《The Wounded Knight.》Chapter ~ 12#
Feeling the blade of the sword thrust through Ge’us I couldn't help but notice it was easy. Though that didn't stop Ge’us’s continue struggle. Reaching up with shaky and weak hands as he tried grabbing my neck. Our eyes looked into each other as I kept the sword pressed into him hoping it would end this.
“We could… be… gods.” He said weakly as I felt his hand wrap around my neck but with no strength behind it.
“Why would I want that?” I ask as I pull the sword from his chest.
Black blood staining the blade as I drew it from the former man. I see a small trail of blood escaping from a corner of his mouth. A look of pure horror in his eyes as I stumble back a step and prop myself up with the blade. I guess my adrenaline high finally ended; and the ware and tear from the battle was finally catching up to me.
“They owe me!” He said with rage before suddenly a burst of dark light erupted from his chest; eyes and mouth.
Again he gave out that demonic roar as the dark light slowly faded from him and his body went limp. His legs still frozen keeping his knees up but the rest of his body falling back into a position only a dead would be able to take naturally.
“We’re owed nothing.” I say as I fall to my ass; dropping the sword next to me.
I laid on my back as the girls all rushed to me; Nix being the first to reach me; which I regret as she began checking me again as though I was dying… again.
“How many times is that now?” I ask out loud honestly which earned me a flick on the forehead from Nix.
I could hear laughter from Aly’cia, Whel’a and a small chuckle from Nix at the reply that was given. Looking over I saw Aly’cia was leaning against Whel’a; one arm over the shoulders. Me and Nix soon mirrored them as Nix helped me up, allowing me to lean on her. Though I did what I could to take some weight off her. Looking at Aly’cia and Whel’a I couldn't help but notice something; as the long trek back to the castle where we found Aly’cia; Whel’a seemed to act differently. She seemed more nervous around Aly’cia stuttering her words slightly and seeming to be conscious of where her hands were. Just at the edge outside of town I sit down on the ground with my back against a tree. Aly’cia leaning against the remains of an exterior wall that had collapsed who knows when in the past.
All four of us were tired; and more than likely sore as hell. Looking among us I couldn't help but start to laugh and chuckle; even though my body protested as each laugh caused my wounds to ach in pain. I must have seemed like a made man to the girls as I laughed for an unknown reason. Truth be told I honestly couldn't describe why I was laughing either. I mean; here I am; a guy from another world; who honestly wasn't that much different from the one I killed. He might have come from the same world as me. Who knows if things were different maybe I’d be the dead monster. Whether I’m lucky or unlucky; who knows besides the gods. I lean my head back against the tree and look at the remains of town.
The sun begins to set off to the side painting the town in a warm glow. I look at the sword I had taken from Aly’cia back at the clearing. A part of me wanted to keep it; maybe because I had used it to kill a monster. Or to try and replace the sword that had been broken. But I knew I couldn't after all this sword belongs to Aly’cia. I hold the handle out for Aly’cia. She looked at me surprised before giving me a soft smile.
“Keep it… me and Whel’a owe you greatly.” Is all she says as she stands back up with help from Whel’a.
I stand up with help from Nix as we make it back to the castle. Finding a spare bedroom that was vacant I sat down; groaning a little as my body finally got a good place to rest. I look at Nix as she grabs some blankets from a small chest along with a pillow or two. Watching her I couldn't help but think of what happened back at the clearing. One could say it was the passion of the moment; though the kiss on the cheek I gave her; still bugs me. I don't know why I did it; maybe it was to pay her back for kissing me on the lips. Or maybe it was thanks for her saving my life; either way I don't regret what I did. I begin chuckling again; me, a grown ass man having trouble with his feelings for a girl. Well I mean back in my world love was complicated. Modern dating back in my world was… messy to say the least. I take a deep breath and decide to face the problem.
“I don't regret it.” Is all I say seeming to catch Nix off guard.
She looked back at me surprised as I stared her in the eyes. I noticed a faint blush on her cheeks as we looked at each other.
“I mean getting to kiss such a cute girl… pretty rare for a guy like me.” I said wanting to clarify what I meant; after all a problem wont get fixed unless you address it properly.
I stand up on my shaky legs; holding myself up against one of the small bed posts. I begin stepping past Nix towards the bedroom door. Seeing as this was such a large castle maybe I could find a place to take a nice bath at least and clear my head. Just as I reached for the door handle I felt Nix wrap her arms around me from behind.
“Why… why do… hide yourself?” I heard Nix ask from behind me.
