《The Wounded Knight.》Chapter ~ 10#
When Whel’a finally came too she found me and Nix sitting out in the forest. I had tied Whel’a to a tree out of our own protection. It was a bit of trouble getting Whel’a out here. After tying her to the tree Nix began treating the wounds I had gotten from the fight. I tried to hide the pain I was feeling from the bruises; I honestly think I might have dislocated something but couldn't tell. After Whel’a came to, Nix got defensive.
“Wha…” Whel’a begins to say before stopping as she sees her arms tied behind her back and linked to the tree.
I remain silent for a moment as I think of what I should ask her. After all there had been no signs of her having a mental breakdown at any point. Though she might have been trying to conceal it. But then the question I needed answered comes to mind quickly.
“Who’s Aly’cia?” I asked her which seemed to surprise her.
“H...how do you know that name?” She asked in a shaky voice.
“You were screaming it during our fight…” I said as I stood in front of Whel’a.
She turned silent for a few moments. I stood there with Nix by my side as I waited for an answer. When the moment passed I finally had enough.
“Look I know you're going through some shit right…” I begin to say but stop when I hear Whel’a interrupt me.
“What do you know!” She yelled out.
“Over a century… buried alive… by one I trusted!” She continued to scream out loud.
I stood there letting her vent out the built up frustration before I had to vent out myself.
“SO WHAT …!” I roared out to her as I looked her dead in the eyes.
“I get your going through shit I can't fully imagine. But here's a newsflash for you. So is everyone else!! Nix just learned to speak by accident because of me. She’s far away from her home, having an alien as her master. I’m in a world that I honestly know can kill me as soon as I let my guard down for even a split second! I’m away from my family and friends, for reasons I don't even know!!” I continued to roar at her with all the built up rage.
Up to this point I had been keeping my own frustration suppressed. After all I was sad that I was forced into this, but I was also angry trying with all my might to survive in this fantasy world. My rant ended when I began to point out that all three of us are stuck in crappy situations and how we cant change it any more than we like.
“At the end of the day we are where we are. We can be angry, we can be sad, we can be pissed at the gods, at our parents or whoever you want. It wont change a goddamn thing! The only thing that’ll change where we are is us!” Slowly I began to calm down as I had vented the bulk of my anger.
I look between Whel’a and Nix seeing they both look at me with surprise and slight fear. I paid their fear little mind as I did regret it but knew what I said needed to be said. I look back to Whel’a as I kneel down in front of her.
“You can either tell us what is going on with you so we can help, or you can leave… your call.” I finally finished and looked her in the eyes.
Another moment of silence fell over us as I watched Whel’a thinking about what I said. She slowly lowered her head; I noticed silent tears begin to drip from her eyes as she seemed to be processing emotions of her own. Seeing her cry I reached back and undid the ropes around her wrists letting her free. I pulled back as I watched her cry; I remained still waiting for her to finish. After all, up to this point all three of us have just been going non-stop. Only focusing on surviving rather than living.
I look at Nix seeing her struggling to hold back some tears of her own. I continue to remain silent; after all I had become numb to this feeling a long time ago. That and plus I honestly think these two can use it more than me right now. When Whel’a finished crying I helped her stand up; where she began telling us everything.
“Back… when I was… human the family I served was charged with tending to a shifted one. He was blessed with the name Ge’us by our god. He was also charged with defending our land… but I guess he sought something else… After he returned from a campaign he… was different… his eyes were on the lady of the house… Aly’cia…” Whel’a became silent for a moment at the mention of that girl’s name before she spoke up again.
“A few days after his return… I couldn't help but notice… something seemed off with him. He was more… secretive, more closed off. One night when I was on my way to see the lady… I was attacked. I couldn't see my attacker, I simply woke up in the chest. I assume… Ge'us was the one to put me there… though I still don't know why…I assumed so he could have my lady for himself.” She seems to avoid the rather biggest topic.
“It explains why you're a revenant… holding a grudge and anger so long you turn undead… but what about Ge'us who I’m guessing is that knight we’ve run into?” I asked even knowing it was touching on a sensitive subject.
But seeing as we’ll need to cross paths with that person in question it couldn't be avoided.
“I don't know… perhaps Aly’cia turned him into one as punishment for what he did to me.” Whel’a speculate on possible reasons.
