.

Do you have other questions before I leave? Asked Mr. Darsen

I need the gate keys please. Said Naja.

Mr. Darsen said: I didn't receive any keys for the garden, sorry.

Then he stood up and before he leave he said: if you want to change the lock, I won't mind.

Naja thanked him, closed the door, and locked it, then she checked the notebook again, and the paper said to open the curtains from 10pm until 1am.

She decided to start doing what Mr. Lumar used to do, maybe this will help at revealing some of the mystery.

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