《A Shade Underneath the Heavens》Chapter XV - Thoughts of Shallow Love


Chapter XV

Thoughts of Shallow Love

Dannar III

The night-time breeze went between the trees and deeper into the forest of Fyn. Dannar and Elynne had left their steeds outside the woods at a small village. They could not take proper care of the horses and would just be burdened by them. Elynne had expressed the idea of eating them, but neither could bring themselves to actually harm the creatures.

But maybe, just maybe, they could have kept the horses around for a day longer. If they had, they would already be in Alattras. As it stood, they would arrive tomorrow. If they found a place to sleep right now, then that time would be before noon. Though even the grassy ground seemed like a fine place to sleep at this very moment.

At least it seemed so to Dannar. He was the only one tired here. Elynne insisted they continue onwards, at least until they find a cosy place to rest. Somewhere windy, somewhere cool, somewhere soft. What she wanted was a cottage in the middle of the woods. Producing one was difficult, coming across one was easier, though if there was an owner…

They passed through a set of bushels into a clearing. There was a small lake here and, afore the lake, a hill. On that hill was a cabin with two chimney. It was completely dim without a light which might have meant that it was empty.

“Finally,” Elynne spoke and started to walk on the stairs leading up the hill.

“Hold on. What if there’s someone inside?” Dannar asked.

“Well… if they’re asleep, we back out and go somewhere else. If they wake up, we put them back to sleep and go somewhere else. Sounds like a plan? Mhm, sounds perfect.” She walked up to the door and turned the knob. It was not locked.

“Dark,” Dannar said. What little moonlight came in revealed only the outline of the interior. It was a spacious place with stairs leading upwards.

Elynne grabbed a candlestick from a nearby shelf and lit it up with a snap of her fingers. “My guess is that the bedroom is upstairs, which means it’s the first place we are checking.” She took the lead and went up the stairs.

Dannar followed close by. There was a fireplace on the upper floor and ashes in it that seemed somewhat fresh. A pot was there, too. Crust was within it. Two empty bowls were stacked next to it, also unclean.

There were two doors here – one led to the balcony, and the other must have led to the bedroom. They opened that second door and found a large bed with sheets and covers. Empty, undisturbed.

“I saw a bottle of wine down the stairs. Go get it, I’ll light the candles.” Elynne made all the nearby lanterns and candles burn. Dannar obeyed and went down the stairs for the bottle.


Why was he letting her order him around again? He was here to make sure she did not do anything potentially cataclysmic and not to be treated like a servant. Dannar was a full-fledged Inquisitor, for God’s sake!

Then again, he did not really mind. He thought himself silly. Something about her smile and gratitude made his simple mind vibrate with positivity. That was how it should be. As long as he did not have to think about anything and be at peace, he was satisfied. As long as he kept his mind clear, his thoughts would never wander to the other side. He would stay himself.

His vision blurred. Dannar grabbed onto a nearby table. He felt like a blade of grass in a fierce wind, and as if a blade had driven itself above his eye. The stomach twisted, its contents wanted freedom.

A cold hand lifted his chin up. Clear eyes stared forward. The hooded man stood. The Great Archon gazed at him with his eyes of molten gold. Determined eyes that sought an end. “The clock ticks ever forward, inching towards midnight.” The hand grasped Dannar’s jaw tightly. “Evil grows. You have not found the enemy yet, and the enemy is inches away from power. When you stand underneath a broken Sun, you will realise the folly of your failure.”

“Forgive me, Great Archon, I-“

“Words mean nothing when actions will tear the world asunder.” The Archon’s head moved in closer. No breath came out the hidden mouth. “You hide yourself. The enemy hides themselves. Wake up. Reveal the power I gave you. Find the enemy.”

He could not. The one who was to wake up was not Dannar, not truly. If that person woke up… what would happen to Dannar? But to disobey the word of the Great Archon was unforgivable. God would surely punish him. However, this was a test, it must have been.

“I’ll find the enemy as myself. I can. I will,” Dannar said and looked the Archon directly in his eyes.

“So you shall.”

The grip released. The nausea, the pain, the blurriness, and the dizziness were all gone. For a moment, just a single moment, he stopped to recollect himself. To breathe some air into his lungs. And then, realizing he had already arrived in a sort of kitchen on the lower floor, he grabbed a bottle of red wine. Lysirian dry, 938 vintage. And another one, this one was 943.

With two bottles and two cups in both hands, he made his way back up the stairs and into the bedroom.

“Took your time, did you?” Elynne stood up as he entered. She raised a brow as she approached. “You seem sickly. Are you feeling well?”

“Aye, aye. Don’t worry about me.” He smiled and popped open the older bottle. “Just a lot on my mind.” He poured wine in both cups.


