《And Then You Left》6.


Lost. Missing. Gone.

There were so many ways to describe Aaron’s only friend, but the most accurate depiction was dead. No matter how softly other soldiers tried to put it, Aaron knew exactly what had happened. He was dead.

The Commander had come to Aaron, to tell him he would resume training under Izahow. Aaron had surprised himself. He hadn't screamed, hadn't yelled, hadn't told the Commander to get his lazy ass out of his office, go out there and actually do something for once.

Instead, he nodded his head, saluted respectfully and waited until the Commander was out of hearing range. He then tore through every piece of equipment he could find. It was after Aaron had to stop and finally take a breather, he realised how much damage he had caused.

It was at that moment, as Aaron stood panting, looking around at the damaged equipment surrounding him that he realised, I can do something. Aaron wasn't the lazy pathetic private he had once been. No, he'd moved far beyond that. He was strong. He could fight, and he certainly didn't need anyone's help to do it.

Aaron turned on his heel and headed towards the ship's loading bay. The bay was empty when Aaron entered through the large archway. Aaron didn't care why. He jumped into a small, single-seater jet styled ship. It would serve Aaron just fine. His gaze fell onto a small blue button labelled 'Launch'. Without a second thought, Aaron pressed down, feeling rather pleased with himself when the ship slowly began to rise off the floor. The great archway behind him slammed shut, sealing the bay off from the rest of Sector 12.

A large door slid open, revealing the endless vacuum of Space, and without hesitating, Aaron slammed his foot onto the pedals. The ship did not take off as Aaron had intended. Its engine grumbled, the ship remaining stationary. Aaron cursed the fact that Blake had never taught him how to drive as he began flipping through the ship’s manual. After a few seconds of going through the manual, Aaron set the book aside, now satisfied that he had enough knowledge to drive. He slammed his foot onto the gas pedal and was elated when the ship jerked forward, shooting through the door and into the everlasting black of space.


This would be a quick and easy trip. All Aaron wanted to do was know for sure, and he didn't need to wait for anyone. After all, he was strong.

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