《Readers Make Their Choice as a SPACE COP》SLIDE IN - CHAPTER 6


You opt to click on the blue button. You click it several times. When you are done, you hear a CLICK sound from somewhere. Even the aliens in front of you look confused for a moment.

Most of them have helmets on their heads. Those who don’t have it, have horror visible in their huge eyes. You follow eyes of one of them and realize where he is looking at.

He is glancing at the rifle attached on your arm. You know what had attracted their attention.

The screen on your gun has lit blue and there is something resembling to timer on it. The aliens turn back then start to run away. Looking at them run like this, you know something is wrong in your gun.

This rifle has become a gun. You think.

Why wouldn’t you? Why else would those stubborn aliens be running away from an unarmed human? You want to follow them but you are scared that those aliens would shoot you anyway.

You start to hit the rifle on the wall to break it. You keep hitting it hard, but it does not even bear a minor crack. It is made of metal, not plastic. These terrorists use premium quality firearms.

Your department should learn from them. But you don’t want to be the example from which they would learn it from. Then you think whether they would know how you died. For them, you might just be a stupid cop who willingly jumped into the light of an unknown spacecraft.

Even the aliens who appeared at the other end of the passage show no interest in you. The beeping sound is scaring them. Nobody in this planet is more scared than you right now.

You don’t know how much time is left. You must act fast or you will turn into ashes or will splatter on the wall. And nobody would bother scrubbing off your stains.

You either need to cut off your arm and run or you have to take some of those aliens to death with you. What will you do?


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