I could feel shaking though it was hard to tell if it was from myself or from Nix. I remained silent as I thought about her question. I mean I don't try and hide myself; I was just raised to think before I act. I mean the constant fights in schools; my parents always telling me to think before letting my emotions speak for me. I wanted to process my emotions fully about how I feel for Nix. I wanted to make sure of what I was feeling; but honestly if something as complex as human emotions could be understood easily then would we even be human? I turned around to face Nix, I remained quiet as I looked down at her. After everything; the days we spent working together. It would be a lie to say that I didn't feel something; I reach a hand up gently cupping her cheek. Without a word I kissed her on the lips; I didn't notice at first but her lips were soft; she seemed to freeze in place as I kissed her. When I pulled away my lips felt colder; maybe it was just my hormones trying to push me further. But my aching body tells me that it would be bad if I tired.
“I don't hide myself… I just have to make sure that… what I’m doing… is right.” I tell her as I stand there; my hand still cupping her cheek.
She turns quiet for the moment before she hugs me again. Her arms reached back and gripped what remained of my turn clothing. I also feel her tail wrapping around me as well. I gently pet her head as I feel her bury her face into my chest. I looked out the window of the room that gave a glimpse of this world's moon. Seeing as there was no right choice for this situation I took a breath trying to strengthen my nerves even though I felt more nervous than facing a ranging undead.
“Nix…I” I began to say but was interrupted by a knock from the bedroom door.
The knock startled both of us; bringing us back to the world outside of this room. Opening the door we find Whel’a standing there. Dressed in some clothes that showed she was an attendant to royalty. She looks between me and Nix soon realizing she interrupted something but carries on.
“Lady Aly’cia wishes to… speak with you.” She seems to fit back into her role of the castle.
Although honestly I couldn't help but feel that there was something underlying with her. I will say this, forcing them to follow along with me as I limped through the halls was embarrassing. Nix stuck to my side as Whel’a lead us through the halls. We soon arrived at an old room that seemed like a study. Shelves lined with a mixture of books, and scrolls. Some seats were set out for us that I happily sat down in. I honestly felt like an old man as I planted my ass and finally gave my legs proper rest. Nix sat in the chair close to me as Whel’a stood beside Aly’cia. I have to say seeing Aly’cia behind a desk fit her; even as she bowed her head to me.
“Thank you… for freeing the two of us.” Aly’cia said as she slowly raised her head back up.
“You can blame Whel’a for that.” I said which earned a slight glare from the woman in question.
Aly’cia chuckled at my response before she spoke.
“Whel’A can you fetch the gifts.” Aly’cia asked, diverting the harsh glare that was directed at me.
Whel’a gave a slight bow at the hips before walking off behind a bookcase.
“So… what’s going to happen now?” I asked out of curiosity as to why Aly’cia and Whel’a were still around.
I guess I assumed once Ge’us was killed the thing binding these two here would have been broken allowing them to be free. Sense they were both still here it would mean that they have other unfinished business they need to deal with. Aly’cia took a breath, seeming to be thinking of the same thing I was.
“Unsure… with… him gone we should be free. Maybe we become... what we are for different reasons.” Aly’cia said, giving the same conclusion I had come to.
I noticed Nix seemed uncomfortable about the topic. Quickly changing it I learned that Aly’cia had learned common tongue from books that were brought by Ge’us. The most acceptable idea being he traded for them; through him killing for such things doesn't pass by unnoticed. As we talked I brought up the question that had been bugging me.
“Do you know why the gods brought… shifted ones here?” I asked
“Normally it’s because we had prayed and called for one to appear before us… To my people we saw shifted ones as warriors and sources of knowledge.” Aly’cia said as Whel’a returned with a small unmarked book, and what looked like a wooden staff.
The book was unmarked and seemed old. The corners and spine showing the most wear and tear to it. The staff seemed simple in design; a wooden shaft with old and simple carvings along the handle. Though the most strange thing about it was the small metal head that sat at the top. Like a long handled mace; or a walking stick with a metal handle top. Aly’cia stood up; we both followed; me being the last as my legs had to start up again having fallen asleep after I took my forest real rest. Aly’cia bowed her head to us as she offered the walking stick first.
“I wish we could offer more but aft…” Aly’cia begins to say but is interpreted by Nix.
“This… is more than I deserve… I thank you Lady Aly’cia.” Nix said as took the offered staff.
Aly’cia smiled and turned to me as she picked up the old book doing the same. I took it with a smile on my face; she wouldn't give this to me unless there was something valuable in it. I took the book and held it close with one arm. I bowed my head giving her my thanks. I then turned to Whel’a as I had a suspicion of what might be their problems.
“Whel’a when you're free may I speak with you… privately?” I asked before leaving with Nix back to our shared room.
