《Naja And The Mysterious Watch》Memories


Naja was never an ordinary girl.

That what was Mrs. Artis the caretaker of a small orphanage in Aston city, sitting in her office thinking about and remembering.

Ever since Naja was a child, or to be more accurate ever since she was five years old, when she entered this orphanage for the first time.

A policeman was holding Naja's little hand, Mrs Artis was watching them while they were walking, from her office window, which is located exactly at the entrance of the orphanage.

Naja had brown short messy hair, she walking from the outer gate into the main building, it was certainly weird how the little girl didn't look interested at all in checking out the new place.

But that's why she was watching them, Mrs. Artis usually doesn't do that, a policeman bringing a child to the orphanage wasnt unusual thing for her, but what she heard about this little girl made her curious.

Even though this girl was told she will be living here in the orphanage, which usually makes children her age, cry or scared, yet she was expressionless, walking calmly, like she cares about nothing.

She was still thinking about what she was told over the phone.

An old woman came to the police station few days ago, she brought a little girl, and told the police that she found her near her house alone.

she tried to find her parents but no one was there, and the girl was just standing in one place not moving, and she doesn't talk.

One of the officers took the little girl and bought her some sweets, he was very nice to her in order to encourage her to speak.

Yet no matter what questions she was asked, only two were answered.

what is your name? Asked the policeman.

she answered: Naja.

How old are you?. Asked the policeman.

She used her hand to answer putting her hand up in his face.

Five? You are five years old? Asked the policeman.

Naja nodded.

A doctor checked her, he said that she doesn't have any problems, and she is perfectly healthy, its just her personality or maybe because she is not used to this new things around her, thats why she doesn't speak much.

The only thing that she seemed interested in is the food, especially sweets, she really has big appetite.


The Police posted pictures of her everywhere, waiting for her parents to come, or any of her relatives, or at least anyone who could identify her, but no one ever came.

They even went to where the little girl was found by the old lady, but no one seemed to recognize her.

She had nothing to identify her, no papers, no jewelry, no birth marks, the only special feature about her was her green grey eyes, which is considered one of rarest colors in the world.

The Policeman left Naja at the secretary office and entered Mrs. Artis office to sign some papers.

After a minute or so, they heard the Secretary screaming, both of them ran out to check out what happened.

Naja was holding the Secretary's skirt, looking at it.

Once The Secretary saw Mrs. Artis and The Policeman came running, looking at her, her face became really red.

She said: Im really sorry, I was working on some papers and this little girl was sitting infront of me, then suddenly I felt something was pulling my skirt, which scared me, I didn't see her moving, which really scared me, Im really sorry.

Naja suddenly said while holding something in her hand and looking at it: it was blue.

What was blue Naja? , asked The Policeman?

but Naja didnt answer, so he went to see what was in her hand.

its a blue thread. He said

why you say it was blue? Its still blue.

Naja kept silent, The Policeman was really confused.

Then The Secretary checked the thread in Naja's hand, and then said: yes you are right, it was blue, what a clever child!

Mrs. Artis asked: do you care to explain to us what was blue Miss Sandra.

Miss Sandra The Secretary turned red again: oh yes, my skirt was blue, and I dyed it few days ago to black, this thread is from my skirt, the little girl have noticed that it was dyed, that's all.

Naja dropped the thread in small trash bin, then went to sit on the chair, like nothing happened.

Investigating things, was her hobby, which caused lots of problems for her and others, and ended up with her having no friends at all.

She had that talent of knowing things about people, mostly something they want to hide, she was like a little detective, which made everyone nervous being around her.


Even though she never spoke of what she discovered, but people were really annoyed of that.

Some of the children started to make stories about her, being a witch that can know people secrets if they talk to her or even look at her eyes, which made it more difficult for her to make any friends.

The teachers always said that Naja would be one of the top students if she focused on her studies, but all what she did was reading the books of subjects only for once.

If she find anything that interests her, she would study it well, and even read more books from the orphanage library about it, and gets top marks on that subject, which rarely happened sadly.

Away from all that, Naja was a good girl, she always had good manners, followed the rules, and tries her best to help, but still everyone avoided her.

Someone knocked on the door.

Come in. Said Mrs Artis

It was none other than Naja, but now she is eighteen years old, she became a young lady.

Mr. Artis couldn't stop herself from worrying about Naja, even though she was smart, but her looks wasn't that good.

She was wearing glasses, that she didn't need it, plus it didn't suit her face, and her hair was in bad condition, also her clothes size was big.

But she didn't say anything, fearing that she might hurt her feelings, she actually didn't know what to say, talking to Naja was always so confusing.

This is for you. Said Mrs Artis, while giving Naja a file.

Naja opened the file, there was some important papers like her ID, and birth certificate, and some money.

This money is to spend on your food for your first month, and in case you needed something, as you can see it's not much, so try your best to manage.

As for the job, I personally picked a good one for you, you will be working as a housemaid in the biggest library in the city, since you love books.

Naja looked at Mrs. Artis and didn't say anything.

As for the reason why Mrs. Artis picked this job, it was not just because Naja likes books, it was also to make sure she stay away from people, because the more she interact with people the more the chances gets higher that she will lose her job in no time, so this was the safest job to keep.

The Orphanage also paid for the first month for you to stay in hostel near the library, this is the address, but don't worry we will send someone with you to make sure you arrive there safely. Said Mrs. Artis and then continued.

And this from me to you, I know that you likes sweets, so I hope you will like it.

And she gave Naja a small box of chocolate.

Naja said: thank you.

Your welcome. Said Mrs. Artis while looking at Naja's face trying to figure out what's in her mind, but as usual her face had no expressions, she didn't look sad nor happy, which made Mrs. Artis kinda confused again about what to say.

But even though that didn't stop her from giving a long speech.

Naja your personality will be the biggest obstacle in your life, you have no family to help or protect you, that's why you need friends, and to do that you need to talk more often, so people would know you and like you.

Also you should stop this habit of yours, curiosity is good in learning, but not everything is meant to be known, so mind your own business, and stop playing the detective in order to know why is everything is not working as you think it should, interfering with people business will cause lots of troubles to you.

Also be careful of people, they can be really dangerous, so always lock your door, and watch your surroundings.

Dont forget to make sure not to spend money on useless things, and save as much as possible, you can never know when you will need it.

Keep in mind that you can call the Orphanage when its an emergency, and you can always come visit us, and finally do your best to survive.

After Mrs. Artis hugged Naja and said goodbye to her, while Naja was leaving, walking towards the outer gate, Mrs. Artis was watching her with questions in her mind that she really wished to get answers for all of it.

Why Naja never talked about her family when she was found?, what exactly happened to them?, will Naja be able to have a good life outside The Orphanage?

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