《The Fake Phoenix ‘s Fate》Chapter 1: The scam Prophecy (part 1)


In the 28th year of the Minh Duong Dynasty, on the crowded street of the capital, some people were busy going back and forth, others were busy buying and selling. The resounding call of solicitation was interspersed with the shouts of street vendors from the rickshaw pullers.

“Papa, we don't have much money, why do you waste it on silk? Keep that and buy me some chicken thighs.” Complained a fat boy wearing a long blue bronze dress, his two small hands carrying a pole with a bagua flag, trying to follow the old man in front of him.

Hearing this, the old man who seemed to be in his forties with dotted grey hair tied up like an onion on the top of his head, was leisurely walking in front, suddenly stopped. He resolutely turned around and hit the child hard on the head, growling loudly:

“How many times have I told you, call me master while we are outside, do you want to eat bran?”

The little boy immediately shrank back in fear, nodded his head like how people pound garlic cloves, obediently adjusted his rucksack, and followed behind like a tail. The two of them stopped at a clothing shop on East Street, which was known as the most exclusive cloth shop of the upper class.

“Are you going to buy clothes or....?” Seeing the two people, the salesman immediately came to say hello while judging their appearance.

“I came to buy some fabrics to make clothes for my disciple”. The old man waved the horsetail whisk on his hand, narrowed his eyes, and answered with a fairy gesture.

The salesman heard that the customer came to buy fabric and immediately greeted him with a smile, removed his defensiveness, led the way and inquired about the color and fabric that the customer was looking for.

“Sis, do you think this color will match her skin? Will such a bright color reveal her belly?” - A charming lady in a blush pink skirt with a crystally clear voice chatted with her companion while choosing fabrics.


“Being pregnant is being happy, I couldn’t understand why she always has to hide, obviously just to show her importance.” - The elder lady who wore purple-robed said, her voice filled with jealousy - “If back then our mama hadn't underestimated his low background, and refused his proposal, then the Minister's lady now would be my position!”

“Sis, why are you talking about this so casually on the street?” - The lady in pink was so startled that she dropped the roll of fabric when she heard those words.

“Fear of what? With such an abnormally large belly, I don't even know if she will be able to give birth or not. Still not clear if it's a boon or a bane.” - The girl in purple still spoke harshly.

Seeing her sister acting like that, the girl in pink could only sigh, pulling her sister's hand and dragging her to another fabric counter to continue shopping. Unknowingly, their conversation had reached the ears of the old man, who was still pretending to be picking fabrics a shelf away.

The old Taoist went around pretending to look at the fabric and eavesdropped on a few more of the nobles’s conversations until the salesmen showed an impatient expression, then he just randomly chose three piles of cloth and paid the bill. Then he put down a deposit and booked the best tailor to make the new decent custom clothes for him and his disciple.

The job was done, the old man smiled and greeted the salesmen and then leisurely walked towards a nearby inn to eat. Pulling up his back shirt, he sat down and ordered three dishes. During the waiting time, the old man leaned out and waved his hand to a beggar nearby, then whispered a few sentences, and delegated a bit of work for that boy to do.


“Master, whose turn this time?” - As if used to these things, the fat boy asked while eating roasted peanuts.

“Stupid ass like you can never be useful. Use some brain, which of those stories are worth it?” - The old man put the horsetail whisk on the table, faintly glancing at his gluttonous disciple.

“I surrender! Just explain it already. I'm starving to death”

“You little s…” - He threw a pea to the boy's forehead.

Moments later, as they were both munching on chicken, the beggar boy returned. He stood outside lustfully looking at the plate of meat.

“Master Van, I have the news you want here, can you give me a piece of meat?” - Beggar boy used his dirty bare hand to wipe the drool on his mouth.

The person with the self-calming title of Taoist priest was no other than the sitting old man. Hearing the beggar's words, he smiled faintly, picked up a few pieces of boiled chicken thigh and threw it at the boy.

Although the beggar boy was quick, he only managed to keep only a part, the remaining two or three pieces fell to the dusty ground, but as the street beggar life had always been attaching with hunger and thirst, he did not hesitate to sit down and pick up dirty meat, wave off the dust and put them in his pocket.

“That Minister guy is living on Thieu Hung Street. I heard his wife is four months pregnant.” - After saying that, he spread his dirty hand towards the old Taoist waiting for the reward.

“Only that? What useless news! Those pieces of meat are enough, don’t you dare ask for money. Begone.” - The fat kid followed the old script, still chewing the food in his mouth.

“Kim Dong, don't you get tired of saying the same thing like this every time?” - The beggar boy scowled at the fat boy, then turned to the Taoist and said - “Master Van, if you pay me, I will give you one more piece of information.”

“Haha, Kim Dong, don’t you see that? Even this beggar kid is smarter than you. It's only been a few times that he already knows how to bargain.” - The Taoist priest laughed, took five copper coins and threw them at the beggar's feet.

“The Minister's wife is the first daughter of the Marquis, her name is Duong Ninh Lan. The last time she gave birth to a boy, she liked to eat spicy dried meat. This time, it is rumored that she is pregnant with twins. Call me next time if you need anything else.” - The beggar boy bent down to pick up the money while saying, then he stuck his tongue out to tease Kim Dong before running off into the alley.

“What good is that information, you son of a bitch!” - Angered by being tricked by this boy, Van priest stood up and cursed.

Kim Dong didn't care what was going on, still focused on the food. Feeling that there was no point in cursing more, Van master adjusted his appearance, glanced at his son, sighed and said:

“If you were as crafty as a part of him, you would have saved me a ton of money.” - Looking at the boy still sticking his head in the plate, he helplessly exclaimed - “Eat, eat. Only eat. Hurry up and go to work.”

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