During the walk back I could feel Nix glancing at me with cold eyes. I honestly hoped that I was misreading though I had been wrong before about this. Finally arriving back in our room I sit back down on the bed. Placing the book at my side. I stayed quiet as I noticed Nix’s grip on her new… weapon was tight like she was ready to christen it with blood at her first chance.
“Are ones from your world into…” Nix asked, causing to grow flustered as I cut off her train of thought.
“NOPE!!! You got it all wrong.” I said firmly and loudly as I looked straight at her.
I guess my voice seemed to surprise her as she jumped a little. Seeing my mistake I coughed a little to try and recenter myself.
“I asked to talk with her because I want to ask her some questions.” I said as I lowered my voice and tried calming myself.
An uneasy silence fell over both of us after I cleared the mistake up. I took a breath as my brain was overloading itself with possibilities. I sighed as I stood up again on shaking legs. Nix looked at me as I stood up holding her new staff closer. I took a breath looking her dead in the eyes.
“Look… I… don't know where to go from here… with us I mean.” I said stuttering a little as love was one of the few emotions I had a trouble with.
“I wont say I didn't enjoy the kiss. Honestly it caught me off guard.” I said knowing I was blushing and looking away; one of my bad habits when it came to emotional talks.
I let out an annoyed sigh of frustration at myself. In the end I decided to let my actions speak the loudest for me. I pulled Nix’s contract from my pack; looking at it I hesitated on what I was about to do. But honestly it was my best option to show my feelings. I held out the contract to Nix hoping this would at least clear up most of what I was trying to say. She seemed surprised seeing the piece of paper; her eyes darted between the paper and me for a moment.
“Take it… please.” Is all I could say in that moment as the overflow of emotions were fighting for what words to use next.
Nix takes the paper, seeming curious as to why I would give this to her. I don't know how to break the slave contract; it never came up; I thought about asking back when I first got it but I thought it would have set off a red flag about me. I took another deep breath before the words finally came to me.
“B...back in my world there's a saying. If you love something, set it free. I don't know how to break the contract… or what might happen… Take it… what happens now… is your choice.” Is all I can say before leaving the room.
I knew that if I stayed it might affect her choice. And honestly I don't want to be responsible for changing her mind. I slowly walked through the halls. I could barely feel my legs; after finding a small open area that looks like a built in church I sat down at the closest bench. Using one of my healing slots I cured the tiredness in my legs; though honestly thinking about it did little to cure my mental tiredness. I sat on the bench for a little while; looking to the podium I saw a strange symbol. Or what remained of the simply hanging from the wall. It looked like a gear with a ball sitting in the center. I best guess was that it’s meant to depict the sun; and was a symbol for a local god of this world.
Seeing as I was in a church I chuckled to myself before I began speaking out loud.
“Here I am offering my only guide a chance to leave. About to talk to an undead that both tried to kill me and saved me.” I laughed at myself again; after all here I am worrying about myself when the others are having their own problems to deal with.
“I don't know if your… and the others are listening…” I said speaking to both my god, and this world's gods; after all I have to get this off my chest.
“Am I stupid… for worrying about my self?” I asked out loud as I stared at the floor.
For a moment everything was silent, that is until the voice in the back of my head spoke up. Or it’d be more accurate to say voices in the back of my head spoke up.
“Not necessarily… after all you did almost die.” The voice said with slight laughter.
“Why are you asking?” I heard it asking.
I trembled as I thought of what answer to give. After all, a realization that I already knew was just shown to me. I can die here… even though this world presents game elements… death, and mortality are still a thing. It was here that my real answer became clear. I didn't need to say it for the voice to know it.
“There’s nothing wrong with being afraid.” The voice said again though this time sounding more… comforting.
“I… just want to go home.” Is all I can manage to say.
“How are you going to do that?” I hear it asking the most obvious question I’ve been trying to figure out since day one.
“I…” I begin to say but unable to give an answer.
“Survive…” Was the last thing I heard.
I took a breath to try and calm my nerves again. I could still feel my body trembling; I chuckled at myself again; mostly because if I looked at myself right now I’d see a weak man. My attention was drawn to the doorway by a gentle knocking. Looking back I saw it was Whel’a standing there. I stood up and turned to face her; I couldn't help but notice the worried expression on her face. I give a weak smile thinking she might have overheard me talking to myself.
“Sorry you had to see that.” I said smiling trying to think of a way to lighten the mood quickly.
An uneasy silence fell over both of us before I decided to break it.
“Anyways sweeping my near insanity under the rug for the moment; I wanted to ask you something Whel’a.” I said as I looked her in the eyes.
