《Monstrous Short Stories》The Golems Purpose


They said I would protect the temple. That when the day came I would push the enemies back from the steps and tread on their bones. They said from earth I came and to earth I would send them. That is what they said.

So day after day I stood sentry over the temple. I slept and waited for my time to arrive. For the enemies to come against the city and try to take from us. I waited.

Soon I was forgotten as the enemies never came. I stood my ground and kept my vigil. I held my post and watched as all passed me by. I watch the sun rise and set. The stars expand and shine and at times wink out. I watched.

I never complained. Never spoke. Never moved. I did not tire in the traditional sense but I rested. I was nothing if not patient. It was not until the city I called home turned to dust and the temple fell to ruin I began to wonder. Do I stay?

My purpose was to guard the temple from the enemies but none came. The city fell to time. Not even I could fight that. But time was not the enemy. So I waited.

The land began to fight itself around me as the days blurred. The land shook and soon the city sunk. The temple with it, with me at my post. It is my purpose. I would stand and never flee.

After the land swallowed all I once more stood my guard. Kept at my post by the words of those who created me. From dust and mud I came and from such I would return on the day my name is erased from my mind. The rituals of the Kabbalah were not to be denied.


It was my duty. My purpose to stand sentry through the ages till the world turned to dust. But I grew tired. So I rested and waited. And then they came.

The Defilers entered the city after digging through the land. They tore the earth from the ruins and went to explore my home. They searched any house that stood and dug through debris until they found the temple. Until they saw me.

I knew my purpose. And a Golem was nothing if not true to their purpose.

I fought

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