“So you say.” She sat back down on the bed. “You know, once we reach Alattras, we’re done. Only tomorrow, or maybe a few days after that, and our little adventure is over.”

Wait, no. The reason they even went on this trek across Saarast was because of the fiend that destroyed her home. “You sure you aren’t forgetting something? The homunculus?”

“Hm? That’s more or less over and dealt with, considering it’s now the emperor’s servant. Unless you want to go back to Lordem and storm the palace.”

“Eh, you’re right.” He leaned against the windowsill. “All that’s left for me after tomorrow is to go to Reyisaan with the rest of the Inquisition.” And to figure out what to do with her. He could not just let a magus run around, right?

“Well, we’ll probably go back to Dammrias first. A celebration with the prince, since our reunion was cut short. And after that… I wonder.” Elynne toppled down on the bed, gazing upwards. “I am free. Am I?” she asked no one in particular. “This was what I wanted. Just for a short while before I have to go,” she mumbled.

“Go where?”

“I don’t know. Go where everyone goes, I suppose.”

“I’m, uh, not sure I follow.”

“Fine.” She launched herself on her feet, managing to not spill a single drop of wine from her cup. “Let me pose you a hypothesis. Let’s say you’ve spent your entire life on a single island without any friends or the like. You have a parent there, and there are other people, as well, but they are all different from you, so they cannot count as friends. They might as well not even exist. And let’s say that, after over a dozen years, you finally leave that island. You want to experience life, but quickly, since you need to go back to that island. You want to experience all the joy, sadness, love, and pain in a single month. What are all the things you would do?”

Was she talking about herself? She must have. And to experience all of life within a month? Impossible. Only surface level experiences could be gained in such a short time. But, if he had to answer…

“I guess I’d find someone to experience all that with. That would be my first priority.”

“Our current situation, in a way?”

“Well… aye, sort of. Though, er, I hope I didn’t make you experience anything other than joy, ahah…”

“Hm. I have felt happiness, though I haven’t been overjoyed. I’ve felt pain and sadness, betrayed by those I thought cared for me. Fear, even. Wonder, as I’ve seen so much in such a short time.” She placed her cup on a nearby nightstand. “Anger. Relief. I suppose that, out of all the feelings people experience, the only thing I’ve yet to taste is love. Though I’ve yet to fall in love with a man. Maybe a woman? None caught my interest, though.”

Dannar sighed. A part of him hoped that she would say that he caught her interest. “Honestly doubt you could fall in love with someone in such a short time.”

“Of course you can, people in books do it all the time! A few days is enough time.” She looked at Dannar. “You’re living proof, after all. If you didn’t care for me, you wouldn’t listen to me as you do.”

He felt blood rushing to his cheeks. “W-what? I’m not, I mean, I care, but…”

“You’re redder than the flag of Valorya. That speaks plenty.” She formed a sly smile. “Well, I suppose you’re handsome enough. Though I’ve seen better.”

Dannar sighed. “Thanks?”

“You are very welcome. Now… hm…” She paused for a moment. “Have you ever been with a woman?”

“I don’t know. Maybe?”

“Oh, right, you don’t remember anything. Forgot you mentioned that once.” She looked away with blushing cheeks. “Well, erm, as I said, I’ve yet to experience love, so… Would you do me the honours? Just, you know, a kiss and the, er, the…” She cleared her throat. “Children crafting.”


“That, yes. I promise I’ll be gentle. If you are fine with all this.”

“I mean, I am, but, wait, hold on a moment.” He shook his head, clearing it. This was happening quickly. Too quickly. He did not mind it, but still… “Are you sure?”

“I am. Get on the bed.” She grabbed him by his shirt.

A girl of her size managed to swiftly and effortlessly throw the large man that Dannar was onto the bed and climb on top. “Shouldn’t we… take off our clothes first?”

“I already told you that the kiss comes first.” She crossed her arms and stared at his face with her burning copper eyes. “Let me just gather my willpower.”

“You already threw me down like a damn pillow. Didn’t that bolster you enough?”

“Oh? You’re getting awfully hasty, aren’t you?” She leaned closer to his head. He felt the warmth of her breath on his lips. “You were looking forward to this. Expected, honestly.”

“Aye, well, I won’t lie.”

Her long hair dropped down to his cheekbones, brushing him softly. The smile she wore was nothing short of mesmerizing. Eyes were only half-open, a delicate stare that enveloped the depths of his soul. Slowly, surely, she came closer. She kissed him for the first time. He felt warmth fill his body. His arms wrapped around her body as they came closer together. She was warmer than anything he had ever felt. Warmer than he had ever felt.

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