“What did you want to ask?” Whel’a asked, maintaining a distance which I could understand.
“You love Aly’cia… don't you?” I asked, seeing no point in dancing around the question.
Whel’a blushed slightly at my question giving me a partial answer. I noticed her hands were gripped into tight fists as she forced her composure. Her eyes darted to the floor for a moment before she answered.
“Wh… why do you ask?” Whel’a asked with a slight stutter.
I chuckle to myself as I think of all the times friends have tried hiding their problems from me.
“I’m not good with relationships. So take what I’m saying with a grain of salt. Don't repeat the same mistake.” Is all I say before sitting back down.
The look in Whel’a’s eyes seemed confused by my words. She took a seat across from me with the aisle of the benches sitting between us.
“You said you're bad with… relationships?” She stated; like a question.
I nodded a yes.
“So… why are you telling me… this?” She asked as she looked at me; while my eyes were locked onto the floor.
I took a deep breath to think about my answer. Honestly I couldn't give a clear honest answer; was it because I didn't want anyone repeating my own mistake? Maybe it’s because I hate it when people intentionally act stupid for no reason? Or maybe it’s because deep down I still believe in something that’s hurt me in the past?
“I don't know… I think it’s because you… and I are a lot alike… mostly having trouble with romance.” I joked, earning a sarcastic smirk from her.
I smiled with her happy that I lightened the mood a little.
“Is… what I’m feeling… normal where you're from?” Whel’a asked as her hands fidgeted.
“Depends if I’m being honest. Most accept it as it being what someone is. Though there are some that use that for selfish gain.” I stated as the topic of same sex attraction was always a sensative topic back home.
My own thoughts on the matter racing through my head as I pondered what it meant. After all, everyone must be allowed to be themselves. We may try to force morals and values onto others that disagree. But that won't stop someone from being who they want to be; it’ll only force them to adapt negatively.
“What do you think… of it?” Whel’a asked; seeming curious of my own thoughts.
I looked at her for a moment before looking at the floor. Deep in thought of how to answer her. I took a breath and thought for a moment.
“I think… that we all have to live our own lives; by our own hands. Life will test and question us every step of the way. The only answer we can give is yourself.” I say as I stand up; I walk out of the small altar room hoping I helped her.
For the remainder of the night I went back to my room where I laid down sleeping. My body and mind welcoming the long overdue rest and recovery. My legs and back screamed in relief as I finally laid down. As I slept the night went by quickly; at least to me. Because soon I was being woken up by a knocking from the room’s door. The deep heavy thunks followed by a familiar voice.
“Mec’a’nus…” I heard the familiar voice of Nix calling out from the other side of the door.
I couldn't help but groan as I slowly opened my eyes. Rolling onto my side as I slowly sat up in bed.
“It’s open.” I called out as I rubbed my eyes trying to push the sleep away.
Nix quickly stepped into the room. Seeming worried as she looked at me.
“They’re… gone.” Nix said with slight urgency to her breath.
I look up to Nix from my seat on the bed curious what she meant before realization set in. I guess Whel’a took my words to heart and spoke with Aly’cia last night. Standing up I look to Nix with a slight smile; she lead me to where she found their remains. Laying on the floor in Aly’cia’s library; the two once strong and healthy bodies now resemble mummified husks. It was a bit morbid to look at; though the way the two held each other even in death made my smile grow a little bigger. For the rest of the morning I spent time burying them in a proper grave. I would have liked to have done a traditional burial of this world. Though given my limited knowledge it would have been too hard.
Nix made a small grave marker from some of the surrounding building remains. A few pieces of wood tied together to form a triangle that laid pointed down over the grave. Standing over the grave I kneeled down praying to… whichever god that was watching us to guide them. After the burial was finished me and Nix packed up what we had. We also took the gifts that were given by Aly’cia. I figured I’d check out the book when I get back to town and examine my new sword as well. I’d also need to fill in Gryff in about everything; honestly finding a forgotten town of a long lost society will cause an uproar. But a problem to solve after Nix and I return home. We left the rest of the place undisturbed; It didn't feel right to take anything more than what was already given to us.
During the walk back to town me and Nix talked. I wanted to ask her what she had done with the contract but figured it would be rude of me to. During our talks she asked if I could teach her anything about how to swing her new staff / mace around. I smirk watching her twirl the weapon a little before fumbling and losing her grip over it. I catch it from falling to the ground by the skin of my teeth. Handing it back to her we begin talking again; and a thought comes to my mind. That although I may be forced here; there are good souls in this world. And while I still may not fully understand other people and only see the surface of their being. I won't let this world twist me like it has done to others.
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