I don't know enough about this world so I’m inclined to agree with her. But still, I couldn't help this nagging feeling in the back of my head. After all, he's been alive for a hundred years or so. Wouldn't a normal person have left to travel? Or find a way to end their curse? I kept my thoughts to myself before I looked to Whel’a. Her eyes still red from the tears earlier. I said nothing as I grabbed a small water canteen that sat on my belt. I pulled it out and held it for her; she took it and sipped at the water before offering it back to me. I took the canteen and then a sip for myself before offering it to Nix. She took it and sipped water herself. I looked to Whel’a as I watched her stare at the ground in thought.
“What do you know of him?” I asked without thinking.
The two girls looked at me surprised as I simply kept a cold expression and stared at Whel’a.
“Why do you ask?” She asked, seeming worried.
“First rule of fighting… know about your enemy. Tell me when you last saw him, was he using a polearm weapon?” I asked, having noticed he seemed off with that weapon.
Whel’a was silent for a moment before she answered.
“N… no he used a magic sword…” Whel’a said through a slight stutter.
Hearing this confirmed a few things. The main one in question switched weapons but didn't seem to have what was needed to use the polearm. As I question Whel’a she soon talked about the castle where she served and that the man was hiding out in. Though what surprised more was the fact she mentioned there was possibly a small town just beyond these mountains. As she talked about the town and the castle A battle plan slowly formed in my head. Since the man was using a pole weapon my best chance of winning against him would be in tight quarters. Some where he wouldn't be able to use the full length of the weapon.
When our talk finished we went back to the inn. I spoke with Nix about what magic she thinks would be best against Ge'us. The plan simply came down to her trapping his legs and me finishing him off. That was the best we could come up with. After all Whel’a can match my strength without problem. And considering this guy used to be a shifted one he might have other tricks of his sleeve. That night it was uneasy for everyone, after all seeing two people fight and leave only for them to come back peacefully would throw a few people off.
That night Nix stayed with me; she kept saying because she was worried about my wounds. Which I honestly don't know; I’m not an idiot or dense when it comes to others feelings. It’s just strange when another has affection for you. Especially after having to survive and live so long alone, it just feels weird. My family wasn't cold or overly strict to make me like this. It’s just how I was born; and having to grow up like this had its own challenges. It’s just weird having someone to look after you when you're used to being alone for so long. Whether it’s because of the slave contract between us, or her having feelings I don't know.
My head rushed to the thoughts of what if she did have feelings for me. But then I began hearing my family voices telling me how wrong it was to take advantage of situations such as this. This was a common thing ringing in my head so much. During the night me and Nix talked again; this time I asked her about her home. She told me how she was born a slave. But she heard stories of the land where ones like her are common. Thick jungles and vast land; apparently snow leopards are regarded as powerful magic users. Which makes me wonder how she ended up out here in the middle of nowhere. After all, if her kind are inherently good with magic wouldn't they be harder to come across?
We continued to talk; the topic soon moved to politics; when I talked about the differences and similarities. I was interested when she told me about the various stats of this country, mostly forming a collective rather than having a single leader. She didn't know much about the theocracy, only that it’s heavily religious and led by a person under the name of Pontiff. She didn't know much of her home land; only legends of its leader being an ancient dragon. Before long we both fell asleep; when I woke up I found Nix laying on top of me. It was weird to say the least, having such a lovely girl lay on top of you when you're used to sleeping alone. Even through the clothes we both wore I could feel a faint purr coming from her. I felt her tail was wrapped around my leg. Her hands were curled up on my chest.
As I laid there I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions. I wanted to run away out of embarrassment, I wanted to wrap my arms around her out of fear of losing her. I placed a free hand over my eyes as I let out a slow deep breath. The last thing we need right now is me breaking down from emotions. Even though I’d been bottling up such things from the first moment I got here. My mind screams at me about these thoughts; about losing her and wanting to make sure that doesn't happen. But my conscious brain tells me that it’s going to happen at some point; and that I shouldn't be surprised when it does. I’ll admit I’m developing feelings for her; after all the way her ears flick when you touch the right spot is cute. But maybe I’m only developing these feelings because I’m afraid of being alone again?
My thoughts were cut short when I felt movement on my chest. Looking down to my chest I see Nix slowly raise her head and let out a small yawn. It was only after she raised her head that I noticed her hair had gotten messy during the night. I couldn't help but chuckle seeing one side of her hair sticking up and out like a wild bush plant. I reach up and pat the hair down with my hand as I see her eyes flutter a bit. Her cheeks went bright red quickly before she quickly jumped to her feet.
