《The Great War: Saturn's Factory》Interlude 3: Battle Report


- Battle of Paris

The Battle of Paris would be the final Central offensive before the end of the Great War. The battle would open up on March 17, 1969.

The first days of the attack would be marked with heavy artillery bombing on the southern reach of Paris.

Known as the Trou affaissé, or Slumping Hole. It is the slum area of Paris, with what's estimated to be around two-hundred thousand homeless men and women during the battle.

The bombardment would hit deep into the area, where the French had stored dozens of communication relays and spare mechs in case their hangars were destroyed.

The attack would leave the south of Paris critically open. It was three days after this intense bombardment that around twenty million Germans and thirteen million Serbians would march on the now weakened area.

The attack would lead by a heavy armor assault, with the Serbian Товер Стомпер, or Tower Stompers hitting the Northside with a massive barrage of artillery. Confusing French troops as to where the attack actually was.

To add to this confusion, ten of the total fifteen of the Roman armies sent into the Central European conflict would begin to show signs of troop movement. With the air force of each moving close to several northern Paris fortresses collectively called the Mur de Jeanne. Or Joan's Wall.

This along with the decisive strike to Paris's communication lines was what caused the total collapse near the Southern Paris border.

It was the early morning of March 19, when Millions of Germans clad in exo-suits rained down on the barebone's staffed fort of Première clôture. First Fence.

The battle would be quick and decisive. The fort would collapse mere minutes after the assault. One of the few survivors would quote 'as if thousands of demons of metal and dirt shot out of the sky and crushed the fence.'


This would be an accurate description of the battle. The Germans would open fire with the heavy Oklahoma Machine Gun. Which is famed for its rapid-fire and high penetration power.

The machine gun would tear through the few soldiers still left in the fort, the rounds smashing through walls and cutting through flesh as it destroyed anyone who tried to get in the German's way.

After the fort was captured. The Serbians ordered the Artillery to hit the other two forts of Deuxième clôture and Troisième clôture. Second and Third Fence respectively.

The artillery barrage would be brutal. For an entire day, shells of all kinds from chemical to incendiary, to even delayed fragmentation. Would rain down on the forts with brutal power.

The French only knew the forts had been attacked due to the fact that they received daily updates from them. So a scout force would be dispatched to see what had happened. They would only be able to give a brief warning before being captured or killed, in the case of the leader Michael Richard.

The trenches guarding the southern half of the city were now the only line of defense between the German and Serbian's, and the capital.

Troops would be quickly restationed in order to get ready for the coming of the attack, for the second time during the war. Every piece of French architecture would be nailed down with some sort of trap and explosive.

The bombardment would last six days, with the first three hitting every road leading to the trenches the French had set up. Roman planes, which had been used to distract the French would launch operations to attack any division of troops that left the city.

The French Air Force would hold back the offensive, but this would cause further delays in reinforcements and supplies that would help bolster the defense.


The Air Force was also unable to deliver crucial air support to the defenders as they were forced to devote their main attention to the Roman Air Force. The Le frecce di Hestia. The Arrows of Hestia.

The rest of the bombardment focused primarily on making the defense of the trenches as nightmarish as possible. With delayed fragmentation shells and chemical shells being the vast majority being used.

The delayed fragmentation shells were shells that upon landing on target would not detonate right away. instead, a countdown would be activated, which would take anywhere from two minutes all the way to two weeks. Or sometimes they were a dud.

The shells were used as a way to inflict psychological warfare. Making the enemy soldiers constantly fear for their lives every second they stood close to the shell.

this took a toll on the soldiers leaving them far more prone to breaking the line and retreating. The chemical shells were used for the most part to give the French very little visual data on the landscape above other than a smoggy wasteland.

In several areas of the trenches, the soldiers had to put on gas-masks at all times due to several leaks that would be discovered when the bombardment began.

The attack that would be waited on nervously for the days that went on during the bombardment would soon come several hours after the shells grew silent. For on the twenty-fifth of March, 1969. The battle would begin.

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