“I’ll go… check on Whel’a.” Nix said before rushing out of the room; she even left the small walking stick behind.
After Nix left I stood up and stretched myself out. Looking about the small room I saw my sword and shield hanging against a wall. My thoughts rushed to the system quickly. I looked at the numbers on my arm. It’s been a little over a month since I last looked. Looking over the numbers I noticed they grew again.
{Mind ~ 23}
{Body ~ 29}
{Soul ~ 20}
As I looked at my stats a realization came to mind that I had never looked at Nix’s stats. Which made me curious; she knows I’m a shifted one, would she know about these? Again my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door to the bedroom slammed open. Nix stood in the doorway panting and looking worried. Remembering she rushed off to see Whel’a thoughts already filled my head. Not much was said as we both rushed to grab our things. In the room Whel’a and Nix shared it was clean and spotless. My mind quickly thought of where she could have gone before I remembered what we spoke about last night. I gritted my teeth letting this happen; making sure I had what was needed I began walking to chase after Whel’a. Nix followed even though I told her to stay here just incase I was wrong.
I kept silent as we trekked through the forest towards the direction we first found Whel’a. I guess talking about her home finally made her snap and charge head first into a fight. After arriving at the lake I begin to have second thoughts; mostly because we still don't have a way to beat Ge'us. My thoughts wander to Nix and how her magic would be the most useful; but that also makes her the biggest target. And honestly I don't even know if I could beat him in a head on fight. Once on the other side of the lake I began noticing a few tracks; though I only noticed them because they weren't Whel’a’s. The ridges and depth made it clear that someone wearing heavy armor came through here; no more than a day ago. I looked to Nix who simply nodded to me; I let out a groan as I try to think of what to do.
I kept shaking my brain trying to come up with a plan. Even as me and Nix followed the tracks and soon came upon an old dirt trail. Following it through the forest me and Nix soon came upon the remains of an old village. The remains of old stone foundations, with rotting wooden frames. The town was small but what was eye-catching was the tower castle in the distance. It stood high above the rest of the buildings. A small distance away up on top of a hill. And knowing where the story was going I looked to Nix one last time. It was late in the evening, the sun just finished setting; but even in the night’s light I couldn't help but notice the determined look in her eyes. No matter what I say, she’s going to come with me.
Arriving at the castle one word came to mind as I looked at it ‘oppressing’. The way the stone tower stood so high; and the thick walls looking like they could stop most things besides a missile. This structure didn't have any walls running around the exterior; Rather it was a large house that seemed to be reinforced with stone. A small dirt trail ran along the side and up past what looked like small gates. Looking over the castle I couldn't help but look to every window and arrow whole I could see. I don't know why but I could feel a set of eyes watching us from somewhere hidden within the castle. Me and Nix stayed at a distance, curious to see if there was another way besides the front door. Hiding behind the remains of some buildings I watch the castle with Nix.
After an hour or two I finally noticed movement along the dirt path leading up to the main gate. The man who I believe to be Ge’us could be seen leaving; I gently pushed Nix back behind the house as I slowly hid myself. The way he was walking made it clear he had a destination in mind for something. I also noticed something that sent a chill down my spin. The halberd he was carrying; was freshly stained with blood along the blade. I watched as he left; the sound of his heavy armor gave me a good indication of when he would be gone. As the sound of him faded into the distance now was our chance. Me and Nix quickly walked up to the front door; after prying the door open we snuck in.
We made our way through the halls. Only to get lost quickly by the winding stair ways, and criss crossing halls. I gritted my teeth as I tried to think of something to do; we needed to find Whel’a or… at least confirm the worst. Me and Nix turn down a hallway where we stop in our tracks. Standing at the end of the hallway was a girl elegantly dressed in rather… fancy clothing. The woman in question had long dark brown hair that was tightly tied into a baird pattern with a small metal piece hanging from the end. I noticed pieces of her clothing were decorated with various metal parts and jewelry. Like a small chain that hung from one shoulder with what looked like a pendant hanging from the end of the chain. Though the most eye catching piece of jewelry would be a small choker necklace that bore a bright blue stone. The bright color of the clothing seemed to match well with her pale skin and bright red eyes. My eyes quickly looked at her records and I felt my soul sink from my body from what I saw.
{Race ~ Remnant}
{Age ~ 143 years}
{Species ~ Undead}
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